Where do my first love begin?

Where do my first love begin?


Chapter 25

-the move-

As I walk by hyukie’s room as I saw him looking at me.. I pretended to be happy and wave him and he smiled at me and wave back

“kyu!! Where have you been?!” he said to me pouting

I will miss this pouting of him.. I smile and kiss those lips

“got some errands with our hyungs..” I said as I smile and him but he look t me in a curious look

“kyu are you ok? You look pale” he said as he put his hand on my forehead to feel the heat

“ne..” I smiled on him

“ok.. uhmmm.. see you later after the class?” he said as he was hugging me

“ne..see you after class I also need to tell you something ” I said as I nod

“bye!” he wave at me and walk inside where I can see teukie hyung looking at me with those eyes telling me “are you sure about it?” look

I walk towards our room and still I didn’t pay much attention on the lesson which let kangin hyung pass as he know my condition.. as the bell rang I get my phone and texted hyukie..


“same place”


I get all my things and leave the room as I look at wookie and kibum and noded at em as they know that I want to be with hyukie alone.. I walk twards the secret room where we always meet and I saw him. He came here early.. I smiled

“hyukie” I said as I sit on the couch

“look kyu I wrote something” he smiled at me and point to the board

I walk closer and read what he write and I pause as I read it

“you can tell me everything.. I will help you”

I look at him and he smiled.. this guy.. I think he knew I was suffering into something and he don’t want me to tell those things to me since I might pissed off that’s why he wrote it here..

I walk towards the couch and sit on there.. I look at him and caress his face

“I’m ok hyukie.. everything’s alright ” I said as I assured him with hand he nod

“uhmm.. hyukie.. do you have something to do this week? As you can see I want to spent the week with you.. I already told it to leeteuk hyung and kangin hyung and they agreed do you want it?” I ask as I look at him and he look at me like “what?!” look

“uhmmm.. I just want to have a moment with you” I said

He look at me really hard ad smile

“ok” he said and hug me

I smiled back but a painful smiel as I know what will happen after the week end.. as we release one another he look at me

“where do you want to go?” he ask me and I smiled getting something from my back and handing him a paper

“woah!! You’re prepared kyu” he said as he laugh and open it

He read everything out loud

“ok.. hmm.. first day will be on the amusement park till night.. next day will be on the beach and its overnight.. that’s good.. Wednesday afternoon will be here?!” he look at me and I nod

“ok ok.. Thursday will be I myeondong.. wae??” he ask me

“I just feel going there and look for some stuff..” I said as I smiled

“next will be THE PALACE?! ” he yelled at me and laugh

“are you a tourist or something kyu?” he said as he laugh so hard

I pouted and sulk on the couch

“just joking.. we will got here” he said and kiss me

“Friday will be in everyone’s house” he muttered and look at me

“just one day I want them to spend with us.. both of us.. and I want it to be memorable” I said as I smile

“kyu.. something is suspicious here” he ask as he’s face became more serious than ever

“nothing is wrong with that” I said as I look at him in the eyes

“ok whatever you say kyu” he said and proceed on the paper

“and lastly.. morning will be on the garden and after that will be on your place” he said as he nod

“ok.. then this will be our itinerary” he said

I smiled at him and hug him cherishing the moment.. I wish I can live long and hug you forever.. but everything didn’t went well right?

Hyukie.. sorry I know I promise to be with you forever but on my condition I can’t.. I wish I can.. but I need to break our promise.. no matter what happen.. remember that I love you and I will be here with you.. cry if you must but stop after and move on..

I said to myself as I release him on my hug

“let’s go?” I ask

He nod and I grab his hand as we go out of the room.. out from the school.. i accompany him going home and as I go back t our house the tears that I want to release slowly drop and soon a bunch of it came..

Feeling of leaving someone is so painful..

Siwon hyung was waiting outside as he saw me walking towards him he stand up and look at me

“what’s your plan?” he ask

I look at him and smile

“making my days memorable” I said as he look at me like he was not believing every word I say

I don’t care if he don’t believe me.. I just want to do something and make everything much easier so people around me can move on fast..

I walk pass him towards the house as I heard him sigh

“just remember kyu.. think about everything you might regret everything” he said as he follow me inside

“I know” I said and look at him and assure him with a smile

I enter my room and lay down on my bed as I think about my plan and sigh..

“kyu.. do you really need to do this?” I ask myself as my tears fall down in my cheeks

“you can do it.. after all you’re the down leaving him soon” I said and stood up to go the bathroom and wash and sleep to be ready for the first day of my memory with hyukjae

Sunlight struck my face as the curtain suddenly open and I groaned

“close it” I said as I cover my face with a blanket

“kyu.. wake up.. isn’t it you have a date with hyukie?” the person who opent he curtain said and I’m much sure that it’s siwon hyung

“a minute” I yelled and I heard a sigh and a footstep until a door closed

“he’s gone” as I said to myself as my eyes were close

I give a minute until I put away the blanket on my face and open my eyes and stare on the ceiling

“it’s the first day kyu” I said to myself as I faint a smile

I prepared myself and go out in our house to go the place where me and hyukie will meet..

