Chapter 9

Against All Odds

“Yeoboseyo?” Hyoyeon answered the phone.


Hyoyeon gasped as she recognized the familiar voice. She held her chest as she felt her heart skip a beat. She did not reply.

“Hyoyeon-ah, please talk to me,” the caller begged.

“L-Lee J-Junho..” Hyoyeon stuttered.

“You still remember,” Junho happily said.

“Why did you call?!”

“I have tons of reasons for calling you,” Junho said.

“I have nothing to tell you,” Hyoyeon firmly said.

“But I do! I have many things to tell you—but not over the phone. Hyoyeon-ah.. let’s meet,” Junho pleadingly said.

“MWOH?! Who gave you my number, anyway?!” Hyoyeon yelled at him over the phone.

“It doesn’t matter. Let’s meet, please.”

“Lee Junho. Everything that relates me to you and you to me are cut-off. Burnt. Gone. Ended. I have things to do, bye.”

“Hyoyeon-ah, don’t hang up. Please! I’m sorry, okay?” Junho said.

Sorry? You’re sorry? It’s too late, Junho. A few years too late,” Hyoyeon shook her head before hanging up. She hung up before her voice sounded shaky. She hung up before she cried. She hung up before her voice cracked. She hung up because she still hasn’t moved on.

Hyoyeon silently cried in their balcony for a few minutes before she remembered, “Oh! Eunhyuk-ssi.” She hurriedly gathered her things and ran to Eunhyuk’s dorm.

While she was putting out her things, Eunhyuk spoke, “So.. who’s Lee Junho?”

Hyoyeon looked at him, shocked.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked,” Eunhyuk apologized, blushing in embarrassment.

“You.. You heard?” Hyoyeon hesitantly asked him.

Eunhyuk helplessly nodded. He said, “Mianhaeyo. I shouldn’t have heard. I was in the balcony when I heard you talking to someone on the phone.. in your own balcony. I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry for eavesdropping and--”

“My ex-boyfriend,” Hyoyeon lowered her head as she cut-off Eunhyuk. “Lee Junho. He’s my ex-boyfriend.”

“Kim Hyoyeon-ssi..” Eunhyuk muttered. He knows he shouldn’t be hearing these but he can’t help but be absorbed to hearing about Hyoyeon’ past.

“Two years ago, we broke up. What a graduation gift, right?” Hyoyeon chuckled with pain. She continued, “I.. I caught him cheating. I caught him myself. He was flirting with.. with.. with,” an image of Park Gyuri entered Hyoyeon’s ind and she closed her mind to shove the thought away. She regained her composure and continued, “He was flirting with some other girl so I broke up with him. After graduation, we never saw and contacted each other again. I changed numbers so he was not able to reach me,” Hyoyeon forced out a smile. “Until now..” her voice trailed off.

“Do you still--”

“Love him?” Hyoyeon guessed. “No, of course not!” she lied. What could be worse than admitting to Eunhyuk that she’s still in love with a cheater? A two-timer.

Eunhyuk reached out for Hyoyeon hand and said, “He’s a jerk.. For leaving you. Someone like you.”

Hyoyeon smiled and said, “Tiffany told me the same exact words.” She naturally took her hand away and said, “Well, enough of the drama, neh? Let’s start!”


Meanwhile, in the school grounds..

“Donghae-ssi!” Tiffany yelled, her steps faster as she approached Donghae who was sitting on one of the benches, listening to music.

Donghae saw Tiffany waving at him and he removed his earphones. “Oh, you’re here,” he weakly acknowledged her as he started putting his earphones back to his bag.

“Have you eaten lunch?” Tiffany asked as she unconsciously swayed her body to the sides.

“Neh, and you?”

“Same here,” Tiffany smiled but Donghae was not looking.

Donghae uninterestedly said, “That’s good.”

The lack of interest and enthusiasm from Donghae sent a slight stinging sensation on Tiffany’s chest but she’s smart to ignore it. “Where do we work?” Tiffany asked.

Donghae pointed at the Dance Dep’s building which was right behind Tiffany and answered, “I booked for a dance studio.”

Tiffany started walking ahead of Donghae to the building after commenting, “That’s great! Kaja!”

Two steps behind Tiffany, Donghae started contemplating whether he should apologize to Tiffany for sending her away last time. He caught up so that he was now beside Tiffany.

Tiffany saw him at the corner of her eyes.

Donghae slid his hands inside his pocket as they kept their steady pace and called, “Tiffany-ssi..”

“Neh?” Tiffany asked while looking straight ahead to the building.

“I’msorryforwhathappenedlasttime,” the words came out from Donghae’s lips as fast as the strike of lightning.

Tiffany stopped walking and turned to him. “Wait. What?”

Donghae inhaled a good deal of air and this time, he said clearly and slowly, “I am sorry for what happened last time.”

