Music and Lyrics


Suggested Music: Way Back Into Love - Haley Bennett and Hugh Grant

“We are finally half way through! This is our third out of five games,” JiHyo enthusiastically reported.

Claps and cheers were heard all over.

“I dunno if I should be thankful or what,” Su mumbled.

“You should be thankful it’s me you’re doing this with,” Chun interjected with a teasing smile.

“True. If it was YunHo-hyung, he would be uncomfortable to do such things. If it was Jaejoong-hyung, he would be too comfortable to do such things,” Su sighed.

“To you.. But do you see them both?” Chun pointed out as he motioned his lips to the other couple sitting across them.

It was so obvious that they were feeling rather awkward towards each other now. No one was looking at the other and they were too conscious of themselves.

Chun tried hard not to laugh at the sight. It was so ironic for them to be naïve to their feelings since Jae was the oldest and Yun was the leader for crying out loud. They were supposed to be the most sensitive to the members’ feelings and most mature on how to handle them.

“But I guess in love, even the wise become dumb,” Chun mumbled then chuckled as he shook his head.

“At least their love is still pure on romance,” Su thought to himself in the meantime.

“I think I’m going to throw up. Seriously. What is this that our fans our doing?” was on Min’s mind.

 “Changmin-shii, you look a little queasy. Are you feeling alright?” the MC had caught a glimpse at the maknae and saw his state.

“I..ugh..I think I ate too much out of nerv-..I mean excitement for the games,” Min faked a laugh.

“We’ll ask for some water from the staff for you then. However, let us continue now,” JiHyo smiled at Min then continued MC-ing.

“So the mechanics for this one is each one of them is going to select a song to dedicate to their partner, then they will choose a line or part of the song that most describes how they feel towards the other and explain why, and finally they will have to serenade the other with it. Is everything clear?” she asked the boys and the audience.

All four nodded and the audience shouted their agreement.

“The pointing system for this will be 1st to 4th place with the fans selecting the rankings. 1st having 25 points, then as we go lower we minus 5 points. The combined total of the pair will be their final score for this part,” JiHyo ended.

“Will we be singing it in acapella?” Jae asked her.

“You can if you wish so or if the music staff don’t have your song of choice,” she answered.

“Okay,” Yun was the one who spoke up this time.

“Let’s decide through rock paper scissors on the order,” the MC proposed.

The boys played and the order were as follows: 1st Yoochun, 2nd Junsu, 3rd Yunho and 4th Jaejoong.

“Whoo! I will set the standards so you guys better take this seriously,” Chun taunted the other three.

“I want Su to sit and then I will sing around him,” he continued laughing.

“Yah! Behave yourself, okay!” Su teased back.

“Yoochun-shii, please start,” JiHyo cued him.

“Yes, so uhm.. the song I have chosen for our angel Su right here..” Chun started saying but stopped when his partner did his signature aegyo.

“Yah, su don’t push it. As I was saying, I have chosen to sing this is in acapella. It’s from the OST of Dream High 2 sung by JB and Jiyeon called Together,” he continued.

“Ooh~” the crowd responded.

“I’m not saying this just to please the fans but I really think of Su when I hear the chorus part of it. That is how I really feel when I am with him,” Chun ended.

“Therefore, let us hear your song. Everyone, let’s clap for Yoochun-shii’s rendition of Together,” JiHyo introduced.

Chun took Su’s hand as he started to sing and was singing in a squatted position in front of the other.

And then the chorus came.

When we're together when we're together

Everything becomes alright, painful memories disappear

When we're together when we're together

I get happy again, without knowing, I put on a smile

Everyone in the room was entranced and couldn’t help but smile at the cheesiness and sincerity of the words in the song.

Chun really did live up to his reputation of being the most romantic among them.

Applause was then heard afterwards.

“Whoa~ A total Casanova don’t you guys think? Making even Junsu-shii’s heart flutter,” the MC joked but everyone couldn’t help but agree.

“I will make you week on your knees, Park Yoochun,” Su warned his partner as they changed positions.

“Make sure to do so,” Chun teased as he stuck out his tongue looking up at Su standing in front of him.

“Your turn, Junsu-shii,” JiHyo prompted.

“I will sing the song first then I will explain,” Su winked at Chun who just scoffed.

“Look at him trying to be cool,” Chun pointed at Su to no one in particular.

Su cued the music director and the music started.

It was their song, You Only Love.

Su sang beside Chun but when the came, he pointed to Chun and sang even harder to indicate that it was the part that was for the other.

Love that is only a short moment of happiness, approaches more greatly(Just only everyday)

This frustration makes it more difficult (Just only wonder my everything)

This frustration that is so familiar, the many days I have held you cried.

In Your Eyes

When it was done, everyone was clutching at their chest. Su had the power to move even the hardest of hearts with his voice.

Even Chun had lost his playful aura which turned into a flattered one.

“As expected of Junsu-shii, moving even the mountains with his powerful vocals,” JiHyo complimented.

“Thank you,” Su smiled and nodded his head in humility.

 “So, please explain now that you are done,” she asked.

