That's when I knew...

Time Only Chose You


Due to the velocity and power in Kris' punch, it hit straight with a massive amount of force, I could see that as bright as day and with that man tripping backwards helped by creating even more force on his body to hit his head on the light post judging by all that blood, I'm sure of it. He is dead.


'Ahh... Ahh... Ahh...' I hysterically hyperventilated as my eyes grew more unfocused by the minute. Was I going delirious?


Thump. Thump. Thump.


His drooping head and the blood that increasingly poured down between the hairs of his receding hairline. Going down his left cheek, down to his nose and chin. Before dropping down, making an increasing puddle between his legs and around...


Thump. Thump. THUMP.


The light in the darkness that drooped over my once tormentor's body, illuminated his death and blood further as his legs spread showing the bottom of his brown heavy duty boots that were aged from years and mud.

His lone figure being sharply veiled by the lone light post.




My eyes searched for any sort of life in the lifeless body, though without moving an inch.




He is definitely, certainly, dead.


I thought about what to do now and all I could think is about my upcoming doom. Whether it is me who ends my own life or if I am sent to prison.


Whilst I was deep in my own thoughts, a gentle and quick hand grasped my shoulder, causing me to flinch in indirect terror from the source of my thoughts. Before I come back to and look up at my sweet saviour's face, he showed of something like dismay or sadness or maybe in pity. I don't quite know.


He let go of my shoulder and slowly almost hesitantly outstretched his hand for me to grab, I grab his hand weakly and I slowly get up. My jiggling legs restricted me to stand steadily without aid.


I looked into his eyes, he had this indescribable nervousness in his eyes. There's no surprise there though. We are accomplices in killing a man. Before I could utter a word to him, I hear voices in the direction of my apartment complex, the neighbours were alerted of the loud noises of the previous scuffle.


I release myself from Kris' hold in order to move my father's body away. I don't know why I thought this at that moment, but what I thought was that no one would notice if I hide his body in the bushy parklife right behind the now lying corpse, all I had to do was pull him in those bushes and if lucky, they won't find it for atleast a week. But what with the blood trail, maybe less than a day at best?


I wasn't really thinking about myself after this ofcourse, I'd be found soon enough and who knows, if it was too hard on my mental capacity, I may commit suicide or I'll just go to jail that follows my whole normal life being shattered. Not that it hasn't already..


I edge closer on my unsteady feet, I sway a little before I'm tugged simultaneously backwards and to reality by my accomplice, he looks at me as if not to touch the body. I look at him, until I realise all you can hear in the air is my sharp and erratic breathing in the now night sky. I look at him with an expression that I am already done with this life. With everything.


I start to break down, tears welling up at the side of my eyes and dropping into big drops across my cheeks. I'm start to hic uncontrollably heaving harsh breaths until he gives an agitated and hard look, after a few seconds of hesitation and patience, he drags me to the direction of my apartment until he flings my door open, dragging me along inside, turning the main light and quickly closing the front door.


I stand there weeping as he does all the work, weeping right in front of him. I had decided by myself, that I was completely broken at this point. He stares at my weeping which seemed like forever, until he changed his take on the matter, and gently directs my body to the couch where I continue to weep continuously whilst he sat there waiting for me to calm down.


When I finally calm down, eyes unable to barely open and nose running. I look to him, looking to decipher what his feelings and reaction to this whole thing was. To my actual surprise, he sat there looking straight forward wearing a hard look, his elbows to his knees leaning slightly forward with his hand under his chin. Thinking thoughtfully and intensely.


I watched on with my now round bulging tear filled eyes at him. What is he thinking about right now? Does he seem to have some sort of plan? I wondered.


I could hear my wall clock ticking seconds away.. until he abruptly stood up looking as if he's found his resolve earning me a little bit of a fright as my eyes trail him pacing around my 2 room apartment,until he finds my room facing the kitchen. He disappears through the door leaving a 10 cm gap to peer from my living room where I was sitting hearing him rummage through until I hear a sudden thump.


After a pause that extended for no more than a few but very quiet seconds, he bursts out and flings a large and empty object in front of me and onto my coffee table. He had thrown my large brown luggage. I assessed my luggage for a second before looking back at him dumbly for a second or two.


I looked into his eyes and that's when I knew what he was thinking. We were going to runaway. We're going to be fugitives.


After a few seconds, exhiliration ran through my brain, all I knew at this point was that I needed to get my stuff together and leave this apartment and this life forever. And I had to do it now. At this time it was 3am, and before anything, I most definitely have to leave way before 6am when the morning joggers come out to jog on this road and park. I have to be on the highway before sunrise.


I quickly grab my luggage and bolt upwards and going towards my room but before that I stop where Kris was standing, giving him a hard look to say that 'I'm in', shortly after earning a slight smirk from him. I looks towards my room and started getting to business.


I only packed the essentials as I'd calculated that fate will only allow me half an hour to get out of my apartment and get on the road. I was bumping into the walls and opening drawers, grabbing the things I deemed essential as fast as I could causing countless other things to fly around the room, creating a pretty catastrophic mess. But right now it didn't matter. I shoved in a thick coat, a couple of t-shirts, hoodies, underwear, my lucky grey beanie and the last of my money stash of about $450 that was hid in a shoe box under my bed, this was for the next month of living fees, but that would certainly not be necessary anymore.

I was about to bolt out before I remembered my favourite silver bracelet that my grandmother had given to me before I left to live with my mother when I was 12. I bolted back towards my dresser and frantically scrambled my fingers to find it tangled and hidden between all my other pieces of silver jewellery until I found it and bolted out.


