*~How I Met Mr.Arrogant~*




No Min Woo

Age: 23

Job: Part Timer

Hobbies: Singing, Painting, and Resisting lines from his favorite dramas.

Min Woo is a outgoing poor boy with a pretty face.

He's a college student and works part time to live and pay his tuition.

His parents died when he just finished up high school.

Him being the only child he has to fend for himself.

His major is acting and pro art.

He's determine one day he will become the next big movie/drama star.

Until he meets someone that changes his whole life goal.





Hobbies: Working out, Party, and Reading comics.

Eric is a arrogant big movie/drama star that has everything anyone can ask for.

A big nice apartment that he owns.

A hot girlfriend.

With a rich family.

Understanding parents.

Amazing fans that support him all the way through anything and everything


A useful manger.

Everything is great in his life until he meets a young boy who changes the means of his life.


On a simple day like everyday after school to Min Woo he would go to work.

He happened to be a delivery boy for a small restaurant owner that didn't like him.

He's sent on a delivery as soon as he checks into work.

And was ordered to deliver it quickly because the customers wanted it hot.

He rushed out the door and onto his motor bike.

But after leaving he saw this old women getting mugged by some men and pulled over to stop them.

After helping the old women he realized it was pass the time of the delivery.

Arriving at the customer house the customer is the one and only Eric.

After getting into the argument with Eric.

Eric calls and demands for Min Woo to be fired.

After returning from the delivery Min Woo is fired.

Thus leaving him jobless until a friend from his class tells him about a job opening for a maid.

A maid.

Min Woo never thought of being a maid but the pay was really good so how could he refuse.

Arriving at the job interview Min Woo rings the bell and who opens the door shocks him to death.

It was the person who had him fired, the man who put him into this difficult spot, Eric!

Was the whole thing planned?

Will Min Woo get his revenge?

Or will something else take the place of their hatred for eachother?

Find Out!

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So I will try to work around it! Smh. Dang internet. XD


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Chapter 5: love it updata
Chapter 5: love it updata
kewanalynne #3
please update!!pretty please! the story was getting so good ^_^ they way you wrote the characters personalities was well written. Keep it coming. :D
kewanalynne #4
Chapter 5: love it! it is very well written and the plot is really good and seems that there is going to be great development between the characters. highly anticipating! Aja Fighting!
Chapter 5: That's the way to go. I like Min Woo! He is not shy. Eric will have to get used to him. Excellent! I like it! You did a great job. :D
The scene between Eric and Boom was well written. I like that Min Woo has confidence. This is the way to success. Well done! :D
Jinie is in it to? Wahh...i wasn't expecting this. It's great! I really like it. I don't like the girl with Eric but it's ok. I want them to meet again! Great job!:D