
Apologies From A Sincere Heart

Kyungsoo kept his promise. He forgot all about EXO and focus more on his career.

Its wasnt until his second comeback that things went wrong.

Kyungsoo was watching a video of himself when he saw comments that broke his heart.

Didnt you know he was in EXO?

Really? Wonder why he left.

Doesnt matter. He wouldve slowed them down.

"Even the fans knew it" Kyungsoo thought reading comments similar to it.


Kyungsoo brushed of the comments but the pain it caused was still there. It didnt help either when he had to perform on the same stage as them. It was their opening for SM Town when it escelated fast.

"WE ARE ONE" They screamed. Kyungsoo was next after them.

"Kyungsoo Imi~" His intro was cut of when a bag was thrown at him.

"Get off the stage. ing Poser" A female fan screamed. She was wearing all EXO merchandise and had a "Kyungsoo=Poser" Shirt on. He looked on the ground and saw pictures of him before he went solo. It had writings all over it  saying "ing " "Talentless " "Waste of Space".

Other fans joined her and threw other things at Kyungsoo. He did nothing but stand there. Security stopped the fans and threw them ut of the area. The artist were all taken backstage to recover from the assult.

"What the hell was that?" Kyuhyun asked their manager when they all got backstage.

"Apperently they dont like the fact Kyungsoo left EXO." Kyungsoo's manager explained.

"But he had no choice but to leave." Kyuhyun screamed heading for Kyungsoo's dressing room. He found Kyungsoo staring at himself in the mirror thinking. He had food and other stuff covering him from the items thrown.

"Soo-ah, you ok?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Oh yeah. Im fine" Kyungsoo said with a fake smile.

"Kyungsoo you dont need to force yourself." Kyuhyun said pulling the boy into a hug. "What happened wasnt your fault"

Just then someone crashed open the door. "Kyungsoo hyung, are you ok?" It was Kai. The rest of EXO was behind him.

"Oh yeah. Im fine Kai-shii" Kyungsoo said bowing.

"Hyung, your bleeding" Sehun said.

Kyungsoo reached up and wiped his cheek and saw Sehun was right. "Oh, well Id like to change. Can you please leave?"  Kyungsoo asked pushing out everyone from his dressing room.

Kyuhyun let a sigh out when they were pushed out. Kyuhyun left to go to the rest of Super Junior while the rest of went to their rooms.

"This shouldnt be happening to him" Kai said.

"Well we cant do anything now" Kris said taking all the members to their rooms.


It took about five minutes to get everything fixed. Everyone was ready to go on stage when one of the managers came to the area looking scared.

"Has anyone seen Kyungsoo?"

Kai and Kyuhyun rushed to Kyungsoo dressing room. The boy was nowhere in sight. Kai saw a peice of paper saw a peice of paper on the chair Kyungsoo was in. He examined it and started running. Kyuhyun looked confused until he saw the letter.

If your reading this then I should probably be dead.

I know I wasnt worth being an idol

I insisted of being something im not

And now i know what I should do to fix it

Sorry to everyone I caused to worry

You dont have to worry about me anymore



"Get to him Kai" Kyuhyun thought.


Well that was the update. Ill probably just make two more chapters. Thanks for reading hoped you enjoyed.


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Ireadeveryday #1
Chapter 12: I cried
Bigaaples #2
Chapter 12: The happy ending <33 they ended up together forever awh!
Mistycal #3
Chapter 12: WHAT. THE.

I mean stories don't always have a happy ending ofcourse, but that was just dark.
This story was indeed angsty, writer you did a good job!
Mistycal #4
Chapter 11: Oh my goddddddd.... This just , that's why haters should learn to back off and let people rest.
Chapter 12: ... what the actual
LoveBigBang4life #6
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: I DID NOT EXPECT THAT! im a crying mess
Chapter 12: When life isnt actually a fairytale T^T
Chapter 12: Oh my god. This was too sad and cruel. Damn
Chapter 12: I'M CRYING SO HARD