Chapter Two

365 Days without my Guardian


          That’s right. After two years of endless waiting, they finally meet. And the best part? Park ChanYeol remembers him! The once-Angel-once-bird ChanYeol remembers him…! How? Maybe the Gods did something~
          BaekHyun sat in his tour bus with ChanYeol next to him, holding his hand. “Ah, I missed you so much, Yeol!” BaekHyun kissed ChanYeol on the cheek and cuddled closer. “Ah, so did I… Ugh, I dreamt about you everyday. And, haha! You won’t believe this! Baek, I was so desperate to meet you, I talked to a bird!” BaekHyun’s eyes widened. “A b-bird?” “Yeah! I went so crazy, I named a bird after you. It had these really beady eyes but it was rimmed with black… It sorta looked like eyeliner.” 
          BaekHyun backed away and shook his head. “Whoa. I had a bird name after you, too. He had crazy, fluffy hair and these huge eyes…” ChanYeol laughed and kissed BaekHyun’s forehead. “I guess we both went crazy, huh?” ChanYeol pulled BaekHyun into a warm hug, rubbing BaekHyun’s soft hair.BaekHyun straddled his legs a bit with ChanYeol’s and intertwined their fingers. “I love you, Park ChanYeol.” ChanYeol kissed his lips slowly and whispered, “I love you, too.”
          BaekHyun fell asleep on ChanYeol’s chest and ChanYeol fell asleep attempting to singing to BaekHyun. BaekHyun’s manager came in and made a really confused face. “What the fuuuuu-… Okay. Whatever.” His manager shrugged it off and took out his cell phone, calling the bus driver. “Where are you? Oh, okay. Hurry up, it’s awkward as Hell in here… What? Oh, don’t ask. You’ll see for yourself.”
          Moments later, the bus driver came in and jumped back a bit. “Holy shi-… Who the heck is that?!” “Shhh! I think it’s ChanYeon or HanYeol… I don’t know. But, whoever it is, I wanna thank him later when he wakes up. Baek is finally happy.”
          BaekHyun opened his eyes slowly at a sleeping ChanYeol. “Awh, hyung…” BaekHyun somehow got out of ChanYeol’s tight grasp and shrieked when he saw his manager staring at them very closely. “You’re awake, now?” “Y-Yeah… Why were you watching us?” His manager laughed. “Because I’ve never met this guy and he looks really nice.” “Well, back off. He’s mine,” he hissed.
          BaekHyun kissed his sleeping beauty on the lips, waking him up. “Hey there, Yeollie.” ChanYeol smiled and pulled BaekHyun closer. “Hey.” And he kissed him on the lips, holding his waist. “Ahem…” ChanYeol broke away and rubbed his neck. “Oh, sorry. I’m ChanYeol.” He took his hand out to shake Mr. Manager’s hand but, he just stared at him. Uncomfortable, he asked, “A-Are you alright…?” “Y-Yeah. You have really big eyes, that’s all… It makes you look creepy.” ChanYeol twitched a little. “Oh… That’s cool.” He shook his hand and said, “Call me Mr. Manager.” ChanYeol laughed. “O…Kay… I’m ChanYeol.” BaekHyun kissed ChanYeol’s cheek and laid his head on ChanYeol’s shoulder. “So,” said the manager, “I just want to thank you, ChanYeol. You made BaekHyun happy again!” BaekHyun blushed, stuffing his face in ChanYeol’s shirt collar. “Shut up, manager hyung.”
          “So, if we’re going to live together, wouldn’t you need your belongings? Did you leave them all at Incheon?” ChanYeol chuckled. “Well, actually I didn’t own much. All I had were my hygiene stuff, my wallet, a cell phone, and a couple shirts and jeans. Oh, and one pair of shoes, haha.” BaekHyun made a face. “Awh, why didn’t you own a lot?” “I knew I wasn’t going to live in Incheon that long so I didn’t stock up on stuff, I guess, haha.”
          BaekHyun sat on ChanYeol’s lap and said, “When you come to my house, you can stock up on anything. You’ll live like a king!” ChanYeol leaned closer, their lips barely touching. “On one condition.” He smirked. “Haha, and what is that, King ChanYeol?” “You be my Queen.” Before BaekHyun leaned in to kiss him he said, “Hmm… Sounds like a deal.”
          “Baek! We’re home!” shouted the manager. BaekHyun jumped out of his seat and stretched. “Wah! Finally!” BaekHyun held sleeping King ChanYeol’s hands and whispered in his ear, “Wake up, sleeping beauty.” ChanYeol moved his head a bit but, remained asleep. “Get up…!” BaekHyun kissed ChanYeol’s soft, plump lips and bit down little. “Y-Yah!” BaekHyun laughed. “C’mon! We’re here, King ChanYeol!”
          “Bye, manager hyung! Have a good weekend!” “Bye, Mr. Manager!” He waved once more and the bus drove away into the distance. “So, here we are!” BaekHyun took out his key and unlocked the door, rolling his suitcase in. ChanYeol looked around, very interested.
          “Wow”, he said. “This place is cool.” BaekHyun smiled. “I guess it’s alright… Haha.” ChanYeol squinted his eyes at something on the wall beside the dining table. “Hey, what’s that?” “Oh,” BaekHyun said. “That? It’s a calendar.”
