Chapter 3: First Kiss

What Went Down

"I still have weird feelings about Donghae." Hyukjae hastily added when he saw Junsu gave him a look of disgust. "No. Ew. Not, and never, ual feelings. I just get a weird vibe from him."

"He watches too much foreign films. Yesterday he put his middle finger up and told me that was supposed to be offensive." Junsu stretched idly. "Better shut your trap, I think people are coming soon."

Junsu was right. Hyoyeon gracefully glided into the room, and Yunho entered with Donghae. The dance instructor was late, as usual.

"Sungmin needs to be in this class," Hyukjae mourned as Donghae and Yunho approached them. Hyoyeon sat apart from them and was idly turning the pages of some girl magazine Jessica gave her.

Donghae frowned. "Sungmin's always seemed a bit cold to me."

"Yeah," Yunho said. "And I don't like how he got noticed mainly by his looks. You sing much better than him, Donghae."

Donghae shrugged. "That may change in the future."

"Yeah, if he debuts, he might turn lazy and sound like Hyukjae later," Junsu said jokingly.

"Oy," Hyukjae grumbled. "I'm still the best rapper here."

Yunho smirked semi-cockily. "One of the best."

"I prefer Hyukjae's rapping." Donghae re-tied his shoelaces.

"Hey kids!" Mr. Kim finally entered the room. He was nice to everyone, even Hyukjae, who everyone could tell he hated with a passion. They were speculating why one day, and Hyoyeon suggested it was because of his face, which heightened the animosity Hyukjae felt towards her even further.

"Hello," Yunho, Donghae, and Hyoyeon politely responded.

"I have good news." Mr. KIm beamed. "I was told that SM's starting a project R&B group. The big man himself told me that he was interested in recruiting the top two dancers I had, and I already told him the names of all of you, my advanced students. So you may get your big break very soon."

The room was very still. Hyoyeon looked somewhat bitter. "I'm guessing it's a boy group?"

"Yes. We're looking for a trio that could work well together, sing, dance, rap, and charm the masses with their personalities." Mr. Kim smiled gently at Hyoyeon. "You'll get your break, soon, don't worry."

"Yeah," Hyoyeon mumbled.

Junsu, Donghae, Yunho, and Hyukjae exchanged glances. "They can't accept all of us?" Donghae asked sadly. 

"I'm afraid not," Mr. Kim answered breezily. "But I do know the higher-ups are very interested in Junsu, so here's my take on the situation: what Hyukjae has going for him is his dancing, rapping, and strong bond with Junsu. If I was deciding who was this second member, since I'm pretty sure tha Junsu would be accepted, I would choose Yunho. But I'm not sure if the group's going to be decided on solely talent this year. The higher-ups really wanted a strong bond between the members."

Donghae bit his lip.

"Don't worry," Mr. Kim said. "You would've been my second choice. You just need a little more training in your variety skills, but you've already shown so much improvement. You're the only one in this room who can do the windmill, after all."

Donghae smiled while Hyukjae muttered, "I know I would be Mr. Kim's last choice. I bet I'm even behind Hyoyeon."



Hyukjae turned his head towards Donghae.


Hyukjae grinned so wholeheartedly that Donghae couldn't help but smiling, too, before Hyukjae self-consciously covered his gums. "Heh, thanks Donghae! I really did not think that I was going to get it, though."

"You, Sungmin, and Junsu. Sounds fantastic," Donghae said softly. Junsu was out of the room, still partying with Sungmin and some other trainees. All of them somehow obtained alcohol. Hyukjae tried some of the beer with Donghae, and then spent the next two minutes puking in the bathroom while Donghae rapidly patted his back, red-faced.

I think Hyukjae's still slightly intoxicated. Hyukjae's limbs flailed a bit as he got out of his bed. "Hey, Donghae. We'll still keep in touch. You're one of my best friends, after all."

Donghae smiles. "Really?" Hyukjae was really popular at his school and Donghae honestly thought he annoyed Hyukjae sometimes.

"Really." Hyukjae--or should I call him Eunhyuk?--smiles at him goofily, before his face turns serious. "Donghae. After I debut, SM's going to be even stricter on girls. Can you imagine the awfulness? I'm probably not allowed to get any until I'm forty."

Donghae wrinkles his nose. "Hyukjae. Only you would think of the day you found out you were going to debut."

Hyukjae shrugs. "I guess this is where comes in handy."

"Hyukjae. I really don't need to know this."

"Oh, really?"

Donghae stops staring at a fly on the wall and notices that Hyukjae's fingers are slightly brushing his knee. "What do you mean by really?"

