Morning Commotion

Super Junior Fullhouse

~~~~~  8/30/12 Hola peeps! This chapter (and probably from now on...) I will be writing in Alice's POV. If the story seems slow if I change POVs sometimes, please tell me to let me know, and I'll stop doing that or change my style of writing. Thank you to all my subscribers who always keep up with my horrible writing style ;) Please do comment. I appreciate it and all your love!!


9/10/12 Whew! This was long and I guess hard to write... Idk had a hard time with ideas... If there's any mistakes, please forgi me! Just doing this all on whim!~~~~~~~~


Alice's POV:

I opened my eyes and yawned. Wow what time was it? I turned to my left where Eva and my nightstand was. 7am. I guess that's not too bad for waking up. I gradually sat up and winced slightly. Agh knees still hurting and armpits sore from crutches. Sigh... I hate my life. I peered over and saw Eva sleeping like a baby. Is everyone this tired all the time?

*rumble rumble* My stomach growled. I got out of bed, put on my hello kitty slippers, robe, and crutches and headed out to the kitchen. Stepping into the open space, an idea popped in my head. I can make breakfast for everyone and surprise them! Plus they don't know my amazing cooking skills. It'll be awesome! I thought with glee.

Hmm.... An American breakfast would be nice. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, and toast. Mmmhmm.

I opened the fridge and grabbed out a carton of eggs and a bag of bread. I took out 2 pans for the pancakes and eggs. I started with the eggs first and then I popped the bread in the toaster. I searched for pancake mix, then I realized how stupid I was. Of course Korea doesn't have the Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix here! Dur! So I decided to make it from scratch. I found a big bowl and a whisk.

Ok... where's the flour? I opened pantry and all the drawers, inspecting each carefully. Then I opened one of the top cabinents and found a package of flour all the way at the top. I sighed.

"How am I supposed to get up there? And how did it get there in the first place?!" I muttered.  I positioned one of the kitchen chairs and stepped on carefully. I reached up trying to grasp the package. Just a little bit more! I went on my tippy toes and I cried, "Gotcha!" Suddenly, my knees buckled, and I heard a shout while I tumbled to the ground.

"Hyo Rin! Hyo Rin!"

I slowly opened my eyes, dazed from the fall. I saw white snow every where.

"Hyo Rin-ah, gwenchana?!  You're not hurt, right? Oh, why did you do that?" a worried Kibum exclaimed.

"Ah.. Oppa, I'm ok... Just--" I coughed, choking on flour.

"Aigoo, take it easy," he patted my back.

"Omo! What happened?!" cried Leeteuk, running into the kitchen hearing the commotion. "Aigoo my baby girl! What happened?! Teukie's here!"

He grabbed a towel, trying to wipe the flour off of me. Leeteuk faced his attention to Kibum. "Yah donsaeng! What happened here!? Did you do something?!"

"I was trying to find flour to make pancakes for everyone, but I fell..." I explained, saving Kibum from Leeteuk's wrath.

"Aww, my girl is so nice and sweet~"


"Omo! You have a huge bruise and some cuts! Ok that's it. Come here to Umma."

Teukie Umma picked me up and headed towards the bathroom, leaving Kibum stranded in the kitchen, cleaning up my mess. Sorry Kibum! >.<

He put me down on a small chair and looked for wipes and antiseptic for my cuts. He started wiping my wounds carefully and asked me, "Gwenchana?" 

"Mm. Komawoyo, Teukie Umma."

"Ooohh! Something smells good!" a voice said in the kitchen. "Yah Kibum, what's all this mess?" another member asked.

"All done. Time to go out," Teukie said, satisfied with his work. He planted a small kiss on the last band aid and placed me carefully on his back. I smiled. Leeteuk really is kind, I thought. Just like a mom.

He strolled out to the kitchen.

Donghae gasped. "Omo! Hyo Rin-ie! What happened?!"

"I was trying to make breakfast for everyone, but I slipped and fell. Kibum and Teukie Umma helped me, ne~" I kissed his cheek.

"Aigoo my cute baby girl~" Leeteuk cooed.

