




You were walking with your best friend Jinae
to the locker room to get your books for the next classes. 
but when you opened your locker, crumpled papers - more like trashes started coming out. 
*the f is this?*
" i didn't know you keep scratches in your locker. new. " Jinae asked you curiously. 
" i didn't made this Jinae. Why would i? " when all the trashes were out of your locker,
you picked one and uncrumple a paper. 
 there has something written on it. 

"what is wrong with that man?! " you asked Jinae, while picking up 
another paper. this time it says 
" the guy is crazy Jinae. i tell you. He is crazy! " 
Jinae can only giggle. She knows how you and Kai have been bickering 
since forever. 
She knows how you loathe Kai to death. 
" this says ' Fighting! You actually need this for exercise. You are getting fat lately ' " Jinae 
read one. 
" I am not fat! Jinae?! am i fat?! " 
" no you're not. Kai is only joking. you know that. " 
" uggh. he is unbelievable. " with that, you received another giggle from Jinae. 


After throwing all the papers, you were now off to class. 
" you know what's bizzare  ________? "
" don't know.. what? " 
" that Kai takes a lot of effort to Annoy you. "
you also thought about it. " right. that surely is weird. And so is he. " 
" I think... Don't hate me but... He actually only wants your attention. " 
" Why would he want my attention? Hundreds of people has their attention on him.. even my parents. Gosh. 
oh! i get it! or maybe he is that selfish that He isn't contented. He won't be satisfied, if he doesn't get the attention of 
all people. Gosh! How selfish can he be Jinae? " 
 Jinae shook her head quickly. " Nonono! that's not what i meant! Maybe He want your attention...
because... He likes you? " followed by a soft giggle from her. 
You glared at her. That is impossible. Kai? You?


- - - 

It was time for your Physical Education class. And you were 
assigned to get a ball at the school gym. 

You entered the Gym and noticed that the School's basketball varsity team is practicing. 
" Hey _______! "  one of them greeted. 
" Hi! " you replied with a smile. 
" Here to get a ball? " 
you nodded. " it's there in the cupboard. " 
you knew that.  " okay. Thanks! " 


You were on your way to the cupboard when one of the guys shouted your name. 
you looked back and realized a ball was on your way. You froze. Your brain tells 
you to move, but you just can't. 

You have a phobia on balls - if there is even a thing like that. 
but yes- you were scared of balls. When you were on pre-school, You were hit
by a basketball straight in the head when you were walking around the school campus. It actually hurt a lot 
back then. 

and now, you were prepared to feel the pain again. your eyes grew big as the ball came 
closer to you. but something- or someone grabbed your arms which
made you turn around and maybe saved you from the petrifying ball. 
you realized you came to face a chest. You looked up to see who it was.
*What the actual F? 

" are you okay? " Kai asked you with what you think a worried face that made  you think he looks adorble.
*Wait- worried? and what?! Adorable?! 
you stepped back quickly. but, stupid move because your feet went jelly and you almost fell flat on the floor.
almost. because Kai, with his super fast reflexes take a hold of you waist and saved you for the second time. 

After recognizing your super awkward position with Kai. You stood up straightly 
but of course carefully this time. you looked up at him. " Thank You. " more like a whisper but enough for him to hear.
" What? "
" uggh! Thank You. " you said it, more audible this time. 
" better. are you okay? " 
" i am. the ball didn't hit me, right? " you rolled your eyes. 
" hey, that's not how you talk to the person who just saved you. " 
" whatever. " you started walking to the cupboard on the other end of the gym. 

" Hey! what was that about? " You heard Kai's voice and looked back to see who he was talking to. 
His team mates. " you almost hit the girl! " *girl? *girl?! *GIRL?! what am i?! 5 years old?! 

" you're losing control of the ball already? " *tch! and all this time i thought he was getting mad
because the guy almost hit me!... OMG why do i even care?! " 50 push ups. now. " 
Being the team captain he is responsible for the team's training. *poor team mates, they have to listen to every word Kai says. 

You already exited the dusty cupboard when you felt something cold in your cheeks. 
you jumped at the sudden cold. you don't even have to look who is behind this to know. 
" What now Kai? " You faced him. 
" Here. " he handed you a clear bottle filled with water. " i know you're still not that okay. " 
" i am okay. " *What is he doing now? being all gentleman.. im sure is there  something behind this.
" come on! i didn't put poison in there! you look pale already, i know you were about to collapse there earlier. " 
right. He knows about your 'phobia'. He sometimes uses it to tease you. 
you took the water. " are you sure there is nothing in here? " 
" no poison. i promise. " he looks serious though. you opened the cap and 
your lips touched the mouth of the bottle. " Just a spit from all the members. " 
Kai laughed loudly. you were just glaring at him the whole time. 
" i was just joking! its safe okay? " you want to spill the water in his face but you were just
so so thirsty. 
" i swear Kai if my stomach aches later! i promise i will get you. "
Kai was still laughing but you didn't mind and drank the water. it doesn't taste weird anyway. 
you drank the water almost halfway through the bottle. you gave it back to Kai. 
" feeling any better? " you nodded. " Thanks. " 

You started to walk away.
*How bizzare.







2nd chapter! How was it?

Thank You to all my subscribers!









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lol, she just got totally lied to.
yay! an update! kai is soooo cute <3
and sehunnie for next story, please ^___^
oh my kai~~~ ^^
lol, Kai remembers!
i think i need to use something else along with my glasses. Kai @.@
Kai is not annoying silly..
Update soon~
haha, Kai is returning back to being nice. :D
and ohhh main girl is all confuzzled because of Kai. xD
but hehe, Jinae is a nice friend. :D
and yes K were super cute in their traffic song, an enjoyable 53seconds of my life... and on repeat for a few times after that. XD
Kai is confessing..
Can't wait for the next update~
neko12 #10
write morrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee chapters make the story longer and please update soon
thank you for your wonderful fanfic ^^