Where do my first love begin?

Where do my first love begin?

 Chapter 35

-The Proposal-

I woke up as I feel the space beside me.. as I held my head up to see kyuhyun I saw the bed empty..

I look around to see no sign of kyuhyun.. I stood up feeling the nervousness in my heart as I run towards the bathroom the room have but still no kyuhyun there.. tears are flowing in my face as I run outside the hospital..

“where are you kyu?” I whispered as I catch my breath as I run towards the hall making ure not to make some noise wince it was too early in the morning

I walk as I found myself tired form running and pass on a window showing the view.. a beautiful view of nature.. as I look around I saw a person sitting on a bench just staring in the sight.. I smiled as I sigh

“kyu” I said to myself and found my foot running towards the place kyu was in

I walk when I was near him and sat beside him making look at me

I smiled and he smiled

“crying?” he said as I know he saw the trail of the tears in my face

“aniyo.. I just freak out since I woke up without you beside me” I said as I lowered my head

“mianhe” he said as he sigh

“it’s too early.. why are you here?” I ask him as I hold his hand and tighten the grip

“nothing.. it just that.. since the time I  got confined here I don’t have time to walk outside my room and now.. I found myself walking here.. I really love to go here since the view is very relaxing.. making you forget everything troubling you” he said and I just smile

“ne” I said and I smelled the fresh air

I didn’t notice that kyuhyun was looking at me and I felt a cold lips on my cheeks

“good morning my monkey” he said and smiled

I blush on that action and kiss him in the lips

“good morning” I said and he laugh

He look again on the scenery and so did I.. right now.. I want to know what’s on kyu’s mind.. I want to know if he’s hurt.. since I know he was keeping everything from himself.. I know he don’t want to bother everyone.. I wish I can ask him and make him tell me everything..

“hyuk..” he said and I look at him

“ne??” I said as I look at him

“have you ever think of marrying me?” he said as he look at me intently

I was shock on his question but make myself came back on myself and smiled

“ne.. ever since the time I realize I really love you and can’t live without you.. I wish we can do it.. I wish I can marry you..” I answered and look at the sight in front of me

“really??” he ask as he look at me and I nod

“wae? You??” he said as he smiled

“nothing.. just thinking about it.. I really love to.. but in my condition do we still have time??” he said and I smiled and lowered my head

I don’t know why but it hurts hearing those things to him.. I know it was true.. we can’t in his condition.. but deep in my heart I want to claim as his husband.. I want to became his lover forever and no one can claim me but him.. but he was right it’s too late..

I sigh and look at him but soon his head was leaning at me with those eyes closed and I smiled at him

“you must be tired.. sleep my love” I whispered as I can hear those breath coming from him as he was soundly sleeping in my shoulder

I look at the sight and whispered “I’ll be your husband kyu..”

I stood up making sure that kyu wont wake up and help his body to my back so we can walk back in the room.. yes I was piggybacking him since I don’t want him to wake up.. and it’s starting to be cold outside so I decided that we should go back..

As I walk inside the hospital smiling at the nurses seeing us and looking at kyu time to time smiling at his cute face while sleeping..

“kyu.. saranghae” I whispered while looking in the hallway

“hyukie.. sarang…hae” he said as I look at him seeing he’s still sleeping

“sleep talking are we baby??” I said as I smiled and walk again

as we are walking in the stairs reaching the second floor and was about to climb t reach the third floor he’s eyes open up and he look at me..

“hyukie??” he said as he saw me piggybacking him

He wiggled his body indicating me to put him down but I retorted and laugh

“don’t move or we will fall kyu..” I said and I heard him sigh and he stay still

“kyu.. you’re not heavy.. seriously I should feed you more..” I said and laugh which gain a pout from him

“I’m getting fat if you did it” he said and I look at him

“much better” I said

“YAHH!!” he said and both of us laugh

As we reach the room and put him in the bed and he was now sitting in front of me I smiled at him

“and.. I love you too kyu” I said as I kiss him

“eh??” he said as he look at me confused since I told him I love him too

“what?? You said you love me whe you’re sleeping I just answered you back” I said and he blush

“awww.. look at that.. my baby was blushing” I and he cover his face with the blanket aand I laugh more

Hours passed and siwon with hyunnie arrived in our room and when they enter hyunnie look at kyu and give him a thumbs up which kyu gave a nod..