Tiffany looked at him for a second or so then smiled, “That’s okay.” She continued walking, leaving Donghae a few steps behind again.

“Really?” Donghae, who was able to catch up, asked.

Tiffany smiled with her eye smile & nodded. She said, “I’m sorry, too but let’s forget about it!”

“So we’re cool now?”

They were now inside the Dance Dep’s building and they kept on walking. “Neh,” the girl answered.

“ASSA!” Donghae yelled as he threw a punch in the air, making the girl giggle.

Tiffany was still giggling when they entered the elevator. “Which floor?” she asked the Dance Dep student who knew the building better than her.

Donghae pushed a button and started whistling a happy and carefree tone. “Thank you for accepting my apology!” he continued whistling.

“We should get used to that,” Tiffany pouted as the elevator door opened.

The two people stepped out and Donghae was now leading the way. He asked, “Get used to what? Bickering? Fighting?”

“Neh! Bickering, fighting and making up afterwards,” Tiffany said.

Donghae scratched his head as they walked along the hallways. He defensively admitted, “I don’t like it when we fight. I-I mean I don’t like fighting with my friends.”

Tiffany said, “At least, we patch things up, right. Fighting and never making up is.. bad.”

Donghae’s heart melted at Tiffany’s words but pretended like nothing was out of normal for him. He stopped walking, allowing Tiffany to do so, too. “Here we are,” he gestured towards a room on their left.

Tiffany followed as Donghae entered the room—a dance studio, to be exact.

“Going back,” Donghae said as he dropped his things on the floor, “I agree. Not making up is.. bad.”

Tiffany looked around, holding her chin and examining the room. She said, “That’s kinda our thing, you know. That’s us. Just how we are.”

Donghae smiled and thought, “At least, now there’s an us!” Little did he know that his cheeks are slowly turning slightly pink.

His thoughts were interrupted by Tiffany who was now waving her hands in front of him. She said loudly, “Donghae-ssi!”


Tiffany laughed, “Let’s get to work, neh?”

“Oh. That. Yeah, I heard you. I heard you,” Donghae lied as he scratched his head.



Kring kring.

“Yeoboseyo?” a girl answered her phone.

The caller spoke, calling the girl’s name, “Park Gyuri..”

“LEE JUNHO?!” Gyuri quickly covered both in surprise and in fear that someone might be eavesdropping.

Junho laughed, “Yes, it’s me.”

“Why did you call?! What do you want?!” Gyuri asked, panicking.

“What do I want? HELP,” Junho answered firmly.

Gyuri sighed as she started pacing back and forth, “Look, Lee Junho-ssi, I don’t want be related to you again in any way!”

“Trust me, I couldn’t agree more,” Junho chuckled, “I just want to ask you a single question.”

“Okay,” Gyuri inaudibly rolled her eyes. She said, “Let’s get this over with—what’s your question?”

“Do you know where I can find Kim Hyoyeon?” Junho’s words came fearlessly.

Nervous, Gyuri stuttered, “N-Neh.. W-Waeyo?”

“Marhaebwa. Then tell me where,” Junho demanded.


Meanwhile, Donghae and Eunhyuk were having breakfast..

“Do you want to audition for the finale?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Mwoh?” Donghae looked up with food in his mouth.

Eunhyuk pointed with his chopsticks, “You, me, Hyoyeon-ssi & Tiffany-ssi.”

“Yes, I want to,” Donghae sighed, “But..”

Eunhyuk took a bite and laughed at Donghae who now looked problematic. “But why? Are you still not in Tiffany-ssi’s good books?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Kinda..” Donghae shrugged.

“At least!” Eunhyuk comically pumped a fist in the air, “A few weeks ago, you would’ve answered me with a loud clear big YES if I asked you the same question.”

“You have a point, though,” Donghae’s pointer finger flew to his chin before resuming to his meal.

Eunhyuk wiggled his eyebrows, “Wae? Did something happen?”

“I guess,” Donghae answered & told his previous conversation with Tiffany from a few days ago—the Us-thing.

“ASSA!” Eunhyuk clapped.

Donghae who was already finished with his meal, rested his chin on his hand on top of the table. “I like her,” he daydreamed.

“Then have you moved on?” Eunhyuk invaded the space between him and his friend, “I mean, have you moved on and forgotten Jung Sooyeon?”

Donghae seriously folded his arms across his chest and said, “That is a different story.”

“Stuck in the past!” Eunhyuk playfully stuck out his tongue.

“Just like you—still looking for that Hyosookie!” Donghae guffawed, rubbing it in Eunhyuk’s face.

“Whatever,” Eunhyuk rolled his eyes.

“It’s true, though,” Donghae said, “By the way, how’s it going with you and Hyoyeon-ssi?”

