I do, if you do too


Suggested Music: Marry Me – Sung Hoon

"For the last part, you will have to answer seriously and honestly, one fan’s question," JiHyo stated.


“That doesn’t sound too bad,” Su mumbled.


“Don’t underestimate our fans, Su,” Chun replied.


“Do we get to pick the fan?” Jae had inquired.


“Yes, by all means feel free to do so,” the MC said.


“Hyungs, can I do the honor?” Min interjected out of the blue.


“Go for it,” Yun cheerfully agreed.


As expected, the maknae had picked out a pretty shy looking girl out of the crowd.


“Can we have your name?” JiHyo asked.


“It’s HyeRim,” the fangirl replied.


“Do you a question ready?” the MC said.


“I do,” the girl answered.

“Please say it now,” JiHyo prompted.


“Uhm.. If your partner at the moment were to get married, for example tomorrow, what would you want your role in his wedding to be?” the fan spoke straightforwardly.


“Whoa,” everyone was taken aback with the question.


“Thank you for that HyeRim-shii. Now boys, let us start first with Yoochun-shii,” the MC stated.


“For me, I would want to be Su’s pianist. The music in weddings makes up the atmosphere and I really want Su’s to be perfect,” Chun answered confidently.


Cassies agreed with an applause.


“How about you, Junsu-shii?” JiHyo turned to the other.


“I would want to be the wedding singer. I don’t have anything else to give them both so I’ll use my voice,” Su joked with an eu kyang kyang afterwards.


Chun mockingly glared at him and said, “we were supposed to answer seriously”.


“I am serious. About the last part, I apologize. I want to touch the wedding’s audience so it would be the best way to do so since I know that YooHwan will be his best man,”  Su tapped Chun on the back as he said it.


“Yeah.. you’re really considerate. I didn’t even think about that. But I guess Junho-hyung will be yours anyway so I made the right choice,” the other joked.


The audience laughed along with their antics. Until the end, YooSu were still teasing each other.


“Alright! Now for YunJae,” the MC spoke.


Cheers from their shippers resounded the hall.


“Yunho-shii, what role would you want to play in Jaejoong-shii’s wedding?” she continued.


Yun looked at Jae first before hesitantly speaking. The other had his head down.


“I..would..uhm.. want to be.. Jaejoongie’s.. best man,” he finally said.


At that, Jae looked at him with an incredulous look.


Was it hurt that Yun saw in the older’s face?


Their gazes remained locked and there was silence all over.


“Jaejoong-shii, how about you?” JiHyo decided to get their attention back.


Jae broke it and turned to look at the MC.


“I..” he began saying but felt like he was about to cry so he turned his back to face the backstage.


Yun saw this and was in shock. He was wondering why Jae was acting this way.


Before the tears in Jae’s eyes could drop to his cheeks, he ran out of the stage after muttering an apology.


Yun ran after him.


YooSu were also appalled but managed to divert everyone back to them.


“Yaaaah~ YunJae are really dramatic. Jae-hyung probably hasn’t thought of an answer yet so he stalled,” Chun wittily said.


“And Yun-hyung followed him to perfect the act. Very clever hyungs,” Su added.


The audience decided to play along with YooSu but they were not fully convinced.




Jae headed to the comfort room and stopped at a sink. He placed his hands on either side of the basin and kept his head down.


He couldn’t think at the moment. Everything was a blur. Did he really just run out of a fan meeting? Was he crying at the thought of YunHo marrying? Is it just because YunHo was to be wed or was it because it was with another person.. and not him?


“Is there something wrong with me?” he asked himself as he faced the mirror.


Yun barged in at that time, but Jae didn’t think he was ready to face the other at that time so he quickly locked himself inside a stall.


Yun saw it and banged on the stall’s door.


“Jaejoong-ah! Open up! Tell me what’s wrong? Are you sick? Are you feeling hurt?” Yun asked worriedly.


“Yes, I am. My heart hurts,” Jae answered.


“Open up and let’s talk about this,” Yun replied.


“I don’t think you can help right now, Yun-ah,” the elder replied.


“We’re best friends, Jae. I know you probably better than yourself,” Yun tried to comfort the other.


“Pssh. You talk big, Jung. Tell me why I’m like this then. Tell me why I felt pain at hearing you say that you want to be my best man?” Jae challenged.


“It’s normal. You don’t want to lose your friend to someone else. You’ve always been possessive and jealous, Jae,” the younger talked without thinking.


“Haha. Funny word. Friend. Is it really that? Do I really think of you as a friend?” Jae’s voice was now breaking.


His eyes started to well up again.


Yun had no answer to that.


“I kept on asking myself all sorts of questions, and now I understand. But to think that you will never know how it feels. I feel so stupid for ever acknowledging this,” Jae was trying hard to control his sobs.


“Don’t say that,” Yun mumbled. He had now slid down to the floor. He couldn’t believe his ears. Was Jae saying that.. it couldn’t possibly be.


“You don’t even want to hear it. Arasso, I will do my best to numb this feeling. It will be hard but with cooperation from you I guess I can do it. Distance yourself from me for a while, okay?” the other said with a tone of finality as he wiped his silent tears and got up to unlock the door.


Jae got out of the stall and was about to leave the comfort room when he was stopped by Yun.

The younger had hugged him from the back.

“What?” Jae said weakly. He really wouldn’t be able to take it if Yun would plead to him to go back to the way they were.

