Where do my first love begin?

Where do my first love begin?


Chapter 27

-the room-

The morning came and I woke up and saw hyukie looking at me.. oh! Let me correct it.. he was staring at me..

“good morning” I said as I plastered a smile at him

But he was still staring at me..

“why?” I ask him

“nothing.. you’re so handsome” he said in an honest tone

“thank you.. mind to greet me good morning?” I said as I laugh at him

“good morning kyunnie” he said as he laugh at my words

“my kiss?” I said as I pouted my lips

“so demanding” he said as he move forward and kiss me

As he kiss me I snake my hands on his neck to deepen it and it lasted for I don’t know

He smile at me as I release my hands on his neck..

“stand up kyu.. we have something to do today remember?” he said as he was sitting on my tummy which I know he didn’t realize it all

“I would like to monkey.. but you are sitting on my tummy it was hard for me to stand up” I said in a teasing tone

He look at me and on himself and laugh as he realize he really was.. and he immediately stood up and remove his body on mine

“palle!!” he yelled

He was embarrass I see.. I look at him and smirk and stood up good thing I deed that or else my handsome face will meet his pillow.. yes! He throws a pillow on me

“failed” I said and ran inside the bathroom since I know hyukie will run towards me and hit me

I laugh inside and look at the mirror

“it was really a nice memory” I said as I smiled inside on my reflection

As I do my stuff inside and take a bath I got out and saw hyukie in the bed sleeping.. I get dress and approach the sleeping figure and kneel down to have a good view on him.. I shove his bangs on the side and he move and open his eyes

“hyukie” I said as I saw him staring at me

“get ready now” I said and he smiled and put his hands my hair and messed it as he stood up and get his things and go inside the bathroom

I was there spaced out on what he did to me.. it was like that was the best thing I saw in him.. Smiling at me purely and doing that gesture like he love me with all his heart..

I went in front of the window as I open it and feel the breeze entering our room..i smile on the things happen starting the day we go the amusement park.. how we spent every day with a new memories and soon I got an idea.. I look for my Polaroid camera which I bring since I want to take every part with it and I look inside the box.. having too much pictures of him.. from the first thing I saw him and until now.. pictures from the amusement park.. with henry and even heechul hyung.. pictures with our friends.. leeteuk hyung.. kangin hyung.. donghae.. wookie.. kibum.. sungmin.. his face.. every experience he make.. I found this picture of him crying..

I don’t want to see this kind of face of him.. it makes my heart break.. I want to see those gummy smiles he always show me.. as I can the pictures taken from my camera I heard the bathroom and I know he was already done and soon he will come up.. I stood up and position myself with the camera on my hand and as soon as the door open I click the button and I laugh

“what was that?!” he yelled as he got surprise on what I’ve done since he went out and a he cans ee is a flash on his face

“memories” I answered as I walk to the bed while fanning the picture and smiled at him

I look at the picture and saw his face being shock..this is the one expression I really love the most.. how his eyes got wide seeing the brown orb completely where shock is really written on his face.. how his lips really form perfectly an “O” and it makes me smile

I smiled as I was starring on his picture

“wae?!” he said as he was putting his t-shirt and walking towards me and look at the picture

“give it to me!!!” he said as he tried to get the picture but luckily I shove it off him

“no!! I want this..” I said and put it in the box

“what was that?” he ask as he look at the box

“nothing.. just a memory box” I said as I put it in my bag and look at him

“ready to leave?” I ask but he was still starring at the box

I just drag him and he look at me

“before we leave let’s have last look on the sea” I said as I look at him

As we go to the sea.. I smiled as I look at it..

“goodbye sea..” I whispered as he look at me

“let’s have a picture here” I said as I look at him and he smiled on that idea

“ne!!” he said as he drag me on the sea and take a picture with him..

I look at the picture and it shows that we are really happy..

We walk towards the bus stop and soon we are in front of the school..

