Time turned...

Time Only Chose You


I finally got to my classroom for history class and plomped my bag on the table and quickly and energylessly plomped onto my chair and let out a sigh.

Come to think of it, my heart had beated furiously for a while now. Since I'd met that homeless stranger. I put my hand close to my heart, something I felt sort of silly doing, since this is the first time feeling this way or putting my hand onto my chest to feel my heartbeat. I could feel it beating hard and fast, I felt my blood quickly coursing through the hand feeling my chest, and slowly I closed my eyes, just listening to my heart, feeling the blood coursing around my body, that sound, I hadn't heard for the longest time. Exhiliration.


My heart was about to burst, it felt great. Until the loud voices of familiar owners stretched out into my ears, I quickly opened my eyes and removed my hand from my chest, it was my friends Baekhyun and Luhan. I immediately put on my happy go lucky without fail Chanyeol smile, but huh? For some reason, it didn't feel right? My facial muscles froze and my cheeks felt tingly, all I could do was stare at my friend's expectant smiling faces. My whole body froze, I couldn't move my face. I stared alarming to my friends for a second until their expressions changed to an alarmed and worried expression is when I finally snapped out of it, and quickly greeted them, after a pause I finally cracked a smile. Their expressions eased up and greeted me back and quickly sat down and discussed their weekend and who they hooked up with etc.


The whole time I tried practicing to smile, I was getting worried, this is the first time this has ever happened and it couldn't be that 21 years of practicing this smile, I've lost all of it. This can't happen. Squeezing a 'oh really?' now and then when my friends talked to me was the best I could do the whole time. I was just waiting for the lecturer to finally come in and teach and get this over with so I can get out of here. Leaving class before class even starting would be quite suspicious and Baekhyun will start questioning whether I'm okay or not, that is something I definitely don't want to happen.



Classes finally ended and I quickly packed my stuff right after I let out a huge sigh because right now I am inexplicably exhausted of the constant chatter of my friends and the same old boring lectures. Before I could excuse myself, Luhan's hand grabbing my arm alerted me back to reality, 'Where are you going so soon? Come hang with us for a while longer, we don't have anymore classes for the day!' Luhan showing me his dimpled smile.


I hesitated, thinking of an excuse but I had absolutely nothing. And if I did try to make up a lie, they'd see right through it and they'd be suspicious. I quietly gave in and cracked a defeated smile and agreed. We ate, went to karaoke, and then later drank at a club. I sipped my alcoholic beverage and watched my friends trying to chat up some pretty girls while I just chuckled at their silliness as they were trying to impress them with their singing over the insanely loud club music.


I took another sip and all of a sudden a sweet and intoxicating smell protruded my nostrils, ah another glammed up girl wanting me to take her home. This wasn't the first time a girl was trying to get my attention, and certainly not the first time I would be taking a girl back to my place. I looked at her without leaving my lips from the glass and slightly smirked through it.


I knew exactly what she wanted. Her carefully eyelined eyes showed me that she was definitely into me. I decided to go along with it, feigning being oblivious to the constant brushing of her hand across my thigh and her going a little too close to my ear to whisper something. I didn't mind temporary intimacy, in fact I liked it. If just for a moment we can know eachother for a while, was what I liked best about these. And when I knew it was the time to take her home, I grabbed her hand and directed us to the exit until my chest was stopped, and was roughly pushed, due to impact I whammed into the girl which she left a high pitch screech.


I regained my composure to see the owner of the strong hand and he was pissed, his eyes narrowed at me whilst his friends gathered around. 'Hands off my girl you little twinky' the man who was not that much taller than me who was griping his fists. I looked up and down, and I realised, 'Oh, is this girl I'm taking home tonight... your girl?' I said indifferently.


He seemed to look even angrier after I said this, he fumed like a red tomato, I tried hard not to laugh right there. With all my might for that matter. I let go of her hand and led her towards with him which she easily complied to, she's probably have been cheating on him all along and had finally gotten caught considering her facial expression. I looked back at him and said 'Sorry man, that was my bad. I didn't think she was with anyone' and was about to make my way to the exit, because frankly, this had killed my mood completely. 'Oh no you don't' the man quickly grabbed me, and pulled me towards the alleyway.


He punched me straight in the gut, winding me. I cup my gut for a second, before the next blow came into contact with my face, his buddies joined in straight after, before I knew it, I was on the floor shielding my head and face, I just waited for it to end, until they got tired of it, before I was completely ruined.


They finally stopped, me sort of losing consciousness in and out, I woke up and they had already disappeared. I scooched with the limbs that aren't hurting too badly and leaned my back on the wall for a second to recollect my consciousness to get up and walk back to my place. It'll take about 30 mins to get around my area and hopefully I don't slip out of consciousness so.. 45 mins of walking hopefully not passing out on the way. Okay! I looked for my phone, then let out a hiss, they must've stolen my phone as well.