“Listen to me first before you leave,” Yun answered.

When Jae didn’t respond, Yun turned him around for them to face each other.

“Are you in love with me?” Yun asked Jae as he searched the other’s eyes for an answer.

Jae didn’t give him one and turned to look elsewhere.

The younger took that as a yes.

“Would you believe me if I told you I felt the same?” Yun said.

Jae looked back at him confused.

“I have since the time that you stayed over when I got poisoned. So don’t tell me that I do not know how it feels, Jae. You only just realized it but it has been years for me,” he continued.

“But you had a girlfriend then,” Jae stated.

“We broke up because of you. She said that I looked at you differently especially when you got injured during our Rising Sun promotions. I didn’t want to believe it at first that’s why we got awkward after Dangerous Love but I came to realize it too. I have just been suppressing it. That’s why I have become dependent and clingy to you,” Yun explained.

“Then why did you say you wanted to become my best man?” Jae wanted to know.

“I can’t really scream it to them how I feel and I wasn’t sure if it was mutual too. So I settled for that. I didn’t think you would..” Yun trailed off.

Jae laughed at that. He thought they looked ridiculous at the moment.

Yun suddenly hugged him again, but this time a proper one, from the front.

“If you were indeed to get married tomorrow, I would want to be your best man if you would have me. Best man meaning the best man for you, of course. Pabo,” Yun said chuckling.

“Are you proposing to me, Jung Yunho?” Jae hugged back.

“No,” the other then smiled.

“Aish,” Jae said.

Like on cue, ChunSuMin appeared.

“So that’s why they ran away,” Min said while shaking his head.

“Get a room people,” Su laughed.

“We already are,” YunJae said without breaking the hug.

“It’s good you finally made it clear to each other,” Chun winked.

“Group hug!” Su exclaimed pulling Chun as well.

Su and Chun squished the other two, who both groaned in return.

“Minnie, come join us,” Jae called out to their maknae.

“Oh, what the heck,” Min said as he enveloped the other four.

It was a happy day for all.

“We need to get back,” Su said first as they broke apart.

“What did you say to them?” Yun asked.

“We told them that we would come get you guys,” Min shrugged.

“So let’s go back. ChunSuMin, return!” Chun cheered as the other two followed.

YunJae walked back as well holding hands but once they were outside they let go. It was a silent mutual understanding to them both that they would keep it amongst the group.

“Whoa, what took you so long? I was seriously getting worried the two had a fight,” JiHyo said to them and the audience genuinely.

“It’s part of our surprise for the fans,” Chun said.

“Don’t think you are the only ones with a surprise today,” Jae said as he wagged his finger at Cassiopeia.

“So are you ready to answer now?” the MC inquired.

“Yes. I would want to be Yunho’s best man as well,” Jae said with a grin.

Yun laughed and the other three pretended to barf.

“And that concludes our show for today!” JiHyo ended.

The fangirls groaned in disappointment.

“But before we all leave, let us know the winning couple for this event. To put a twist, the members will be the ones to decide and we will go back to zero for the points. So it’s all or nothing,” she continued.

The crowd was enticed once again as they were not sure who would win.

“I bet it’s YunJae. They are like so effing real,” one girl mumbled.

“YooSu would vote for themselves, right?” another one whispered.

“Min would be a tie breaker then I guess,” her companion answered.

“The results are now in my hands,” the MC began.

“Whoa! With a unanimous vote from all five, the winner is..” she continued.

Drum roll was geting louder and louder.

“YUNJAE!” JiHyo happily announced.

“Gaaah I knew it,” a disappointed YooSu shipper said.

“I don’t really care as long as there is food for Min,” a MinFood shipper spoke.

Screams were heard all over mixed with groans.

Confetti began raining down on the stage as two sashes and bouquets were being brought up.

ChunSuMin were laughing like mad at the back as YunJae was asked to come to the front.

“Would you like to say a few words?” the MC laughing said.

It was either she found it hilarious or she was spazzing like crazy.

Since Yun was busy getting their awards, Jae decided to be the one to talk.

“Yeah..uhm.. thank you for everything today. I had fun and.. uhm.. continue to support the YunJae couple and Dong Bang Shin Ki. Also, if Yun and I don’t find suitable partners then we will marry each other,” Jae didn’t care anymore.

The screams intensified at his last statement, and it didn’t really help when Yun added, “I thought we already were?”.

Fangirls will be fangirls, but fanservice may not always be just fanservice.

Ke ke ke >:)


a/n: finally done! how was it? this was a long update :)) i hope you guys weren't disappointed. thank you for everyone who supported this fic. :)

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Chapter 6: whooaahh! i will wait for this kind of fm to happen! huhu, my beaten yunjae feels is still coming alive and kicking! #aktf
Chapter 6: The best fan meeting of all. I love it. Thanks for sharing ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 6: omggggg best fanmeeting ever huhuhu
Jung_Rin #4
Chapter 6: cute cute cute :3
Chapter 6: OMO!! So cute!! Hahaha! I wish it were longer!! Nice job! :D
jay_cassic #6
Chapter 6: Soooo cute *-*
if it'd just could be real…♥real…♥
beautifully written tho ;)
thinkinfire #7
this is really cute! :D
Chapter 6: OMG! OMG OMG!! I HOPE THIS HAPPENED IN REALITY. A couple fanmeet. sfsdjfdhj
Chapter 6: the secomd time read it,,
still amazing,,aigoo