Chapter 3: Concert Night!

Oppa, You Are My Idol, My Savior, & My Lover!


Chapter 3~


Rae’s P.O.V.


Once I’d reached my hotel room, I laid down on my bed and looked out the window, thinking deeply.

Was that really Siwon from Super Junior? I can’t believe he talked to me! I can now die happy. I smiled to myself as I let out a bunch of fangirl squeals I’d been holding in.


I sat up in an instant, and looked to see Arri giving me a weird look.

“Ummm…” I tried to build up the courage to tell her about my encounter with Siwon.

“Spill.” She sat down across from me, smirking.

“Well, when I took the elevator up here…guess who was in the elevator, chatting with me!”

Her face went blank and she asked curiously, “Who?”

“SIWON OF SUPER JUNIOR!” I nearly screamed before she put her hand over my mouth in disbelief.

“Don’t be shouting to the whole word Rae. Are you sure it was him?”

“I’m positive! I asked him what his name was, and he hesitated. He almost said Siwon but changed it quickly to Gerald. I could just tell! I’d know my future husband from anywhere!”

Her face lit up, “You actually met your favorite idol! Omo, omo! Do you know what this means?”


“You now have a better chance at meeting him at the concert, since he knows what you look like, maybe he’ll recognize you and want to see you after the concert!” She looked so excited for me, that I couldn’t crush her enthusiasm.

He probably won’t even look at me. I’m just another E.L.F. That’s what I wanted to say to her.


The night of the concert….

Arri and me were waiting standing in the ticket lines, way too excited.

We weren’t screaming yet, but we were jumping around and we kept hitting each other, telling one another to calm down, which caused us to squeal even more. The line moved up a little more, but we were still pretty far away from the main doors.

“I realllllly need to go to the bathroom, hold onto my ticket, I’ll be back in a few minutes, okay?” I smiled reassuringly at her before I left to find the restrooms.

I roamed the place for a while before finding a deserted hallway that looked like it might lead to a bathroom. I power-walked down the hallway, accidentally running into someone. The impact from the collision with the tall figure knocked me on the floor.

“Sorry!” I quickly apologized without looking up.

I heard the person let out a small chuckle as they extended their hand to help me up.

I took their hand gratefully, “Gomawo!”

I brushed my shirt and jeans off when I heard the person ask, “Are you lost?”

I looked up at the familiar polite voice and gawked, but quickly regained my composure.

Siwon. I knew it! His face is so handsome. Omo…he’s already dressed for the first song! Wow, he looks amazing.

“U-um, yeah. Could you tell me where the nearest bathroom is?”

“Well the bathrooms are on the other side of the building.” He said pointing to the opposite direction I was heading towards.

I groaned and muttered to myself, “Are you serious? This is not my day.”

His shibrows furrowed slightly, “But there’s a bathroom in my dressing room if you’d like to use that one.”

I looked up at him with a somewhat shocked face, and smiled, “Really?”

He nodded and took my hand, leading me to his dressing room. Once we got inside he pointed to a door in the back, “It’s right over there.”

I gave him a thankful smile and hurried to the restroom. Once I’d finished, I walked out sniffing my hands.

 This soap smells like cherry blossom heaven!

Siwon’s amused laugh broke me out of my thoughts, and I looked up with heated cheeks.

Way to embarrass yourself in front of your favorite idol, Rae.

“Thank you, again.” I bowed.

“Anything for an E.L.F.” he said smiling.

He walked me out, “You know the way back to the main gates, right?”

I nodded and hugged him quickly, “You’re the best Siwon oppa! Saranghae!”

I laughed as I walked back to the main gates. Once I’d found Arri, we were already at the front of the line. We handed the usher our tickets, and one of the other ushers brought us to the red rope separating the stage from the audience. He let us in specially right in front of the red rope, and left us by the very front of the stage.

I turned to Arri, “I can’t believe we got first row!”

AHHHH! I screamed silently.


Siwon’s P.O.V.~

I watched her body retreat towards the main gates, and reached out my hand in attempt to get her to come back.

What am I doing? I quickly shook my head trying to straighten out my thoughts.

I let her use my bathroom, my personal bathroom, and she hugged me. Why does my stomach feel light and floaty? Hmmm…weird.

I walked back to my dressing room to see my manager waiting for me.

“Let’s go, we gotta get backstage to make sure the preparations are ready!”
“Preparations?” I asked in confusion.

“Oh, we’re providing a special treat for two E.L.F.s. We’re going to let two fans come backstage and celebrate the after party with us. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?” My manager smiled at me.

I looked at him curiously, “How are we going to pick the two fans?”

“We’re going to have you and one other member pull two girls out of the audience. It’s your choice. They should probably be out of the first few rows, just to be safe with the music.”

I smiled and nodded. We walked backstage, and I could already hear the E.L.F.s screaming for Super Junior. In no time, the other members and I were put on either side of the stage and walking out to the opening song. After a few songs had passed, the song where Donghae and I were supposed to pick a girl from the audience and bring her up on stage began. I scanned the front row quickly, and froze in shock when I saw Rae’s ecstatic face smiling at me.


Rae’s P.O.V.~

The opening music to ‘From U’ sounded, and Leeteuk’s y voice filled the concert hall. I looked up and saw Siwon going to his place on the stage. His face scanned the crowd, and his eyes locked on mine. He froze, and then continued quickly to his spot on the stage. Arri and I sang along with Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, and Yesung. The chorus finally came, and every Super Junior member joined in singing. Their melodic voices filled the stage. Donghae and Siwon started walking down the sidesteps off the stage, and headed towards the audience. I had my eyes fixed on Siwon as he walked through the people in my row. My mind went blank, and my whole body was ventilating with happiness when Siwon stopped in front of me. He started singing, “Baby baby baby baby baby.” He took my hand and kissed it. I smiled so big, I thought my cheeks would rip. He pulled me up on stage with him as he kept singing along with the chorus. There were two chairs on stage and he sat me down in one of them. Once Donghae brought up his girl, him and Siwon got on their knees and started serenading us. I looked over to see no other than my best friend Arri. We screamed together, and looked back at our beautiful idols. Once the music stopped, Siwon looked at me with intense eyes. He took my hand lightly, and kept his gaze on me.


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doctorkim #1
<3 <3 <3 <3
Thanks guys. I really appreciate your support! ^.^
doctorkim #3
Oh I didn't expect Siwon ! Can't wait for the next chapter !
exokrislover #4
ahhhh it's so good
I love this story so far
update soon
Thanks guys. And I will. ^^
I'm sooo excited for the next chapter! PLEASE KEEP UPDATE! ^^
doctorkim #7
Oh he is not mean .Their kiss was sweet.Update soon.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it. ^^
doctorkim #9
Hi very nice story .