Before the bell rang

When You Wish Upon A Website


You had just finished getting ready for school. As soon as you stepped out of your room, all six boys gawked at you.

“What are you all staring at?” you asked nervously.

 “Nothing. You just look really good in your uniform” Baekhyun commented with a genuine smile.

You were wearing a maroon blazer over your pristine white blouse and a matching skirt. Your brown leather knapsack hung on your shoulders. Carefully, you smoothed the cloth and looked up at the boys with a tender smile. “I do, don’t I?” you giggled. They all nodded and chuckled along.

“I almost forgot!” you snapped and ran back in your room. You walked out carrying a huge box, blocking your face entirely.

“What have you got there? It looks…heavy.” Kai pointed out with an eyebrow raised.

You poked your head from the side “You don’t say?” you said wryly.

He chuckled and took the box from you. “Better?” he asked with a gentle smile.  *Someone as tiny as you shouldn’t be carrying such things*

You nodded “Thanks.”

“What is that anyway Chanchan?” Sehun asked curiously.

You furrowed your eyebrows *Chanchan?* you shrugged it off and answered “It’s my school project. I stayed up really late working on it and I’d die if I had forgotten it.”

“You’re thinking of carrying this all the way to school?” Kai asked with his eyebrows arched.

“Yeah why? School is not that far so…”

“No way. C’mon I’ll come with you. I’ll carry it for you.” Kai offered sincerely.

You shook your head “No I can do it by myself, Kai oppa…” *I feel weird calling him that*

“Nonsense Mimi, let Kai help you. We can’t just let a tiny girl like you carry that gigantic whatever by yourself. Right Kai?” Suho nudged at his dongsaeng and they both nodded.

*Mimi? They already have nicknames for me.* you giggled and pursed your lips. “All right, fine if you insist” you agreed and glanced at Kai. “Thanks I guess.” He offered a gentle smile “No problem Beautiful.” You blushed and averted your gaze. *Geez, what’s the deal with all these nicknames. Really.*

“By the way, I prepared lunch for you.” Suho beamed as he held up a lunchbox.

“Suho oppa, you shouldn’t have.” Your face softened.

He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. “Well I figured it’s the least I could do. Don’t worry, there’s no poison.”

“I didn’t even think of poison until you mentioned it.”

“Oops my bad” he chuckled.

“Thanks” you beamed as you took the lunchbox.

“Let’s go.” Kai flicked his head to the side.

“Are you serious? You should get changed first. I don’t want to be seen with someone wearing…sweat pants and a loose tank top. How embarrassing.” You mockingly pointed at Kai’s outfit.

Kai rolled his eyes and walked into the vacant room across your room. After a few minutes, he got out wearing black skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt with a black and white hoodie. You gawked at him for a moment with wide eyes. He looked really fashionable.

“Where did you get those outfits?” you asked

“Never mind that. Let’s go.” He said as he heaved the box up.  

You shrugged it off and walked towards the door except, a loud crashing sound forced you to halt.

Quickly, you ran to the kitchen “What happened here??” you worriedly ask. You gaped at the broken glass sprawled on the kitchen floor.

Sehun was standing there with a sheepish grin. “It was an accident Chanchan.”

You shook your head and went to get the broom and dustpan. You were about to sweep it yourself but Baekhyun grabbed the two said objects from your hand. “It’s okay, you’re gonna be late. I’ll take care of this.” He sincerely offered as he patted your shoulder. You bowed and thanked him a few times and headed off to the door with Kai.

You your heels and waved goodbye to the others. “See you later oppas…please try not to break anything else” you said, shooting a look at Sehun. He pouted and you chuckled with a wave *Silly boy I’m not mad*

With that, you and Kai headed out of the apartment.




Awkward silence flew in the atmosphere as you walked side by side with Kai. You kept a distance of half a meter.

“Hey!” kai yelled.

You flinched “W-what??”

“Why are you walking so far away from me? I don’t have cooties FYI” he said mockingly.

“Right.”  You cleared your throat and closed your distance with him half-way.

He glanced at you and let out a chuckle.

“Hey how did you guys end up picking me? Out of all the lonely girls out there.” You asked as you curled your hair behind your ear.

“We didn’t pick anyone. I guess, we were just destined to be with you.” He smiled cheekily.

“Yeah right.” You chuckled. *Kai is not that bad after all*

Kai cleared his throat. “So um, how’s school treating you?”

You flared your nostrils and pouted. “I hate it. Everyone is really annoying to be honest. I don’t want to be anywhere near them.”

Kai raised an eyebrow. “Really now? Are they that bad?”

You sighed. “Yeah. If I weren’t trying to graduate with honors, I would be skipping school by now”

*She’s already opening up to me* Kai smiled to himself.

You caught his smile by the corner of your eyes. “What are you grinning about?”

He sheepishly looked away and mumbled. “Nothing”

After a few minutes of walking, you arrived by the school gates. Kai didn’t hesitate on carrying the box up to the 3rd floor where your classroom was located. The guard gave him a pass and the two of you headed to the classroom.

A fit of giggles and whispers spread across the halls as you walked with Kai. Kai drew a lot of attention since he’s really good-looking. Someone can easily mistake him for a model.

*Oh great* you thought.

“Why is everyone staring all giggly at us?” Kai asked as he exchanged looks with a giggly girl who walked by.

You smacked your palm on your face and grumbled. “They’re giggling at you …they’re glaring at me”


“Ignore them…let’s just get this over with so you can go home.” you commanded.

Finally, you were right outside the classroom door. Kai put the box on the floor. “Will you be okay?” he asked with a concerned look.

“I’ll be fine. Thanks. Now go” you gave him a half-hearted smile and shooed him away. He stared at you for a few seconds before he finally waved goodbye. You watched his back as he walked around the corner, finally disappearing from your sight.

You sighed and stretched your arms. Carefully, you hoisted the box up with your legs slightly trembling. *Maybe I should’ve asked him to take it inside*

“YAH! SONG CHANMI” a high-pitched voice called out from behind.

You flinched and almost dropped the box. *Great. You *




Yay 4th chapter! Is it getting interesting yet? Haha anticipate the next chapters ^^

Thank you~ 

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Cant wait ^-^
Thank you so much for the nice comments; u ;

I'm working on it ^^
rosepetal15 #3
love it, update soon! ^_^
I cant express my love to this fic..its friggin awesome...!!
ttaaaooo #5
this story is so cute XD i sense that she's gonna fall in love right? rriiGGHHTT? :D
I wouldn't be surprised if you fic ended up becoming a k drama someday! all the chapters! Most aweosme fic eva.....!
your story is so cute :D I love it :3
My God this is so exciting!! Love the idea the way you write everything!! Please dont make it short T^T update soon dear!!! Omg!!!