Not So Perfect

Back Where We Started

Lee Joon's POV


     It had been four years since we moved to Seoul from Busan. It was a dramatic change in environment. I missed my home and my friends. The kids here that attended my high school were nice, but everyone had their own group that they hung out with. It's because they went to elementary school together, and I am just the "new" kid on the block. It took some time to adjust to my new surroundings, but it wasn't long before I was able to find some people to hang out with during school. 

     I met Jonghyun during class two. I had never noticed him a day in my life. But once we started talking, I felt an immediate connection. He was from Busan just like me, but from a different part of Busan. Jonghyun was like my long lost brother. He had many interest just like me. Art, dancing, singing, the guitar. Oh, and just like me, he wasn't that good in school. Not behavior wise, Academic wise. We both scored the lowest in class last year on finals, but Jonghyun has been studying a lot lately, unlike me. 

     Four hours had passed and I am still working on my project for science class. The project is on atoms, and I know nothing about it. Not to mention I am just now starting to work on it. I do not look forward to making any mistakes on th-

"Joon! Joon-ah!"

I jumped, knocking over the paint from the desk onto my clothes. "..." I tried to find something to wipe it off with before it dried on my clothes, but there was nothing in sight. I was forced to walk downstairs like this.

"Joon-ah!" My mother was calling my name from downstairs.

With hesitation, I stood up and walked downstairs, prepared for anything that would be waiting for me.

Peaking around the corner I said, "Yes, umma?"

"What are you doing up there? You have been working for four hours almost, and it's already eleven o'clock." Her facial expression was stern.

"I..uh." I tried to think of a good excuse. "I was just checking over my homework. Making sure it was right."

She wasn't buying it. "Joon-ah, you never check your homework, why start today, huh? Get back to work, sleep soon."

I bowed my head slightly and ran back upstairs, sighing in relief that she hadn't seen my clothes.

"Joon-ah!" I stopped turning the knob to my door and backed up slightly. 

"Ne, umma?" 

"I saw your clothes, please get washed up soon." 

"..." I mumbled. "Ne, umma! I will make sure to wash before sleeping."

"Goodnight." My mom called again.


     I turned the knob all the way this time, and walked into my room, closing the door behind me quietly. Time to get back to work. Immediately, I began putting the finishing touches on my project. A little bit of paint here, a stick or two here, stickers here and there. Wa-lah! The project was finished, and I could rest now. 

Sighing in relief I laid back in my chair, closing my eyes and preparing for sleep. That didn't last long. My phone began to ring. It was so loud that it nearly knocked me off the chair. Scared that it would wake the others, I picked it up quickly and stared at the caller ID. It was Jonghyun. Jonghyun never called me this late before, but when he did, I knew it was important.

"Yoboseyo?" I spoke into the reciever, quieting my voice.

Jonghyun sounded like he had been running for sometime. This made me curious. "J-Joon- ah! Joon-ah, they're back..."

"Back? Already? there anyway you can hurry to my house? How far away are you, Jonghyun-ah?"

I started panicking before he spoke again, I could hear his heavy breathing slowing down. "There is no way. There is no way I can make it to your house before they catch up to me again."

     I could feel my blood boiling as it rushed through my veins and heated my body. Why did he have to go running off all the time? He knew exactly how much danger we were in, why did he have to stretch the possiblites?

"Where are you!?" Again the blood boiled.

"In back back of the supermarket. Please, hurry." He had hung up, to early for me to argue with him about anything.

I grabbed a jacket and ran downstairs, turning to my mom and bowing. "Im going out."

"But Joon! It's already twelve, you have school tommorow!" It was too late, I was already running out of the house to the supermarket.

     Why was my life so hard for me? Just when everything was going perfect, there was always that one mistake that messed everything up. And this time that mistake was Jonghyun. I couldn't wait to catch him so that I could reprimand him immediately. 




Short chapter, I know it's early and I felt like updating^^, well, please enjoy. If I have time I will even update Nicole's POV later on tonight. Thanks for reading, and thanks for subscribing^^


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SummerKpop #1
Please Update Soon~~
I like the pairing of JoonCole and maybe JongAh? I also like the idea of when Joon broke up with Hyuna(No Offense,Fans of JoonAh) because Joon said there nothing going on with him and HyunA. Please make it JoonCole & JongAh!
insrame #2
Chapter 12: update please
update please? :) good fanfic
I like this pairing, thanks for update :) <3 New reader :)
new reader wihihihihihii *love*
Awesome!! Why u leave cliffhanger!??! XD
Rooting for JongCole (don't hurt me >.<)
Update soon!
#7 intenese between Joon and Jonghyun! I wonder how Nicole feels about the both of them? I can't wait to read the next chapter! Update soon! :D
Sweet update! This story is getting more interesting! I can't wait for the love triangle to start! Please update soon!
OOOOoooo.....interesting I wonder if Joon really starting to like her or is just pretending :>
dynamo #10
nice story...please update...can't wait..hahaha