I saw him leaning on the wall as he was waiting..

“he’s so beautiful” I said as I approach him

“waiting for so long??” I said as I look at him

He startled and look at and smile seeing me

“no..” he said and hold my hand

“lotte world?” I as as I look at him

“ok” I said as he smiled and drag me to walk

I was looking at his back..

“hyukie.. you’re strong right? Don’t cry anymore if I leave.. you will find someone for you and make sure our child will have  good appa.. I will watch the both of you in heaven don’t worry” I said as I want to cry and hug him but I know it will reveal my secrets

“oh! Kyu!” he said as he look at me

I startled as he look at me since I’m doing my self talk and telling everything on myself

“are you ok?” he said as he stop walking and getting nearer to me

“of course!!” I said as I smiled

“ok.. uhmmm.. do you think we can now know the gender of the baby?” he look at me excitedly

“I don’t think so.. I know it takes 2 months for that” I said as I caress his face

He just nod and smile

“what gender do you prefer?” he ask looking at me

“anything you like.. as long as the baby live.. no matter what happen take care of the baby arasso?” I said as I intentionally put a meaning on it

“ne.. I will take care of this baby and make sure to be like the both of us..” he grin as I know at first he look at me meaningfully but change his expression easily

As we arrive at the amusement park.. we ride different rides as we already got here and I remember I told hyukie how much I love him.. this place really holds a memory on me..

“kyu.. sit there and I will just buy a food” he said ad I nod as he walk away going on those food stall

As I observe the surrounding seeing lovers everywhere happily and families with those children on them taking good care of them and making sure that their children will enjoy..

“I wish I can do it to my soon to be child” I whisper to myself

Then as I stare at the floor I saw a little foot standing in front of me

Seeing a child staring at me with his ice cream on his hand.. I stare back at him and smile

“what can I do for you kiddo?” I ask as I look at him

“appa?” he said as he look at me and smile

“huh?!” I look at the kid as he smile then suddenly hug me

What is that?! Appa?! Appa?!

“kid.. I’m not your appa.. are you lost?” I said as I push gently the kid to look in his face

Hi a good looking one huh.. and he stare at me

“oh!! You look like my appa” he said as he his ice cream

“really?” I ask as I look at this kid.. aaah!! I wish my child would be like him

The kid.. I bet his half one since he doesn’t look like a pure Korean.. with those puffy cheeks he has and an eyes which girls can be fallen to..

“ne! but umma said he was in heaven with Jesus right now.. I never see him again only in picture.. appa looks like you” he said

I look at him.. he’s father died.. in a young age he never has a chance to see him.. will my child be like him?

“what’s your name?” I ask as he at the ice cream and stop as he look at me

“HENRY!” he yelled as he smiled at me

“henry-ah.. your father is right up there and looking at you.. always remember that he was looking at you” I said as tears forming in my eyes

“ne.. umma told me that.. that’s why I always talking in the sky.. telling how I love him” he said as he the ice cream not knowing that tears flowing in my eyes

Then he look up in the sky and smiled..

“appa! Look ajusshi here looks like you.. he really looks like you appa.. I thought he is you and umma is just joking that you are there.. appa! I’m old now see? I miss you.. please come back” he said as I can see tears are also forming in his eyes

“aish.. tears! Umma said that a man can’t cry” he said as he brush his tears with his sleeves

“how old are you?” I ask as I brush the tears on my eyes

“5..” he answered as he throw the paper from the ice cream and sit beside me

“your still young but you talk like an old one” I said as I laugh at him

“I’m not young!! I will protect my umma and make sure that nothing will happen to him.. appa will get mad at me” I said as he look at me and smile

“him?” I said

Him?! His umma is a boy?! Chinja!? He is like us?!

“ne.. umma said he gave birth on me.. not adopting me.. he even have pictures when he’s pregnant” he said as he grin

I just look at the kid and at far I saw hyukie walking towards us smiling

“sooo.. who’s this little kid?” he said

Henry look at him and he smiled as he I can see his face full of amazement

“yepuda!” he said as he hug hyukie

Hyukie on the other hand got shock on henry’s action but soon relax as he pat the kid’s head

“yah!!! That’s my lover!!” I said as I playfully pout

“appa.. your lover his him?” he said as he look at me still hugging hyukie

“appa?!” hyukie said as he glare at me

Oh oh.. I’m in trouble.. henry-ah!! Explain everything!!!

“don’t get mad yepuda ajusshi.. he looks like my appa that’s why I’m calling him appa” he said as if he can read my mind

Hyukie nod and smile at him and proceed on preparing my the food

“ajusshi.. can you be my boyfriend?” he said as grin on hyukie

This kiddo.. trying to stealing my hyukie.. I pout as hyukie looking at henry and smiled

“henry-ah.. sorry my lover and me has a baby already and I can’t be your boyfriend still you’re so young” he said as he kneel down to face henry

Out of nowhere henry kiss hyukie on the lips as we both got shock on his action and grin..