I dashed out expecting to see my accomplice's frame. But all that met my eyes was the harsh empty lit living room. My body and heart froze. Did he leave me? Had he formulated the actual plan to get me distracted where then he could make a break for it? I kept looking at my bare living room hoping that my eyes were tricking me that he was actually there but due to my frantic heart beat I wasn't able to see him. But this wasn't the case. I thought about all the bad things that will become of me, my eyes fell to the long abandoned open door on the right side of me. All I heard was silence. The sound of the cruel cold breeze that smacked me in the face. My shoulders slumped. One hand still clasping the closed luggage with various colours sticking out of it.


For a few quiet seconds, I can feel the sick feeling right to my throat.


I try improving the pace of my breathing and dashed out of the door, if he's not here it doesn't mean I couldn't do this alone. That was the only thought in my mind. I ran out of my door making a sharp turn towards my stairs when I see him looking at me wide eyed right next to my apartment door leaning on the wall.


I look at him wide eyed and breathing erratic until he looked at me questioningly.


My face slowly changed into a pained expression before unknowingly letting tears again roll down my face. He looked at me alarmingly and went closer and clasped the back of my now lowered head and comfortingly.

Where shall we go?

While the pair was having a moment of relief of the incorrect suspicions of betrayal, what they didn't know was that the figure covered in now dried blood outstretched left leg twitched slightly, indeed he was not dead - he was alive.


I was initially planning on a long chapter, but I thought you guys deserved a bit of a breather and also cos it was a good place to stop and tease?? :D

What will happen to them from here?  Where will they go from here on out?? Does the stepfather being alive change anything? Not at all.

Thank you ALLLLLLLLLLLL for subscribing and commenting you guys are seriouslyyyyy theeeeeeee BEST!!!

And this is literally the first time I've beta'ed my story, I am so sorry, I read back to all my chapters and wow. I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE STILL HERE!!.. Though I don't think it's 100% perfect and coherent but it'd do???

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Moonlit-Star_Shine #1
Oh, man, I'm scared to read this but I really want to! It's just that it seems like this fic is abandoned? I don't know if you'll continue this or not, and it's unlikely you will after such a long time, but I hope you will for the sake of all the readers who want to finish this, in my case, starting it. I'm really intrigued just from the summary!
This story is very intriguing, somehow special too. I love the tension between Channie and Kris. I hope there will be ?
Chapter 7: I don't know what to say. I always feel as if I'm am watching a moive or reading a classic enchantment like The Secret Garden. Idk how to explain it, but I love it.

My comment is so short compared to the othere I've written, but I really can't say enough how I love the descriptive detail of this story. It just (sighs) warms my heart. Like a great book you read on a cold winter night rolled up in the thickest of blankets with a hot cup of cocoa
Chapter 7: Yay you finally updated ! :D I can't even describe my love for this story . Your writing style is wonderful . I'm curious about Kris' background and what this place means to him . The villagers are weird though . But I guess if there was a newcomer they would be like that . Overall this story is perfect - and so are you eheh . Looking forward to the next chapter . Update whenever possible , we'll be waiting patiently :)
Chapter 4: Author-nim where are you? ::>_<:: I miss your story so much. Please come back soon.
Chapter 6: Happy dancing.....yeah you better not be Reading his leg twitching made my day. Yes it did.

Anywho.....yeah I think the only differences the stepfather being alive that Yeol doesn't have to go on the run from the law. But I think Yeol would have left either way. He just doesn't enjoy the life he has as of now. And of course we can see that he feels something special with Kris who has nothing but something....something Chanyeol wants for himself. So yeah that's that. Kind of sad isn't it...not even his friends could bring him a small sard of happiness. Ah poor Yeolie baby. There's an upside and downside to this I feel though. With just the way Yeolie is.
Idk I'm talking mumbo jumbo.

I have nothing more to say.but that I'm happy that, that Uber jerk of a stepfather isn't dead. Some one call the the EMTs so he go to the hospital.
Chapter 6: Why dont you just kill that damn oldman for good or least let him be there paralized till Krisyeol are out of his reach!!! my poor heart<3
update soonn..
Chapter 5: oh yes and the way you tangled the Alice and Wonderland to your story was eerily spin tingling and amazing. I loved it. Everytime Chanyeol would speak about his step father the mask that Shakespeare mask with the smile would pop into my head. Oh
Chapter 5: He is not breathing dead? like heart not beating dead? Like Kris and Chanyeol need and alibi dead? Oh my freaking gosh. OTTOKE????? I would sing Ding Dong the witch is dead...but this isn't the time huh? Freak what are they going to do. *Rolls to sides sadly hugging pillow. Will they go to jail...ugh Kris can't speak and Yeolie he is to pretty...not good. Mister step father you need not to be dead. Krisyeol just found each other. Your messing up everything if your know that right..
.so wake up..Arasso! T.T

Anywho so Kris you came to save Yeolie. Hey how did you know where he lived? T.T Whatever it doesn't matter you came to the rescue tho.

The fight scene was really going at it huh. Yeah it was dramatic and exciting and the ending really left some great suspense. I need to know if he's like really dead or not... he better not be Someone tell the cops he slipped and fall....that usually works right.....
Chapter 5: omg wut just happened? O: omgosh whats going to happen to them in the future? they killed someone O: oh my goodness. whats kris doing at chanyeol's place anyways? & oh poor bb chanyeol ):