





"________? "
" Yes dad? "
You were Having dinner when a sudden topic popped out.  
" There's gonna be a party at Busan this Saturday. You have to come. our flight will be on friday"
" but dad, on Friday, we're having our exam. i can't be absent.. " 
" really? until what time's your exam gonna end? "
" 11 am." 
" okay then. i'll rebook you're flight to 12pm. "
" okay..." 
you actually thought the topic was done, but your mom spoke;
"And you're coming with Kai by the way. so behave. " 
*WHAT?! UGGHH. now i have to suffer for how many hours..
but another calm "okay. " was all you answered. 



It was Friday, and you just finished your exam.
While you were walking to the gate with Jinae, You spotted Kai with
his usual friends. You caught him looking at you but he had to
turn his head quickly. You actually realized that this was the first time you 
saw him this whole week and that he haven't done anything
to annoy you. 
*Is something wrong with him? 

You approached him. You saw Sehun's arms elbowing Kai's.
You gave Sehun a face. 
" What? " Kai asked with a blank face. 
" i was just gonna ask if  you're gonna pick me up at the house later? "
" i will. so pack up fast. "
" im already done. duh. " 
" okay. " And with that he turned to face his friends again and started talking with them.
You saw Sehun shook his head to no one. 

"Jinae! have you seen that?! He totally ignored me! "
" You talked.. " 
" Yeah. but- still! He ignored me! How can-? uggh! who does he think he is?!" 
" but, isn't that what you want? " that made you think.
" Right! that's what i want.... but, Jinae, it's just weird.. How he stopped all of a sudden. But thank God he did." 


You tried to actually get a conversation with Kai in the plane.  
He was extremely quiet which annoyed you. 
Before you can talk again, He closed his eyes and wore his headphones. 
You got really irritated- and you didn't even know why. 
You took his headphone out of his left ear.
He glared at you. " What? "
" What is wrong with you? " 
" Nothing is wrong with me. Why? Is there something wrong with you?"
  *UGGH! you started pulling your hair. 
" i can see there's something wrong with you. " he said again. 
" I still haven't forgave about you vandalizing on my notebook. " 
" like i care. " He faced the other way. trying to ignore you once again.
" Kai why are you quiet all of a sudden? " you asked while sipping his orange juice. 

" am not. and if you didn't noticed that drink is mine. "
you placed the can roughly back into its place.
"hmmp! there! " *he usually don't mind, even if i drink all of it. 
" kai, Why are you so moody this past few days? " you asked while taking your phone out. 

*hmm.. let's see, Maybe because im madly and deeply inlove with
you, but you don't feel the same way, so now i want to
keep distance from you so that finally, i can forget you and my feelings for you,
that way i won't get hurt. 

but of course, being the coward Kai is, he didn't said that. 
instead, a; " why _______? did you missed me? " were the the only words he said- with a smirk.
You glared at him. " As if. " 
" Why is your phone on? " 
"im bored. " 
" you can't turn that on. put it off. "
you shook your head. " tell that to someone who listens Kai. " 
then he started to take the phone from you. " Give me that. "
Your body was really close to him but he didn't seem to notice. 

Your faced turned into a shade of scarlet when you noticed how close
Kai's body was to you. "There! you can take it! " you said before your face turned
into a darker shade of red. 
Kai took it, wondering why you gave up that fast.

He turned your phone off, but still didn't gave your phone back. He placed it 
in his pocket. " My phone? "
" tss. im not giving it back. "
" Why not?! " 
" im sure you're just gonna turn that on again.. "
*ugggh!     You rolled your eyes for the nth time today and crossed your arms.

" so tell me, why is my picture your phone's wallpaper? " Kai asked you.
" it seems like you forgot. but you were the one who changed it. "
" and you never changed it since then? do you admire my face that much? "
you actually got nothing to say. Well actually you were just to lazy to change it.
but that's not what you're going to tell Kai, because you know he won't buy it.
" You see Kai, i am but a busy person. i don't have time for such little things like that. "
" but you have a time to flirt with Suho in the school's rooftop? " he murmured faslty and quietly
for you to not hear. but your ears were sharp and you heard it clearly.
" Kai are you stalking me?! " 
" Ha! Dream on. I've got a lot more things to do than stalk someone. "
" Whatever. " 





6th chapter! i actually was able to
update twice today! Yey me! hurhur~~

anyways, i would just like to remind 
you my dear readers, that when i put 
an * befor a phrase or a sentence,
either you or Kai is thingking about
that phrase/ sentence. 

So.. thank you for commenting and 
subscribing. Muaaah! ( i hope you're not grossed out by my sudden kiss ) 



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lol, she just got totally lied to.
yay! an update! kai is soooo cute <3
and sehunnie for next story, please ^___^
oh my kai~~~ ^^
lol, Kai remembers!
i think i need to use something else along with my glasses. Kai @.@
Kai is not annoying silly..
Update soon~
haha, Kai is returning back to being nice. :D
and ohhh main girl is all confuzzled because of Kai. xD
but hehe, Jinae is a nice friend. :D
and yes K were super cute in their traffic song, an enjoyable 53seconds of my life... and on repeat for a few times after that. XD
Kai is confessing..
Can't wait for the next update~
neko12 #10
write morrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee chapters make the story longer and please update soon
thank you for your wonderful fanfic ^^