“Well I really like those parts of our song that are sung by Jae-hyung and I. For me, it describes how close I am with Yoochun-ah. He is someone who loves so dearly and so every time ever since our debut that he was heartbroken, I would always be there holding him although I was frustrated at not being able to do anything to make him feel better,” Su stated almost teary-eyed.

With that, Chun smiled and patted the other on the back.

“Thank you,” Chun said and hugged Su.

The YooSu shippers screamed with delight, while the rest was just there admiring their brotherly love while saying, “aaaaw~”.

“This is going to be tough girls. Well we have a pair left. Let’s cheer them on, shall we?” the MC suggested.

“YunJae hwaiting!” and “YunJae, saranghae~” echoed all around.

“Yah~ I am getting pressured,  Joongie,” Yun said into the mic and looked at Jae lovingly who was making his way to the seat Chun emptied.

“Yunho fighting!” Jae cheered and smiled in return as he settled down.

“I want you all to listen to the part that says

for being hugged and being able to let the tears flow when it's tough

when I sing my song for BooJae right here, alright?” Yun smirked to the audience.

“I am really fortunate and thankful for having him in my life. I know that he sees me as being clingy for hugging him too much these days, but I’m happy he doesn’t push me away. For all the times that I have suffered for trying hard not to shed tears, Jae would always be there no matter what,” he continued.

 As he kneeled down to look at the other straight in the eyes, he ended with, “anyone would be lucky to have you”.

And then he got up and sang Lee Juk’s I’m fortunate with all his heart that outshone the music.

After his song, everyone was either silent or sighing contently. Everything about the performance was so heartfelt.

Even Jae was grinning goofily from ear to ear.

Finally, the last stage was for Jae to sing to Yun.

“I dedicate this song to my bestfriend, Yunho. I want you to listen to every word and to do that I want you to hear my voice clearly so I will sing this in acapella,” Jae started as he addressed Cassiopeia.

“I really don’t want to pick a part but I would have to say my favorite would be the chorus. Everyone, this is Wasurenaide,” he introduced the song himself as the MC gave way for him to do so.

The place turned into a concert with everyone waving their hands along with the lyrics and melody.

The red ocean sang along  silently for Jae’s voice to shine through. Even JiHyo, Yoosu and Yun were doing the same.

I'll become the wind and wrap gently around you.

Right now, i want to fly with a world with you in it.

Even thought i want to see you so much. I miss you.

I'm waiting for you.

Don't forget me.

Screams were heard all over the place alongside a loud clap of hands as Jae finished.

“Why did you choose the song and the chorus, Jaejoong-shii?” JiHyo inquired.

“I want to protect Yunnie’s eternal happiness and I believe that by being the wind, wherever he goes, I could be there to comfort him. If we can stay as we are now forever then I would ask for nothing more,” Jae ended with a sincere smile at the other.

“They really make me wish for a love like theirs,” a girl from the front row said mindlessly to her friend.

Apparently,  Jae had heard it. He took a look at Yun who was gazing at him as the younger interlaced their fingers together.

They both broke it, then went back to their seats.

“Now, everyone please start voting with your claps and screams as I say their names,” JiHyo reminded.

The results came out to be: 1st Jaejoong, 2nd Junsu, 3rd Yoochun and 4th Yunho.

The total was now:

YunJae – 26+ 25 + 10 = 61

YooSu – 21 + 20 + 15 = 56

“YunJae is still leading the game! But there is still time for YooSu to turn it all!” she exclaimed.

“We will have another 10-minute break before we head on to the last two parts of our program. Please remain seated until the snacks to be handed out reach you,” she ended.

All five stood up and went to converse with each other once again.

“Hyungs, I was really touched. I thought you guys would fool around, but who knew you would take this thing seriously?” Min chimed in happily.

“I am actually starting to like this,” Su replied.

“Told you it wasn’t that bad,” Chun nudged his partner.

“Thank you.. for the song,” Jae turned to look at Yun.

“Same here,” the other replied with a soft upward curve of his lips.

YooSu and Min were staring at YunJae while smiling sheepishly.

“When will they ever notice?” a fangirl whispered to her sister.

“Hopefully before this event ends,” the other replied sipping on her drink.

“I swear they are the epitome of the phrase ‘I get lost in your eyes’” another cassie said to her group of friends as they all giggly munched on their free cupcakes. 


A/N: Advance Happy YunJae Anniversary :3

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Chapter 6: whooaahh! i will wait for this kind of fm to happen! huhu, my beaten yunjae feels is still coming alive and kicking! #aktf
Chapter 6: The best fan meeting of all. I love it. Thanks for sharing ❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 6: omggggg best fanmeeting ever huhuhu
Jung_Rin #4
Chapter 6: cute cute cute :3
Chapter 6: OMO!! So cute!! Hahaha! I wish it were longer!! Nice job! :D
jay_cassic #6
Chapter 6: Soooo cute *-*
if it'd just could be real…♥real…♥
beautifully written tho ;)
thinkinfire #7
this is really cute! :D
Chapter 6: OMG! OMG OMG!! I HOPE THIS HAPPENED IN REALITY. A couple fanmeet. sfsdjfdhj
Chapter 6: the secomd time read it,,
still amazing,,aigoo