A Day Spent Shopping

Complicated Dreams

-J's Pov-

I accidently woke up a bit late today, Monday morning. It was because I was still exhausted after the Exo dinner and meeting my twin after so long. Thankfully, the guys had no schedules so I wasn't in trouble. I was still the first to wake, since the guys were all so very lazy and all. >.>

I gaped at the almost empty fridge. These guys ate so much! I had no choice but to go shopping today. I frowned when I heard footsteps around me, and when I looked, it was Taemin.

"Sorry Taemin. I guess I woke up a bit late." I said nervously.

"It's okay." he yawned sleepily. He dragged his feet out of the kitchen and I sighed in relief. I quickly fried eggs and toasted bread and brewed some fresh coffee.

I was surprised when Taemin came back in the kitchen, a bit more energetic, and grabbed a whole bunch of plates. I looked at him curiously, and he answered; "You do so much work for us, so I'm helping you."

"I do this work because it's my job you silly boy." I laughed as I took the plates from him and pushed him back towards the living room.

He smiled brightly; "Angie-shi, you're really pretty when you smile."

Subconsiously I scratched the back of my ear; "Please, just call me J. Angie's a bit embarassing."

"How's it embarassing?" Jonghyun asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Listen, just like how Lee Jinki's stage name is Onew, my street name is J. It's easier to remember and better suited for a top rank street skater."

"Oh," both boys said as I led them to the dining room, where I set up everything for their breakfast.

"Goodmorning." I heard a perky voice call. I looked, it was Key, who looked like he just came out of a magazine. I'll never understand why they have to look so "perfect" all the time.

"Why are you so cheerful?" I heard a more grumpy voice, belonging to Minho.

"Oh cheer up Minho, today's a beautiful day." Okay, that happy, yet drunk voice came from none other than Onew.

"So, J, what's being cleaned today?" Jonghyun asked as he munched on a piece of toast.

"Actually, I'm going shopping-" I began.

"Thank god." Key cut in rudely; "You need a total wardrobe makeover, I'll come with you."

"-For groceries." I said sharply. I looked at Key carefully; "Skater girls can't wear dresses and tank tops all the time, it's uncomfortable to skate in a skirt."

"Yeah, but you don't have to wear such ugly tee-shirts." he retorted.

I sighed; "I'm not going to the mall though, only to the grocery store, I need to stock up on things, you guys eat too much."

They sent me looks, and said in almost perfect unison; "You eat too little."

"We have nothing to do here, we'll come with you." Minho said simply as he stood from the table.

"What?" I said, dumbstruck; "You don't have to..."

"Like he said, we have nothing to do." Onew said to agree with Minho.

Soon, I was left at the table alone, a lost look on my face. I quietly got up and washed the dishes before getting ready. By the time I found a decent pair of skinny jeans and a form fitting shirt and grabbed my skateboard, Key was on the phone speedily talking.

I've never seen something so ridiculous. You should've seen their "disguises"! If I didn't know any better, I would've thought they were actually performing on stage. I actually started laughing, and once I started, I just couldn't stop myself. They looked at me like I was crazy, and that made it all the funnier. I calmed myself down and pointed at their clothes; "So who are you planning to perform for?"

"We look good." Jonghyun defended himself.

"No, you look ridiculous." I corrected him; "We're going shopping, not shooting for a film."

"Well we like the way we look." Key told me sharply as he opened the front door; "So let's go."

Without saying another word I followed them outside to where an SUV and a driver were waiting for us. I gaped at that, but was pulled into the SUV by Taemin, who just had to sit next to me and squish me into the window with me clutching my skateboard tightly in my arms.

"Where are we headed?" the driver asked them.

"Uh..." Onew started before nudging me.

"Suho Shopping District." I answered.

"That's a 30 minute drive." the driver said in shock; "You go that far for groceries?"

"Yeah." I replied; "They have the best produce." I then remebered what he just said; "It's a 30 minute drive? It takes me 15 minutes by skateboard."

"Well there's probably a lot less foot traffic than car traffic." he answered with a shrug.

After half an hour of driving uncomfortably with Taemin looking over me to see through the window, we finally made it to Suho.

"Thank you." I said to the driver as we made it in front of the store.

"I'll be back in 2 hours." he said while yawning.

I grabbed one of the trolleys immediately and entered the store with the guys following. Suho's grocery store was actually a superstore- it sold produce, frozen goods, electronics, toys, clothes... it was almost like a Walmart.

"Uh, I'll be in the produce section, so you guys can go do whatever you want." I told them, and they left me- Minho went over to the sports isle, Taemin went over to the toys, Jonghyun and Key went over to check out the clothes. Only Onew decided to stay, and I realized it was just because he wanted chicken; "Take what you want."

That made Onew very happy, and the two of us bought everything I needed to cook, before buying him a bucket of fried chicken that was made by the store. Just as it was placed in the trolley, Taemin dragged Onew and I to the toy isle, where he pointed to a video game he wanted. I shrugged and he took it- thankfully I had money.

"J!" Key called me, and when I turned, I saw him hold out a dress for me. I blinked at it and pushed it away.

"Come on J-shi." Jonghyun pouted; "It's for whenever we have company over."

"Fine." I sighed as I took the dress and threw it into the trolley; "Let's go find Minho and get out of here."

