Lost and Found

Back Where We Started

Lee Joon's POV


    After yesterday, I tried my hardest to calm myself down. Even though it wasn't the easiest task to perform, I did well with it. So far, the whole atmosphere in school was making me feel better. Usually, I dreaded coming to school and I'd rather stay at home and smoke a few cigarrettes. But not today. Yesterday night, Jonghyun called me to check up on me. He instantly made me feel better when he had mentioned he had a surprise for me at lunch today. He had told me to dress warmly and pack a decent lunch. He wouldn't tell me why, or what he had planned, but I obeyed him and did what he told me to do.

    I was sitting in third period, the last class before lunch. My mind wouldn't allow me to stop thinking about what was waiting for me, and I didn't want to stop thinking about it either. But, I'd rather be surprised than know what it was. My History teacher came up to me and held out her hand."

"Mr. Lee? Your homework, please." 

I pretended to look for my homework in my bag and shrugged, rubbing my forehead, "I seem to have left it at home, Ms. Jung. I'm sorry."

Ms. Jung looked disappointed and leaned down further to me so that I could smell her perfume, "You have got to step it up a knotch, Mr. Lee. It's the beginning of the school year. You're already off to a terrible start." With that, Ms. Jung walked off to the next person and collected the homework until she worked her way back to the front of the classroom. 

     Ms. Jung was one of those seductive teachers. The female teachers who used their gorgeous lady assets to get what they wanted. I'm not going to lie, she was one of my favorite teachers for that, and many boys in my class loved her. She spoke to those after class who didn't do their homework the night before, which is why many boys and some girls in my class purposely didn't do their homework. Me? I didn't do my homework because I never felt like it. I would always go home and go straight to bed. I was never the type to do my homework. I was never the type to focus on schoolwork. It was a bad habit of mine.

"Class, today we will be focusing on the Korean war. Many of you have learned about it previously, but the board of education wants us to go over it again to make sure you haven't emptied out your negative minds already." The class bursted into laughter and quickly got back in order. "Can anyone tell me about the Korean war?"

No one's hand went up in the entire class. After a few silent minutes, Yujin's hand went up. Yujin was the smartest girl in our class, she was also the girlfriend of my closest friend, Kris. Kris was a year younger than me, and we met last year during final exam testing. "Uh...can I take a guess?"

The teacher nodded, "Of course. Feel free to."

Yujin must have been nervous because she quickly shook her head and put her hand down, "Nevermind. I seem to have forgotten." Whispers broke out around the room and my friend, Kai tapped on my shoulder and leaned over to me.

Kai whispered, "What a , right? She can ace every test but can't get one simple question right in History? What does she do all day? Stare at the wall?"

I chuckled and so did Kai. I gave Kai a slap on the back of the head and he rubbed it. Ms. Jung came strutting over to us and stopped in front of Kai's desk. "Is there something you want to share with the class, boys?" She shot both me and Kai a glare.

Kai spoke first, "We were just talking about how much we loved History class. Is that such a bad thing?" 

I nodded my head and shrugged, "I don't think it's a bad thing at all, Kai." Again, Kai and I chuckled and gave each other a high five.

Ms. Jung leaned down to the both of us, "Get out of my classroom. Both of you. Go."

     Without hesitation Kai and I gathered up our stuff and ran out of the classroom giving each other another high five. We started down the hall to the principals office. Kai stopped me from walking and turned to me, "Let's not go to the principals office. Let's go to the schoolyard and smoke. I have a few left on me. You in?"

I nodded, "Hell yeah I'm in. Let's do it!" 

     In the courtyard, Kai handed me a cigarette and lit it for me I stuck it in my mouth and began smoking it. It felt good to smoke again. It let all of my bad worries out of my head and filled my mind with happy thoughts. I loved the feeling it brung over me. "Feels good man..." Kai spoke.

"Sure does." I took another drag of my cigarette and blew a circle shape in the air. "Bet you can't do that."

Kai scoffed and blew a bigger circle of smoke in my face. "Beat."

     I coughed and fanned the smoke out of my face, blowing an even bigger puff in his face. We goofed around for a few more minutes. We were supposed to be in the principals office right now, but we were outside, smoking. On school property. If we got caught, it would be an immediate suspension. Maybe we would even get expelled. No one ever came to the schoolyard where we were though. We were on the balcony all the way at the top of the school. Meaning we were basically on the roof. I liked it here on the roof. I felt free and I wanted it to stay like this.

About ten minutes passed while me and Kai were talking and the first bell to lunch rang. "I got to go, man. It was nice talking to you, though!" Kai bid me goodbye and started towards the stairs on his way to the lunch room.

     I remembered the surprise that Jonghyun had waiting for me in the schoolyard. During lunch time. I reached into my bookbag and took out my lunch and started down the stairs to the schoolyard.

