First Impressions

Complicated Dreams

-J's Pov-

It was the late afternoon as I left the park. I was going to walk, but then I saw something. There was a young child, crossing the street all by himself, and there was a car coming towards him. In a panic, I made my heroic decision. I dropped my skateboard onto the pavement, and pushed off as fast as I could. I intercepted the crash and pulled the boy into my grip as we rode away from the danger to the sidewalk. I let go of him, and he ran to his horrified mother, and I angrily marched to the car, which had stopped now.

I banged my wrist on the driver's window, and slowly, the window opened... but just a crack, so I can see his distinctive eyes, and this infuriated me even more; "Are you blind? Do you even have a diver's license? You almost hit the little kid, you idiot." I was so close to punching him through the window but I restrained myself; "Whatever, I hope you have a good day sir." I said that with an angry hiss and walked away from the car with disgust. He didn't even apologize or anything! THAT IDIOT!

"Excuse me!" the driver suddenly called.

I turned back immediately, the hatred evident in my face; "Did you need something, sir?"

"I'm sorry for what had just happened." the man told her; "My friends and I were just in a hurry and we didn't notice the child."

"Save your sob story for someone who wants to hear it." I said, putting my nose high up in the air as I finally walked away. I felt good for doing that, even though I was pissed off at that driver and his friends. Who does he think he is?! Trying to kill the kid, and then pretending as if it didn't even matter!

I lifted my skateboard in my arms again, now I was too pissed off to skate. They were lucky I had to go work at the Diner, or else I woulda hunt them down. Yes, I work at a diner... that's the only way I can pay all my bills, after all.


-Jonghyun's Pov-

"That was close!" Key sighed in relief. That idiot, we almost crashed into a child, and had a random girl screaming at us... well me, since I was the one driving. I feel awful, of course... I mean, come on... I could have really injured that kid! Thank the Lord God Almighty that she was there to save him.

"Do you think that little boy is alright?" Key couldn't help but wonder.

"I'm sure he's fine." Taemin said lazily; "His mother was with him."

"I'm hungry you guys, you want-" Onew began.

"NO chicken." I cut him off suddenly. Onew gave me a pouty look, but right now I didn't care. I couldn't shake her image out of my mind... she was so angry, but still so pretty. She had long black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, big brown eyes, and a slim figure, allthough it was covered by baggy sweats and a tee-shirt. She also looked like a tomboy, considering she was carrying the Skateboard around as if it were her life preserver or something. I wish she yelled at me even more, because I'd deserve it... that poor child. :(

"Are you alright hyung?" Key asked me suddenly, worry filling his tone. Key, you're supposed to be Taemin's mother, not mine. >.>

"I'm fine." I sighed sadly; "I just wish I apologized better."

"Maybe the next time you see her." Minho said with a sad, hopeful smile on his lips. Oh, if you haven't guessed it by now, I'm Jonghyun, main vocalist of Kpop Legend... SHINee!!! Okay, so maybe calling us legends is too far, but we will be legends some day. We were at the park today, doing a special fan service. We snuck out without the fans noticing us leave, and drove away as fast as we could... and, you can tell what happened next.

"Let's go eat something."  Taemin said suddenly, I guess he just really wanted for me to forget what just happened.

"Where are we going?" Onew asked hopefully, this guy... he just wants chicken. -.-

I didn't care where I was driving, but we drove around for a while, suddenly finding a peaceful looking Diner. There were only a few cars in the lot, so I guessed it would be safe. We pulled hoodies on over our shirts and put sunglasses on as well as we exited our car and entered the Diner, grabbing one of the booths.

It was a cozy little place, the waitresses wore rollerblades and skated all around. There was a certain waitress, who wore her red uniform, that popped out to me. She was the girl who yelled at me! I was wondering when I'd get to apologize to her, but I didn't need to, she was already on her way to our table. She stopped right in front of us, and I read her nametag, it said "J". Was that really her name? She stared at me for a long moment, and I guess she saw through my sunglasses because her face was suddenly filled with anger, but then she pasted a smile on her face;

"Welcome to Peppy's Diner, what can I get you for Lunch?"

"Do you have any Chicken?" Onew asked her, I almost slapped him right there.

"We have Fried Chicken, Baked Chicken, and Chicken Casserole, and yes, almost everything here is American." J said as if it were all planted in her memory.

