Royal Beats First Member Revealed!

Top Media's New Multi-Talented Girl Group "Royal Beats" Beats Lovely Rapper HyunAe. a.k.a. Ji Hyun~





~About Ji Hyun~

Her Birth Name is Yong Ji Hyun.

One of her nicknames is JiJi, because it has been said that her parents have been calling her that ever since she was young. So it stuck with her~

She is 17 years old, Born on August 18, 1994. [08/18/1994] Her Home Town is Sioux City, Iowa. Wow~ She was borned and raised in the states. It has been said that HyunAe is half Korean and half Thai. Her blood type is A.

~Ji Hyun's Personality.~

    It has been said that when she is around her parents, teachers, and elders, she acts quiet, respectful, and kind. But when there's no grown up's around, she'll start playing pranks on others, and making fun of people. She would sometimes even make little kids cry, and she would always laugh at people when they trip or fall.

    With Ji Hyun's innocent appearance, no one would believe that she could be such a Joker.
    But once Ji Hyun is around people she doesn't know, she'll actually become quiet shy, and scared. She'll always run and hide, when there are strangers visiting her home.

  Even though she is a Joker, once she gets yelled at she'll literally start crying. People that know her well, say that she is the most emotional person ever.

   She can also get really hyper and talkative once she drinks Coca Cola and eats Lollipops. She always carries around a bottle of Coke and a bag of Lollipops everywhere she goes.

Her Likes:

  • Coca Cola
  • Lollipops
  • Pandas
  • Making fun of people
  • Amusement Parks
  • Watermelons
  • Cotton Candy

Her Dislikes:

  • Insects
  • ThunderStorms
  • Cats
  • Spicy things
  • the sun

Her Hobbies:

  • Writing song lyrics
  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Writing Stories

Her Habits:

  • Has to sleep everynight with her stuffed panda, or else she can't sleep.
  • When she laughs, she tends to cover with her hand.
  • Bites her finger nails whenever she's nervous.


  • ThunderStorms
  • Being Abandoned
  • Monsters._.

It has been said that Ji Hyun is very flexible, and she can play the Piano, Guitar, and Violin very well.

Some interesting facts about Ji Hyun is that:
She hates the sun
She absolutely cannot Swim
She wears colored Contacts
She likes to stay up at night, and sleep in the afternoon
She also knows how to B-boy and Pop

But Ji Hyun is highly allergic to seafood, so everyone be careful and don't give this young girl seafood.

Besides being highly allerfic to seafood, Ji Hyun can also speak English, Korean, and Thai Fluently, while she is currently learning Japanese.

  Ji Hyun's Family Information.                               

It seems to be that Ji Hyun was born and raised in America; in a small state/ city, called Sioux City, Iowa. When Ji Hyun was 10 years old, her brother had to go back to South Korea, because he had became a Trainee. So While she lived in Iowa with her mother, Ji Hyun's father and brother went back and lived in South Korea.

Ji Hyun's Parents are:  Yong HyunSeok/48/ Ji Hyun's Father.
Yong Jisun/45 years old/ Ji Hyun's Mother

And to everyone's surprise. It seems to be that Yong Ji Hyun is Yong Junhyung's younger sister. No wonder she looked familiar. It's seems that Ji Hyun has the same talent as her older brother. Can't wait to see her perform.

Here are some clips of Ji Hyun singing, dancing and rapping~






Ji Hyun's Stage Name has turned out to be HyunAe. Her position in the group is Main Rapper, Sub-Vocalist, and Lead Dancer. Ji Hyun's Group Persona is "The Innocent Joker" It's seems to be that Ji Hyun is a really talented person. Now I can't wait to see the other members once they're revealed. Ji Hyun's FanClub Name is called "Rocking Melody." While she calls her fans "Rockers." It seems to be that her fan clubs colors are Black and Red.

Ji Hyun has been a trainee at TOP Media Entertainment for four years, and she says that while she was a trainee it was fun, but a lot of hard work.

It seems like Ji Hyun is also a song-writer like her brother Junhyung. I wonder how it would be like if these two sibilings performed together.

But that's all the information we know about little miss Ji Hyun. But if we find out more information about Ji Hyun or about the other members, then we shall inform you.

But before this all ends. Ji Hyun has a message to her fans. She said "Please Keep an eye out all you Rockers, because Royal Beats is coming to rock your world."

Ji Hyun also left a message for the rest of the members from Royal Beats. She said "Let's all head to Victory and Success Together."

Well that was my character for the story. How was she? Did you like her? I was typing this up at 3am, so sorry if there's any spelling errors. Please support this apply fic and subscribe hehe.

Anyways I'm done, I'm going to go take a nap now.

P.S. HyunAe is destined to be with L.Joe <3



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Chapter 10: boring chapter ? no, it's not ! it's amazing !!! will wait for another chapter, don't stress out yourself .. FIGHTING !!
Chapter 4: omg i absolutely loved the first chappie! o u o

the meeting was so awesome~ ♥

i love the idea of the map!

oh gosh, i can't wait for another update!! ^^ ♥
o.o ... waiting waiting for the new chappie !!
hwaiting !
letter from andy hyung! :D
oups, i meant oppa...

it's just, tintap are always saying andy hyung,
so it kinda just... rubbed off on me? xD OTL

can't wait for the first chapter! c: ♥
Yeah that sound awesome <3
can't wait for the story !!
congrats to the chosen members !!
I've been thinking about this story lately! c:

I know you said not to rush author-nims, but Kimchi can't wait for the story!! ^-^

Kimchi is curious, will there an update soon?
If so, I'm excited!! c: <3

Btw, I changed my username.
It was formally Mir-chi, but now it's baby_dragon! xD
Angnes #8
I can't wait for this story !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to those who got chosen! :))
I can't wait for the stoooory~
Angnes #10
Welcome !! Kyung_Mi Fighting !!