The little things


Suggested Music: Perfect Two - Auburn

And so the day came. They were told it was at a stadium somewhere in Seoul.

In their van, on the way there, they asked for a copy of the program’s flow, but their manager just told them that it was a surprise so nobody knew except for the event organizers and the fans.

“I really have a bad feeling about this,” Jae mumbled as he was seated next to Yun.

“Are you sure hyung this is safe and not just a mob?” Yun was getting suspicious as well.

“Yes. The company agreed to it and I did too. I just want you to enjoy it and find out at the venue itself,” their manager answered with a knowing smirk.

“Gaaaaah. No use trying to get it out of hyung then,” Min said defeated.

“Relax guys. No need to be paranoid,” Chun said nonchalantly.

“Let’s just be alert then,” Su ended.

And then it was back to silence in the car till they reach the event’s place.

At the stadium..

“Everyone all set? The boys will be here any minute,” the PD had told the staff and the MC.

“Yes, everyone is on cue,” a technical staff member answered.

“I’ll go warm up the audience then,” the MC replied as well.

Everyone went to their places and waited.

As the audience was settling down..

“Good afternoon, everyone! I am JiHyo, your MC for today. Are you all excited?” the MC finally introduced herself signalling the start of the event.

“Yeah!” the crowd cheered.

“Well then, let’s chant the name of the reason why we are all here today, okay?” JiHyo continued in pumping up the atmosphere.

“Dong Bang Shin Ki! Dong Bang Shin Ki! Dong Bang Shin Ki!” shouts were heard all over as the boys entered the back of the stage.

As they went on stage the chant was muffled by inaudible screams.

“Hana, deul, set! Annyeong ha-saeyo~ Dong Bang Shin Ki-imnida!~” the boys said in unison.

Once they focused their attention to the fans before them, the boys couldn’t help but stare wide eyed.

The place was filled with banners and towels of YooSu, YunJae and.. MinFood.

They didn’t know how to react to it.

It was given at every fan meet that there were fans who would bring such things but it was the first time that all of the people had one or the other.

What caught their attention the most were the “Happy Anniversary, YunJae” tarpaulins.

And it hit Jae. It was June 10th in 2007 that he had proclaimed him and Yun to be getting married before that started this uproar. That was why he recognized the date from the poster.

As Jae was in shock and in denial of everything that was happening, Chun was dying of laughter, it still hadn’t sink in for Su, Min was utterly amused, and Yun was trying hard not to run away.

All five, to say the least, were horrified.

“Hi boys~ I think you are having an idea on what the idea for this event was,” JiHyo said chuckling.

They just nodded their heads in reply.

“Let’s start then! Today’s concept is ‘we are the best Dong Bang Couple!’” she then continued.

“From a survey on your daum cafe, we got the top two pairing that everyone loved. And the results are YooSu and YunJae. Since MinFood technically can’t be..uhm..considered we will assign Changmin-shii to be the moderator of the activities to be done for today,” she explained furthermore.

“Yes!” Min yelled as he went on to the chair labelled moderator with a plate of snacks on the table.

Chun was still hysterically laughing, while Su was feeling rather uncomfortable.

Jae looked at Yun and the other looked back with same expression. “We are screwed,” they both thought.

“The mechanics to this is to couple up and earn the highest points in total to avoid doing the punishment game. Would you like to say a few words to the other pair before we start?” JiHyo still enthusiastically MC-ed even with the look on the boys’ faces.

“Just so you know, YunJae, even though you may have majority of the support here, YooSu is still the cutest and most adorable couple in Dong Bang Shin Ki. We were the first pairing too,” Chun suddenly said as he went to grab the microphones that were being giving to them.

He had finally stopped laughing and was now even taunting. He left Jae’s side and went to Su’s right, creating a barrier between them four now.

“Su, say something. I have a plan. Just go with it for now,” Chun whispered to Su as Jae tried to gather his thoughts.

“Uh.. yeah! You act like best friends but in real life you are plain awkward!” Su was getting his composure back and playing along.

“Yah! Jaejoongie and I have been close since pre-debut! Su, you know that,” Yun joined in now and was even laughing. He figured if the other two weren’t making a big deal out of it then he shouldn’t too. It was just a game to please the fans.

