
Complicated Dreams

-J's Pov-


It was my official first day of work. Yesterday I got here, but they told me I was only starting today so all I did yesterday was mope around. Why would I be moping around? Let me tell you- I was in my uniform! What's so bad about that? I have rollerblades. What's wrong with that? I LEFT MY SKATEBOARD AT THE DINER!!!!!!! The guys didn't notice, or they didn't show it. It's nothing against them, they're all... kind I guess. But let me remind you, they were the idiots that almost hit the kid. That's how I recognized them at the Diner yesterday, not for being famous Kpop Idols. -.-

Let me tell you something- they're typical guys. There was empty Pizza boxes, cans, and various food items scattered around the floor. I only took a peek at Taemin's room and there were clothes everywhere. Oh, I have a lot of work to do. But it's okay, I'll do it for them. I really miss my skateboard though, how am I supposed to get any training done without a skateboard?! I still don't have a sponsor, and if I don't get a sponsor I can't get into the X Games! Why do I love it so much you ask? STORY TIME!

I was a young girl, who didn't have a care in the world. My family lived peacefully allthough my parents never let my brother and I decide what we wanted to do. My brother... my twin, Kris, he wanted to become a musician more than anything and I respected that, I supported him the way our parents should have. We walked to school every morning, and walked home, and on the way to and from school we'd pass by a Skate shop. I saw this skateboard in the window, and I immediately wanted to ride it, and I told my brother... like me, he respected his twin's dreams and encouraged me to get it. We saved up all our money
(we were little kids and a board that cost 50 bucks was obviously a lot to us). Anyway, we bought it, and I rode it all the time. Even after our parents died and Kris left me here in Seoul alone, I continued working on my dream... I will become a professional Skateboarder, and I will make him proud.

So I guess I'm just gonna have to buy a new one. Meh, I'll just order one online and get it shipped here, but I might as well start working. The guys told me they had schedules today, so, after memorizing their schedules, I made sure to wake myself early enough to make them all breakfast to set them off. Their fridge didn't have much and I ended up making simple pancakes... I have to go shopping for dinner though. As I was flipping the last pancake onto a dish, Taemin stalked into the kitchen and looked at me curiously. I pretended he wasn't there and began squeezing a good orange into orange juice.

I placed everything onto the table and walked out of the kitchen. I banged on everyone else's doors; "Breakfast's ready, if you don't get up now I won't make anything later." Did I tell you, I'm being forced to wear some of Taemin's clothes because my body's so small. Curses. -.- Of course, once they left I'd have to start cleaning and shopping and then in my break I have to go back to my old apartment and settle everything with my former landlord. Hopefully I had enough money saved there for me to purchase a new skateboard.

"Let me sleep!" Key groaned from within his room.

"No way, you have a schedule!" I reminded him. Suddenly, the door swung open and Key ran past me to the bathroom, leaving me to smirk behind him. I looked into his room, which had a lot of pink everywhere. What a diva. -.-
His room was mostly clean, so I might have to do this first, and possibly do Taemin's room last. So much work, so little time. -.-

I then went to Onew's room and banged on his door, and the oldest SHINee member opened it groggily; "Good morning."

"Morning to you too." I smiled; "I'm making Chicken for dinner." I peeked into the room behind him, it was a bit cleaner than Key's so I was a bit relieved.

That brightened him up nicely and he went on cue for the bathroom. Next was Minho, I guess he was a little slob too because when I opened the door, his was just as messy as Taemin's. I tip-toed to his bed and pulled the covers off him, leaving him shivering. He subconsiously reached for the blanket but I laughed and pulled it even farther. His eyes flung open when he heard my laughter and he flushed in embarassment- he was only wearing boxers and a tank top, but I didn't even care. He was to be like a brother to me, and that's how I'll treat him.

"I'm up, I'm up." Minho said quickly, pushing me away from his bed. I laughed once more as I reached Jonghyun's room and saw the door open a crack. I pushed it open wider and my eyes were immediately bulging, his room was the worst! There was trash everywhere, and clothes all over the place. Jonghyun himself was in bed, the pillow covering his head and the blanket around his ankles. Once I pulled the pillow away and looked at his face, I cooed... he was so adorable and looked like a sleeping child!

But then I remembered what I was supposed to do and plopped onto his bed. One of his eyes fluttered open, but he went back to sleep and I smashed the pillow against his face; "Get up, get up, get up." He grabbed the pillow from my hand and hit me with it, knocking me onto the floor.

He then scrambled to check if I was still alive; "You alright there?"

I grabbed his arm and pulled him down onto the floor beside me, and as he hit the ground, I jumped up and ran to the living room with him right behind me. I walked right into the kitchen, where the other four were already eating breakfast happily. Jonghyun sulkingly plopped onto the kitchen table after brushing his teeth and scowled at me; "I need sleep you know."

