Morning Commotion Part 2

Super Junior Fullhouse

Alice's POV:

All of the members sat at the table finishing breakfast. I was still baffled by the missing appearance of the last member. Who and where exactly is he? Why don't I remember all of them...?

"Hyo Rin!" Han Geng waved a hand in front of my face. "You're spacing out, you alright?"

I blinked. "Ne, gwenchana.."

"So what's the plan today, boys?" asked Eva.

"We're a bit busy with our schedules today," replied Heechul.

"Yeah, promoting Sorry Sorry and all that stuff," said Leeteuk. "Even though it's tiring, at least our fans will be happy."

"What about you girls?" asked Sungmin.

"I'm free today," said Eva.

While they were talking, I got up from my chair to wrap a plate of food for the mysterious member.

I hope he likes it. Even though he seems a bit rude to his hyungs, they still love and care for him...ish.

"Hyo Rin, would you like to come with us?" asked Donghae, interrupting my thoughts.

"Ah... Mianhae, oppa, I'm busy," I answered absent mindedly.

"With what?"

"... Uh... I'll be going--"

"To school. She's going to school," interrupted Siwon.

I looked over to him in surprise. He lightly shook his head.

"Yeah! Gotta go study!" I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Ah.. Jinjja?" asked Han Geng suspiciously.



"Aish! I'll tell you later!" I said irritatedly, ruffling my hair. "Are you my dad or something?!"

"Eyy," he scolded. "You shouldn't lie to the members. And why is Siwon helping you?"

"Oppa, just chill."



"Yah, what're you guys mumbling about again?!"

"It's nothing~" I flashed a smile.

Kangin chuckled. "Ah, I won't totally fall for that again, Hyo Rin. Now, seriously, what?"

"No seriously, i'ts nothing," I hastily replied, putting away my dishes.

Kangin walked up next to me, placing his dishes in the sink. "You sure? Cuz it doesn't seem like it."

I went up on my tippy-toes, my face close to his ear. "Oh please Oppa. You have nothing to worry about~"

He abruptly turned around, cheeks slightly pink. "You sure know how to play girl," he muttered and strode away.

Points for doing that I guess? I thought cheekily.

"Hyo Rin, I'll do the dishes!" exclaimed Ryeowook. "You cooked, so you should rest."

"Ah jinjja? Gomawoyo, oppa!" I grinned at him.

He gave me a thumbs up.

"I'll go get ready now."

"Yeah, we'll get ready too," added Leeteuk. "C'mon boys."

I lingered a bit in the living room, waiting to talk to Siwon. My heart skipped a beat when he came up to me with a smile on his face.

"You should go get ready and then we'll go together after. The members are nosy when it comes to these things," he whispered with a wink.

I giggled. "Arasso, oppa. See you soon~"

I went to the bathroom and then my room to get ready.



"So you're going to 'school', huh?" Eva asked, putting her hands in quotation marks when she said school.

"I'm actually spending the day with Siwon..."

"Really? That must be a lot of fun," she sarcasically replied.

"Sorry that I didn't invite you to go!"

She laughed. "I'm not mad. Go have real fun once in a while. And be yourself for crying out loud."

"Gotcha matcha~" I hugged her. "Thanks."

"Are you putting on any makeup?"

"Nah, I'll keep it simple," I sheepishly said. "They think I'm a little innocent girl! If they see her with full on make up, who knows what will happen?"

"Lol, that's true." We both laughed.

I picked out a cute, simple outfit for the date, wearing jean shorts and a light blouse. I swiped lip balm over my lips, grabbed a small bag and headed out the room and bumped into someone.

Oof!  I looked up and saw Han Geng.

"You have an explaination miss~"

"Aish, Han Geng!" I whined.



"Where are you going?" 

"Somewhere with Siwon."

"Then why didn't you say so?"

"Cuz I didn't want the other members to go all crazy.."

He sighed. "Well you got a point there. Kudos to you for thinking that."

