Royal Beats Fourth Member Revealed!

Top Media's New Multi-Talented Girl Group "Royal Beats" Beats Blossoming Flower Yumi a.k.a. Yoon Ji~



~About Yoon Ji~  

Her Birth Name is Lee Yoon Ji.

It seems like Yoon Ji has two nicknames. Her first nickname is Yumi, a lot of her friends call her by that name, but it also seems that Yumi is also Yoon Ji's Japanese name. Her other nickname is Yumi Bug, Her parents are the ones that gave her this nickname and also calls her that.            

She is 17 years old, Born on March 09, 1995. [03/09/1995]. Wah~ It's seems like the members are getting younger and younger. Could Yoon Ji be the maknae of the group? hmm... This is making everyone really curious. Yoon Ji was raised in Tokyo, Japan, but is currently living in Seoul, South Korea. Everyone should've figured it out already, but if some of you haven't then.. Yoon Ji is half Japanese and half Korean. Her blood type seems to be AB.


~Yoon Ji's Personality~

Yoon Ji or known as Yumi is a very unique girl.  It seems that she is known to be outside of the box, and lets just say that she is never going inside.  But when it comes to practicing, she is always focused and on task.

It also seems that Yoon Ji is one of the most dedicated person that you'll ever meet. Whenever she has her mind set on something, she will make sure that she achieves it no matter what.

It is known that Yoon Ji always put others before herself, especially people that she cares about. Yoon Ji loves to make people laugh, and she always making the mood better for everyone. It's a fact that Yoon Ji often does foolish things to cheer up people.

Yoon Ji practically lives off of inspiration. What inspires her the most is music, her surroundings, and the people she loves.

Even if Yoon Ji seems like she's always happy, there are moments when she's not. Like every body else, Yoon Ji does have moments when she gets mad or frustrated. Once she is mad, she'll end up going out for a long walk or practices to blow off some steam.


Her Likes:


  • Anime and Manga [Some of her favorites are Kimi Ni Todoke, Clannad, Vampire Knight and many many more]
  • Starbucks Coffee [She loves her ice mochas]
  • Taking Pictures [She Believes that every moment is worth capturing.]
  • Huge Headphones [She thinks they’re the best way to really enjoy music.]
  • Taking midnight strolls [That's how she gets rid of stress]
  • Charm Bracelets [She has one and its very dear to her]
  • Cherry Blossom trees [She finds them beautiful and inspirational!]



Her Dislikes:


  • Hot weather [She doesn't like it when its hot :P]
  • Being Sick [When Yumi is sick she feels like she cant do anything]
  • Seeing others sad [She always tries cheering others up]
  • People who try to change her [Yumi loves being herself and never plans to change.]
  • Frogs [She thinks they are planning to take or the world] ( LOL not really but that's what she says because she doesn't want people to know shes scared of frogs )
  • Giving Up [Yumi is not a quitter]
  • Knitting [Because she at it and always ends up pricking her finger]
  • Clowns [She is super scared of them]


Her Hobbies:


  • Playing Piano [Her favorite instrument]
  • Photography [Loves taking pictures and always has a camera with her]
  • Watching Anime and Reading Manga [Her nerdy side. LOL]
  • Soccer [The only sport, she doesn't end up getting hit in the face.]
  • Creating a manga [She is creating a manga about her idol life . Its called “ We are Royal Beats “]


Her Habits:


  • Sticking her tongue when focused
  • Popping her fingers when nervous
  • Pouting when she wants something





  • Clowns [They scare the pee out of her]
  • Losing her Bracelet [It was a present from her parents on her first b-day and it means the world to her]
  • Loosing her voice [without her voice Yoon Ji couldn't live her dream]

It has been released that Yoon Ji can hit high notes really well. Also going back Yoon Ji's nerdy side, she is very talented in naming any Anime. Besides being nerdy, it has been stated that Yoon Ji is a very fast typer. Hopefully she doesn't have a lot of typos from typing to quickly~ haha I'm kidding. But not only that Yoon Ji can play the piano, the keyboard, and the guitar. Like I said, with all of the talents that has been revealed so far, Royal Beats can easily become a band.                


Some interesting facts about Yoon Ji is that :


  • She has a diary that she writes in everyday, since she was 11 .
  • She has a huge manga collection (seems like another idol that we know...MIR xD haha )
  • She was going to become a manga artist but then found out that singing was her calling !