"Sleep when you get back." I told him simply; "You have schedules and I have work to do. I'm telling you now, leave all the clothes you want washed in your rooms, I won't be going through your closets."

"Will do." the boys nodded lazily.

"How much work do you need to do today?" Onew asked me.

"Uh, first I gotta go get stuff from my old apartment and give my landlord the payment, after that I gotta go shopping, and then when I get home I'm cleaning and cooking you guys dinner." I answer.

"All that today?" Key asked disbelievingly.

"You'll have to start right now." Minho added.

"I can do it." I answered; "Leave your plates and whatnot, I'm gonna wash it when I get back." I walked into my room, and grabbed the rollerblades from my Diner uniform. Maybe I'll have enough money at the apartment to buy a new board too.

"Do you want us to drop you there?" Jonghyun yawned, looking at the rollerblades in my arms.

"Naw, I need the exercise." I said quickly. I waited for them to finish eating and dressing, following them outside to the parking lot. Once we got through some fan girls, they told me where the shopping complex would be, allthough I knew my way around. I pulled my rollerblades on and pushed off, skating as fast as I could. I could hear them behind me as they shouted for me to be careful, but I didn't need them to tell me that, I knew how watch for myself.


I exited the shopping complex and called for a cab. I had already collected my belongings (only clothes and a few trophies and money), and paid the landlord before heading to the grocery store. I bought simple cooking ingredients I would need for dinner that night and for the rest of the week, and I returned home at 12 PM.

The guys wouldn't be home until 6 so I had plenty of time to cook and clean. I put the clothes into hampers and brought them into a small laundry room in the dorm building. After I did that, I returned to the dorm and began clearing away all of their trash from their trash and cleared their bedrooms. It was spotless and I happily began to cook dinner. I decided to make fried rice with chicken and shrimp, and for dessert I started baking brownies from scratch.

"We're home!" I heard Key shouting even in the kitchen. I walked into the living room with a fresh brownie in my hand. The guys were only staring at their dorm in shock.

"Wow you work fast." Minho commented.

"Thanks." I told him; "Your clothes have been folded and I left them on your beds."

"When's dinner?" Jonghyun asked lazily.

"Whenever you want." I answered, I handed the brownie to Taemin and he stared at it, only making me smile at him; "Try it! It's a secret recipe."

Taemin watched me all the while as he bit into the brownie. His eyes went wide and he began jumping excitedly; "These are amazing!"

I pushed him towards his room; "I know, now go and shower, you stink."

"Thanks for everything J-shi" Onew said as he brushed past me into his own room.

I only smirked at his retreating figure, I've learned a lot when I was alone. I walked back to the kitchen and set the dinner table for them. I wasn't going to join them because I'm on a special athletic diet. I already ate a sandwich while I was waiting and I was still full. I was also hoping to get out later and skate around on my rollerblades. I bought them myself for my uniform, so I didn't need to worry about returning them. I finished setting the table and I twirled around the room, pretending to be on my rollerblades. I only stopped when I heard snickers.

Freezing, I turned to see the guys watching me in mock amazement and I pointed at the food on the table; "Dinner's served." They practially trampled me as they seated themselves at the dinner table and shoved the food down their throats. I did my best not to laugh at them, but I really wanted to. I mean, they were eating like there was no tomorrow, thankfully I made a lot so we're not that troubled right now. 

Jonghyun looked up at me and smirked; "What, you don't want to join us?"

"No thanks." I told him. I bowed at them and walked back into the kitchen. I got out a tub of vanilla ice cream and put the brownies on top. I smiled at the desserts and walked back into the dining area, where surprisingly, all the rice was gone and the plates were emptied. I set the ice cream before them and they looked at it questioningly before eating it, slowly at first, and then gobbling the whole thing down; "I'm glad you liked it."

"Who taught you how to cook?" Key asked me.

"The internet." I answered; "Between skating and working at the Diner, I had nothing else to do so I would just randomly make things and give them to the homeless guys."

"Well it's very good, thank you J-shi." Onew said, for the second time today.

I bowed once more and quickly washed all the dishes and retired to my room. I didn't want to grow attached to them since I was only their employee, and I didn't know when I'd get discarded or replaced. Oh well, for now, I'll just have to do my job to the best of my abilities.

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Chapter 6: update plsss
Chapter 6: uhh they will be meeting awesome can´t wait to see how that will go =)
wow Twins???? thats soooooo cool and I like her name and how key acts =) beeing al diva and motherly just awesome =)
keep going with this great story.
wahhhhh sooo cool!!! I really love your update =) FIGHTING!!!
Wow great update, I really loved this chapter and can´t wait for your next update =)
uhhh this story is funny and awesome =)
I hope you will update soon =)