Finally Here

Back Where We Started

Nicole's POV


     After three years of planning, and several months of saying goodbye, I was finally here. Everything was happening so fast. Almost too fast. I was surprised at how much my surroundings could change in just seventeen hours. A part of me was prepared for this, while another part of me wanted to turn back around. I scanned the crowd until I could find my cousin, Hyuna. I hadn't seen Hyuna in so many years, and I was scared to see what she had become. Why? I never really knew the answer to this. 

     After what seemed to be five long minutes, I noticed a very beautiful, fit teenage girl, around my age standing up against the railings. She had been searching for me, just as I had been for her. She waved and came running my way, pulling me into a long hug.

"Nicole!" Hyuna cried as she embraced me tighter, spinning me around.

"H-Hyuna!?" None-the-less I was staring at my beautiful grown-up cousin, but of course I wanted to confirm it. 

Hyuna put me down, her face was shining with a gorgeous smile that could possibly capture anybody's attention from thousands of miles away. 

"Of course it's me! How have you been? We have so much to do today. I have so many things to show you and way to much stuff to tell you. I even have to give you a tour of the city since it's been so long!" Hyuna babbled, most of it I heard, while most of it remained inaudible to my ears, seeing that I was focused on the things and people around me.

     Everything in South Korea was so much different than things in America. Of course the language was one, but there was something else to the story. Even the air was different from the air in America. It was winter time and snow filled the grounds around us as we walked outside to the car. In the winter, South Korea was much for wetter than winter time in America. Being in Los Angeles all of my life, I have never seen snowfall except for on movies. I was so facinated by this. Snow was so beautiful; the way it hit the ground, the way it flowed slowly and gracefully through the air and the way it touched the ground and melted into tiny droplets of water. How long did it take for snow to exactly fill the ground?

"Nicole, are you listening to me!?" Hyuna was putting my bags into the trunk as I stood there, day dreaming about snow. I had completely forgot she was talking to me.

"Oh, yes of course. I heard everything you were saying." I smiled, but Hyuna wasn't falling for it.

"Repeat my last sentence then, if you were listening." 

I froze. " said.."

Hyuna laughed and shook her head, not in the least bit convinced that I had been listening to what she had to say. As she closed the door, she walked over to the drivers door and hopped in, I followed behind her, settling down in the passenger seat. The car jerked to start and before I knew it, we were rolling down the streets of Seoul.

     I couldn't even function right in those few minutes we were driving. Hyuna was focused on the road so that gave me time to day dream again. I smiled as I closely watched my surroundings. Several kids playing outside in the snow as their parents watched them, cuddling and giggling, dogs roamed around and chased birds away. I was taking in everything. I had so many questions for myself to answer. Some of which would take time. Like "Will I meet boys at my new school?" and "Are the kids nice around this area?"

Hyuna came to a halt as we approached a red light. She turned and looked at me. "What do you want to do first?"

"I kind of just want to relax. I'm feeling a bit tired and worn out from the plane ride." Telling by her expression on her face, I added, "If you don't mind."

Hyuna started driving again and nodded her head. "Whatever you want! Oh, and if you didn't know, my mother is out working again until late tonight. Meaning we have the house to ourselves for a little while. Enough time for you to get your things put away."

"Sounds good to me." 

     Almost fourty-five minutes passed before I realized the car had stopped in front of a house about two stories high with a stone path curved up to the stairs, leading to a red double-door. It was a Victorian house and it was the definition of beautiful. Coming from an apartment in downtown LA, this was a huge difference. And I loved every inch of it.

I walked around to the trunk and reached for my suitcase. Hyuna swatted my hand away and smiled.

"I got it! I got it! Go take a look inside while I bring this stuff up. Just be careful, and don't break anything."

I nodded and sent her smile back to her, "A-arasseo. I will make sure not to break anything, Hyuna." 

     I started up the stone pathway to the door, reaching my hand for the knob and turning it carefully. I stepped inside. The air was so refreshing. Besides the annoying smell of new carpet, I could smell a bit of honey and cookies in the air. Excited enough, I kicked off my shoes and stepped into the living room. Leather couches covered every inch around an old looking rug and the fireplace sat right across from it. I could already tell this was where I was going to spend the rest of my winter. I took a seat down on one of the couches and jumped up and down, enjoying the cusion. This was relaxing compared to the hard cusioned chairs on the airplane that I had to call home for seventeen painful hours. 

     Once I was done being amazed with the cusions on the couches, I wanted to go upstairs to check out my room. Which is what I did next. The stairs were creaky against the heel of my foot. I felt like I was in a horror film having the creaky floors and the tall dark Victorian homes. Only, this house was not in the least bit dark. It was rather bright and welcoming, my dream home. I sighed as I stood in the hallway upstairs and fixed my eyes on a door at the end of the hall. It was Hyuna's room, and I could tell by the sign on the door. It read her name followed by hearts and flowers that looked like they were done by preschoolers. I slowly took a few steps until I reached the door knob and turned it hesitantly.

"Don't!" Hyuna ran down the hallway and grabbed my arm, yanking it behind my back. Hyuna was looking at me with dark eyes, and they were filled with fury.

What exactly had I done wrong? Was she protective of her privacy? I was lost at words, so lost that I could only look at her with sorry eyes that filled with tears immediately. Hyuna looked sorry to me, and relased my arm, reaching behind me and closing her door. 

"Your room is the first on the left. I'm sorry. M-my room.." Her voice trailed off and she tapped her chin, looking for the right words to arrange in a lie. "M-my room isn't cleaned yet. I..I haven't cleaned it yet.." 

     I could tell Hyuna was telling the biggest lie. But I wasn't going to give up there. I was now itching to find out what lied behind the white door at the end of the hall. And I was not going to let it itch any longer. I wanted to find out. Before Hyuna could say anything else, I backed slowly away from her and fell into the door of my room. First left..first left. It was my room. And it was a place I could call home. 




*See~ First chapter updated! I had time this morning to goof around before breakfast, so I decided to give you guys the first chapter while I had the chance. Just so you wouldn't be waiting. Second chapter will be coming soon, I just have to think of what it will be. Enjoy reading! 


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SummerKpop #1
Please Update Soon~~
I like the pairing of JoonCole and maybe JongAh? I also like the idea of when Joon broke up with Hyuna(No Offense,Fans of JoonAh) because Joon said there nothing going on with him and HyunA. Please make it JoonCole & JongAh!
insrame #2
Chapter 12: update please
update please? :) good fanfic
I like this pairing, thanks for update :) <3 New reader :)
new reader wihihihihihii *love*
Awesome!! Why u leave cliffhanger!??! XD
Rooting for JongCole (don't hurt me >.<)
Update soon!
#7 intenese between Joon and Jonghyun! I wonder how Nicole feels about the both of them? I can't wait to read the next chapter! Update soon! :D
Sweet update! This story is getting more interesting! I can't wait for the love triangle to start! Please update soon!
OOOOoooo.....interesting I wonder if Joon really starting to like her or is just pretending :>
dynamo #10
nice story...please update...can't wait..hahaha