“what was that?” I ask as I look at kyu

“nothing..” he said as he laugh

“something is really going on here..” I said as I look at them suspiciously

Kyu didn’t answered back but a smile plastered in his face

“ow! Hyung!!” siwon said as he look at me

“ne?” I said as I look at me

“we need to go to our old school.. we are having an alumni assembly there and we are strictly need to go there” he said as he put things they got in the right place

“siwon-ah.. you know I can’t right??” I said as I look at kyu and siwon

“hyung..” he said but cut off by kyu

“hyukie.. come with siwon.. don’t worry about me.. I’m fine here.. you need to be there.. ok?” he said and I look at him scaling everything f his words and I nod

“but who will be the one looking for you when I’m gone??” I ask

“I will” hyunnie said as we all look at him

“what? I can do it.. don’t you trust me?” he said as he look at us looking at us like he didn’t tell something weird

“wel.. your too young..” I said and I got hit from hyunnie

“umma!! I’m young but remember.. I once take care of you..” he said and I rubbed my head remembering the time when I got sick and he’s the one who take care of me

“arasso.. arasso.. just give me a call if everything happen arasso??” I said and he smiled and nod

“ne umma.. live it to me” he said and look at kyu grinning

I sigh at the thought but I can’t argue with them right..

Kyu told me to go home first and prepare for the event and after that he told me and after the event I should go back in the hospital..

I walk inside the house as I proceed in my room and look at it.. it has been a long time since I went here.. well I’ve been in the hospital ever since and only siwon was the one giving me the clothes I need so I don’t need to go home to get one..

I lied on my bed as I look at the ceiling..

“everything was going to be fine” I told myself as I raise my hand in front of my face blocking the light coming from the bulb in the ceiling..

I sigh as I stood up and walk inside my closet to choose what I should wear since I know it was an formal event.. but before I could get some clothes someone knock the door and I walk to look who was it..

I saw noona smiling at me and I look at him..

“what?” I ask and he frowned

“is that how you tell you noona who haven’t seen for a couple of months??” she said as she frowned more

“arasso.. mainhe.. but why did you knock?” I ask and again she smiled and push something on me

It was a white box and I look at it and to her..

“what is this?” I ask and she just smiled

“just look at it” she said and walk towards her room as I heard the door slamming loudly

I walk inside as I close the door and place the box in my bed seeing an envelope on it I get it and sat on my bed beside the box and open it..



                I know it bothers you what you should wear.. well even though I won’t be around I want you to be beautiful in the event.. so I told siwon hyung to buy something that suits you.. I wish siwon hyung don’t have a bad taste on clothes.. either way wear it.. I’m looking forward on it..

P.S. I miss you already so go back on my side immediately


                                                                                                                                                                You lover kyu


I smiled on the letter and look at the box.. I place the letter in the bed and get the box and open it.. as I open it I saw a white vest  pairing with a white pants.. also with a pink long sleeves which suits the white attire.. it’s so beautiful.. I smiled and hug the clothes

“gomawo kyu” I muttered and look at the clothes again and nod

I stood up going to the bathroom and prepare for the event.. I smiled as I can see myself with the clothes kyu both for me.. well it was siwon who really both but it came from kyu.. I laugh at the thought and finish everything..

I walk outside with a towel on and get the clothes as I walk in front of the mirror seeing myself..

“it suits me well” I said while laughing

“siwon’s taste is good after all” I said and look at myself again

I walk in my closet getting the pink belt which sungmin hyung once gave me during my birthday.. I never wore it but I guess this time it has a use after all.. I wore it and get my white shoes and once again I put it and look at the mirror looking at my hair..

“my hair is a mess” I said and I frowned

Anyway why am I excited about it.. it’s only an alumni party and kyu won’t be there for sure.. maybe because I just want to go to where kyu is and show my appearance .. and smiled at it

I sit on the stable and get the wax and fix my hair and for me I’m satisfied on the result.. I smield until someone was knocking on my door

“ne?” I yelled and look at the door

“siwon was already here” my mm yelled and I nod

“coming!!” I said as I stood up and get a last glance on myself and leave my room seeing siwon in a black tuxedo

(EUNHYUK'S LOOK: http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/19300000/Eunhyuk-12Plus-y-Cologne-super-junior-19383528-540-720.jpg)

“wow.. it suits you” he said and smiled

“thank you for this siwon-ah” I said and he only nod

“we better get going” he said as he look in his wristwatch and I nod as we leave the house

It was 8pm in the evening and siwon was driving towards the school..

As we reach the venue.. the school is full of lights but I don’t see people in there..i look at siwon and he just smiled..

“where is everyone??” I said as I look at him and he just smiled as I feel someone grab my hands and someone put blindfolds on me

“what is it?! YAHH!! SIWON-AH!! SIWON-AH!!” I yelled and struggle

“hyung.. he was struggling!!” someone yelled and I stop.. it was.. sungmin??

