The train rattling to the destination unknown; we were definitely not in the city anymore...

Time Only Chose You

Getting on the first train out, I peered outside seeing the progression of the morning's dew. It gave me a rather strange feeling..


All the things that happened...


All the things that haven't happened yet, it was strange.


I tried humoring myself thinking that this must be what it feels like to elope, I puffed a bit of air out in amusement until my eyes trailed for Kris' sleeping figure. He slept with his head on the headrest and looked utterly peaceful as if what we did was a dream.. But alas, it was not.


I looked back towards the wooden window sill and peered through, watching the many fields of hazy green flashing before my eyes, many patterns squirming upwards and downwards.


It was peaceful.


All I heard was the sounds of the train rattling to the destination unknown, to wherever fate it shall take us. I don't know. This train held our fates.


My shoulder was shaken in roughness, I quickly awaken. My heart beating fast as I look to his face with still sleepiness. I rub my eyes and adjust to his structures, his face looked serious and with a tinge of distress. He pulled me up and quickly put my jacket I used as a blanket onto my back and grabbed his bags and started hurriedly walking to the back of the brown antiqued train.


I look to the sky in the brown rimmed window to see that it was still early morning, the sun peeking through and gracing the dews of the grass. We were definitely not in the city anymore..


I quickly got my brown bag and my other things together and sprinted towards him, the train slowly and gracefully came to a halt.


We exit the train and see little to no one around the ancient platform, however, it makes sense. We are in a rural area of Korea; a place where the newest music and trends do not grace.


A place where it's completely forgotten in the world. Where you can smell the fresh air and the untouched trees with the tinge of the scent of the sea.


We walked around this small town, past a run down soju bar with the much older owner sweeping around in front of his door stop.


As we walked around, we encountered more people, and none of any youths were in sight. As we keep passing by many of their faces, we came to realise that they gave us strange looks.


As we walked further and further and getting acquainted with their town, their faces showed the same response, some going back into their homes after they've seen us and even bringing their children back after letting them out to play.


I increasingly and rapidly started to become paranoid as to why their reactions were scared and cautious. I thought maybe they knew what I had done. If I had blood on my hands of my clothes. But that couldn't be possible, I didn't touch him after he had suffered the deadly hit. Though I was tempted. And I am most certain that I had changed my clothes at some point. Even so, I looked down and inspected my clothes and hands anyway. There was nothing.


Though that didn't satiate my paranoia in order to dissipate it, but instead it grew stronger until the blood rushed to my head and all I can hear is that same annoying buzzing sound as I walk past these strangers and their piercing and judging looks.


Shades of brown, grey and blue passed me by in a wild haze of colour dizzingly engulfing my surroundings and the only thing it didn't blur out but instead intensified, was the burning stares, turning into black eyes like a haunting ghost. I started in a cold sweat, wheezing a little and trying to focus my eyes to the front where my blonde accomplice's back was bared towards me.


Increasingly and frighteningly, my eyes continued to blur maybe due to the tears, from the internal conflict or both. My knees began to buck everytime I took a step, my ankles grew lazier and my conviction grew weaker. And eventually, I realise my heart was beating erratically as my eyes could not see the back I saw a while ago.


The last coin drops as I become something close to hysterical, I stop in my tracks with tears in my eyes looking left, right, turning in circles and circles before a quick pair of hands appear in the dark and grab my shoulders. I reflexively shield my face and head with my arms to shield from the danger until the strong arms pull me back to reality, where the sky was blue with white fluffy clouds and my surroundings were normal clear with houses all around.


I look back at the owner of the hands that grasp my shoulders and his eyes looked serious and his face was serious and tight lipped.


I quickly recognised his facial structures and my shoulders relaxed and fell lifelessly. My breathing immediately started to slow down and my heart started to pump in a more relaxed manner, my body felt a chill from the sweat I was in a moment ago. I brought my still shaking hands to the arms that were still oustretched towards me and grasped them for some security. I closed my eyes for a second to just hear the rumbling sounds of the working people, those who walked past us and lastly, his breathing which was not rapid nor slow either. After a while I opened my eyes and let go of his arms and in turn he let go of me as well. And with a cautious look, he travelled closely in front of me making sure I wouldn't get lost or get a panic attack again.


We stopped around the dock where old but brawny men were loading fishing gear onto a fishing boat. Kris looks at them silently and waves his hand for me to stay there. I stood there while watching his back go towards the fishermen, he points to the sea and the fishing gear and pretends to catch fish and before I knew it, they are nodding their heads and he looks at my direction and beckons me. I quickly speedwalk over to him and I get on the boat warily.


We are in the middle of the water where we were waiting for the net to catch a hoard of fish, we had been waiting for an hour so far. Kris and the fishermen were laughing, it got me thinking about what his story is. He's not korean that's for sure. He can understand everything as long as I move my mouth slowly, so it's a given that he knows how to speak korean, or rather, understanding korean. But at this moment, I wouldn't explore in my thoughts too much considering that I know almost nothing. So for now, I'll leave it alone.


