




" and speaking of the devil turned angel.. " Jinae said after munching 
her last bite of her sandwich. you were in the cafeteria for lunch.
" What? he's there? and wait- i never told you that he's an angel now...
He had just become... less evil? get it?" 
" ahuh. i think he's coming.. " You immediately  stood up trying to avoid him, because
you know that if you see him, you're gonna be more confused. 
but realized you failed when you felt someone pat you in your right shoulder.

you let out a somewhat loud sigh. Jinae just giggled to herself. 
" Hey wifey. " 
" stop calling me that. please. "

" pssh! you agreed right? "
" uggh! Jinae! Let's go. " you dragged Jinae out of the cafeteria. 

"________! Why are you trying to avoid him? "
 " it's for the better. i don't want to be confused. " 
" like avoiding him would help? " 






You were lying in your bead, a pillow covering your eyes. 
It was only 5pm but you were already tired. 

You heard a knock from your door which caused you to groan.

You walked lazily to your door and opened it with a frown. 
But you immediately want to smile when you saw who it was, but of course you didn't.

*WTF is he doing here?   

" Hey wifey! " 
" Will you stop it? What are you doing here? " 

He eyed you from head to toe, and you noticed he blushed and looked somewhere else. 
That's when you remembered what you're wearing-
a fitting tank top and a short shorts. 

He entered your room and dropped himself on your bed. 
You noticed he wasn't wearing anything casual like. He was wearing
a plain white long sleeves polo, and a white pants. 
* Handsome.. Omg stop it!

" Sooo? why are you here? " You crossed your arms. 
" Why? I can't be with my wife now? "
" uggh! get up! and get out! " 
" okayy.. " weirdly, he get up and sat. " dress up. were going somewhere" 
*omg! does he mean like a date? nononono! ______! don't assume!

" don't keep your hopes up, it's not gonna be a date. "
* i knew it. 
" ew. as if im gonna go if you take me out on a date. " 
" Aunty told me to pick you up. We're eating out with them. "
you nodded. " go out. "

" what? come on. what's wrong with seeing my wife get dressed? "
" will you stop with the wife thing already? as if im not embarrassed enough
that i agreed to your marriage proposal when we were kids! "

"Whatever you say. Fine. I'll be waiting outside.  Make it fast okay? " 
with that he exited the room.

you dived on your bed, confused in what you feel.




" So where are they? " You entered a fine dining Restaurant with Kai.
" You actually believed it? " He smiled at you.
" Kai?! Don't tell me- "
" yes. haha! its just the two of us. How fun can this be? " He was now grinning.
You just rolled your eyes. and yes- feel happy deep inside.






sooo, it's been a very long time since i last updated!
ive been really busy this week, and...
but... yeah. i dont know what to say anymore.


i know im not yet done with this story...
but if i would make another short story,
who would you like to be the main lead?
choises are : Chanyeol / Sehun / Kris (again?) /Suho ??


so yeah! Thanks for reading.




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lol, she just got totally lied to.
yay! an update! kai is soooo cute <3
and sehunnie for next story, please ^___^
oh my kai~~~ ^^
lol, Kai remembers!
i think i need to use something else along with my glasses. Kai @.@
Kai is not annoying silly..
Update soon~
haha, Kai is returning back to being nice. :D
and ohhh main girl is all confuzzled because of Kai. xD
but hehe, Jinae is a nice friend. :D
and yes K were super cute in their traffic song, an enjoyable 53seconds of my life... and on repeat for a few times after that. XD
Kai is confessing..
Can't wait for the next update~
neko12 #10
write morrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee chapters make the story longer and please update soon
thank you for your wonderful fanfic ^^