My Little Rabbit

Time Only Chose You


White Rabbit (Alice In Wonderland)

-lives his life around his watch

-"I'm sure his voice should quaver, and his knees quiver" - Steve Caroll


I looked at him, trying to spout and create words, my mind was in a mess. My ears were ringing. Ringing. Distorting my vision. Distorting my mind. Bringing back memories. No. No.


I heaved, when it hitches when that man spat his first words I've heard in more than 3 months. 'How.....' he worded.

'How is my most favourite rabbit?' he all too amusingly rhetorically questioned. He knew. He knew exactly what he was doing to me. My knees shaked. I gasped. Gasped for air. Where is all the oxygen in my body. Why is it completely and uselessly escaping me. No don't let this man have his way.


'I've missed you so much. My little rabbit. Will you spare some time for me? We can talk.' He said in a tempting tone in a way where if a bystander were here, it would seem like he was a kind father. He took my keys forcefully pushing into the now opened door before I'm about to be dragged in. Suffering.


I try to breathe, but all my breaths come as disturbed hitches.

My defensive mechanism suddenly kicks in and I open my eyes

'NO!' I yelled as I tried pulling my fragile wrist, I put up a fight with all my might, but his strength overcame my efforts. 'Ahh... ahh..' I heaved all too noisily for my ringing ears. He further tightens my arm with brute force which made me let out a hiss unconsciously. There's nowhere I can hide. Not even in my imagination. I can't block this out.

I can't escape. I'm over. All this that I've built up. Shattered.


He pulls my arm about to force his way into my sanctuary which would no longer be, he shall spread his putrid and hideous scent, claiming it as his own. I looked at him with sheer fear in my eyes before I had given up. There's nowhere I can run now. I can't shake his firm hand from mine. Everything's over...


Almost passing out and letting him have way with me. The perpetrator let out a strained yelp. I quickly open my eyes, hazy from tears welling up in my sockets. His slightly wrinkled face stressed in pain. His other arm was twisted behind his back by another man whose blonde hair shone not too subtly behind him.


I stared doe eyed as my arm is finally but hesitatingly released from the grasp of his over familiar hand. I watched on in horror as my saviour tightens his hold on my step father's twisted arm.

He tries to counter Kris' hold and use his beastly strength to release his arm, which was on par with an elephant. So what I've thought since I first met him, and finally when he finally released himself from my saviour's grasp. He quickly faced Kris from the evil man leering with his hatred filled eyes ready to attack.

I quickly go towards my saviour to somehow block any lethal blows from my nightmare embodiment of a man where then a strong and hard blow reached my left side ribcage and as I almost falter to the ground, I grab the railing beside Kris while I cup my side and concentrate not passing out.

With just this blow I'm already contemplating passing out right then and there. How pathetic. Was it maybe because I just got beaten up just the other day or was it due to my intense fear of the owner of that fist? I'd like to think it was bit of both, but mostly from the injuries from 2 days ago.. But even I know it wasn't because of that.


I tried calming my breathing pace before the owner of the violent fist spout profanities which I couldn't quite understand due to the overpowering beatsings in my ears, but what I know judging by his harsh and belligerent voice and tone, was that he was crying of my uselessness of existence and how everything was all my fault. I'm used to it though. But the fact that 'he' is here listening to this made me feel deep disappointment in myself for some strange reason.


I looked downwards in shame, him seeing this, without a word he moved in the speed of light towards the older man and grabbed his collar and continued to drag him down the stairs while I simply alertedly followed whilst unfocusedly staring at my step father's useless thrashing.


As we made it to the ground, the blonde haired man finally let him go and accordingly pushed him away slightly due to his insistent intolerance to Kris' manhandling.


The quiet man bore deadly holes into the older man, telling him to get lost with just one look.


I stood behind him, sharing half of my body on my saviour's, though I'm not quite sure why. Whether it was because that evil man thought that he owned me in entirety and therefore acting like a child who has lost its most favourite plaything or because he was “manhandled” by a stranger whom I am standing behind for refuge or merely because of both, because it's kind of like a double whammy in that sense, having its plaything taken away and also crushing their manly dignity. Who knows..?


But all I knew at this time, was that he was pissed. And when he's pissed, the person in his red eyes cannot escape him. Not ever.


I had no idea what to do. Should I tell him to run away while I become the sacrificial lamb? Because this can't go on for too long and also at this point, I won't be able to escape, so atleast him....

I slightly go closer to the blonde haired covered ear to desperately urge him to run. But before I can, it is too late.


My step father is already lunging at the man protecting me and before I knew it a palm to my chest blew me backwards where I unexpectedly fell whilst still watching the now scuffle to happen.


My breathing became hoarse as I try to yell to stop. But it didn't reach them. Nor did it even reach me. All I heard was the violent ruffling of clothes and yelling on my step father's part. Shouting. Shouting profanities directed straight at my saviour. Where he said nothing but tried to defend himself from the other's violent punches, all I heard was the sound of violence, hatred and fear.