"Hyo Rin-ah, what about me?!" Donghae complained. 

"What about you?"I asked innocently, my head cocked to one side.

"Yo--you--," he stammered. "Aish, nevermind."

I giggled. "Thought so~~"

Leeteuk laughed. "You'll never win against Hyo Rin's aegyo, dongsaeng!"

"Aish! Let's just finish breakfast!" he replied irritatedly.

"Ah! Ryeowook-ssi! Do you mind helping me make breakfast? I trust you in the kitchen more than these oppas," I interrupted, grinning.

"No problem! Just tell me what to do!"

"We'll help too!" said some other members.

I sighed. "Just promise you won't kill the kitchen and food, ok?"

They cheered, jumping and whooping. I gave Ryeowook directions on how to make it and he then demonstrated to his hyungs. I sat at the dining table watching their every move. I constantly fidgeted, waiting for one pabo to make a mistake and ruin everything. SPLAT!

"Ah! Jinjja!!! I can't do this!" cried Ryeowook, failing at flipping the pancake.

"Lemme try," Donghae butted in.

He tried and the mix pooled over the side of the pan.

"Aish! Dongsaeng do it right!" Leeteuk angrily said, yanking the pan away. He too tried and failed.

"All of you stop! Give it to me!" I ordered.

Grabbing my crutches, I hobbled over to the stove.

"H-Hyo Rin! Aren't you hurt?"

I poured in a small amount of mix into the pan.

"I'm fine just watch."

Holding the handle, I flicked my wrist, sending the pancake flying into the air and landing perfectly on the pan. After it was done cooking, I neatly placed it onto a plate.

"That's how you do it. So go sit down, set the table. and wait for the food, ok?" I turned towards the others, their mouths hanging.

"Yes Ma'am!"

I finished making the other pancakes and brought it out to the table.

"Uwaa thank you Hyo Rin!"

"Youre welcome," I smiled. "I'll go wake up the others."

"I'll help you!" said Leeteuk.

"No worries, Oppa. I got it under control! So sit down and enjoy," I said, gently pushing him down to sit.

"Arasoo," he whined.

I pecked his cheek and made my way to the boys' rooms.

i opened the first door I saw. Slowly limping there, I saw Eunhyuk.

"Oppa, ireona," I whispered, gently shaking him.

he groaned. "There's food ready. C'mon wake up."


He opened his eyes slowly. "Aish! Who is this?! Hyung give me five more minutes!!"

"Yah! Ireona!" I yelled.

He finally registered who I was and his eyes widened.

"Mianhae, Hyo Rin! Oppa didn't know it was you!" 

I pouted.

"There's breakfast I made. Hurry before everyone else eats it." and I went off to the next room.

Before I had a chance to open the second bedroom, I came face to face with Siwon. I blushed.

"Good morning, Oppa," I said shyly.

"Good morning, Hyo Rin," he smiled with his cute dimple.

"I made breakfast for everyone. You better go eat before its all gone."

"Thanks for letting me know! I'm sure it's delicious."

i smiled back. "Are you going to wake the others?" he asked.

"Yeah. I finally got Eunhyuk to wake up," I sighed.

he chuckled. "Good luck with everyone else. Especially Kangin. Do you want me to help you?"

"Nah, Im good,' I replied. "Go eat!"

"Arasso~" and he disappeared off to the kitchen.

I peered into the room and found a sleeping Han Geng. He looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb him. The bed looked inviting and warm too. I softly laid down, scooting close to him. I his hair, straightening out bed hair strands. I smiled to myself. Such a baby, I thought. I bent down to give him a kiss on the cheek and he opened his eyes.

"Hyo Rin? What are you doing here?"

"Waking you up," I sang, plopping back down onto his pillow.

He chuckled, gazing at me. "Then what were you doing just now?"

"My method of waking you up. And it worked~ but you made me want to go to sleep again," I frowned.

"Oh, so it's MY fault now, is it?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, everything is your fault, Oppa," I stuck my tongue at him and got up from bed. "I have to wake up the others. There's breakfast. Cmon go eat," I tossed the covers off of him.

