Good Things

Back Where We Started

Lee Joon's POV


     After a little bit of thinking, I got back on track. I knew that I had to hold my ground at a time like this. I tried calling Jonghyun a few times, but he never answered. I gave up after five calls and turned my phone off, avoiding anyone else that had been trying to contact me. I wanted to be alone right now. I had taken a nap and I had eaten dinner, so I was pretty much free for the night. I drew a few things, danced a little, and I was now sitting on my bed with my laptop in my lap. I wanted to talk to someone, anyone. But, no one had been on IM. I then went to check my email.

*5 new emails*

     A little white and black box flicked at the center of my screen once I clicked the link to my inbox. I clicked on the flickering message and it brought me to my email inbox. Most of the new emails i had received were spam mails. But, one email caught my eye. It was subjected Academy of Art and Dance.

     Without hesitation, I clicked on the message and saw that it was the results from my audition. I was starting a shake a little from nervousness, but I was anxious at the same time to see how well I had done, and if I had made it in or not. I started tapping my foot and a little smile came across my face as I started the first sentence to the message.

"Congratulations, Lee Joon! You have been chosen to move to our final stages audition! Our judges were very impressed with your dancing, and we think you have tons of talent that has yet to be discovered. Our final auditions take place on Wednesday of next week. You have been scheduled to come in and audition at five o'clock in the evening. Auditions will be held at the Academy of Art and Dance and further information will be given to you once you show up for your audition. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us before your audition takes place. Congratulations and we will see you soon!"

     I was overwhelmed with emotions, I was both sad, happy, angry, excited and anxious all together. The first thing I had done was run downstairs to tell my mom. I printed out a copy of the email first before running downstairs and sliding into the kitchen beside my mom. I was jumping up and down like a kid who had just won a free goldfish at a festival. "UMMA! UMMA! UMMA LOOK! PPALI!" I shoved the sheet at my mom and waited for her reaction.

"Aigo, Joon-ah! My Joon-ah!" My mom looked at me with watery eyes and a bright smile spread across her face as she finished reading the email. She started clapping and cheering, she even called for my noona to come downstairs. "Juri-ah! Juri-ah! Look at what your brother has done!" My mom wiped away her tears and hugged me tightly, embracing me so that I could barely breathe.

"AH?" My noona was looking at the letter wide-eyed and she was also smiling as big as my mom and I were. The atmosphere really lifted my spirit, and I had forgotten all about my worries and problems involving Jonghyun and Nicole. "Joon-ah! Are you sure this isn't the wrong letter?" My noona joked, pulling both my mom and I into a hug. We all embraced each other and laughed, jumping up and down. 

After a few minutes, when everyone was semi-calmed down, my mom started, "What will you be doing for your auditions, then?" 

"I'm going to be dancing. Like I normally do. Will umma and noona come to watch me audition?" I looked at both my mom and sister.

They both nodded and smiled, "I'll take off of work that day." My noona said proudly.

"I'll make sure I have all of my cleaning done the night before." My mom added in. 

"I'll help." 

My mom shook her head, "Aniyo, Joon. You don't have to help. You should rest before the big day." My mom tapped my nose and added, "If you win this audition, what will happen, then?"

"I asked the judges the same question while I was there. I will attend the perfomring arts school and my expenses will be paid. If I work efficiently, I get to enter a company in Korea." I smiled at the thought of my feet moving widly on stage.

"Really? Expenses will be paid?" My moms eyes widened. "Work hard! And don't slack off. I don't plan on paying for your college."

We all laughed and my noona patted my head, "I'm so proud of you, Joon. I really am. Here, I'll do something nice for you. Are you free tomorrow?"

I nodded and furrowed my eyebrows, "Waeyo?"

"Let's go to Busan together. Let's go together and visit a beach, and you can practice there." 

My sisters idea shocked me a little bit, but I loved the idea of going back to Busan. I looked at my mom for confirmation and she nodded, smiling. "I trust you both to drive safely there and back."