Well then, I got to do this solo then, as I limped my way home. To be quite honest, I didn't mind the pain, I'm feeling something, everything. And I really didn't hate those guys for beating the living crap out of me, though it was sort of that girl's fault but that doesn't matter anymore. I held my arm and peered through the unnaturally narrow road to where my home is because of the limitation of my swollen eye. I finally got to the intersection, and through my limited sight, I could vaguely see a couple walking across the intersection on the opposite side.


I slowly limped and all of a sudden my good knee gave out and my head brushed against the girl, she let out a surprised screech and her boyfriend quickly pushed my body aside, leading me straight to the hard ground, not even getting completely across either. Luckily it was late, so no cars went around this area anymore.


I somehow flipped my body and my only one good eye looked at the beautiful night sky, it was magnificent. I don't think the night sky was ever this beautiful in my entire life. Maybe this is where I'll die. Surrounded my darkness with only one intruding street light drooping over me. I let out a deep breath, looking at the pretty smoke that came out, it's even prettier when you look at the night sky accompanying with the pretty smoke dispersing and joining everything around me. My eyes started to grow tired, peace. Serenity. This is an okay way to die, I thought. I slowly closed my eyes, and I can vaguely see a shadowed figure, reaching out to me...


This was a long chapter wasn't it? :P I hope it's not boring you tbh.. LOL

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Moonlit-Star_Shine #1
Oh, man, I'm scared to read this but I really want to! It's just that it seems like this fic is abandoned? I don't know if you'll continue this or not, and it's unlikely you will after such a long time, but I hope you will for the sake of all the readers who want to finish this, in my case, starting it. I'm really intrigued just from the summary!
This story is very intriguing, somehow special too. I love the tension between Channie and Kris. I hope there will be ?
Chapter 7: I don't know what to say. I always feel as if I'm am watching a moive or reading a classic enchantment like The Secret Garden. Idk how to explain it, but I love it.

My comment is so short compared to the othere I've written, but I really can't say enough how I love the descriptive detail of this story. It just (sighs) warms my heart. Like a great book you read on a cold winter night rolled up in the thickest of blankets with a hot cup of cocoa ...lol.
Chapter 7: Yay you finally updated ! :D I can't even describe my love for this story . Your writing style is wonderful . I'm curious about Kris' background and what this place means to him . The villagers are weird though . But I guess if there was a newcomer they would be like that . Overall this story is perfect - and so are you eheh . Looking forward to the next chapter . Update whenever possible , we'll be waiting patiently :)
Chapter 4: Author-nim where are you? ::>_<:: I miss your story so much. Please come back soon.
Chapter 6: Happy dancing.....yeah you better not be dead...lol. Reading his leg twitching made my day. Yes it did.

Anywho.....yeah I think the only differences the stepfather being alive made...is that Yeol doesn't have to go on the run from the law. But I think Yeol would have left either way. He just doesn't enjoy the life he has as of now. And of course we can see that he feels something special with Kris who has nothing but something....something Chanyeol wants for himself. So yeah that's that. Kind of sad isn't it...not even his friends could bring him a small sard of happiness. Ah poor Yeolie baby. There's an upside and downside to this I feel though. With just the way Yeolie is.
Idk I'm talking mumbo jumbo.

I have nothing more to say.but that I'm happy that, that Uber jerk of a stepfather isn't dead. Some one call the the EMTs so he go to the hospital.
Chapter 6: Why dont you just kill that damn oldman for good or least let him be there paralized till Krisyeol are out of his reach!!! my poor heart<3
update soonn..
Chapter 5: oh yes and the way you tangled the Alice and Wonderland to your story was eerily spin tingling and amazing. I loved it. Everytime Chanyeol would speak about his step father the mask that Shakespeare mask with the smile would pop into my head. Oh scary..lol
Chapter 5: He is dead...like not breathing dead? like heart not beating dead? Like Kris and Chanyeol need and alibi dead? Oh my freaking gosh. OTTOKE????? I would sing Ding Dong the witch is dead...but this isn't the time huh?....lol. Freak what are they going to do. *Rolls to sides sadly hugging pillow. Will they go to jail...ugh Kris can't speak and Yeolie he is to pretty...not good. Mister step father you need not to be dead. Krisyeol just found each other. Your messing up everything if your dead..you know that right..
.so wake up..Arasso! T.T

Anywho so Kris you came to save Yeolie. Hey how did you know where he lived? T.T Whatever it doesn't matter you came to the rescue tho.

The fight scene was really going at it huh. Yeah it was dramatic and exciting and the ending really left some great suspense. I need to know if he's like really dead or not... he better not be T.T...lol. Someone tell the cops he slipped and fall....that usually works right.....
Chapter 5: omg wut just happened? O: omgosh whats going to happen to them in the future? they killed someone O: oh my goodness. whats kris doing at chanyeol's place anyways? & oh poor bb chanyeol ):