Too Close..

Time Only Chose You


I woke up blinded by the night's beauty. Smelling smoke that could only be from a fire and a sweet tinge of sweetness in the air, my guess is sweet potatoes, I love sweet potatoes! It reminds me of home..


I tried adjusting my eyes to the hazy sky and trying to maintain the 'morning after hangover', which it wasn't really morning was it? I can barely remember anything after I passed out after I saw a hand peering out to me, except that my body hurts like hell and I can barely move my jaw.


I tried getting up despite the pain, Where am I? A firm hand supported my shoulder to sit up, I would've turned my head but my whole body was stiffed with pain, I didn't really care though, whoever it is, atleast I'm not on the street waiting for someone to scrape up scraps of my body laying around I joked to myself, though this was clearly not a laughing matter, I really didn't care.. As long as I wasn't .. That's never pretty.


I finally adjusted my eyes to the darkness, this was a sort of shack? It doesn't even look legal to live here..


Soon after, I felt the strong hand pull my body being supported by his own body, my mind was still hazy from the change of environment and the hangover and we could never forget the bashing. I heaved a little, through the vibrations of the other person, he was struggling to do something, and my lips was met with a forceful circular object being pushed against my lips, before I knew it I opened my mouth to accept the warm liquid I instinctively choked before he quickly took away the plate and my lips receiving a cloth dabbing carefully. His body was warm, for some reason it gave me a surprising sense of comfort and safety, even though we were in a cold, dark shack with only a dirty mattress and blanket.


I felt at home.


I slowly curled up to the body thinking, it's probably okay to be by someone as comforting and gentle as this person. I dug my head onto the person's chin and fell back into slumber.


The mysterious figure froze, wondering whether it was okay to move an inch away from the boy's slender and shivering body.


He ended up sitting in the same position until dawn before he himself was lured into his own dreams with the boy still in his arms.


The next morning, I woke up from the chirping birds and the sun glistening in the side of my eyes, realising I was surrounded by strong arms and with my head leaned under his chin. I quickly moved my body away from this unknown man, trying to down my retarded squeak, and slowly moving away from his motionless body, never leaving my eyes away from his face which was surprisingly good looking? Until I turned away stretching my leg away form the mattress, I suddenly felt a strong hand gripping my wrist, my heart started to pound hard, how do I even make of this situation anyway?! I was drunk and beat up, he picked me up from the road and took me back to his run down shack of a home and next thing I know I'm sleeping on top of him like a little kid. This is not what I do. I don't show weakness.


I looked back at him, feigning indifference, trying to swallow saliva in my mouth that wasn't even there. His eyes stared right into my eyes with a hard look, my eyes widened feeling electricity and burning fire creeping through my very veins with his stone cold stare, I instinctively threw my hand out of his grasp almost gasping for air, my chest tightened, this feeling, what is this feeling. This feeling, is disgusting. I won't admit that it scares the out of me. I won't. I won't.


My whole body jerked away and my eyes narrowed to the blonde figure on the bed. His eyes softened, and slowly got off the mattress, me flinching in return like a stray cat.


He noticed this and slowly continued to his battered up open kitchen in the corner. My eyes followed his every move, being cautious of any sudden or potential movements. He scratched his head and started a fire before putting a pot on top.


He then suddenly looked over at my direction and strode towards me quickly grabbing my hand before I could react properly and shoved me to a seat. I looked dumbfoundedly and sat there quietly when he left to resume doing whatever he was doing in the kitchen. He laid a plate of sliced sweet potatoes which I assume was from last night. and rice he must've just boiled. What kind of breakfast is this? I thought to myself, he then soon after sat opposite of me with his plate of sweet potato and rice and began to mash it together, I silently looked at him while he mashed them together.


After completely mashing and mixing it together, an orange gruel was a result and noticing my blankness, he looked up at me and pulled my plate towards him and mixing and mashing as he did with his own dish.


I quietly watched him while he did this, and he looked back at me I quickly looking away embarassed, to think I'd think he was good looking even when seriously mashing potatoes and rice together. Even so, I almost thought it was cute.. He pushed my plate back towards me and stared at me.


I looked at the plate and slowly picked up my spoon, I dwindled a little, and carefully put it in my mouth, my eyes lit up and looked at him as if saying it was good, he smiled and slowly ate his as well.


It was dead silent. Only the clanging of a spoon and plate were heard.


I peered at him while eating this yummy gruel, maybe I should start a conversation or something.. I stopped eating and my lips before parting them.

My name is Chanyeol” I said.


No answer.


I tried again, opening my mouth before I was stopped by a spoon tapping on my plate. Wooowww how rude, I thought. I resumed back to the plate, and sometimes peering at him while I ate. He looked as if he was the only human being in the room.


I finished my food and was waiting until he had finished, I stared at him, maybe it was because he had a rule to finish eating before talking, or introducing for that matter. He finished his dish and took mine along with his and dumped it in the sink and started washing them. I sat there, eyes staring holes at his wide and straight back. Before he came back and urged me to get up using a gesture, I abided and followed him out of the shack.


As he opened the door, my breath was taken away.


We were smack right in a field, complete with a mill and everything. I got off the porch and all I saw were the sunflowers and plains. Soft and fresh scents graced my face and nostrils. A soft breeze needled through my hair and face.


Where is this place? I thought. I mean I knew we weren't in the City but how could something like this exist near my area? I looked around like a little kid exploring a theme park, even the air seemed fresher earning a slight smile from the good looking hobo stranger. I felt sort of happy after seeing that admittedly before resuming looking around and taking in the warm and bright smells that invaded my nostrils. This was too good to be true, what WAS this light feeling? I thought to myself and started breathing from my mouth all these soft feelings invading my mind.