“still have classes” he said as he stared on the gate

“let’s go!” I said as he look and nod

We enter the school and we saw everyone and we just wave at them since we are not on the uniform like we visited or something..

“you’re back” leeteuk hyung said as he saw us passing by

“going to my room” I answered and he just thumbs up on me

We enter the library and went inside my secret room..

Still the same.. I said to myself as I saw hyukie sitting on a particular area on the room

“you really like that area are you?” I said to him and he nod

“this area in this room really makes me calm I don’t know why.. and also I can see from here everything that in this room.. and can see clearly the sofa where you are sitting” he answered as he was starring outside the window

I just stared at him as he smiled looking outside

“hyukie..” I called him and he look back

“hmmm?” he said as he was waiting on what I will say

“that blackboard over there..” I said as I point on the board in front of me

“it’s ours.. you can do everything there.. feel free to use it” I said randomly and he was look at me like I was a weird one

“ooookkkaayy???” he answered slowly like he was not sure on answering back

I smiled at him.. and nod..

I wish if ever I have time to visit here this room will still the same and will see that board full of his thought.. I said to myself as I smiled on him..

“hyukie.. come here” I said as I pat the empty space beside me

He look and go towards me and smile

“what is it?” he said as he look at me and smile

“thank you for everything” I said as I hold his hands and smile

“thank you too” he answered back

“hyukie.. what if something happen to me and leave you what will you do?” I ask as I look at him intently

“are you going to?” he ask me and look at me

“no of course” I said as I cans ee that tears are forming in his eyes

How come this guy can cry easily.. I said to myself

“thank don’t ask those things if you’re not going to do it” he answered as he look away from me

“what if hyukie.. what if” I said as still I look at him


I look at him as I know he don’t like those topic.. soon tears are flowing in his face as I hush him to calm down

“hyukie.. stop.. please stop.. I will never leave you.. you have my child remember.. I love you and our child.. please don’t cry” I said as I look at him pleadingly

“why did you ask me that?” he said as he glared at me and still crying

I look at him.. I will leave you soon hyukie.. but that doesn’t mean that I don’t love you.. I love you with all my heart and I will do this for your own good hyukie.. for your own good.. I said to myself as he stare at me like waiting on me to answer

“nothing in particular.. just want to ask about it” I answered as I look him like asking for forgiveness

He sigh and nod as he look away and brush the tears in his eyes.. he look at something which I know he was spacing out already..

I look at him like I was memorizing every features of his face.. he really was a beautiful one.. I wish I can be with you forever.. but having this illness will make a burden for you and make you sad seeing me dying slowly and painfully..

Time goes by as we make a memory to that room we laugh as we sharing stuffs about ourselves which makes us know everything about ourselves and the most painful thing is that he open up things on our future.. what would we be in the future with us.. how would our child grow who would be like him.. something like that and I only answer things coming up my mind that is safe to answer..

As I look outside I saw the sky getting dark already and it is the time that I should let hyukie go home since I promise his parents to let him home not too late.. I stood up and he look at him

“it’s getting dark let’s go home” I said and smiled at him offering my hand to him

He gladly accepted it and stood up then nod

As we walk towards his house I look at him every now and then

“kyu.. stop looking at me” he said as he laugh in shyness

“wae?” I ask and laugh at his action

“ever since this week you always stare at me like there’s no tomorrow” he answered me and laugh

“there is no tomorrow hyukie” I said to myself and lowered my head then look at him and smile

“I love you hyukie” I said as I said those words I kiss his hands

As we reach the house I remember that we didn’t take a picture in the secret room so I immediately get the Polaroid camera and he look at me in confused eyes

“what was that?” he ask me look at m

“since we didn’t make it in the secret room I want to take a picture in your house” I said as I laugh and get near him

He look at me and I click the button having the picture of him staring at me and me grinning

“yah!! I’m not ready!!” he said as he pout

“it’s ok.. the way you look at me is full of love” I answered as he look at me and I smiled at me

“now go hyukie.. go inside” I said as I push him inside and plant a kiss on his lips as I run towards the street

I need to go to the hospital.. I need to clear something there..

