Chapter 4: What Happens In The Dressing Room, Stays In The Dressing Room

Oppa, You Are My Idol, My Savior, & My Lover!


Once the music stopped, Siwon looked at me with intense eyes. He took my hand lightly, and kept his gaze on me.


His fierce gaze and his hand on mine sent tingles through my body.

I followed him off the stage, “Wait back here until we’re finished with the concert, you can watch from the side over here.”

I gave him a confused look and nudged him, “But why am I back here?”

He laughed and lightly smacked his forehead with his palm, “Mianhe. I forgot to tell you, me and one other member were chosen to pick someone from the audience to celebrate the after party with us.”

He must’ve saw my change in expression because he quickly added, “I chose you because I’m most comfortable with you, since we met earlier and all. And you seem like a calm ELF.”

He smiled at me reassuringly before running back on stage. I watched his tall, fit body move around the dance floor in amazement at his talented dance skills.

Why does he have to be so handsome?

A smile found its way to my face as I dreamily gazed at him. Before I knew it, someone was waving their huge hand in front of my face.

“Yah, are you okay?” Siwon’s all-too familiar voice asked.

I quickly snapped out of my daydream and looked up at him.

“Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about something.” I smiled reassuringly.

He smiled back, and motioned me to follow him. His shirt was soaked in sweat, and he had a towel around his neck. Beads of sweat were dripping down his forehead, which made him look even hotter, if that’s even possible.

“He looks like a god..” I accidentally blurted out loud, intending to only say it in my head.

Stupid wordvomit. I thought to myself as he turned his head and gave me a funny look.

“Hmm?” He said, unsure of what I just said.

Oh thank god he didn’t hear that!

“Oh, um, nothing.” I chuckled to break the awkwardness filling the air.

“If you’re sure.” He said smirking.

Something tells me he knows what I said.

Before I realized it, we had stopped in front of a door.

Dressing Room

I looked at Siwon and pointed at the sign, “I can’t go in there.”

He laughed at my serious face, “You can come in, I’ll just change in the bathroom.”

I got closer to his face and glared slightly, “You trust me? You know I’m still an ELF right?”

His expression changed and he looked kind of freaked out.

I stepped back and clutched my stomach, falling into a fit of laughter. When I composed myself, I looked at him only to see him giving me an are-you-crazy look.

“I’m not crazy, I was just being friendly.”

“You call that friendly? You worried me, I thought I’d brought a crazy fan backstage.”

I smirked at his remark, “Well I am a crazy fan, but I’m not that bad.”

He smiled and shook his head. He opened the door and led me into the room.

“I’ll be right back.” He said taking a bundle of clothes and heading to the bathroom.


Siwon’s P.O.V.


I took my clothes and headed to the bathroom. I took my soaked shirt off, thoughts running through my head.


Rae sure is an interesting girl…her sense of humor is almost too good. What she did reminds me of what she did to her friend.

I laughed and put on the skinny jeans I’d grabbed. I looked around for my top, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. I’d already thrown my wet shirt in the bathtub.

, what should I do? Well…I guess I could go out there, it’s not like she hasn’t seen me shirtless before…she’s probably seen shirtless pictures of me online.

I came to a decision and opened the door slowly, before walking out to find my dang shirt.


Rae’s P.O.V.


I was looking around the room and noticed something by the make-up table. I walked over and picked it up.

A t-shirt?

The t-shirt was nothing special, with just a design of a cross on it.

Did Siwon drop this?

I heard the door open, and I turned around to see Siwon walking out shirtless.


His.Abs. My eyes were locked on his beautiful, solid-looking rugged abs. He noticed and turned away shyly.

“I, um, forgot my shirt.” His voice was shaky.

“Oh, I found this shirt on the floor. Is this the one you were going to wear?” I walked over to him and showed it to him.

He nodded with a blush creeping its way onto his face.

I smirked and softly pinched his cheek, “Awww, he’s blushing.”

I chuckled. He grabbed my hand, and pulled me close to his half- body, with his gaze looking down on me. I couldn’t read his mixed expression.

“You trust me? You know I’m still a guy right?”

My heart beat sped up and my mind raced with thoughts of what he just said.