"Ah! It's cold!" he complained.

"C'mon sleepy head," I called out, moving to the next room.

On the door a sign was posted: Do not wake up Raccoon if you wish to live.

Raccoon? Kangin? Whatevs I'll just do whatever.

kangin was wrapped like a burrito in his blankets. I stifled a giggle. He does look like a raccoon!

"Kangin Oppa~~ Ireona~~!!"

no answer. "Kangin!!" Still no answer.

Grr... I shook him. "Ireona!" He turned.... and resumed sleeping on his back.

aish! I put down my cructches and climbed onto the bed. Using his stomach as my chair, I sat on him, waiting for him to wake up.

A gasp emitted from outside the room. I saw Han Geng giving me a "Holy crap what are you doing?!?!?!" look. I grinned back at him.

Finally Kangin was stirring from lack of oxygen.

"Yah, whoever this is better stop. You're gonna be dead," he muttered.

"Ireona~" I whispered.

"Get off."

"Ireonaa~" I ignored his warnings.

"Yah, I said, 'Get off'!"

"Kangin Oppa~" 

He quickly sat up, grabbing onto my arm. When he recognized who I was, his eyes widened in shock, guilt, and then twinkled with mischief. Kangin pulled me down on the bed with him, wrapping the covers and himself around me, but careful around my knees.

"Good morning, Hyo Rin~~~"

"Aish! I can't breathe!"

he squeezed me tighter and laughed.

"How'd you get to be so confident about waking me up?"

"I. Just. Am!" I replied, trying to squirm out of his grasp.

"Hyo Rin I love you~!"

"Ugh! Love you too, Oppa! Can you please let me go?!"

He clicked his tongue. "Nope! This is your punishment for waking me up! And for being mean to me yesterday~"

I cried for mercy. "Please! Teukie Umma!!! Han Geng!!!!!!!"

The covers and Kangin were finally off of me and I saw the shining daylight. "Freedom!!" I exclaimed happily.

"Yah Han Geng you messed up the fun!" Kangin pouted.

"the girl asked for help, so I helped. Gotta problem?"

Kangin chuckled. "Easy there."

His laughing was stopped by a screech from him. "Yah! Leader! Why did you do that?!"

i turned back and saw water dripping all over Kangin. Leeteuk smacked him on the head.

"Don't do that again or else I'm kicking you out, Kangin. Let's go out to the kitchen, Hyo Rin!" he said happily skipping over to Han Geng and me.

"There's one more person! What about him?" I asked.

"Oh he's fine. Dont worry about him. Kaja!" he exclaimed, picking me up bridal style.

"Y-Yah!" I shrieked.

He chuckled and the three of us escaped to the kitchen away from the angry roars of Kangin.

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Chapter 34: For my opinion, I think its fine the way It is
Them plopping outta no where its funnier like that:D
It would be better if you could kind of add a little of them but either way its fine~~
By the way
SujuShidae24 #4
Chapter 23: LOL...kudos for a very suitable title for this chapter...Hyorin is quite a tease... XD
octa82_ichigo #5
Chapter 24: Next chapter please ....... ;)
evilminic00kies #6
Chapter 23: If I was Hyorin, I'd be dying trying to keep my laughter in. Geez the boys' reaction towards her xD
sunshinexgirl #7
Chapter 22: This is too cute! I love the interactions between Siwon and Alice! ^^ Ohh I can't wait to see how the others react to Alice's new look, and especially what Hangeng will think kekeke I love this story so much! Hwaiting!!! <3
sunshinexgirl #8
This is getting exciting! ^^
Bahahahaha~~~ Hangeng hitting Hyukkie with a pillow xD
sunshinexgirl #9
Chapter 19: That chapter had me squealing and fangirling! It was so cute!!!
Yes, I love the way you wrote it ^^
Seriously can't wait for the update~~ Hwaiting!!!
OMG.OMINGGOSH. NUUUU. ALICE. STAY STRONG ;~; Stupid Evil loan sharks and ''Master'' Gee you sure know how to write dramas LOL