“arasso.. then this baby of yours will be my boyfriend” he said as if he know that our baby was a boy

Still hyukjae is dazing receiving henry’s kiss

“hyukie” I called him and look at me

Henry was laughing at hyukie’s reaction and sit and grab some fries

“yah! Henry-ah why did you kiss my monkey?!” I said to henry which I only receive a grin

This kid really know how to ply a trick he is no longer a kid..

As we started eating as henry also join us and sitting between me and hyuie.. and hyukie is shoving a food on him which I was sulkng here because I’m totally ignored by the two a beautiful girl? Boy? Approach us

“yah!! Henry-ah!!” the person said..aaah!! definitely a boy

“umma?!” henry said as I can see that he was scared

“aish!! You little mocha.. I’ve been looking for you!!” he said as he look at henry in a pissed fac then look at the both of us

“are you been here all the time huh?” he said as he look at us

“ne.. look umma.. this ajusshi looks like appa” he said as he approach his umma and caress his hand

Then I can see the guy relaxing.. henry really know how to sooth his umma.. the guy look at me and laugh

“henry-ah.. you’re appa is much more handsome than him” he said as he laugh harder

I look at him and raise an eyebrow.. this guy!! Are he telling me I’m not handsome? I look at hyukie and I saw him being pissed already

“ahaha.. ok ok I’ll stop.. you’re lover’s face is not good already” he said as he preventing his laugh to come out

“mianhe.. he’s a bit weird” henry said and bow

“yah!! Don’t talk like that!!” the guy said as he glare at henry which henry just grin

“oh! By the way.. I’m kim heenim.. or han heenim” he said

He’s the same surname with my doctor..i said as I smile at him

“nice meeting you” me and hyukie said as we bow

“we better get going w might disturb your day” he said as he drag henry out and henry just wave at us

“that kid is cute.. I want my baby to be like him” hyukie said as he munching the sandwich he bought

“ne me too” I said as I look at him and smile

After eating we continue to do some stuff since it was already time for the closing and I want to ride on the ferris wheel the last

As the darkness came we decided to ride on the Ferris wheel and hyukie smile as it move

“remember the first time we ride on this?” he said as he look at me and nod

“that was the happiest moment with you kyu” he said as he smile and look outside

“kyu.. is there something  wrong? I can see that you give much effort on the list you prepared and even act like something is wrong” he said as he’s gaze turn on me

“anni.. I just want to spent the time with you” I said as he grab his hand

“I promise to guide you no matter what.. just trust me hyukie.. trust everything to me and don’t ever think foolish things” I said as I kiss his hand

He stare at me and when I look at him he was crying

“are you planning to leave me?” he said as he was crying hard

“no.. I will never do that.. my heart is in you and forever yours.. no matter what happen you have my heart.. I will die without you.. I will die” I said as I brush the tears away and kiss him in the forehead

“trust me hyukie” I said as I look at his eyes and he nod and claim his lips

“I love you” he said as he lowers his daze

“I love you too” I said as I smiled at him

After that we just stare at each other and cherish everything..

The first day is worth remembering.. from henry to this.. I already forgotten that I have a disease and I need to go with the plan..

As we go out of the amusement park.. I accompanied him to his house as we bid goodbye nd give goodnight kiss to each toher..a s we wait for the next day and continue the list..



Hyukie.. I love you with all my heart.. even though I have this illness I will fight for it with you nd my child.. I will tke care both of you and watch everything about you..


Just trust me on this hyukie.. it’s for your own good not mine.. I want you not to feel pain longer and make feel happy..




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NaruRin #1
Chapter 19: What will happen actually ...ahhh I can't wait to know..they are happy now, kyu and hyuk
NaruRin #2
Chapter 14: I'm curious...I'm excited..this is exciting
emma13 #3
Chapter 43: I just found this and read them all. And I'm crying hard..why you don't finish writing it? Why?
Chapter 43: finally! truth has been revealed. I hope kyu can be with hyuk because hyuk had been suffered much. ah~ hyunnie will get his appa soon :)
hippocat #5
Chapter 43: aigoooo...why u hv to run away kyu...just be with hyuki n creates a new memories....don't let hyuki suffer again n again n again...it's been a years already..both of u deserves an happy life though..
Chapter 43: oho kyu kyu kyu knows the truth now..he will remember right??thank kyuuu for the update..update soon ^^
Chapter 42: so.. Xian is really Kyu and he is jealous toward Siwon... finally Kyu back!!!
EunHaeShipper #8
Chapter 42: ahhh.. so it's like that!
well, i hope that Kyu or Kui Xian will soon remember who he really is. but even if he didn't remember, hope Hyuk and Kyu/Kui Xian will make new beautiful memories together ^^
hippocat #9
Chapter 42: ehmmm...idk why...but i pity siwon..after a few years went by, he still don't hv a patner....plezz author-nim make 1 4 him...he will never hv chances 2 b with hyuki anyway....
4 kyuhyuk...they belong 2 each other..
Chapter 42: yaaay yayayayyyy u updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......little by little kyu remembers everything eh...his jealousy towards siwon and his feeling over hyunnie..thank kyuuuu for the update..update soon neeeeee