
When You Wish Upon A Website


Dinner had long ended and it was almost time for some shut-eye. You got out some extra cushions from a closet and set it up in the other room where the boys will be staying. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun helped you set everything up. Suho was taking a shower. Chanyeol had fallen asleep on the couch. Kai and Sehun were fighting over who sleeps on the cushion on the floor with the snorfest Mr. Do Kyungsoo or on the extra space on the queen-sized bed with Suho and Baekhyun.

“I’ll sleep with Suho and Baekhyun hyungs because I’m older.” Kai just had to throw in the age card.

“Age has nothing to do with this. AND ARE YOU AN IDIOT? You're only older by a few months. C’mon I don’t wanna sleep next to Kyungsoo hyung!” Sehun shot back fiercely.

“HEY I HEARD THAT” Kyungsoo yelled from the other side of the room.

You rolled your eyes and chortled. “Why don’t the two of you sleep on the cushion and let Kyungsoo oppa sleep on the bed?”

“No!” they shouted in unison.

You flinched and pursed your lips. “Alright I’m not gonna get in to this” you raised your arms in surrender and stepped out of the room. “Goodnight you silly oppas”

Suho had just gotten out of the shower and you just so happened to walk by the bathroom to get to the kitchen. Your eyes widened at the handsome man standing in front of you wearing only a towel with his body still dripping wet. Heat spread out across your face as you squeezed your eyes shut. Suho was startled to see you as well.

He flinched “A-ah Mimi I’m sorry, I forgot my clothes in the room and-“ You interjected with your hands waving dismissively, your eyes still closed. “D-don’t worry oppa just get some clothes on right now.” “Right.” He walked awkwardly to their room.

You sighed heavily and staggered towards your room.



After a bunch of rolling, squirming and kicking on your bed, you realized that you in fact, can’t sleep. *YAH WHY ARE YOU STILL AWAKE BRAIN??* Grumpily, you grabbed a jacket and stormed outside your room.

 Curiosity got the best of you again so you thought you’d go check on that other room. Slowly but surely, you the knob and pushed the door open ever-so-gently to not make any noise. Your eyes skimmed inside the room and you saw Kai had won against Sehun on the Who-gets-to-sleep-on-the-huge-bed contest. Suho and Baekhyun were quietly sleeping while Kyungsoo snored like a lion beside Sehun. Surprisingly, maknae had already fallen into dreamland despite his hyung’s snoring. A contented smile appeared on your face as you closed the door and headed to the balcony.

You held onto the cold cement of the terrace and shivered a bit. A gentle smile drew across your face as the cold breeze blew past you. You’ve always loved the cool wind. You tilted your head up to face the night sky. *Mom, dad, I wonder how you’re doing up there?*

“Can’t sleep?” said a deep familiar voice.

You turned around to see Chanyeol wrapped in a blanket looking like a shivering ghost. He walked towards you with his shoulders and arms shaking. You chuckled and nodded. “Yeah I can’t. How about you? Weren’t you sleeping already Chanyeol oppa? I’m pretty sure I heard you snoring.”

“Had a bad dream.” He muttered with a straight face.

*He seems calm.* “I see.” You replied as you turned your head away to look at the sky again. Chanyeol stood next to you. “W-what are you doing out here? It’s s-so cold.”

“The cold wind calms my nerves. I might actually get some sleep after this.” You said as you curled some hair behind your ears. “You’re obviously not used to the cold, go back to sleep.” You continued.

Chanyeol calmly protested “No. I-I wanna stay and chat for a bit…AH..AH..ACHOO!”

“Yah! You’re catching a cold. Get inside!” you scolded.

“Come with me then.” He requested.

You eventually gave in to his request and the both of you went inside.

“I’m still not sleepy oppa. Do you want some warm milk?” you offered as you placed a gentle hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder.

“Sure, Channie.” He offered an appreciative smile and nodded.

You returned from the kitchen with two cups of warm milk, one for you and one for the shivering Chanyeol sitting miserably on the couch. You sat down and glanced at him as you sipped on your warm milk.