But another interesting fact about Yoon Ji is that she is allergic to Mushrooms. Yes, It's a fact that Yoon Ji is allergic to Mushrooms, so keep any kind of mushrooms away from this young girl. Besides the fact of Eun Ji being allergic to Mushrooms, Yoon Ji is known for being able to fluently speak Japanese and Korean.


~Yoon Ji's Family Information~


It has been stated that Yoon Ji's mother is a house wife, while her father is a doctor. Yoon Ji is very close to her parents, and can tell them anything. Yoon Ji is their little "Yumi Bug." It is known that both of her parents can speak fluent Korean and Japanese. Yoon Ji's mother is Japanese, while her father is Korean.

Yoon Ji's Parents are:

Lee Young Hye/ 39 years old / They are super close. He is very supportive of Yumi and her dream.

Lee Nana/ 38 years old / They are like bestfriends. Yumi can tell her mom anything.

Woah~ This is a shock to everyone. Yoon Ji is the first member in Royal Beats to not have a Sibling Idol, let alone a sibling. It seems to be that Yoon Ji is the only child in the Lee family.

Here are some clips of Yoon Ji performing:


Yoon Ji singing in Japanese:

Yoon Ji singing in Korean:




Wah~ Isn't her voice and dancing skills just lovely?


Yoon Ji's stage name is Yumi. Her position in the group is Main Vocalist, Sub-Dancer, and Sub-Rapper. Yoon Ji's group persona is the "Chatter Box." Yoon Ji's fan club name is "Cherry Blossoms." She calls her fans "Blossoms." And it seems that her fan club colors are Cherry Blossom Pink, and Cherry Red. 

Yoon Ji was a trainee at a Japanese Company called "Internationally Record" for 1 year. But transferred over to TOP media, because she found out that Kpop was her true calling.   While Yoon Ji was training in Japan, she said it was hard, but she kept pushing herself, often getting in trouble. The only person that pushed her to do her best was her best friend Jay.

After a year, Yoon Ji decided to come over to Korea, and that's when she joined TOP Media. It has been said that Yoon Ji often had to go through hell, because she was Japanese, but she pushed herself through it. As long as she achieved her dream, she would risk anything.  This is all the information that we know about Miss Yoon Ji. If we find out more information about Yumi, Eun Ji, Min Ah, HyunAe, or other members, then we shall tell everyone.

But once again, before we end this chapter, Yoon Ji has a few words she would like to say to her fans and to her members of Royal Beat.  

 Yoon Ji's message to her fans, She had said "Annyeong, I hope you will help us blossom into something Beautiful."

Yoon Ji's message to the other Royal Beats member, she had said "Even though this isn't our last performance, let's treat it like it is our only chance to show people who we are!" 

Hello, We meet once again xD

But I'm here to reveal our fourth member :D YAY <3

It looks like Yoon Ji is destined to be with our one and only...... C.A.P.! Caps off to this future couple^^ (keke~ Did you see what I did there? xD oh I'm so lame -_- I'm sorry. )

Anyways Congratulations to Kyung_Mi! WOOHOO! WELCOME TO ROYAL BEATS <3

haha, Until next time I love you keke Peace,

     xlilxsreyxrie <3

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Chapter 10: boring chapter ? no, it's not ! it's amazing !!! will wait for another chapter, don't stress out yourself .. FIGHTING !!
Chapter 4: omg i absolutely loved the first chappie! o u o

the meeting was so awesome~ ♥

i love the idea of the map!

oh gosh, i can't wait for another update!! ^^ ♥
o.o ... waiting waiting for the new chappie !!
hwaiting !
letter from andy hyung! :D
oups, i meant oppa...

it's just, tintap are always saying andy hyung,
so it kinda just... rubbed off on me? xD OTL

can't wait for the first chapter! c: ♥
Yeah that sound awesome <3
can't wait for the story !!
congrats to the chosen members !!
I've been thinking about this story lately! c:

I know you said not to rush author-nims, but Kimchi can't wait for the story!! ^-^

Kimchi is curious, will there an update soon?
If so, I'm excited!! c: <3

Btw, I changed my username.
It was formally Mir-chi, but now it's baby_dragon! xD
Angnes #8
I can't wait for this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to those who got chosen! :))
I can't wait for the stoooory~
Angnes #10
Welcome !! Kyung_Mi Fighting !!