Her... Long Lost Twin?!

Complicated Dreams

-Jonghyun's Pov-

Today's Friday, finally. We've been working a lot lately because of our schedules, and I'm relieved because we finally have our dinner to look forward to. J's been a lot of help, cooking for us and everything. We've begun to act like her big brothers, I guess, and we've been forcing her to take better care of herself and she's been cooking and cleaning for us nonstop.

Speaking of cooking, J's been cooking for today's dinner for three days, while also cooking for the previous days, and cleaning after our messes. I wonder how she does it. She doesn't complain either, which puzzles me, because the last maid quit after two days of working for us. She's been cooking dinner for 18 people, including herself, and that must be tiring work for her, but she never says anything negative about it.

Today, we finished our schedules early and walked home together, but Key dragged us into a female clothing shop on our way. Good thing the females working in there were familiar with Key's Diva sense. He picked out this really cute dress and smiled evilly.

"Why'd you get a dress?" I asked him.

"For J." he answered; "Do you think I'm gonna let her look like that when Exo comes over?"

"Good point." we all chuckled with him.

When we walked into the dorm, we could smell so many different things, and they were actually very mouth watering. We peeked into the kitchen to see J peeling the skin off of a cucumber and chop the cucumber into little pieces, dropping it in what looked like yogurt, chunks of tomato, onion. She dropped in the cucumber and grabbed two small green peppers, cutting them into the yogurt and adding salt into the yogurt.

She turned around and smiled; "Hey, dinner's almost ready." The oven was ticking down, and the timer read 10 minutes, and there was a pot on the stove.

"It smells really good!" Taemin smiled.

"Oh Taemin, come here!" she shouted, and Taemin went up to her. She walked over to the pot with a small bowl and dropped in what looked like two balls of dough which were deep fried and dipped in syrup.

Taemin tried it without hesitation. He's grown to love everything J cooked; "That's amazing!"

She dropped in some more of the sweets and let us try. My jaw dropped when I tried it, Taemin was right! She laughed at my expression, and I just had to ask; "What is it?"

"It's called Gulab Jamun." she answered; "It's a South Indian dessert, served on special occasion. I had an Indian friend back in Canada who showed me how to make them."

"Gulab Jamun?" Onew asked; "We have to go to India one day!"

Key shoved the bag containing the dress at J; "Put this on and let me see how you look in it."

Curiously she pulled the dress out of the bag, but disgusted, she put it back in; "Thanks, but no thanks."

"Come on J-shi, just for tonight." Minho plead; "And it looks really nice."

"Then you wear it." J told him.

"We're your bosses aren't we?" I asked her. She had a look on her face like she was about to quit and run, but then her expression looked defeated. Grumbling, she brushed past us, while shoving my shoulder I might add.

We crowded in the living room while we waited for her appearance. When she came out of her room, she was grumbling, until she was face-to-face with us; "I hate it."

She was wearing an all purple dress, and she kept her sweatpants on underneath. (http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7SKPT_enUS449&biw=800&bih=428&tbm=isch&tbnid=5v4m-h8W5Cc6NM:&imgrefurl=http://styleandfocuspr.blogspot.com/2007/11/my-latest-obsession-party-dresses-part.html&docid=4zmE-eb_9q92kM&imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bvVvxWTEuSI/R02HbRK-_pI/AAAAAAAAB1U/PEauosG3RGg/s400/Vintage%252BParty%252BDress.jpg&w=400&h=390&ei=ggvlT9_mO5Kx0QGVybHZCQ&zoom=1 incase you want the link, sorry, the picture thing isn't working on my internet.)

"Lose the pants." I told her.

"I can't... my legs aren't the best." she muttered; "I have years of skateboarding accidents scars."

"Come on, I have foundation." Key groaned as he pulled her into his room. Moments later, he came out and after another moment or so, she came out.

I caught my breath. She really looked beautiful, although the dress was a size or so loose on her. She walked as fast as she could to the kitchen to take whatever it was out of the oven, but as she walked, I stared after her. I peeked to the other members, I wasn't the only one staring... we all were!

"Maybe it wasn't the best idea making her wear a dress." Minho muttered to himself. I wonder, have we started to develop feelings for our maid?

She walked out of the kitchen with her hands on her hips; "You made me wear this, and you're still in your training clothes? Go take showers you dirty hobos."

Key was the first to snap out of his daze and ran off to the bathroom. We followed him, and by the time we were all done showering and went to check on J, the dinner table was set with a mound of plastic plates, forks, as well as two giant trays that were sealed, and a pitcher of cold water.