Chanyeol had finished his milk in one gulp. Your eyes widened in shock. *How did he…nevermind*

“So uh, how do you feel? Living with a bunch of strangers?” he asked with a blank expression.

You were taken aback by his question but you truthfully answered “It’s only been one day…but honestly, I’m not even worried about it anymore, which is unusual since I’m a very private and cautious person. It’s like, I’ve already grown attached to everyone. I know it’s weird but I feel like, I’ve known you boys for a long time.”

Chanyeol’s face softened. *That’s because we were destined to be with you and make you the happiest girl in the world. Of course you’d feel comfortable around us right away. We’re your destiny. It’s fate.*  

You noticed Chanyeol had gotten quiet and didn’t ask any more questions. You cleared your throat and placed your cup on the center table. Maybe you could ask him some questions now.

“What about you? You guys barely know me but you still agreed with ‘The Boss’ to live with me.” You drew quotation marks in the air when you mentioned the boss.

Chanyeol’s expression turned into a serious one “I guess there’s no harm in telling you the truth…We’ve known you for a while now, Song Chanmi.”

Your eyes sprung wide open at his reply. “W-what? How?”

“We’ve dreamed about you before we met you. All six of us. It was not more than four years ago. It all started. Every morning I’d wake up with an image of your face stuck in my mind. The others had experienced the same. We’d dream about the significant stuff that would happen to you.”

A shocked expression on your face was as clear as day. You opened your mouth but no words came out.

Chanyeol continued “I remember this one dream. That time, it was your 16th birthday. You were all alone in this very apartment and you cried yourself to sleep…”

You were able to mutter a couple of words “That’s…unbelievable…” you knew Chanyeol was telling the truth. You could remember that day like it was yesterday. Your aunt had to work all day so she didn’t have time to celebrate with you, and your parents…they were already gone at that time. All you could do was cry and mope around, only depressing thoughts came into your mind.

“That’s why we asked the boss for a way to get to you, so we can finally do something to help ease the pain you’ve been feeling these past years…”

*So that’s why….*Surprisingly, you didn’t find yourself panicking over how six strange boys from some other ‘dimension’ had dreamed about your life. Instead, you were in awe and amazement. *I thought such things were only possible in movies*

Chanyeol waved his hand in front of your face. *What happened to her? Did the truth freeze her or something?*

“YAH!” Chanyeol roared. You flinched and snapped out of your daze.

“Ah! I’m sorry…I was thinking about…how something like that could be possible…I think it’s amazing” You honestly answered as you clutched on your chest.

“Well…I don’t know either. But, just remember that everything is possible” said Chanyeol with a calm tone. “-and...yeah it is kind of awesome how our minds were connected to yours.”

*Connected huh?* You felt a smidge of sleepiness in your eyes and you started to yawn.

“Chanyeol oppa, I think I can finally get some sleep now. Thank you for clearing things out…” You gave him a sincere smile.


“No problem, goodnight.”  He waved.

You waved back and turned to walk away.

“Oh and Channie?” he called out softly.

You your heels “Yeah?”

“Call me Yeollie from now on.” he beamed.

You let out a soft giggle and nodded in agreement. “Okay. Goodnight Yeollie.”




We got some things cleared out now. I hope it's getting interesting enough so far. Lolol Thank you readers, old and new. ~ Hope you like this one. Now for my own shut-eye. -3-

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Cant wait ^-^
Thank you so much for the nice comments; u ;

I'm working on it ^^
rosepetal15 #3
love it, update soon! ^_^
I cant express my love to this fic..its friggin awesome...!!
ttaaaooo #5
this story is so cute XD i sense that she's gonna fall in love right? rriiGGHHTT? :D
I wouldn't be surprised if you fic ended up becoming a k drama someday! all the chapters! Most aweosme fic eva.....!
your story is so cute :D I love it :3
My God this is so exciting!! Love the idea the way you write everything!! Please dont make it short T^T update soon dear!!! Omg!!!