I found him looking at sports posters... more specifically, Skateboarding posters... of Soeul Ripper.

"Oh, I didn't know the new one came out." I said while gaping at the poster. It was me as I was readying to skate down the ramp. I remembered the feeling I had when I took that picture- I didn't care about the camera, I didn't care about anything... my focus was the ramp.

The guys just stared at the demo poster, it was signed by a lot of fans, and the only section of the poster that was left untouched was the quote; Soeul Ripper, we reach for the top because that's where we belong.

"You saw the poster?" I know that voice, it belonged to Papa. He was right behind me when I turned around.

"I guess we got some new fans." Little J smirked as she saw my bosses.

"Hey J, you heading to the competition today?" Worm asked me.

"We got a competition today?" I asked them in return; "Against who?"

"Those chumps, B1 Crew." Pipsqeuak answered.

My bosses stood behind me in confusion. I looked at my crew before looking at my bosses; "You willing to watch a Skateboarding competition?"

"We got nothing better to do." Minho said with a shrug.

"That's the spirit Longshot." Little J smiled excitedly.

"Longshot?" Papa laughed.

"Oh right, introductions." I groaned; "Papa, Pipsqueak, Little J, Worm, these are my bosses Onew, Jonghyun, Minho, Key, and Taemin."

"Bosses?" my crew asked me.

"You told them our names?" my bosses asked me.

"Yeah, I work for them as their live in maid." I answered my crew, and to my bosses; "No one in the streets cares for who you are, you realize that don't you?"

"What?" Key questioned.

"Hey Little J, you know what KPop is?" I asked my crew mate.

"You mean those idiots who dance on stage who look more like Pixies than anything?" she asked in return.

"See, there you have it." I said to my bosses; "Now let's go."


-Key's Pov-

I can't believe she told them our names! She should have been fired right on the spot! But at least they don't know who we are. I must admit, I didn't think J would be so famous until I saw that poster. There were so many signatures that I thought the fans would've started writing on the wall!

I couldn't help but overhear as Papa said to J; "You're pretty much the richest skater in Soeul, you can get a job at any athletics shop, and yet you choose to work as a maid?"

"I like them." J shrugged. I smiled, she's really a nice person.

"But still, don't you think-" Papa whispered as he slung an arm around her shoulder. I thought she'd yank it off, but she ignored it.

"They're fun to work with." She smiled as she looked at us; "I get my work done, and they're really friendly."

That was sort of a lie, but she seemed to believe every word of it. The five of us held the bags containing everything we had bought today, and she walked ahead of us with Papa. The rest of her crew walked behind us as if giving us protection.

Soon we got to the skatepark, where a crowd as big as the ones that form for us, grouped together. On the biggest ramp stood one dude, the rest of his crew still on the ground.

He smirked into the crowd; "Is there no skater brave enough to accept my stunt challenge?"

"I'll be back." J said as she smirked and made her way up the ramp; "I accept your challenge."

"Who do you think you are girly?" the guy asked cockily; "This ain't a place for a girly-girl to hang." Girly-girl? Has he seen her clothes?

"Tell you what, if you beat me, I won't hang out at this skatepark anymore." J said bravely; "If I win, you don't come back here again."

"This'll be a piece of cake." he smirked; "You sit back and watch how the master does it."

J stepped back as he began down the ramp- he was so fast, I didn't want to blink and miss it. He did several tricks and after just a minute or so, he was done.

"So what do you think Princess?" he asked her.

"That's impressive, for a rookie." J smirked in return; "Is it my turn?"

"She's so..." Minho trailed off.

"Intense, right?" Little J asked; "She's the best skater on the streets, everyone wants her skills on the board."

"But is she always so cocky?" Onew asked.

Pipsqueak gave an amused laugh; "Only when she's against people like him who think girls can't skate."

"Go Angie-shi!" Taemin called out. The rest of the skaters seemed confused- I guess they didn't know her name. J heard Taemin and gave him a look, making him correct himself; "Go J!"

We chuckled, even J chuckled as she started down the ramp. She was almost lightning fast, and did her tricks so perfectly that I was astonished. The guys who were challenging them, B1 or whatever had their eyes buldging out of their sockets.

"Who are you?" the man asking for the challenge demanded.

"Who am I guys?" J asked the crowd.

It went crazy, all I could hear was chanting; "J! J! J! J! Soeul Ripper All The Way!"

"Soeul Ripper?" the same guy asked. Then he, as well as the rest of his crew smiled in defeat; "That figures, that was a good run J."

J hopped down to the ground and motioned for us to follow her. We broke away from the crowd and Jonghyun gaped; "Man, this is insane! It's just like one of our mini concerts!"

"Ha, you haven't seen anything." Papa snorted; "This wasn't even an official event. You should see the crowds when they know J's skating."

"Beh, let's go home guys." J said to us, and we walked away to find the driver we ditched a while ago.


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Chapter 6: update plsss
Chapter 6: uhh they will be meeting awesome can´t wait to see how that will go =)
wow Twins???? thats soooooo cool and I like her name and how key acts =) beeing al diva and motherly just awesome =)
keep going with this great story.
wahhhhh sooo cool!!! I really love your update =) FIGHTING!!!
Wow great update, I really loved this chapter and can´t wait for your next update =)
uhhh this story is funny and awesome =)
I hope you will update soon =)