~Their Story Begin Here...~

Love is You + Me...

“You don’t have to do it.” Meisa stared sweetly at the now sweat-drenched Jaejoong. Her gaze then fell on her almost-10-tonne luggage, which he insisted on carrying.

“I’m capable of carrying my own luggage.” she laughed.

“I know but unfortunately, I’m not that kind of man who would sit back and watch while his girlfriend carry her darn heavy luggage to her fifth floor apartment.” as soon as those words left his mouth, he wants nothing more than to crawl into the tiniest hole he could find and hide there several eons.

Girlfriend?! Oppss, Kim Jaejoong!

Meisa laughed again, obviously not taking his words just now seriously. Controlling his own words and actions proved to be damn hard when he’s with her. Now, he felt nothing more than a hormone-driven teenager again. All his self-composed, professional and charismatic images that took him years to build were crushed in no longer than two days, by a stranger he met on the street no less!

“So now I’m your girlfriend, huh?”

Okay, she heard him! And he’s a goner. A normal and sane human being wouldn’t call the woman he barely knows his girlfriend, right?

No, no, that was immature, Jaejoong. Get a hold of yourself, please!

Jaejoong smiled nervously, feeling his heartbeat started to increase rapidly and that he has to come up with something fast, or risk dying from a heart attack. His brains were searching for the most appropriate and logic response to cover up for his mistake before.

“Of course you’re my girl friend. Well, err...unless...err you’re a guy.” he put down her luggage and took out a handkerchief from his back pocket in his little effort to hide his flaming cheeks.

This is beyond ridiculous! Kim Jaejoong, you’re a humiliation to the mankind.

He felt like hitting himself in the head with a sledgehammer for not being able to control, to restrain himself. It’s like some stupid alien from Mars had taken over his body and curb his ability to think both rationally and logically.

Beautiful, fierce and  sweet alien. Kuroki Meisa...You’re gonna be the death of me.

Meisa stepped forward and took the handkerchief from his hand and he exhaled a sharp breath in response. She wiped the beads of sweat forming on his forehead with a touch so tender it could melt him right away if it’s not for the luggage he was clutching tightly.

She was teasing him.

Calm down, Jae.

“Is there anything about me that point to the latter direction?” Meisa asked, almost a whisper.

Jaejoong grabbed her hand and moved closer until they’re only an inch apart. His eyes met hers, his nose touched hers but none of them made any effort to move away.

Meisa was struggling to restrain herself from closing the torturing space between them with her lips. Suddenly the idea of kissing a semi-stranger seems so appealing and fascinating. Her heart was pumping at an incredibly high speed she could dance samba to the beat.

“Would you punch me too if I kiss you?” he teased and Meisa could felt her cheeks turning red.

But before she could answer him, a not-so alien voice interrupted them.

“Aww, so sweet! It felt like I’m watching a movie. The only thing missing is the popcorn.”

Reluctantly, they broke apart. Jaejoong turned around, looking rather annoyed with the intrusion.

“Are you always this friendly, Mr....”

“TOP.” Seunghyun offered helpfully.

His gaze travelled from Jaejoong’s face to Meisa’s. She was staring directly at him and was definitely not in a friendly, bubbly mode. In fact, she looked like she was ready to tear him down to pieces.

Seunghyun fought back a smile.

Wait, I have a better reason for you to get mad.

 “Are you always this friendly, Mr. TOP?” the shorter man’s voice was calm and soft but he would be an idiot not to notice the sarcasm in his words.

Meisa, let see how you react to this!

“Only to idiot.” was his replied.

Seunghyun stood up straight, ignoring the poisonous arrow sent his way by no other than the almighty and fierce Kuroki Meisa.

She has one serious anger management issue. It’s so damn easy to shred her patience. What happen to the sweet little princess she used to be? Now, she was nothing more than a spoiled hot-temper brat. She has changed so much that it breaks his heart.

Seunghyun shook his head, hiding his rising disappointment. He watched as the woman took three powerful long, angry strides towards him. Something he has been expecting after his carefully planned replies a few seconds ago.

Great, so predictable.

“Why, you insolent mon...” BAMM!!! He slammed the door on her face.

Meisa took a step backward just in time before the door could do her any damage.


“Are you okay?” Jaejoong rushed to her side, inspected her thoroughly for even the smallest sign of hurt.

“I’m okay but I’m not sure about him.” she answered through gritted teeth.

And that Jaejoong has no doubt.


Seunghyun poured himself a glass of water as he entertained himself by watching Kuroki Meisa dragged her heavy luggage to her room, which is going to be the most fun part for today.  Her knight in shining armour (finally) left five minutes ago, leaving Meisa to fend for herself. However, with her hostile nature, he was sure it won’t be a big problem to her.

1, 2, ...

He walked slowly to the couch, sipping his drink.


“WHERE THE IS MY ROOM?!” she stormed out into the living room.

“The door on the left.” replied Seunghyun coolly.

“Really, then how do you explain the mess on the bed? And why...is thing in my room?” she threw the box to his face and it irritated her even more when he didn’t made any attempt to evade as the box hit him in the chest.

“That? Well, you see I have this one problem. Whenever I’m drunk, my sense of direction becomes quite...ermm hazy. So, any room in the house would do and that IF we ever make it to the room if you know what I mean.” he winked.

“You’re disgusting.” snarled Meisa.

“But I was told otherwise. Anyway, if you’re planning on using the room, better start cleaning. Or you could always sleep on the couch. Your choice.”