As I reach the hospital I immediately run towards dr.han’s office and saw him sipping on a coffee and looking at me

“mr.cho” he said as he put the cup in the table and smile at me

“can I talk to you?” I ask him and sit on the chair provided

He nodded and look at me intently

“what can I do for you?” he said as his smile faded away already

“how much time do I have?” I ask him and he look at me

“to tell you the truth your time is running out already.. I don’t know the exact time but according to the results your body if already affected” he said as he sigh

“can you not tell everyone about it except the 3 who witness it?” I said as I glared at him

“but why?” he said as he was confuse on my decision

“I don’t want them to get hurt.. I know they will be but I want to prevent it to happen” I answered back as I rest my back on the chair

“kyuhyun.. no matter what you do to prevent it they will get hurt..” he said to me as he pull the drawer and show a picture..

The guy on the picture looks like henry’s umma

“this is my husband.. yes kyu.. I’m like all of you.. I’m inlove with a guy too.. we lasted for so long..but due to that sickness he leave me.. he also never told me about his illness the reason? Same as yours.. so that I won’t get hurt but no matter he tried I got hurt and until now whenever I remember him  I still cry and misses him..” he said as I can see the visible tears in his eyes

“but my husband.. he’s pregnant” I said as worries plastered in my face

He didn’t answered me back as he put back the picture on the drawer..

“ok.. I understand I will grant your wish” he said as he smile at me

“kyuhyun.. I will do my best to save you.. I don’t want you be like my husband.. I don’t want your love story be like mine.. it was painful” he said as he lean on his char and I nod

As I stood up all things turn round and round like it was spinning and things became darkness again..

And I know that the time has done it again as I can only hear Dr. Han’s scream asking for help..

As the sun strikes on my face.. I open my eyes saw the familiar ceiling and I knew that it happen again..

I look around seeing siwon hyung only.. and I saw him looking at me and I smiled..

“hyung” I called him and he approaches me and smile

“feeling better?” he ask me and I just smile

“a little.. did leeteuk hyung know this?” I ask since I don’t see him here

“no.. I didn’t tell him.. he’s in a burden this past few weeks and I don’t want to tell your condition since I know it will add on his burdens and it may cause to something bad” he answered as I nod

“today.. I need to meet hyukie” I said out of nowhere and to someone I don’t know whom I’m talking

“I already told him.. I told him that you need to go with me and will be gone for two days.. he said he understand and I know he is..” he said as he sit beside me

“gomawo hyung” I said as I was thinking those two days I was here and without hyukie..

If I will not spent those two days to him.. then the only thing left is the agenda on the last day.. and I sigh on the thoughts..

“what happen by the way?” I ask since I only remember that everything was spinning and darkness claim me

“dr. han examined you and due to the activities you’ve done the illness became more dangerous.. he said he will explain it to you when you woke up.. maybe a minutes he will be here” siwon hyung said and I nod..

“hyung..the day is drawing near” I said and I can hear his sigh

“do you need to do it? Seriously?” I ask as he look at me

“I don’t want to do it.. but that’s the last option.. my time is limited now..” I said as I look at him and sigh

As that time dr.han open the door and smile at me

“so you’re awake already kyuhyun.. you really make me worried last night” he said as he approach me and I only show a sad smile

“mianhe” I said as I lowered my head

“its ok.. but I need to remind you.. that thing happen is due to strain activities you’ve done.. it was because the brain can’t actually instruct your body and it’s having a hard time to produce instructions.. since  its been 3 days you’re doing that you reach your limit and the effect is this” he said as he look at the file he was holding

“you can’t leave the hospital but since you have plans I only allowed you to stay here for 2 days but be sure to come back.. don’t do things that can affect your brain” he said as he look at me and I nod

As Dr. Han leave siwon hyung told me he will only buy foods and I agreed.. as the times goes by everything is normal since I was in the hospital and nothing can b done there except to rest and regain my energy again..