“Y-you wouldn’t do anything. Y-you’re a n-nice guy.” I said nervously.

A dark smirk spread across his face, “How do you know that?”

He raised his eyebrow skeptically.

*A/N Shibrows. xD haha*

“B-because…I j-just do.” I tried to explain.

“You don’t sound so sure. Now do you?”

He pulled me closer until his bare chest was pressed against me, and his lips were hovering just above mine.

“I’m not as nice as everyone says.” His whispered.

Before I could process his words, his heavenly lips brushed mine. My heart stopped and I had no idea what to do. I tried to pull away without thinking, but his large, warm hand traveled to the middle of my back pushed me into him. The kiss deepened, leaving me breathless.

Siwon’s P.O.V.

Rae had brought me my shirt, and something about her looking at me with such innocent eyes made me go crazy. A voice in my head told me to kiss her, so I did.

She tried to pull away, but my hand shot to her back, pushing her into me, deepening the kiss. My other hand cupped her chin, traced her jawline, and slid down her neck slowly. I felt her shutter at my touch, which made me want to go even further.

Wait -pause- what am I doing?

You’re kissing an ELF you barely know.

It’s just because I haven’t been on a date in a while…

Sure it is.

Two voices were fighting in my head. I finally regained my conscience back and pulled away abruptly.

I scratched the back of my neck nonchalantly.


Rae’s P.O.V.

“M-mianhe.” He said nervously, regret filling his face.

My heart beat went back to normal, and I could breathe somewhat normally again. But still, I felt empty now that his lips were separated from mine.

“Here.” I replied blankly, handing him his shirt.

I probably looked weak, but right now, my knees were so close to giving out, and my strength was gone. I walked over to the sofa and sat down, collecting my thoughts.

“Let’s go.” I heard Siwon reply emotionlessly after putting his shirt on.

I nodded and followed him. That’s when the thought hit me.

“Where’s my friend, Arri? Donghae brought her onstage, and I haven’t seen her since.”

He just shrugged, and kept his gaze off me. I shook off his sudden cold behavior towards me, and just kept following him to wherever our destination was.

“We’re here.” He said sharply, stopping backstage where there was a long table with beautiful china present.

Arri came running up to me and pounced on me, “RaeRae! Isn’t this like the coolest thing?”

She pulled away from the hug, and looked me over.

“What’s wrong Rae?” She said concerned.

“Nothing Arri, I’m fine.” I said, faking a convincing smile.

I felt eyes on me, and I looked beside me, to see Siwon staring down at me coldly.

He looked at me and then looked at the curtain, signaling for me to follow him behind the curtain.

“I’ve got to go to the bathroom again, I’ll be right back.” I said to Arri.

“Man, you’ve got a small bladder.”

I laughed and walked over to the curtain. Siwon appeared a few moments later.

“What happened back there in the dressing room, stays in the dressing room. You can’t tell a soul, not even your friend. It was a stupid mistake, especially since I don’t even like you.” Siwon said casually.

“You –pause- don’t like me?” I gulped, my voice shaky again.

“No. I thought you were a decent fan, but my first impression was wrong. I regret bringing you up on stage.”

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “And I regret kissing you.”

Tears brimmed my eyes, not because he kissed me and took it back, but because of what my idol was saying to me. My favorite idol, my favorite guy in the whole world, was saying these harsh, cruel words to me.

He walked away, leaving me speechless.


Hey readers! I know Siwon seems kind of mean at the end of this chapter...but he's not really a mean guy...he's just confused, I promise. He'll be nicer in the next chapter...maybe. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

Oh, and Siwon's a y beast. That's all. ^^


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doctorkim #1
<3 <3 <3 <3
Thanks guys. I really appreciate your support! ^.^
doctorkim #3
Oh I didn't expect Siwon ! Can't wait for the next chapter !
exokrislover #4
ahhhh it's so good
I love this story so far
update soon
Thanks guys. And I will. ^^
I'm sooo excited for the next chapter! PLEASE KEEP UPDATE! ^^
doctorkim #7
Oh he is not mean .Their kiss was sweet.Update soon.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it. ^^
doctorkim #9
Hi very nice story .