          ChanYeol walked up closer to it and read it. “Stop it, Yeol! Haha… It’s embarrassing!” ChanYeol laughed. “No, no, it’s not. I had one, too. I wrote your name all over mine, also, Baekie.” BaekHyun sat down in awe. “Wow, really? So… We were on each others’ minds?” ChanYeol nodded, “Yep.”
          ChanYeol walked slowly towards BaekHyun, smirking. “W-What?” “Nothing. You just look really nice.” BaekHyun’s cheeks flushed pink. “Uhh… Thanks, haha.” “Where’s your room?” BaekHyun stared at him. He was smirking and it was starting to turn him on creep him out. “W-Why?” ChanYeol held the handle to BaekHyun’s suitcase. “Undo?” BaekHyun stuttered, “U-Undo what?” “What? No, I said Unpack.” “O-Oh, right. Right this way, King ChanYeol.”
          Well, that was awkward…
          Get yourself together, Baek! It’s not like he’s gonna you or something.
          Right? (O_o)
          “You have a nice room. It’s really neat in here. We’re gonna mess it up one night…” He mumbled the last part. BaekHyun looked up and asked, “What did you say?” “I said it’s neat… Unlike my room.” “Oh. Well there’s only one bed. So, we’ll have to sleep together. You okay with that?” ChanYeol smiled. ChanYeol held BaekHyun’s waist and whispered in BaekHyun’s ear, “Ecstatic.” BaekHyun held in his joy. “Y-Yeah… Ecstatic…”
          “Oh, boy. You’re a naughty King, Yeol.” ChanYeol pushed BaekHyun onto his bed and ed his own shirt quickly saying, “Yeah, whatever Queen BaekHyun, just take off your shirt.” BaekHyun laughed. “Someone’s eager to get it o-.” BaekHyun was cut off when ChanYeol pressed his lips against BaekHyun’s, holding his waist. BaekHyun held the sides of ChanYeol’s face and kissed back.
          God how he’s missed this.
          Even if making out isn’t exactly the best way to spend your first day together, BaekHyun still enjoyed it.
          A lot. Like, a lot a lot. 
          Like, a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot.
          ChanYeol laid next to his “Queen” and rubbed his head. “You’re so beautiful, BaekHyun. I love you so much…” BaekHyun gave a soft, angelic smile and whispered, “I really want to be with you forever, Yeol. We’re just… We’re meant for each other. You’re perfect for me. You’re the one I’ve waited for. The one I’ve loved my whole life. The one I fell in love with since childhood. You’re just my everything.” ChanYeol grinned as bright as the sun. “You’re absolutely a gift sent from heaven. Whenever I think of you, I feel like I’m in paradise. Whenever I hold you, a wave of happiness washes through my body. You mean the world to me, BaekHyun. I love you more than anything.” ChanYeol kissed BaekHyun on the lips slowly and passionately before falling asleep.
          His first day with BaekHyun was paradise. Maybe there really is a Heaven. It’s called BaekHyun’s house. Maybe there really is a perfect creature. His name is Byun BaekHyun. Maybe there really is true love. It’s called BaekYeol.
          ChanYeol fell asleep but, BaekHyun was wide awake, watching his “King”. He observed him again, only this time, in real life. “Your lips are so red, Yeol… And your nose is rather cute. And so are your ears…” BaekHyun quietly laughed to himself. “I love your neck, too. It’s long and your Adams Apple is just so… ngh. Your hair is y all the time… You’re so… You’re perfect.”
          BaekHyun laid his head right under ChanYeol’s chin, his lips practically laying on his collarbone. “Promise me never to leave again, Park ChanYeol.” BaekHyun closed his eyes, holding ChanYeol’s back. Just as BaekHyun was about to fall asleep, ChanYeol wrapped his arms around BaekHyun, lifted his chin, and kissed him on his lips. “I promise.”
Such romantic s ;D
I wonder if BaekYeol is real and acts like this in real life ;AAA;
omg your writer is fangirling right now :DD
Next chapter’ll be up fairly soon(: Probably tomorrow or the next day~ And it WILL be better ;o;
Until we meet again! Stay Greasy.
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This story is so fluff and touch my heart. The whole time I was like awwwwwwwwwww!!!! :)
menikkey #3
YES!!!! I DO YEOL!!! I DO!!
*ups. I'm sorry,that's not for's for bacon. Lol

omoooo.. Kyungsoo is dead???
My god.. No.. T--T
lookingthesky #4
hddjsbfjdjxgsndjdhdjfjdhdjhshdkdjshdhdhh. I think you understand what I feel right now. Awesome fanfic :)
zaraLHoya #5
asdfghjkl huwaaaaaaah >< keep crying from happiness rite now. .my baekyeol . .happy ending always the best! I do love ur story very very very very very muuuuch >< yes!stay greasy~ *sorry for my fail english hohooo*
zaraLHoya #6
baekyeol just tooooooooooo sweeeeet!! and I think I'll got diabetes if I'm continue to ship this couple kkkkk,,and kyaaaaaaaa the next chapter will be the last???? TT.TT I'll waiting for your new fanfics!!! ^^ Stay greasy! hahahaaa