I slowly and lifelessly crawled to my step father's foot and grasped it before he was planning on kicking the other, I clung for dear life for him to stop. Please stop. Please stop. Stop. STOP!! I yelled before he faltered for one second where then Kris found the opportunity to punch him square in the face and in turn me releasing his leg making him stumble backwards violently and before I knew it he tripped backwards and fell towards the thick and rusty light post right behind us.


I watched on speechlessly my mind was hazy trying to register what just happened until my eyes grew wide and before I could say anything my throat choked up and I could not take my eyes away from his drooped form.


Blood. Blood everywhere. His eyeballs rolled back into his skull. Blood. Blood everywhere. His face quickly became deathly pale. There was silence. Death. Blackness.


My eyes fixated in horror never ripping my sight away from his increasingly pale and blood stained face until I lost my clear vision due to the fast accumulating tears welling up in my eyes.


I felt anxiety build up to my stomach working up to my heart up to my throat. Before I had flashbacks of the said man in front of me choking me when I was 15. No matter how much I yelled how much I cried to stop. He wouldn't stop. Until I told him what he wanted to hear.


I killed him.


The man who haunts my sleeping form and my waking life. Was I free? I thought. No. No that isn't right at all. This man is going to appear in my dreams even more often for the rest of my life.


I won't be able to live anymore until one day I will also kill myself...


Sorry this was slightly short??? But i promise for a longer chapter next ;);)

Thank you all for your comments!!! SERIOUSLYYY MUCH APPRECIATEDD! And also constructive criticism is VERY welcome :) 

What will happen after this for poor yeollie? What will he do??!!

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Moonlit-Star_Shine #1
Oh, man, I'm scared to read this but I really want to! It's just that it seems like this fic is abandoned? I don't know if you'll continue this or not, and it's unlikely you will after such a long time, but I hope you will for the sake of all the readers who want to finish this, in my case, starting it. I'm really intrigued just from the summary!
This story is very intriguing, somehow special too. I love the tension between Channie and Kris. I hope there will be ?
Chapter 7: I don't know what to say. I always feel as if I'm am watching a moive or reading a classic enchantment like The Secret Garden. Idk how to explain it, but I love it.

My comment is so short compared to the othere I've written, but I really can't say enough how I love the descriptive detail of this story. It just (sighs) warms my heart. Like a great book you read on a cold winter night rolled up in the thickest of blankets with a hot cup of cocoa
Chapter 7: Yay you finally updated ! :D I can't even describe my love for this story . Your writing style is wonderful . I'm curious about Kris' background and what this place means to him . The villagers are weird though . But I guess if there was a newcomer they would be like that . Overall this story is perfect - and so are you eheh . Looking forward to the next chapter . Update whenever possible , we'll be waiting patiently :)
Chapter 4: Author-nim where are you? ::>_<:: I miss your story so much. Please come back soon.
Chapter 6: Happy dancing.....yeah you better not be Reading his leg twitching made my day. Yes it did.

Anywho.....yeah I think the only differences the stepfather being alive that Yeol doesn't have to go on the run from the law. But I think Yeol would have left either way. He just doesn't enjoy the life he has as of now. And of course we can see that he feels something special with Kris who has nothing but something....something Chanyeol wants for himself. So yeah that's that. Kind of sad isn't it...not even his friends could bring him a small sard of happiness. Ah poor Yeolie baby. There's an upside and downside to this I feel though. With just the way Yeolie is.
Idk I'm talking mumbo jumbo.

I have nothing more to say.but that I'm happy that, that Uber jerk of a stepfather isn't dead. Some one call the the EMTs so he go to the hospital.
Chapter 6: Why dont you just kill that damn oldman for good or least let him be there paralized till Krisyeol are out of his reach!!! my poor heart<3
update soonn..
Chapter 5: oh yes and the way you tangled the Alice and Wonderland to your story was eerily spin tingling and amazing. I loved it. Everytime Chanyeol would speak about his step father the mask that Shakespeare mask with the smile would pop into my head. Oh
Chapter 5: He is not breathing dead? like heart not beating dead? Like Kris and Chanyeol need and alibi dead? Oh my freaking gosh. OTTOKE????? I would sing Ding Dong the witch is dead...but this isn't the time huh? Freak what are they going to do. *Rolls to sides sadly hugging pillow. Will they go to jail...ugh Kris can't speak and Yeolie he is to pretty...not good. Mister step father you need not to be dead. Krisyeol just found each other. Your messing up everything if your know that right..
.so wake up..Arasso! T.T

Anywho so Kris you came to save Yeolie. Hey how did you know where he lived? T.T Whatever it doesn't matter you came to the rescue tho.

The fight scene was really going at it huh. Yeah it was dramatic and exciting and the ending really left some great suspense. I need to know if he's like really dead or not... he better not be Someone tell the cops he slipped and fall....that usually works right.....
Chapter 5: omg wut just happened? O: omgosh whats going to happen to them in the future? they killed someone O: oh my goodness. whats kris doing at chanyeol's place anyways? & oh poor bb chanyeol ):