"Fried Chicken, please!" Oney said happily; "And Cola."

"Can I just have a slice of Cherry Pie and Banana Milk?" Taemin asked.

"Whipped Cream?" J asked him.

"Sure." Taemin said happily, this kid and his sugar. -.-

"A Chicken Caeser Salad for me." Key said; "Oh, and Iced Tea."

"Can I have a hamburger?" Minho asked, giving her a smile, which he thought would melt her; "And a Cola too."

She had no reaction to his charm, jotting down our orders on a notepad. She turned to me expectantly, and I opened my mouth to say; "Just get me whatever you recommend."

"So you want me to get a bucket of water and dump in on you face?" she asked me with a fake smile.

"On second thought, just get me a Turkey Sandwich, and a glass of water." I said nervously, she looked as if she really would dump water on me.

She recited the orders, and after receiving nods from us, she skated to the kitchen.

"Wasn't that the girl who yelled at you?" Taemin asked, his memory really doesn't fail him.

"Yup." was all I could say.

"Shouldn't we apologize?" Minho asked us.

"Just wait until she gets back." Onew sighed in anticipation, he looked as if he knew something bad would happen.

J came back, holding a tray of 5 glasses. She put a glass in front of each of us, and quickly returned to the kitchen with the tray. We waited there, chatting to each other, and our ears suddenly perked up as we heard Ring Ding Dong. Our music video was being played on a plasma screen above the cash register. There was a couple of waitresses that were actually dancing to it. J rolled out of the kitchen, and placed our food in front of us before joining her co-workers. However, she didn't dance, but laughed at them.

"Aw, J, how come you never join us?" I heard one ask.

"I don't care about their music." J answered plainly; "I only care about Tony Hawk."

"You skater girl." the other waitress grimaced.

"What, do you really want me to go and scream 'Shiny' or whatever it is, wherever I go?" J asked in boredom. She's insulting my band here!

"Hey!" the first waitress scoffed; "They're amazing."

J paused Ring Ding Dong on a close up of Taemin's face; "You call that amazing? They look like girls."

Antis. -.-

"You're such a hater." the second waitress glared.

"I'm sorry I don't care about music like you guys." J smirked as she rolled away from them and began to set up the tables; "I'm a skater, that's all I care about."

Oh, I guess that's better. But not for the rest of the guys. Taemin pulled the hood from his hoodie off his head, and pulled the sunglasses off his face, getting up to pout at J; "I look like a girl to you?"

J stared at him blankly before nodding; "You do."

"Sh-Sh-sh- SHINee!" the two other waitresses squealed in happiness. They pulled out their cell phones to call everyone they knew.

"Taemin!" the four of us growled. Taemin looked embarassed, and put his face down.

Without thinking, I pulled onto J's wrist, and the 5 of us pushed her into our car and I drove as fast as I could to our dorm.

"What the hell?!" J shouted angrily; "This is kidnapping!"

"Yeah, but you being there would be bad for us!" Key told her; "You'll make up stories or something."

"Why the hell would I make up stories about you?" she shouted; "I don't even know anything about you or your music!! And now I lost my job!"

"We'll make you a deal." Onew told her, shutting her up; "We're in need of a maid, and you're in need of a job. We'll pay you double what you got there."

"Why would I accept?" J asked us.

"Please, we'll give you whatever days off you want, just accept." Minho said hopefully.

"But what about my clothes and belongings?" she asked in a panic.

"Forget them!"Key told her; "We'll buy you new things."

She looked hesitant, but eventually gave in; "Fine, I'll take the job. But don't expect me to wear one of those French Maid costumes."

"Agreed." All of us said at once. I was excited, honestly. I wanted to see how she'd treat us. We drove to our dorm, and we led her up to our room, flinging the door open.

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Chapter 6: update plsss
Chapter 6: uhh they will be meeting awesome can´t wait to see how that will go =)
wow Twins???? thats soooooo cool and I like her name and how key acts =) beeing al diva and motherly just awesome =)
keep going with this great story.
wahhhhh sooo cool!!! I really love your update =) FIGHTING!!!
Wow great update, I really loved this chapter and can´t wait for your next update =)
uhhh this story is funny and awesome =)
I hope you will update soon =)