Eunhyuk did a thumbs up, “We’re doing great!”

We?!” Donghae’s eyes widened, “Now, there’s also a we between you and Hyoyeon-ssi?!”

“I meant the Showcase!” Eunhyuk denied.

Donghae sang, “Whatever you saaaay~”

The two boys were having a great time over breakfast when suddenly, their phones beeped at the same time.


To: Eunhyuk-ssi & Donghae-ssi

From: Hyoyeon & Tiffany



After reading the text message, Eunhyuk & Donghae looked at each other in confusion.

Suddenly, Eunhyuk got up and ran to their balcony. Curious, Donghae followed his friend.

“HI!” the two girls greeted between laughs. They were in their own balcony, right beside and totally accessible from Donghae and Eunhyuk’s balcony.

Donghae and Eunhyuk laughed along at the silliness of the moment.

“Okay,” Eunhyuk began, “So we’re here. What now?”

“Nothing,” the two girls shook their heads before submerging themselves into a fit of giggles.

Donghae smiled, “What’s gotten to the two of you?”

“Nothing, we said,” Tiffany answered.

Hyoyeon bounced on her toes, “Isn’t this fun?”

“By the way,” Eunhyuk told Hyoyeon, “I told Donghae about our plan for the finale auditions.”

Tiffany pouted, “It’s impossible. The chances are slim.”

“It seems like it,” Hyoyeon unwillingly agreed to the truth in Tiffany’s words.

“Why?” Eunhyuk disappointedly asked.

“Earth to Eunhyuk! The auditions are three days away!” Donghae explained matter-of-factly.

Eunhyuk lowered his head, “So we’re not gonna do it?”

“Yeah,” the three answered.

Seeing Eunhyuk’s unpleasant aura, Hyoyeon suggested, “Let’s just focus on our performances.”

“Neh,” Tiffany seconded, “Auditioning for the finale might just add up to our load, right Donghae-ssi?”

Donghae’s face lit up as he was acknowledged by Tiffany. He answered enthusiastically, “Neh, that’s right!”

“I don’t think Eunhyuk-ssi is in the mood,” Tiffany pointed.

Donghae said, “I have an idea.”

“What’s that?” Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk asked at the same time.

“Let’s go to the mall!” Donghae screamed gleefully.

“EH?!” the other three yelled. be continued..


A/N: Waaaah, sorry for the childish situations I put them in! XD *clicks her tongue* Lee Junho, Lee Junho.. Y’all should stay tuned for he’s gonna be appearing more often in the next chapters.. I think.. LOL :D Leave your comments, as usual, okay? ;)

Please also support my new Super Generation oneshot entitled "Taking Chances" Click HERE to have a sneak peek of it! :) My new HaeFany oneshot entitled "Her Heart's Havoc" needs your love, too! Click HERE to start reading! :)



@PeekyWinnie. *smiles upon reading your comment* AND IT IS JUNHO! XD answer to your question was answered in this chapter, neh?? i agree, HYOHYUK FTW! \(^_^)/ and YES, Jessica is also Jung Sooyeon from years back so the man she was talking about was Donghae~ ;)

@VampireKnightFan4Eva. awwww, i know you forgot the questions because it took me too long to update again.. :(( no worries, it is MY FAULT, dear and... YOUR QUESTION WAS ANSWERED, neh? ^.^ komawo for leaving a comment!

@HeeSicaLin. LOL :D of course, of course.. *hugs you* thank you for putting up with my irregular updates.. ;) THANKYOUSOMUCH! :)) ehhhh~ you're flattering me now? :))) so naughty! :P

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AGAINST ALL ODDS: I locked then unlocked my last chapter update because I added a little something in the AUTHOR'S NOTE below.. Please do check it out!~ /wink


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Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 1: Waah you reply my comment. So happy kekeke~ I need another chapter so baaaad. I love this story^^
plushieplush #3
cute story! update soon~ hwaiting author unnie >.-
Chapter 11: It more complex than destiny's game. Uuugj I hate gyuri in here
XxKay-NiixX #5
Chapter 11: Unnie~ Guess who's ba-ack?? XD Hi unnie!! It's been a while huh? I was so glad that when I logged in I found that your story got updated!! TWICE!! Thanks for the updates unni Your writing is, and always will be JJANG!! ♥
daebaak. i'll wait for the next chapter^^
HeeSicaLin #7
OMG I really love EunHae!!!!!! It weird right but i still like them but still not as powerful as HYOHYUK is!!!!!!
PeekyWinnie #8
Is okay ^^ Wow.... JunHo appear le ehh -.-
PeekyWinnie #9
Gomawo for the update. ^^ Hwaiting!!! :D
HeeSicaLin #10
When will Eunhyuk realizes that his Hyosookie is already infront of him??? What a pabo he is!! kekekekeke... peace no war!!!