My sister smiled brightly and nodded, "I promise. Joon-ah, is there anyone you want to bring along with you? It can be sort of a vacation get away with our friends."

     I thought about who I would invite. I knew that Jonghyun was out of the question, and I wasn't as close to anyone else. I thought long and hard about it before my mind settled on Nicole. Hopefully if she was online today, I could ask her about it. "I got someone." I smiled to myself and got up off of the couch. "I got someone special. You'll like this person a lot, Noona. Gomawo. I love you." I bent down and gave my noona a kiss on her cheek, doing the same to my mom.  I couldn't wait to get in touch with Nicole. Maybe this time we would have time to talk alone. Just me and her. Alone. Talking. The thought made me smile.

I headed to the stairway, "Where are you going, Joon?" I heard my sister say.

"Bed. I'm exhausted." I lied. Knowing that I was only going upstairs to talk to Nicole.

"It's only six, though..." 

"Being a teenager is tiring, you know."

My noona and mom laughed. "Aigoo, Joon-ah. Sleep well. Be up early tomorrow. We've got a long day ahead of us."

"Arasseo. Practice driving please. I don't plan on dying tomorrow." I joked, they laughed at me.

"Sure thing, bro. Night."

     I closed my door and went straight for my laptop, opening up my chatbox. She was on! Her icon was glowing green and my heart stopped. I was nervous to ask her, but I had to ask her soon before she logged out. I started the conversation:

Joon: Hey.

Nicole: Sup! Guess what?

Joon: What?

Nicole: I got the email! I got accepted!

Joon: Really!? I was just going to tell you the same thing! See! I told you we would make it!

Nicole: You sure did! When is your audition time?

Joon: Mm...Let me check.

Nicole: K.

Joon: Oh, here it is, my audition is at five in the evening. You?

Nicole: My audition is at four in the afternoon.

Joon: Will you come see me?

Nicole: Of course I will! As long as you come to see mine.

Joon: Promise.

Nicole: Same. :)

Joon: There's someting I've been meaning to ask you.

Nicole: And that is?

Joon: Well, my sister wants to congratulate me for passing my auditions. And...

Nicole: ...

Joon: She wants to take me and a friend of mine to Busan. Will you come along with me tomorrow?

Nicole: Ah? To Busan...

Joon: Ne, to Busan. Please? It'll be fun. I promise. Plus, have you even got to see half of Korea yet?

Nicole: Hm, point taken. Sure, I'll come along with you to Busan tomorrow. What time?

Joon: Great! Be up around five in the morning, we'll be there around six or seven to hit the road. Thanks again!

Nicole: No~ Thank you for inviting me. You are just too sweet. Goodnight, see you tomorrow!

Joon: Night :)


AWWWW!! This is just too sweet. I'm a JoonCole shipper. Muahaha~ Who do you guys ship? Most of you say JongCole, though, right? 


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SummerKpop #1
Please Update Soon~~
I like the pairing of JoonCole and maybe JongAh? I also like the idea of when Joon broke up with Hyuna(No Offense,Fans of JoonAh) because Joon said there nothing going on with him and HyunA. Please make it JoonCole & JongAh!
insrame #2
Chapter 12: update please
update please? :) good fanfic
I like this pairing, thanks for update :) <3 New reader :)
new reader wihihihihihii *love*
Awesome!! Why u leave cliffhanger!??! XD
Rooting for JongCole (don't hurt me >.<)
Update soon!
#7 intenese between Joon and Jonghyun! I wonder how Nicole feels about the both of them? I can't wait to read the next chapter! Update soon! :D
Sweet update! This story is getting more interesting! I can't wait for the love triangle to start! Please update soon!
OOOOoooo.....interesting I wonder if Joon really starting to like her or is just pretending :>
dynamo #10
nice story...please update...can't wait..hahaha