“Tha-that’s right! You too just got together for business right?” Jae snapped back to reality and even went closer to Yun to emphasize that he was now in with it.

“We’ll see about that!” Chun finally said while sticking out his tongue.

“Alright! That’s more like it! So the first segment is.. ‘how well do you know each other?’. There will be eight questions. First four will be answered by Yun and Su, while the remaining will be by Jae and Chun,” the MC stated.

“So the answers are based on what we know about our partner, right?” Chun clarified as he was being seated across from Su and beside Jae.

“Yes, that’s correct. Please put your answers on the sketchpads given to you,” JiHyo replied with a smile.

When is his birthday?

S: June 4th. It just passed. 

Y: Feb 4th. It is near mine so I can’t forget.

What is his sleeping position?

S: Curled up hugging his pillow.

Y: On his belly.

What is his favourite season?

S: Autumn.

Y: Spring.

When was his first kiss?

S: In kindergarten.

Y: In middle school.

“Whoa so far we have a tie! Did you have any difficulty answering, Junsu-shii?” the MC asked.

“Not really. They are normally asked during guestings and interviews so we are used to it,” Su answered with confidence.

“How about you, Yunho-shii?” JiHyo asked.

“Well Jae is my best friend so technically I have to know all these,” Yun answered as he took a look at Jae and winked at him.

The crowd went wild with that, especially since Jae blushed.

 “You two are seriously too oblivious,” Chun muttered under his breath.

“You said something, Chun?” Jae asked the one beside him curiously.

“I said you two are so precious,” Chun replied smiling to himself.

“It’s the soulmate’s turn now!” the MC turned her attention to the other two.

“Please, I am Junsu’s for today, so we forget soulmates for now,” Chun said greasily as Su’s eu kyang kyang was heard from a distance, while Yun thought to himself why he can’t bring himself to say cheesy things to Jae without being embarrassed and turning red.

What is his blood type?

C: Passionate, B.

J: Like a leader, A.

What is his favourite color?

C: Blue and purple.

 J: Green. Black and white for clothes.

How many siblings does he have?

C: One twin brother.

J: One younger sister.

How many times has he been dumped?

C: Once.

J: Twice.

“Still a tie! You guys know a lot about each other,” JiHyo said as the game ended.

“Since it is two points each, both parties have 16 points at the moment. But before we continue, let’s have a 10-minute bathroom break,” she continued.

Min got up and went to his hyungs and said, “I am actually enjoying this. It’s like watching a variety show gone wrong”. His eyes mismatching as a he laughed while clapping his hands.

“Surprisingly, me too,” Chun laughed and gave a knowing look to Su.

“So far, so good,” Su replied.

“Are you alright now, Jae?” Yun turned his attention to the eldest.

“Yeah. It’s still bearable. I hope it continues this way. I was really touched you remembered all those by the way,” Jae answered with a slight smile.

“Being a forgetful leader happens only with trivial things,” the other returned the smile.

“We’re still here, hyungs,” Chun interrupted.

The two eldest were being lost in each other and were in their own world again.

They both broke their gazes and acted like nothing happened.

Min shook his head and Su sighed to Chun.

A few minutes later..

“And so we are back! Are you guys ready for part two?” JiHyo boomed reenergized.

“Bring it on,” Su shouted.

"You have no idea," the fans thought as they cheered.

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Chapter 6: whooaahh! i will wait for this kind of fm to happen! huhu, my beaten yunjae feels is still coming alive and kicking! #aktf
Chapter 6: The best fan meeting of all. I love it. Thanks for sharing ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 6: omggggg best fanmeeting ever huhuhu
Jung_Rin #4
Chapter 6: cute cute cute :3
Chapter 6: OMO!! So cute!! Hahaha! I wish it were longer!! Nice job! :D
jay_cassic #6
Chapter 6: Soooo cute *-*
if it'd just could be real…♥real…♥
beautifully written tho ;)
thinkinfire #7
this is really cute! :D
Chapter 6: OMG! OMG OMG!! I HOPE THIS HAPPENED IN REALITY. A couple fanmeet. sfsdjfdhj
Chapter 6: the secomd time read it,,
still amazing,,aigoo