Chapter 2: Trip To The Hospital

Oppa, You Are My Idol, My Savior, & My Lover!


Siwon’s P.O.V.


The limo came to a sudden halt, causing me to drop my book and lurch forward in my seat. I looked at the driver and asked him, “Why are we stopping?”


“There was an accident just up ahead.”


Curiously, I opened my door and walked to where a crowd of murmuring people had gathered. I rushed through the crowd to see the short, brown haired girl from the lobby lying motionless and bloody in the middle of the street. Hurriedly, I picked her up and ran to the nearest hospital with her unconscious in my arms. She was immediately rushed to the E.R. leaving me to wait outside.


2 hours later~


After what seemed like forever, the doctor finally exited the E.R. with nurses behind him pushing the girl on a stretcher. I walked over to the doctor, and he looked at me with a calm expression on his face.


“The girl will be fine, but she’ll have to stay here until she regains consciousness. She’s pretty bruised and cut up, but there were no serious injuries to her body. What I’m slightly worried about is her brain. It seems she hit the ground pretty hard, and she may have gained a concussion from the landing. She’ll need to be watched over very carefully for the next couple weeks. Are you responsible for her? If so, you can pay the bill up front and go visit her.”


I nodded politely, “Thank you doc.”


After paying the bill for her hospital fees, I walked to room 207 where she was still soundly sleeping.

I looked at her cut up face, and grew curious with many questions running themselves through my mind. I looked at the desk next to her to see a cell phone, which I assumed to be hers, with no damage but a little scratch on it. I decided it’d be a good idea to call someone off her phone to let them know about the accident so they could come get her. I typed in Mom, but search found nothing. I then typed in Dad and still nothing appeared.




Her screen said that she had a new text message from Arri. I knew it’d be wrong to look through her messages, but curiosity got the best of me. When I opened the text message from Arri, it read, Raerae! Where did you go? I’ve looked all around the hotel and I can’t find you anywhere. You know I don’t like hide and seek. L Please text me back ASAP. I want to go shopping for something nice to wear for after the concert, and I know you’ll probably just want some new jeans or something, but you should want to impress Siwon. ;) Anyways, get back to me soon!

I laughed at the last part, and looked at the peaceful face before me, mumbling, “So Rae, you want to impress me?” I laughed to myself. I ever dated a fan, and I don’t think I ever would, fans are friends. I couldn’t screw up my friendship with any of my fans, and I also just don’t look at fans like that. I pressed the talk button on Arri’s name.


“Hello? Rae?”


“Hi, sorry, this isn’t Rae. Rae got hit by a car, and I witnessed it. She’s fine, but she’s in the hospital right now. You’ll have to come to the hospital off of 127th Street, she’s in room 207. Please take care of her. Annyeong!”


I heard the other line cut off and I set the phone back down on the table next to Rae’s bed. Her serene sleeping figure brought peace to my mind, knowing that she’d be okay. I kissed her forehead quickly, and whispered “Annyeong, my dear E.L.F.” before exiting the room.


Rae’s P.O.V.


A painful pounding was pulsing through my head, and I could hear a faint voice talking in the background, but when I tried to see who it was, my eyes refused to open. I felt something soft brush against my forehead, and then heard the sound of retreating footsteps. A little while later, I heard someone running into the room calling my name with a frantic voice. Finally, my eyes opened slightly and slowly adjusted to the light. The first thing I saw was a white wall. Then I looked to my side to reveal a monitor and my best friend Arri sitting next to me.


“Rae? Rae! You’re awake!” She hugged me hard, and I let out a small gasp.


Her embrace instantly loosened and she looked at me with a worried expression.


“Oh, RaeRae, I’m so sorry! Did I hurt you?”


I chuckled quietly, “No, it’s okay.”


Her expression brightened a bit as she told me, “Well, the doc said that you have no serious injuries, just some bruises and cuts. He confirmed to me a while ago that you do have a concussion, but it should fade away in a couple of weeks. I’ve decided, that since we don’t have school for month yet, we can just stay here in California while you recover.”


I thought about it for a few seconds before answering, “Of course! More fun time for us!”


She laughed and let out a sigh of relief.


Suddenly, something crossed my mind, and I grew curious. “But Arri, who brought me to the hospital?”


Her smile faded, and she looked uncertain. “I’m not sure, it was a guy. He called me off of your phone and told me to come A.S.A.P. And when I got here, the hospital bill was already paid.”

My mind pondered what she’s said for a while, but I was still left clueless as to who it could’ve been that would’ve paid the bill. I shrugged it off as I got my stuff together to leave the hospital. The doctor told me I just had to watch out for myself for the next couple weeks, and dismissed me. Once Arri and I got back to the hotel, she said she was going to go grab us some grub, and left to the dining area. I decided to take the elevator since I didn’t have much strength. My legs were sore, which also booted out the option of walking the million stairs I’d have to take to get to my room. I waited at the elevator, and hurried in once the doors opened. I was so lost in my own world that I didn’t even notice someone standing next to me. I started humming Rokugo because the song always cheered me up. The silent figure next to me let out a small chuckle, causing me to stop and blush a tinged pink. I peered sideways out of the edges of my eyes to see the weirdly disguised guy from earlier. When I looked at his features closely, he reminded me of Siwon from Super Junior. I looked a little closer, and decided that it couldn’t be Siwon, he wouldn’t stay in a hotel like this one.

There were way nicer hotels in California. He looked at me when the doors shut and asked me kindly, “Which floor, miss?”


My eyes widened as I came to the conclusion, that this had to be Siwon.

I managed to stutter out, “F-f-fourteen p-please.”


I looked at him with a small smile, recovering from my dumbfoundedness. He smiled back at me. I put my hand out and looked up at him shyly, “I’m Rae.”


He shook my hand and told me, “ I’m Si-“ he paused, “Gerald.”


Even though he recovered quick from his mistake, my sharp mind still picked up on his hesitation.


I laughed to myself, as the elevator stopped at floor 14.


“Goodbye, Gerald.” I said politely before exiting the elevator.


Siwon’s P.O.V.


I almost told her who I was, thankfully she didn’t notice my almost-slip-up.


“Goodbye, Gerald.” She spoke up politely before limping out of the elevator. Something about her just made me want to go and help her every time I saw her in pain. Although I didn’t know why, her face seemed to imprint my mind.


Goodbye Rae, I hope I see you soon.


Hey guys, I finally updated this fic. Sorry it took so long, I didn't know what to do with it at first. Anyways, thank you readers for reading my story. Comment and subscribers are very appreciated, but I'm also very appreciative and grateful to silent readers as well, for enjoying my story and taking time to read my story. Thoughts, comments, opinions? Thanks again. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo. <3



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doctorkim #1
<3 <3 <3 <3
Thanks guys. I really appreciate your support! ^.^
doctorkim #3
Oh I didn't expect Siwon ! Can't wait for the next chapter !
exokrislover #4
ahhhh it's so good
I love this story so far
update soon
Thanks guys. And I will. ^^
I'm sooo excited for the next chapter! PLEASE KEEP UPDATE! ^^
doctorkim #7
Oh he is not mean .Their kiss was sweet.Update soon.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it. ^^
doctorkim #9
Hi very nice story .