     When I approached the schoolyard, I could see Jonghyun standing all the way out in the distance. I could also see someone standing with him. I wasn't sure who it would be, but I'm guessing that person was my surprise. I got a clearer view of Jonghyun and his friend once I reached them both. It was the new girl. I think her name was...Nicole? I've heard about her around the school. Everyone was saying she was so pretty and smart. I agreed with them. Nicole was pretty and she wore glasses that complimented her whole "smart look". Jonghyun had a thing for her. I didn't blame him. If he hadn't liked her, I surely would have stolen her from him.

"Joon-ah! Lee Joon! Joon Lee! Fake muscles!" I slapped Jonghyun on the back of the head when I had heard him call out my nicknames. 

"Jonghyun! Kim Jonghyun! Jonghyun Kim! Dino!" Jonghyun returned the slap and patted me on my back. "This is Nicole. The one I was telling you about." Jonghyun stretched his arm out, presenting Nicole to me. 

Nicole was so very pretty. She had pale-ish skin and short, dark brown hair. Her eyes were gorgeous as well. She extended her hand for me to shake it and I did so, even if my hands became sweaty. "H..Hi. I'm Lee Joon. I think we have gym together?" I tried to think of something to start our conversation.

Nicole let go of my hand and nodded, stepping back a little. "Do you have gym right after lunch? I have it right after lunch."

"Ne, I have it right after lunch. We should walk there together? I could use another friend in gym." I chuckled, making a suggestion.

Nicole looked at Jonghyun for confirmation, and he gave her a nod, "Sure, we could walk there together. I wouldn't mind at all."

I gave Nicole a smile and Jonghyun gestured for us to follow him to a table, "Let's eat, shall we?"

     Once we got to the table, we all sat down and opened our food. Jonghyun and Nicole sat on the same side and I sat on the opposite side. So That I could face them. At first, it was awkward when we were opening our lunch to begin eating, but the atmosphere warmed up once we started eating and talking to each other. I found out that Nicole loves to dance just like I do. That's what really got out conversation going.

"You dance!?" I asked Nicole, taking a sip of my water. I shuffled in my seat with excitement and mentally spazzed inside my head.

Nicole nodded and took another spoonful of her rice, "Yeah! I do hip hop, ballet, jazz, tap." She swallowed her food before continuing, "I even freestyle. What kind of dancing do you do?"

I cleared my throat sarcastically and sat up straight, moving my hands gracefully like a ballet. "Well! I dance hip hop. You should teach me ballet. We could do it together someday."

Nicole nodded in agreement, "You know, I have my first dance class this Friday. It's opening night, anybody could come. You should come with me!" 

I nearly choked on my food, "Open night? Where?"

"It's not too far from my house. It's being held in the park, everyone is invited to come. It's at twelve noon on Friday."

"Twelve noon? But, we have school that day." 

Jonghyun interrupted me, "It's not like you go to school anyway!" We all bursted into laughter and I gave Jonghyun a high five for his good joke.

"Point made."

"So, are you in or out?" Nicole leaned over to me. Her perfume smelled amazing. I was already beginning to be able to call her a friend. Not too much more than a friend, though, because I remembered that Jonghyun liked her. 

I nodded my head and finished up my food and my water, "I'm definitely in. Let's meet by the first stop sign Friday morning. We can walk there together."

Nicole nodded her head again and finished up her food as well. 

     Was it safe to say that I finally found someone I connected with? Immediately, Nicole had become a good friend of mine. I wasn't the type to accept just anyone, but Nicole was an exception. My best friend liked her, and we both danced and had gym together. Maybe...just maybe I had found what I lost.


*I've been sick these past few days, so I haven't updated, but, here you go! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Get ready for that love triangle~


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SummerKpop #1
Please Update Soon~~
I like the pairing of JoonCole and maybe JongAh? I also like the idea of when Joon broke up with Hyuna(No Offense,Fans of JoonAh) because Joon said there nothing going on with him and HyunA. Please make it JoonCole & JongAh!
insrame #2
Chapter 12: update please
update please? :) good fanfic
I like this pairing, thanks for update :) <3 New reader :)
new reader wihihihihihii *love*
Awesome!! Why u leave cliffhanger!??! XD
Rooting for JongCole (don't hurt me >.<)
Update soon!
Whoa...so intenese between Joon and Jonghyun! I wonder how Nicole feels about the both of them? I can't wait to read the next chapter! Update soon! :D
Sweet update! This story is getting more interesting! I can't wait for the love triangle to start! Please update soon!
OOOOoooo.....interesting I wonder if Joon really starting to like her or is just pretending :>
dynamo #10
nice story...please update...can't wait..hahaha