"Well, how are you going to deal with this when you debut?" Hyukjae's gaze seems a little too intense, and Donghae's eyes widen slightly. 

"I...I'll worry about it when the time comes."

Hyukjae his lips, and the movement somehow causes Donghae's stomach to churn. "I heard you kissed Yoochun during Mrs. Kang's acting class."

"We were supposed to be practicing kissing. Mrs. Kang said that she asked the higher-ups for permission to teach us kissing, and they would only permit the top and 'most responsible' students. Didn't want any messy feelings or relationships between the trainees."

"You and Yoochun were the top students?"


Hyukjae his lips again. "How was it like? Kissing another guy?"

Donghae shrugged. "I tried not to think about it like that. It was a bit awkward because the whole class was watching and making side-comments. I think Yuri was into it, and I now can't see her the same way again." Hyukjae's tongue left his yet again, and Donghae couldn't stop himself from watching the muscle trace pink, smooth lips. Oh, God, I hope he stops doing that--it's...weird. "Thankfully, he didn't open his mouth. And I didn't really have to do anything, because Mrs. Kang assigned me to be the girl role. I just had to sit there and smile to act like I was enjoying it."

"Did Yoochun enjoy it?"

"I don't know. He wiped his mouth afterwards, so I guess not."

"You're that bad, huh?"

Donghae said defensively, "I wasn't doing anything. It's not my fault that Mrs. Kang's expecations of girls' kissing skills are opossums playing dead. I blame the media she watches. If she watched some of my movies, she can see how some girls can get it. They look like they actually enjoy it, geez."

"Don't you watch those girly movies? Like Titanic?"

"And Troy and all the other classics. And who are you to be talking? ography ert."

Hyukjae laughed. "You'll never let that one go." His face drew closer to Donghae's. "Hey, I want to try something."

Donghae's eyes widened as Hyukjae's lips made contact with his. No, Junsu can come in any moment,, he's a good kisser. Donghae's eyes closed like Hyukjae's, and Donghae just tried to experience Hyukjae through touch, not sight. Donghae threaded his fingers through Hyukjae's hair and tentatively bit Hyukjae's bottom lip. Hyukjae let out the most delicious moan Donghae ever heard. "I see you've been learning from your videos," Donghae said mildly as they finally pulled away. Hyukjae's eyes were glazed, and he gave Donghae a lazy smirk.

"Wait a second." Hyukjae grabbed an English quiz he took three months ago and scribbled on its back with a black Sharpie: Out. Took the Subway Line Home with Donghae. 

Donghae read the words apprehensively. "Junsu doesn't have a key." 

Hyukjae thwacked Donghae. "That's the point. He can room with Sungmin for today." Hyukjae stuck the notice to their dorm door with blue painter's tape, locked the door, and turned back to Donghae. His eyes were predatory.

Donghae gulped. "What...exactly are you aiming to do, Hyukjae?" While he was talking, Hyukjae closed the gap towards them once again, and he had backed Donghae up against the wall.

Hyukjae chose to answer wordlessly. He grabbed the back of Donghae's neck and pulled the shorter boy up to meet him in another kiss. Donghae began responding to Hyukjae's ministrations tentatively, but Hyukjae imitated Donghae's earlier action by biting his bottom lip while massaging his hair, and Donghae gasped. Hyukjae took advantage of this situation by pushing his tongue into Donghae's mouth. He tasted like strawberries, citrus, and slight alcohol from the beer three hours ago. Donghae cautiously explored Hyukjae's mouth as well, trying not to salivate too much like he heard Hyukjae complain some of his past girlfriends did, and took a sharp intake of breath as their tongues briefly touched. Hyukjae moaned again, and Donghae massaged the back of Hyukjae's neck as Hyukjae continued his hair.

They broke apart for air again, and Donghae found himself incredibly by Hyukjae's panting, slightly breathless face. He hoped that he was as good as a kisser as Hyukjae was. Then a sudden realization hit him. "Are you still intoxicated?" Donghae asked. 

Hyukjae frowned. "Why does that matter?"

"I don't want you to do anything you'll regret. And I feel like I'm taking advantage of you," Donghae murmured.

"You take advantage of me?" Hyukjae grinned.

"Just...are you drunk?"

"This conversation's slowly getting unier and unier."

Donghae hit him. "What the....are...what are you talking about?"

Hyukjae looked at him seriously. "Well, I'm not sure if you noticed this before, but just looking at you can be a turn-on. You're seriously more beautiful to me than Hyoyeon, Jessica, and any ot the other girl trainees."

