The next morning

When You Wish Upon A Website


“Chanmi ah” a woman cried, her voice cracked. She had just turned the T.V. off before you entered the living room.

“Auntie, what happened? Why are you crying?” you asked as you gently wiped away tears from the woman’s cheeks.

Instead of answering your question, she pulled you in for a tight hug.  You lifted your arms and enveloped them around her. You patted on her back “What’s wrong auntie? Did something bad happen?”

She was able to mutter a few words in between her sobs. “I’m…sorry…Chanmi…”

“Why are you apologizing? I’m getting nervous auntie. What is it?” you asked worriedly.

She sniffed and sobbed a few more times before she spoke.

“Your mom…and dad…they…”

You felt your heartbeat stop for a moment. “W-what about t-them?” you stuttered, almost terrified to ask.

“They…they’re gone….my sister…and your dad”

Slowly, your hands dropped to your sides. Tears in your eyes suddenly began to well up.

“Y-you’re lying, auntie. Don’t mess around with me” you scowled

She calmed down for a bit “The news….they reported, a certain flight from China to South Korea had crashed right on the border. It just so happens to be, your parents’ flight. They said a few bodies were identified….and…your parents” she started to cry again.

“I-it can’t be. Are you sure it’s them? Auntie! Answer me!” you shook her rapidly, tears continued to flow on your delicate cheeks.

“Auntie! It’s not true!! Auntie!”


“Answer me!”


“Answer me” you groaned on your bed, your eyes flew open. You were on the verge of falling off your bed.

“It was a dream…” you sleepily rubbed your eyes and felt something damp. You hadn’t realized that cried in your sleep. *Another dream about my parent’s death*

You sighed and got up facing the side. *Gah, my aching back* you stretched a bit and groggily walked out of your room and headed to the bathroom.

You ducked your head into the sink and splashed water on your face. *Chanmi are you drunk or something?* you grabbed a towel and dabbed it gently on your face. With a huge sigh, you turned around to get out of the bathroom and get ready for the day. Except…

A topless male figure with a slender but well-built body, tanned skin and luscious plump lips was right in front of you. Your eyes widened.

“Good morning sleepyhead” he said with a flirtatious wink.

And with that, you screamed.

The male covered his ears and hissed at you “Do you have to be so noisy first thing in the morning?”

You pointed an accusing finger at him and shouted “W-what are you doing in my apartment?? S-stay away!”

He furrowed his eyebrows “Seriously, turn it down a notch. You’ll wake up the others.”

“O-others? What others??!!” you asked in a panic. You quickly sprinted passed the stranger and went straight to your room. The topless stranger went after you.

Once you got to your room, your eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

There were two other figures sprawled on your bed. One of them was really tall and had curly brown hair, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. Another one was shorter, hair was straighter but it was the same color. He’s wearing jogging pants and a white shirt.

Your heart thumped and you squeezed your eyes shut. Your hand tightly covered your eyes. *This is all a dream. It’s all a dream* you chanted in your head. *I’m seeing things….or in this case… hot strangers.* Slowly, you moved your fingers and took a peek, hoping that the strangers would have already disappeared.

Unfortunately, they haven’t.


One of the two figures on the bed flinched and the other one shot up with wide eyes. “WHAT WHAT WHAT HAPPENED???”

“YOU happened! Who the hell are you people and what are you doing in my apartment, and on my bed??” you furiously asked.

To make things worse, three other male strangers ran towards your room.

“What happened here? Chanyeol what did you do to the poor girl?” said a figure with an insanely perfect face. With them high cheekbones and all.

“Hyung did you punch someone in your sleep again?” another handsome stranger with a slight stoner look asked as he rubbed his eyes.

“The poor girl tsk tsk”

You stood there in shock, your jaw dropped.

“I didn’t do anything!” the tall curly-haired boy shot back.

“W-where the hell did you all come from?” you managed to ask.

They all turned to you at the same time.

“EXO PLANET” they shouted in unison.




“Planet what?” you asked, confused.

Then it hit you. Last night you opened up an email with a link on it. *EXO Planet…*

“Oh my goodness…don’t tell me you guys…” you croaked

“You made a wish didn’t you? To make the loneliness go away.” The topless stranger muttered.

“So here we are. We’re here to make your wish come true” a head popped out from behind the topless guy.

“I need to sit down…” you groaned.

The two boys quickly got off your bed, giving you more space. You gave them a look as they walked towards the others.

“Could somebody explain to me what’s going on? How do you know I made that stupid wish?” you asked anxiously.

The short guy answered with a sheepish grin “They sent us here to grant your wish. We’re here to make you happy.”

“H-how….Who sent you?” you stuttered.

“The boss from EXO Planet. It’s our job to make lonely people happy.” The curly haired guy replied

“How the hell are six hot strangers gonna help me?” you asked with your arms crossed.

“Did you just call us hot?” topless guy shot back with a smirk.

Your face heated up into a blush and you cleared your throat. “Answer my question please.”

“We’re gonna stay with you here and do everything we can” The guy with the gorgeous cheekbones beamed.

“S-stay??? With me? In my apartment?” you questioned with wide eyes.

All at the same time, they nodded.






sOBs 5ever. Okay here's another chapter. I didn't give out the members' identities yet. Maybe except Chanyeol haha. Enjoy and anticipate plox. ex0ex0





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Cant wait ^-^
Thank you so much for the nice comments; u ;

I'm working on it ^^
rosepetal15 #3
love it, update soon! ^_^
I cant express my love to this fic..its friggin awesome...!!
ttaaaooo #5
this story is so cute XD i sense that she's gonna fall in love right? rriiGGHHTT? :D
I wouldn't be surprised if you fic ended up becoming a k drama someday! all the chapters! Most aweosme fic eva.....!
your story is so cute :D I love it :3
My God this is so exciting!! Love the idea the way you write everything!! Please dont make it short T^T update soon dear!!! Omg!!!