

"Give me back my book. " You said seriously.  
" Why should I? " 
" Because i'm telling you to. " 
He shook his head with a mischievous smile on his face that made you more annoyed. 
" Come on Kai. I'm trying to finish the book. I still have to make a report about that. "

He always does this.
Whenever he's bored or has nothing to do, he would come to you and Annoy, Agitate, and Irritate the heck out of you
since forever. 
Both of your parents are really close. You knew Kai since, like, you were 3 or 4. 
He has two older sisters that are the total opposite of what Kai is.
Everytime Kai annoys you, they were always the one to make Kai stop. 
Too bad, they were in the U.S. for their studies, so now, you were only left with Kai. 


" Look, Kai. Jake is outside. Why not play with him instead? " 
" na~uh. im not going to play with a dog. " 
" fine. i'll prepare the xbox. wait here. " 
" nooo! dont want! " 
" uggh! just- give me back my book! " your voice got higher.
you couldn't help but get mad already.

in this game- He always win. 





first chapterrr is shorrrt. 
so, i hope the 1st chapter gained 
your interest. 

if so, please
comment and subscribe! 


thank you! 



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lol, she just got totally lied to.
yay! an update! kai is soooo cute <3
and sehunnie for next story, please ^___^
oh my kai~~~ ^^
lol, Kai remembers!
i think i need to use something else along with my glasses. Kai @.@
Kai is not annoying silly..
Update soon~
haha, Kai is returning back to being nice. :D
and ohhh main girl is all confuzzled because of Kai. xD
but hehe, Jinae is a nice friend. :D
and yes K were super cute in their traffic song, an enjoyable 53seconds of my life... and on repeat for a few times after that. XD
Kai is confessing..
Can't wait for the next update~
neko12 #10
write morrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee chapters make the story longer and please update soon
thank you for your wonderful fanfic ^^