Donghae frowned. "I'm not some sort of girl. What kind of compliment is beautiful?"

"Attractive? Handsome? A prince?" Hyukjae tried.

"Okay, let's stop. I think you're still drunk."

"No." Hyukjae grabbed Donghae's wrist to prevent him from leaving. "I..have been feeling this for a while, now. And the only substance I'm drunk you."

Donghae hit Hyukjae again. "Stop. You idiot. That was so full of cheese."

Hyukjae looked offended. "No, really! I...I liked you for a while now."

A million thoughts were whirling through Donghae's head right now. What would my dad think, what would Donghwa think, urgh, Donghwa, appa....Donghae tensed as he heard approaching footsteps. Hyukjae stiffened as well.

"Well, , those idiots still left two of the room lights on. And they know I lost my key two weeks ago. Sungmin, can I room with you tonight?"

"Sure," Sungmin said cheerfully.

Hyukjae and Donghae didn't move a muscle until they couldn't hear Sungmin and Junsu's voices or footsteps anymore.

What would Junsu think? Hyukjae finally fully realized.

The gap between Donghae and Hyukjae was now wide enough to fit Junsu, Sungmin, Donghwa, and Donghae's dad.

"I think," Donghae said quietly. "That your debut is good for this. What happened today...had to be due to alcohol. You're just not yourself under it Hyukjae."

"I told you," Hyukjae answered. His voice sounded completely sober. " know what, never mind, Donghae. This was rash. And stupid. Maybe it's better like this."

"Yeah, you're right." Somehow, Donghae couldn't stop the tears from coming.

"Wait...are you crying, Donghae?" Hyukjae's arms habitually drew around Donghae.

"No, Hyukjae, stop." Donghae angrily pushed Hyukjae away, for the first time both of them could remember. "I...will sleep on Junsu's bed tonight. It's past midnight, so we should be turning in anyways."

Hyukjae opened his mouth, but closed it shut again. He stiffly nodded, and the spot. "Good night, Donghae," he said softly, his back faced to Donghae.

Donghae did not answer back. 

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Chapter 16: owh,,they made up already???yeay!!!
and i dunno what to say...
i just hope the best for both of them
now they're together & happy,,i'm happy too :)
It's been so long T T where have you been??
The fight was necessary i guess. They had to let it out and just get it over with and just .
Though the first time wasnt exactly what i thought it should be.
Atleast they made up at the 2nd round.
Hyuk's words were quite harsh and I wouldn't be surprised if Donghae took it to heart.
The lack of sm.ut. doesnt bother me at all. It's fine the way it is. :))

Thank you for update. Dont leave me hanging again T T
WHOA its been long!

And that was a confession gone pretty wrong, o.o hyukjae was a tad bit harsh towards donghae. Alright not just a tad, i felt that talking about donghae's dad like that and "I have more friends than just a lonely, suicidal thirty-year old, and I have a family who still gives a damn about me..."
was rather a hit below the belt. Metaphorically speaking.

And the was a T.T the first time, but hey they made up the second time, and I'm glad after all the drama, they did :3
Poor donghae though. I hope he's still able to dance, too!
Thanks for the updateeee!
This gave me thrills :D
A jealous, suspicious hae always does it for me LOL
The overprotective appa kyu is a bonus:3

"He's trying to seduce you," Kyuhyun tells Hyukjae bluntly.

Hyukjae says with a confidence he doesn't feel, "Well, other people besides him have tried it and failed before."

Huh. "Like who?" Kyuhyun asks.
LOL oh hyukkie.
I feel for hyukjae. He's gay and obviously cannot have (successful) relationships with girls. :S
..And other guys too. Looks like he's stuck with donghae then:x
Hotel room arrangements sounds like a plan >:D
Choco is a y princess C;
StormyViolet #7
Just found this story and I read it all in one seating (^_^)..
It's really good and I love it <3
Will wait for the next update (^_^)..
And i'm gonna steal that pic for my dp. Gums is too beautiful xD
I'm reading this before leaving for work again! Hahaha

Oh gosh that beautiful smile at thentop xD
I actually love that hairstyle the most on Hyuk.... but yeah, i'm on minority side huh

Kyu overprotective father is <3 kekeke
I'm still bum they're not tgether!
I hope something happens in Japan.

Gotta run now, bye!! :)
thanks for update bb!
Oooh, now I can't wait what will happen at Japan
It's hard to get over Hae so soon, and Kyu's overprotective-ness can't help Hyuk too since they will be alone
Anyway update soon <3