I opened my arms and from spontaneous adrenaline I bolted, I bolted like there was no tomorrow, how could there be? Time stopped. I ran. Escapism. Exhiliration. Freedom.


I ran until my lungs were about to collapse and my legs were shaky. I fell onto the plain, the plain, untainted, beautiful plain.


Grasping for air, looking at the skies, not a sound was heard except the wind splintering the grass and flowers, my heart was beating rapidly, my body was about to shut down but all I could think was “ALIVE”.


Soft but steady footsteps were coming closer to my exasperated body. I could hear them, but it was okay. Because it wasn't at all threatening. I slowly opened my sleepy eyes to be met with this beautiful stranger's sun glared face looking down at me with no malice or coldness. It was like the sun itself. Warm.


I smiled a little and his arm stretched towards me, I stared at it and hesitated for a second. But maybe because I was sleepy or because I was just influenced by the happy feeling of serenity and the sun glare. I took it.


He gently pulled me up, and I quickly jumped up as a response before remembering that a few minutes ago I was dashing for my life and my legs uselessly turned to jelly.


He quickly caught me, me being in his arms, I looked up at him and mindlessly smiled, a smile I had never thought my face could be pull. In the back of my head, I was surprised at myself but I was too happy and giddy to think about it right now as I giggled in his arms trying to balance and push myself up. His arms supported my body and tried to also help pull me up, in a few seconds I had regained my composure and he unwrapped his arms around me, no I wasn't ready yet, I'm going to fall! I thought inching towards the floor until his firm hand found mine.


I snapped out of it and quickly gripped his hand in return and pulled myself back up with all my strength. He looked over at me and I gave him a smile saying I'm okay, his plump lips creased up softly and looked away and we started walking, hand in hand.


Normally it would've been weird for 2 guys to hold hands, even though he hadn't said a word to me for reasons I don't know of, but somehow I felt like he was saying, 'I'm here. There is nothing to worry about. My hand is my assurance to you, because if you falter, my body will immediately catch you.' This silent promise made me blush a little, earning him a little squeeze. Though I don't think he would've noticed. Only I would've noticed, probably.


YAY spacing! haha :P thank youuu for your constructive criticism, i'm a bit more confident now haha :D


Thank you guys for reading :') that makes me happy and comments also made me happy. Even though they are scarce i spazzed HAHA

Thank you all~

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Moonlit-Star_Shine #1
Oh, man, I'm scared to read this but I really want to! It's just that it seems like this fic is abandoned? I don't know if you'll continue this or not, and it's unlikely you will after such a long time, but I hope you will for the sake of all the readers who want to finish this, in my case, starting it. I'm really intrigued just from the summary!
This story is very intriguing, somehow special too. I love the tension between Channie and Kris. I hope there will be ?
Chapter 7: I don't know what to say. I always feel as if I'm am watching a moive or reading a classic enchantment like The Secret Garden. Idk how to explain it, but I love it.

My comment is so short compared to the othere I've written, but I really can't say enough how I love the descriptive detail of this story. It just (sighs) warms my heart. Like a great book you read on a cold winter night rolled up in the thickest of blankets with a hot cup of cocoa
Chapter 7: Yay you finally updated ! :D I can't even describe my love for this story . Your writing style is wonderful . I'm curious about Kris' background and what this place means to him . The villagers are weird though . But I guess if there was a newcomer they would be like that . Overall this story is perfect - and so are you eheh . Looking forward to the next chapter . Update whenever possible , we'll be waiting patiently :)
Chapter 4: Author-nim where are you? ::>_<:: I miss your story so much. Please come back soon.
Chapter 6: Happy dancing.....yeah you better not be Reading his leg twitching made my day. Yes it did.

Anywho.....yeah I think the only differences the stepfather being alive that Yeol doesn't have to go on the run from the law. But I think Yeol would have left either way. He just doesn't enjoy the life he has as of now. And of course we can see that he feels something special with Kris who has nothing but something....something Chanyeol wants for himself. So yeah that's that. Kind of sad isn't it...not even his friends could bring him a small sard of happiness. Ah poor Yeolie baby. There's an upside and downside to this I feel though. With just the way Yeolie is.
Idk I'm talking mumbo jumbo.

I have nothing more to say.but that I'm happy that, that Uber jerk of a stepfather isn't dead. Some one call the the EMTs so he go to the hospital.
Chapter 6: Why dont you just kill that damn oldman for good or least let him be there paralized till Krisyeol are out of his reach!!! my poor heart<3
update soonn..
Chapter 5: oh yes and the way you tangled the Alice and Wonderland to your story was eerily spin tingling and amazing. I loved it. Everytime Chanyeol would speak about his step father the mask that Shakespeare mask with the smile would pop into my head. Oh
Chapter 5: He is not breathing dead? like heart not beating dead? Like Kris and Chanyeol need and alibi dead? Oh my freaking gosh. OTTOKE????? I would sing Ding Dong the witch is dead...but this isn't the time huh? Freak what are they going to do. *Rolls to sides sadly hugging pillow. Will they go to jail...ugh Kris can't speak and Yeolie he is to pretty...not good. Mister step father you need not to be dead. Krisyeol just found each other. Your messing up everything if your know that right..
.so wake up..Arasso! T.T

Anywho so Kris you came to save Yeolie. Hey how did you know where he lived? T.T Whatever it doesn't matter you came to the rescue tho.

The fight scene was really going at it huh. Yeah it was dramatic and exciting and the ending really left some great suspense. I need to know if he's like really dead or not... he better not be Someone tell the cops he slipped and fall....that usually works right.....
Chapter 5: omg wut just happened? O: omgosh whats going to happen to them in the future? they killed someone O: oh my goodness. whats kris doing at chanyeol's place anyways? & oh poor bb chanyeol ):