“It would be a very wise decision to stop talking now.” warned Meisa, stomping her feet back to her ‘new’ room.

Damn that monkey! There’s no way she could use the bed now.

The room was a complete mess. Unmade bed, rumpled sheet, an almost-full ashtray, beer cans and packets. The only thing missing in the scene was the used .

Meisa sighed.

Her day is definitely not gonna get any better. A darn soon-to-be husband, a rude monkey as a housemate, out-of-mind parents and one lousy room. Heck, aren’t her life cheerful?

Meisa opened her luggage and took out a bottle of sanitizer.

Let’s get to work. The sooner she settles down, the sooner she can find the obasan’s son and the sooner she can get her life back. Bye, bye Korea. I will miss you NOT!

But what about the sweet Kim Jaejoong? You’re more than ready to kiss him fifteen minutes ago and now you said you’re not gonna miss him? A voice within her said.

Kuroki Meisa shrugged.

Instant attraction, what else? She barely knows the dude. He could be anyone’s husband or fiancé. Oh well, he’s not important. At least not as important as her credit cards.

There was a reason why she’s still single and unattached at the age of 22 and it has nothing do to with commitment phobia. The problem is Tanaka Koki. Her supposed-to-be ex-boyfriend or the one she caught sleeping with someone else to be precise. Every time she started dating or seeing someone else, that sleazebag would always get in the way. He would either scare off her potential boyfriends with his backstreet-gangster looks or beat them to pulp.

The most romantic thing she ever woke up to the next morning after her dinner date was a breakup message in her voicemail.

Don’t get me wrong. You’re great, Meisa. I really like you but I don’t think WE could ever work

Meisa, let just stop seeing each other.

Don’t call or message me anymore. Let’s just pretend we never meet.

And the best message among all.

You ! Your ing boyfriend broke my ing nose! I’ll sue you, !

After a few disastrous dates, Meisa decided to give up and ignores Koki and his pleas altogether. She’s safe from him for the next three months. There’s no way he would know she’s here in Korea. He must be searching for her like a mad man right now.

Serve him right!

“Let me help you with that.” a deep voice startled her, grabbing the half-opened luggage to the left side of the bed.

“I don’t need your help, baka!” she pulled back the luggage.

“Feisty, aren’t we?” but he didn’t looked anywhere near amused.

“Get your hand off my stuffs, moron.”

“The name is TOP.” he retorted as he pulled the luggage back towards him.

“I’m sorry but I think your name is very nauseating. Let go, let go.” Meisa hit his hands several times before stepping on his right foot.

“Oww, I’ll that that as a compliment.” he tugged on the luggage, hard, slamming Meisa right into it. She cursed under her breath.

Seunghyun whistled, a smirk plastered upon his well-shaped lips.

“Don’t this remind you to someone?” he said, referring to the distance between them which is only a luggage apart.

“You mean Jaejoong? Oh, you remind me nothing of him.” Meisa scowled.

Seunghyun rolled his eyes and released his hold on the luggage he finally managed to while distracting her. Meisa let out a frantic scream as she tried to save her clothes from falling to the floor.

“Why did you do that for? I haven’t clean the floor yet.” she yelled.

The panic in her eyes made him chuckled and he turned to leave.

Enough entertainment for today. He has plenty of time and right now, he has one important phone call to make. Seunghyun stole another glance at the struggling Meisa. A familiar feeling crept up from beneath him, crushing a small part of him.

His steps came to a halt.

“How long do you know him again?” he asked with his back facing her.

“And you wanna know why?” Meisa asked wryly.

Seunghyun nodded and walked out.

He has only one conclusion from today’s experiment.

He hates that Kim guy.

Pheww finally I managed to update!

Been so busy helping my friend with her new request site :)

Come and check out the site if you guys have time.

Yellow Bubbles Land

Yellow Bubbles Land Official AFF Thread

Anyway, how do you find the story? Like it? Hate it? Cheesy?

Let me know! ^^

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Herro New reader here! :))
Please update soon! Jjang ~.^
Swagggg #2
Update soon
I like your style and thr pairing if Meisa and Seunghyun :)
incanto #4
keep on updating. i'm beginning to love this story. and yeah, i definitely think meisa is one gorgeous woman!
hanmie7227 #5
you are bad!!! really bad!!!<br />
How could you....<br />
how could you....<br />
you got a very good writing skills!!!<br />
<br />
sorry, I've been focusing on my fic and it complete already. so, I'm on hiatus and stalking your fic now. *stalk stalk stalk*<br />
<br />
by the way, I love your stories. Reading half through * yes...yes...I know I ignored your update, you can kill me later after I finish reading your stories*<br />
Please update okay~<br />
<br />
Jovy05 #6
Ohhh, jaejoong really likes her. Why can't TOP just say who he is, is he trying to teach her something??? Be strong meisa, it's for your own good.
junhartmao #7
omg thankyou for updating I really want to root for csh but hes getting on my nerves plus I like kjj he is such a gentleman (^_^) thankyou again for updating !
melodymuse #8
Ah!! so, seunghyun is already in love with her. Poor Seunghyun, Hot seunghyun <3 hehe
melodymuse #9
ah!!! love it <3 TOP sounds so hot xD xD
junhartmao #10
feisty Meisa....arrogant TOP & MrSmooth Jaejoong<br />
LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT.............cannot wait for your next update !