However, this is the first time where I had seen him smile in such an unreserved manner. As I look at his gummy smile I can't help but smile. My mouth tugs in a way where it's completely uncontrollable and I can't stop it. But I can't stop it. I'm all happy and I can't wipe it off myself so I stopped trying and shuffle towards them to ask them what was so funny. They laughed so much, but I couldn't help just watch down on kris' face scrunching in laughter.

Does that make me gay? It definitely does not!


I learnt a lot before we arrived back to the dock. I learnt that the oldest fisherman of about 83 with arthiritis and a bad back had come back into the profession after retiring because of his son who had run off from his pregnant girlfriend, she had been in terrible condition and tried to kill her own child at one point. With the child being weak and mentally unstable, he and his wife took the responsibility to take care of their grandchild. Thus throwing him back into his fisherman career. Humans can be so so cruel. Not only the father but the mother as well......


When we had gotten to the dock, we were praised for our youthful strength and persistence in which they said helped them out. They paid us even though we had intruded and I got the feeling that they somehow knew we really needed it. What they gave us was little, however I had never been so grateful for getting money in my life. I mean I had worked a little and I received monthly allowance from my mother and my step father but those days were all grey. I felt like I could do anything at this moment.


They asked us as long as we're in town that we could work there from 4am to 8am everyday. The life of spontaneity is refreshing and exhilirating. Though I know that this can't go on forever and I will someday have to atone for my sins.

LOL i'm so sorry mang. This has been way too late. SORRY SORRY! i have no excuse so i shan't excuse myself ><"

Thank you everyone for waiting :')

Next chapter:  On The Night Of The Incident


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Moonlit-Star_Shine #1
Oh, man, I'm scared to read this but I really want to! It's just that it seems like this fic is abandoned? I don't know if you'll continue this or not, and it's unlikely you will after such a long time, but I hope you will for the sake of all the readers who want to finish this, in my case, starting it. I'm really intrigued just from the summary!
This story is very intriguing, somehow special too. I love the tension between Channie and Kris. I hope there will be ?
Chapter 7: I don't know what to say. I always feel as if I'm am watching a moive or reading a classic enchantment like The Secret Garden. Idk how to explain it, but I love it.

My comment is so short compared to the othere I've written, but I really can't say enough how I love the descriptive detail of this story. It just (sighs) warms my heart. Like a great book you read on a cold winter night rolled up in the thickest of blankets with a hot cup of cocoa
Chapter 7: Yay you finally updated ! :D I can't even describe my love for this story . Your writing style is wonderful . I'm curious about Kris' background and what this place means to him . The villagers are weird though . But I guess if there was a newcomer they would be like that . Overall this story is perfect - and so are you eheh . Looking forward to the next chapter . Update whenever possible , we'll be waiting patiently :)
Chapter 4: Author-nim where are you? ::>_<:: I miss your story so much. Please come back soon.
Chapter 6: Happy dancing.....yeah you better not be Reading his leg twitching made my day. Yes it did.

Anywho.....yeah I think the only differences the stepfather being alive that Yeol doesn't have to go on the run from the law. But I think Yeol would have left either way. He just doesn't enjoy the life he has as of now. And of course we can see that he feels something special with Kris who has nothing but something....something Chanyeol wants for himself. So yeah that's that. Kind of sad isn't it...not even his friends could bring him a small sard of happiness. Ah poor Yeolie baby. There's an upside and downside to this I feel though. With just the way Yeolie is.
Idk I'm talking mumbo jumbo.

I have nothing more to say.but that I'm happy that, that Uber jerk of a stepfather isn't dead. Some one call the the EMTs so he go to the hospital.
Chapter 6: Why dont you just kill that damn oldman for good or least let him be there paralized till Krisyeol are out of his reach!!! my poor heart<3
update soonn..
Chapter 5: oh yes and the way you tangled the Alice and Wonderland to your story was eerily spin tingling and amazing. I loved it. Everytime Chanyeol would speak about his step father the mask that Shakespeare mask with the smile would pop into my head. Oh
Chapter 5: He is not breathing dead? like heart not beating dead? Like Kris and Chanyeol need and alibi dead? Oh my freaking gosh. OTTOKE????? I would sing Ding Dong the witch is dead...but this isn't the time huh? Freak what are they going to do. *Rolls to sides sadly hugging pillow. Will they go to jail...ugh Kris can't speak and Yeolie he is to pretty...not good. Mister step father you need not to be dead. Krisyeol just found each other. Your messing up everything if your know that right..
.so wake up..Arasso! T.T

Anywho so Kris you came to save Yeolie. Hey how did you know where he lived? T.T Whatever it doesn't matter you came to the rescue tho.

The fight scene was really going at it huh. Yeah it was dramatic and exciting and the ending really left some great suspense. I need to know if he's like really dead or not... he better not be Someone tell the cops he slipped and fall....that usually works right.....
Chapter 5: omg wut just happened? O: omgosh whats going to happen to them in the future? they killed someone O: oh my goodness. whats kris doing at chanyeol's place anyways? & oh poor bb chanyeol ):