“let him.. he won’t see anything anyways” someone said and I can feel that someone is in front of me and I’m sure the one talking is kangin hyung

“hyukie.. baby.. please don’t resist just follow us ok?” the other person said and touch my face which I know it was leeteuk hyung the gentle touch after all

“palle hyung” someone said and it was siwon


Why is it I feel that everyone is on their evil side??

“I’ll accept it.. if you can hyukie” sungmin said and laugh

I sigh and if only I can release my hands I will surely hit all of them but knowing it was kangin hyung who was holding my hands with those strong grip I can’t win on him..

“hyung.. too tight” I muttered and I heard kangin hyung muttered an ouch as maybe leeteuk hyung hit him and the grip loosen a bit

I feel that we are walking upstairs and I get myself thinking where are we going since we are going in upstairs.. as I don’t found myself resisting anymore since I know I will never win on those three I found shiver as cold air breeze on my body..eh??


Rooftop?? Wae??

“he’s here!!” someone said and I know it was hae

So everyone was here and soon a grip was gone and I heard footsteps leaving the room but a person on  my side whispered something on me

“just accept it and everyone will be happy” he said

“kibum” I muttered

I didn’t walk to move a little as I feel someone was holding my hands who was loosening the rope kangin hyung put.. aish my hands really hurts like hell.. and soon my blindfold was out of my eyes as I open my eyes…

I saw it.. the rooftop.. full of red balloons.. roses flew non-stop due to the air.. a table with a candle on it.. a music coming from a stereo near the table which gain a smile from me.. I look at the back.. the person who release me from the blindfold and the rope.. I look at him standing at my back smiling showing my shock face..


“kyu?!” I said and he just smile


He was wearing a tuxedo with a gray style on it and white for the inner clothes and the same pants with his tuxedo.. he was completely handsome today.. he was really an angel after all..

(KYUHYUN'S LOOK : http://upic.me/i/72/kyu12plus.jpg)

“stop drooling baby” he said as he laugh and that got me from reality

“no I’m not!!!” I muttered and pouted

“but kyu.. you’re.. hospital.. sick.. how.. here.. the party.. everyone.. why.. how..” I said as I don’t find my words

“hyukie.. I can’t understand” he laugh

“well.. dr.han told me I can spent the night with you.. the party?? It was all my plan.. it wasn’t true.. mianhe for that.. everyone help me even hyunnie..” he said and smiled at me as he let me sit on the table then proceed on his own chair

“so!!! This is what’s going on that you don’t tell me?!” I said as I pouted

“it’s a surprise after all hyukie” he said and clap his hands

As he soon clap his hand hae and kibum came with those chief outfit and brought the food for us which I laugh seeing them like that and bow at us

“wow..” I said as I look at the two walking back inside

“hae never allow someone to let him do that thing” I muttered and laugh

“well.. thanks to kibum” he said and I looka t him and smiled then nod

We eat silently and once in a while we look at each then smile.. the food was really good.. It was delicious.. I wonder who cook it.. sungmin? Wookie? I laugh at the thought..

As we finish the food he look at me and smiled..

He stood up and walk towards me and kneel down..

“can I have the chance to dance you tonight?” he said and I look at him and smiled

“I would love to” I answered and stood up and kyu stood up too

He clap and soon four voices rose in the rofftop..

Sungmin,wookie, leeteuk hyung and kangin hyung.. after all they have the voices..


The words I want to tell you overflow endlessly

Time and time again I will fall in love with you

If my wish were to come true

Please pour your sadness into my heart

If that’s the pain then I can bear it


“hyukie..” he said as he place his hands on my waste and we are in the position that we are hugging one another

“hmm..” I answered as I hug him and smiled

“I love you..” he muttered

“I love you too..” I answered and he kiss my head

“I know that the time we do it back then.. it was  a failed one.. but now.. it was perfect” he said

“ne.. it was perfect and I love it” I said and smiled remembering the time kyu prepared something the same like this but failed because he has fever and collapsed

The tiny me lost the map

That depicts the future, but found you

Farewell, thank you, I love you, I love you

Farewell, smile, don’t cry, how stupid, right?


“kyu.. promise me you will fight no matter what.. promise me you will never me leave me” I muttered and I hug him tighter and I can feel tears are flowing in my eyes

“I promise.. I will” he said and I smiled while my tears flowing

He push me and look at me and we stood there looking at each other

“hyukie..” he said and I look at him as he kiss my eyes

“I will never let those eyes shed tears again” he said

“I always love seeing this nose wrinkle whenever you feel pissed or annoyed” as he kiss the tip of my nose

“I love how these cheeks turn scarlet red when you are blushing” he kiss my cheeks

“I will never let these ears hear more pain in the future” he said as he kiss my ears

“and lastly.. I will never let someone own this lips and makes this lips smile forever” he said as he claim my lips and tears can be seen in his eyes as both of our tears flow


The loving eyes, and the pain of loving

I won’t forget the radiance you gave me, ever you are my love

Farewell, thank you, I love you, I love you

Farewell, smile, don’t cry, how stupid, right?


