



You finally found a shelter. 
It has a pillar made of wood and just a sin protecting you from the rain, 
but you can't be thankful enough. You were shivering from the cold already,
and wearing drenched clothes wasn't helping.

You let go of Kai, and he sat- almost dropped to a long flat wood, 
that you thought was supposed to be something to be sat at- more like a chair or something. 

Kai doesn't look fine for you. not at all. 
You were cold too, but looking at Kai, he was more than shivering. He look.. Weak. 

You touched his forehead to see if his sick.
surely enough, he is. 
You didn't know what to do.. You were scared. so scared your mind isn't working properly.

You recalled the things that one of your maids does to you whenever you are sick.
it was always your maid since your Mom and dad can't because they're busy. 
* let me drink a soup, a med, put a wet towel in my forehead.... 

You had nothing close to a water and a medicine. 
Kai was still shivering. his eyes closed.
You noticed how his wet clothes drape over his body.

You carefully took off his shirt. Trying not to disturb him in his sleep.
You accidentally touched his stomach while taking his shirt. Which caused him to mumble
some words you didn't understand. His skin was so hot, 
you can actually bake cookies. You started to panic again, you tried to calm down
knowing that it won't be of any use.  

When you successfully took his shirt off, You quickly put on another shirt of his that
you found on his bag. You remembered you brought a cardigan with you
so you wrapped it on his shoulders. 

After doing everything you can for Kai, You changed your shirt too. 
you sat on the chair beside Kai's head, and rested your back at the pillar. 
You noticed that Kai wasn't comfortable with his position, so you
let his head rest on your lap. 

You looked at your phone to see what time it is. It's only 5pm. 
it was already dark and the rain still haven't stopped.

You looked at Kai, his head still on your lap.
He has this peaceful face. one that you can't see everyday. 
you didn't noticed that you started brushing his hair.

" i wonder why you started wanting to annoy the hell out of me Kai?.. " 
You asked knowing he wouldn't answer.
" You were always so nice to me when we were young.. "  you smiled at the thought. 

( flashback )

You were standing in the balcony, looking at the adults converse with each other.
You wanna go home since you were bored and your body was itching 
due to the pretty dress you were wearing. 
but of course, being the good 6 years old good girl you are, you can't complain. 

Your family was always invited to your party, Just like Kai's.

"_________! " You turned your head to the direction where the voice came from.
but even though you wouldn't look, You know who owns the voice already. 
You saw the little Kai running towards you.
Your frown suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a smile. 
" Kaaaii?! Where have you been?! I was really bored! " You scrunched your eyebrows and crossed your 
arms in front of your chest. 
" i'm sorry. We were waiting for mom, She was so slow dressing up! Just like you! " 
" i'm not slow! " 
Kai chuckled. " i was just joking ________-ah. Why didn't you go played with the other kids then? " 
" you told me to not talk to them when you're not around! i wanted to make friends with them though... " 
you pouted.
" good! My _______-ah is really good! I thought you already understand why i don't want you to go with them? " 
" whyyyy?? they seem fun " you whined. Kai furiously shook his head. 
" What if they take you away from me? Then i can't marry you 15 years from now?!.. i don't want that to happen. " 
" marry? me? what? " you were confused. 
" yes. how can you forget! i promised right? that i will marry you after 15 years? "
" ohh... right! " 

You both laughed.
You both looked for your parents, hand in hand. 

( end of flashback )


you smiled at the the memory. How silly can the two of you get? 
You poked his nose with your finger, while your right hand continued to brush his hair that was almost dry. 
you laughed softly. " How can you promise something like that? im sure you don't even remember.. " 
you asked quietly, trying to not wake him up. 

" promised what? " you flinched at his sudden question.
" never mind. go back to sleep. you're sick. " 
you didn't know why, but you felt a hint of disappointment. *so he doesn't really remember..  
" that im gonna marry you when we're 20? or 21? i can't really remember.. did i said after 15 years? or 16? " 

you froze. looking at his eyes. and vice versa. 
*the bastard remembers.

" You think i would forget? " He asked you seriously. You can see that too. " You think i wasn't being serious when i told you that? "

you don't know what to say. you dont know how to respond. you can't find the words. 

the both of you were only looking at each others eyes. not moving an inch. 





8th chapter! :) 
its funny how i was supposed 
to make this a 3 chapter story 
only, and now im on my 8th chap?!
wa-whuut? Haha~~ 

anyways. i hope you enjoyed 
this chapter thought its.... 
idk, sloppy? haha~ 




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lol, she just got totally lied to.
yay! an update! kai is soooo cute <3
and sehunnie for next story, please ^___^
oh my kai~~~ ^^
lol, Kai remembers!
i think i need to use something else along with my glasses. Kai @.@
Kai is not annoying silly..
Update soon~
haha, Kai is returning back to being nice. :D
and ohhh main girl is all confuzzled because of Kai. xD
but hehe, Jinae is a nice friend. :D
and yes K were super cute in their traffic song, an enjoyable 53seconds of my life... and on repeat for a few times after that. XD
Kai is confessing..
Can't wait for the next update~
neko12 #10
write morrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee chapters make the story longer and please update soon
thank you for your wonderful fanfic ^^