My 2 days on staying there past and I immediately run towards hyukie’s house and good thing he was outside sitting in the garden

“hyukie!!” I called him as I miss this monkey boy here

He look at the voice and saw and he smile at me as he run towards me and hug me

“your back!” he said as he smile at me

“ne.. sorry I dint come on our plans… ” I said as he just smile

“no its ok.. I know you need to do it anyways” he said and kiss me on the cheeks

“be strong kyu” he said as he look at me in a sad face

I look at him and confused.. “be strong” why? Does he know my illness?? How??

“what?” I said as I pretend that I don’t know what he’s talking

“nothing.. come!! Let’s go to the garden” he said as he grab my hands and while running slowly

I look at his back and I know he has an idea on what I’m up to..

Please.. hyukie.. don’t try to know anything about me.. I don’t want you to be sad please

As we arrive on that area I saw the roses I planted before.. I didn’t visit them since then but they are still alive and beautiful..

“I always go here and water them” hyukie said as he sit and touch one of the roses

“they are our kids kyu.. and also here” he said as he gave me something

I look at it and saw a roses died and I look at him

“sorry.. I didn’t manage to help him live.. let’s bury that rose” he said as he smile sadly

“ok” I said and buried it

“kyu.. its 24 today.. every month we will put something here to offer on that flower..” he said as he look at me

Is he dreaming or something?? What is on his mind right now?

“why?” I said as I’m confuse on what he’s saying

“I wan tto see you every month putting something there” he said

“I want to see you alive putting your offer” he added and look at me tears flowing

“hyuk..” I said as I heard he said those last words on me

“don’t cry.. I won’t die.. ” I said as I know he already had a hint on my illness but how?

“promise I will do that” I said as I caress his face

“but promise me something..” I said as I look at his eyes

“what?” he said and sniff

“never cry for me” I said as I see him close his eyes and nod

I smile on his response and kiss his forehead and hug him..


Later kyu.. you will the greatest mistake in your life.. I wish I won’t regret everything..




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NaruRin #1
Chapter 19: What will happen actually ...ahhh I can't wait to know..they are happy now, kyu and hyuk
NaruRin #2
Chapter 14: I'm curious...I'm excited..this is exciting
emma13 #3
Chapter 43: I just found this and read them all. And I'm crying hard..why you don't finish writing it? Why?
Chapter 43: finally! truth has been revealed. I hope kyu can be with hyuk because hyuk had been suffered much. ah~ hyunnie will get his appa soon :)
hippocat #5
Chapter 43: aigoooo...why u hv to run away kyu...just be with hyuki n creates a new memories....don't let hyuki suffer again n again n again...it's been a years already..both of u deserves an happy life though..
Chapter 43: oho kyu kyu kyu knows the truth now..he will remember right??thank kyuuu for the update..update soon ^^
Chapter 42: so.. Xian is really Kyu and he is jealous toward Siwon... finally Kyu back!!!
EunHaeShipper #8
Chapter 42: ahhh.. so it's like that!
well, i hope that Kyu or Kui Xian will soon remember who he really is. but even if he didn't remember, hope Hyuk and Kyu/Kui Xian will make new beautiful memories together ^^
hippocat #9
Chapter 42: ehmmm...idk why...but i pity siwon..after a few years went by, he still don't hv a patner....plezz author-nim make 1 4 him...he will never hv chances 2 b with hyuki anyway....
4 kyuhyuk...they belong 2 each other..
Chapter 42: yaaay yayayayyyy u updateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......little by little kyu remembers everything eh...his jealousy towards siwon and his feeling over hyunnie..thank kyuuuu for the update..update soon neeeeee