I look at him and brush the tears away as I smiled and muttered the word of thank you and he smield as he hug me tightly..

“don’t let me go kyu” I muttered

“I won’t..” he said and  smiled

“kyu the song..” I said as I look up to see his face while we are hug dancing

“it was the song I wrote for you” he said and smiled

“it was really beautiful” I said and he nod

“they really sang it well” he said and we both laugh

“you will write a song for me.. many songs..” I muttered

“I already did” he said and I look at him confused

“remember the song you said you saw?? It was all for you..” he said and I look at him

“chinja?” I look at him and nod

“the first time I saw you I started writing them..” he muttered and I smiled

“thank you..” I said and he smiled and nod


The words I want to tell you overflow endlessly

Time and time again I will fall in love with you

Farewell, let’s meet again, I’m sorry, I love you

Farewell, don’t cry, how stupid, right?


“hyuk..” he muttered

“ne?” I said

“we have hyunnie now” he muttered

“I know..” I answered

Silence occupied us and I smiled for his lost of words

“why?” I ask and he just look at me and I look at him as he push me away as he stood in front of me


“I miss you,” “it’s painful,” “you’re my darling,” that’s not enough

Time and time again I will cry out

I love you


“mr. Lee Hyukjae.. will you marry me?” he said as he kneel down and pull out a box and open it revealing a ring

“will you be by my side forever and be my mine??” he continued and I look at him blankly

I look at him as I as shock.. he was proposing me and tears flowing in my eyes as I saw him doing it.. it was my dream.. doing this with him.. telling me that he wants to marry me.. I was really happy..

“yah!! Cho kyuhyun!!!” I yelled

He look at me shock since I yelled at him but I smiled after that

“why it takes for you to ask me that.. I’ve been yours for so long.. and I will marry you” I said

He smiled and soon tears flow in his eyes and get the ring from the box and put it in my hands..

I look at the ring.. it was simple but I don’t want an elegant one as long as it come from kyuhyun.. we both look at the door as it slammed loudly revealing everyone..

Sungmin and leeteuk hyung crying and the rest smiling at us muttering the word of congratulations..

I hug kyu and he smiled at me..

“thank you” he said and I look at him

“thank you too” he said as I showed him  the ring he gave me which perfectly suits my thin finger

“your mine” he muttered and I nod

“I’ve been forever yours baby” I said and he smiled and nod

That night everything was perfect.. it was the best night I ever had.. soon I will be his husband.. I will be his officially.. I was happy about it..




This ring.. this ring symbolizes that I, Lee Hyukjae, will alwaysbe Cho kyuhyun's lover.. and it will never change..

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NaruRin #1
Chapter 19: What will happen actually ...ahhh I can't wait to know..they are happy now, kyu and hyuk
NaruRin #2
Chapter 14: I'm curious...I'm excited..this is exciting
emma13 #3
Chapter 43: I just found this and read them all. And I'm crying hard..why you don't finish writing it? Why?
Chapter 43: finally! truth has been revealed. I hope kyu can be with hyuk because hyuk had been suffered much. ah~ hyunnie will get his appa soon :)
hippocat #5
Chapter 43: aigoooo...why u hv to run away kyu...just be with hyuki n creates a new memories....don't let hyuki suffer again n again n again...it's been a years already..both of u deserves an happy life though..
Chapter 43: oho kyu kyu kyu knows the truth now..he will remember right??thank kyuuu for the update..update soon ^^
Chapter 42: so.. Xian is really Kyu and he is jealous toward Siwon... finally Kyu back!!!
EunHaeShipper #8
Chapter 42: ahhh.. so it's like that!
well, i hope that Kyu or Kui Xian will soon remember who he really is. but even if he didn't remember, hope Hyuk and Kyu/Kui Xian will make new beautiful memories together ^^
hippocat #9
Chapter 42: ehmmm...idk why...but i pity siwon..after a few years went by, he still don't hv a patner....plezz author-nim make 1 4 him...he will never hv chances 2 b with hyuki anyway....
4 kyuhyuk...they belong 2 each other..
Chapter 42: yaaay yayayayyyy u updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......little by little kyu remembers everything eh...his jealousy towards siwon and his feeling over hyunnie..thank kyuuuu for the update..update soon neeeeee