I went into the kitchen, J was leaning her back on the counter, and had a distant look in her eye as she looked at the large bowl of Gulab Jamun. I was about to ask what was wrong, but the doorbell rang and snapped us both to reality. Taemin opened the door, and a chorus of "Hello's" filled the air.

I rushed out of the kitchen to greet them. In front of me stood 12 familiar idols- Kai, Suho, Sehun, Baekhyun, D.O, Chanyeol, Kris, Luhan, Tao, Chen, and Xiumin. I smiled and bowed at them; "Welcome."

"It smells great in here!" Kai said immediately.

"Which one of you cooked?" Chen asked.

"Her." we said in unison as J walked out of the kitchen. She looked taken aback and looked at me in confusion.

"What?" she asked blankly.

"She's pretty." Sehun said winking at her. She didn't look at him and scowled at Key, obviously still upset that she was forced to wear a dress.

"Oh, you're J, right?" Luhan asked happily.

"How do you know me?"  J asked, looking at him confusedly.

"I've seen Kris watching some of your stunt videos on Youtube." he admitted.

"Me too, you're prettier in person." Lay added.

J looked at Kris and smirked; "So instead of dropping by and saying hi like normal people, you decided to become an obsessive fan?"

Kris, who was hiding behind Kai smiled sheepishly as he moved forward to hug J; "Long time no see, Angie."

"After all this time, you never stopped being an idiot Krissy?" she asked him.

"You know each other?" D.O asked in confusion. I was honestly confused as well.

"Sadly." J sighed.

Onew chuckled; "Well how do you know him?"

"Failed relationship?" Suho asked Kris.

"EW." they both said at once.

J made a face; "First, that would be wrong, and second, who'd wanna date him?"

"You'd be surprised." Kris told her defensiely.

"Oh, my twin brother's all grown up." she cooed fakely.

"Twin brother?!" we all asked, completely taken aback.

"Yeah, you can't tell?" Kris asked. (This is a fiction story, I'm allowed to make them twins. Although I don't really know anything about his family.)

"You're a retard, we're fraternal." J reminded him; "Of course they can't tell that we're twins."

Tao laughed; "You're the first one being so blunt with Kris."

"You two are funny." Taemin agreed; "But I'm hungry."

"You still cook?" Kris asked J as we walked to the dining area.

"Kris, you ask the must stupid questions ever." J said; "How are you an idol?"

"Aw, come on Angie, I know you're mad because I left you alone back 5 years ago, but pleaseee forgive me." Kris said pleadingly as J walked over and uncovered the tray, revealing a large tray of what looked like Chicken Fried Rice.

"Angie?" Xiumin asked.


-J's Pov-

"Great, you ruin everything Kris." I sighed bittery; "My name's Angelina, this idiot calls me Angie."

I forced everyone to take some Biryani. Biryani ia an Indian type of Fried Rice with chicken pieces in it. It tastes really good! (I'm Indian, it really is good. :P)

Kris already knew how Indian food tasted, and took the first bite, encouraging the other members to do so. y bosses were okay with it, but they were just anxious to see the reaction of the Exo guys. But once the Exo members tried it, everyone was stuffing their faces in. I on the other hand had table manners and took small bites.

"I'm surprised J." Kris said randomly; "You never wore dresses, and you hardly ever ate, what happened?"

"You let her starve herself?" Key asked in an angry tone; "AND wear hideous clothing?"

"Thanks Key-shi." I said while glaring at my diva boss. I stood up and walked into the kitchen after finishing my dinner. I grabbed the little balls of sugary goodness and served it for the guys. I definitely don't eat sweets since it messes with my energy level, but Taemin gave me a look.

"Its not that I let her." Kris shrugged; "She's just stubborn."

"Which one of you is older?" Kai asked curiously.

"I am." we both said.

He shot me a look; "Oh shut up, I was born three minutes before you." Chuckles were heard from all around. I was surprised that we could fit all these people in the room, but pleased that I was able to make enough food for them. I looked at my brother, who was looking at me with a remorseful expression in his eyes. I wasn't mad at him, he did what he had to, and because of that I becaame who I am now. We had a lot of catching up to do.

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Chapter 6: update plsss
Chapter 6: uhh they will be meeting awesome can´t wait to see how that will go =)
wow Twins???? thats soooooo cool and I like her name and how key acts =) beeing al diva and motherly just awesome =)
keep going with this great story.
wahhhhh sooo cool!!! I really love your update =) FIGHTING!!!
Wow great update, I really loved this chapter and can´t wait for your next update =)
uhhh this story is funny and awesome =)
I hope you will update soon =)