"No dur!"

"Next time just tell me, alright?"

Why is he being so protective? Aish, just like Jacob. Totally like him.

I pouted. "Fiinneeeee," I squeezed my way through the door and I felt an intense gaze on me.

A hand spun me around and I was facing Han Geng once more.


"Next time, I'll take you on a date," he said in a serious tone... and then ruffled my hair.

"Ah!! You messed up my hair!!!!"

Man what's up with him today?

He chuckled. "Don't worry, it suits you better~"

"Oppa!!!!" I lifted a hand to smack him. I knew he would dodge the attack and punched him with my other hand.

He grunted. "Fierce as ever."

I stopped for a moment. Those words replayed in my head over and over. Jacob used to say that. He used to say that. Is Han Geng like some reincarnation of Jacob?

I lightly slapped my cheeks. No it can't be. There's no such thing as that.

Han Geng gave me a quizzical look. "Er... You alright there, Hyo Rin?"

I snapped back to reality. "Yeah! Just fine. Just prepping myself up, you know? See you later!" I called out as I walked to the living room.

Most of the members were gone already. A few-- Han Geng, Eunhyuk, and Yesung were still here.



Siwon was already in living room waiting for me. He was dressed casual, but he still very handsome. Jeans and a plain ole v-neck t-shirt still made me swoon over him. I felt my cheeks go red.

What kind of feelings is this? Is this love? What is love?


I smiled shyly. "Yep!"

"After you," he said with a sweeping gesture to the front door.

I giggled. "Why thank you, kind sir."

We went out the door and he led me to his car in the parking structure. As we were buckling ourselves in, I asked, "Where are we going, Oppa?"

"You'll see," he replied with a smile.

I pouted at him.

"What? You want me to spoil our date?" he said in feigned surprise. "Ok, well we're going--"

"Arasso! I won't ask!" 

He laughed and pinched my cheek. "That's more like it. Kaja~"



Han Geng's POV:

Aish! I can't believe this. Siwon and Hyo Rin going out on a date. Can't believe it! I was supposed to ask her first! How did he get to her first?! Dangit!

I sighed in frustration.

I wish I can go follow them or something, but I'm busy! Grrr... I guess I have to wait until they get home. 

I picked up a pillow and chucked it with full force, hitting Eunhyuk on the head by accident.

"Yah!!! What was that for?!"

I ignored him because I only had one thought in mind.

Bring it on, Siwon.




Urgh sorry for such a short, boring, bland, horrible, etc chapter update. I wanted to write more but.. sigh. Nothing is coming to mind for me to further elaborate this chap T.T

Hope you guys like!

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Chapter 34: For my opinion, I think its fine the way It is
Them plopping outta no where its funnier like that:D
It would be better if you could kind of add a little of them but either way its fine~~
By the way
SujuShidae24 #4
Chapter 23: LOL...kudos for a very suitable title for this chapter...Hyorin is quite a tease... XD
octa82_ichigo #5
Chapter 24: Next chapter please ....... ;)
evilminic00kies #6
Chapter 23: If I was Hyorin, I'd be dying trying to keep my laughter in. Geez the boys' reaction towards her xD
sunshinexgirl #7
Chapter 22: This is too cute! I love the interactions between Siwon and Alice! ^^ Ohh I can't wait to see how the others react to Alice's new look, and especially what Hangeng will think kekeke I love this story so much! Hwaiting!!! <3
sunshinexgirl #8
This is getting exciting! ^^
Bahahahaha~~~ Hangeng hitting Hyukkie with a pillow xD
sunshinexgirl #9
Chapter 19: That chapter had me squealing and fangirling! It was so cute!!!
Yes, I love the way you wrote it ^^
Seriously can't wait for the update~~ Hwaiting!!!
OMG.OMINGGOSH. NUUUU. ALICE. STAY STRONG ;~; Stupid Evil loan sharks and ''Master'' Gee you sure know how to write dramas LOL