Day 2

Complicated Dreams

-J's Pov-

I was up at dawn today. The guys didn't have schedules today, but I did. I cooked breakfast as fast as I could and ran zipped out of the dorm in my roller blades. Since I got here, I haven't had the opportunity to practice and was already really behind. I chose the back of the Dorm building because I wanted to get back before any of them woke up. I skated around for hours, and when the sun was high in the sky I stopped.

Fans were running all over the place, and I had unfortunately been standing in clear sight. Now I was on the ground, and these fans pushed around like I was a fly or something. My anger flared, but I didn't want to upset my bosses by doing anything to their fans. I got to my feet and brushed the dirt off my pants. I looked at my elbow, which had just gotten a fresh cut and was bleeding and stinging with pain.

"Are you alright?" One of the fans had the decency to ask.

I nodded; "I'm fine, it's not the worst pain I've felt because of my skating."

"Alright." the fan smiled brightly.

I smiled at her and skated back to the dorm room. The door was shut, and I swung it wide open. I skated inside, but I went slowly in case some of the members were around. They were sprawled out on the sofa and I buzzed past them to the bathroom, cleaning off my cut and disinfecting it. I wasn't exactly worried about the cut since I've gotten a lot of them during my years of training. Still on my rollerblades, I skated back to the living room.

Annoyed, Key glared at me; "Can you get rid of those? I like silence."

"Sorry!" I told him as I dropped myself to the ground. I pulled my skates off and put them away. I looked around the living room and noticed it was a mess again. Without a complaint, I grabbed whatever didn't belong there and cleared it away. Smiling, I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes, but the food was still on the plates. I walked back into the living room puzzled; "You guys didn't eat breakfast?"

"It was too cold." Jonghyun said simply.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" I gasped. I heated everything up and brought it back to them. Silently, they ate. And while they ate, I cleaned. I did a lot of cleaning for them, I noticed. I washed their dishes and I fixed their rooms once more. All this took less than 2 hours and when I was done, I was still full of energy. I went to see how much money I had left and figured I had enough to buy a new skateboard. Using a puppy dog look, I positioned myself infront of the band members.

"Yes?" Onew asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I was wondering if I can go shopping..." I trailed off.

"For what?" Minho asked me.

"A new skateboard." I said pleadingly.

"Can you go alone?" Taemin wondered.

"Yeah, and I'll be back in less than an hour." I nodded hopefully.

"Fine, but we're timing you." Key told me sharply.

"Thank you! You're the best bosses ever!" I shouted. I put on my rollerblades and I was off. I heard their chuckles as I left the dorm but I didn't worry about it. I just made my way to the Skateshop, but once I was inside I met my crew- Papa, Pipsqueak, Mini J, and Worm. Papa is the oldest of all of us, and is a male skateboarder. Pipsqueak is pretty small, but he can do a lot of stunts on his board. Besides me, there's only one other girl in our group, Mini J, and she really is my mini me. We call Worm his name because he's a major bookworm. I'm the leader of our crew, but I don't like using authority over them.


"Hey J!" They shouted at me in unison.

"Hey peeps." I replied to them. All the while, I was browsing on a couple of skateboards with cool designs under the boards.

"You doing the stunt challenge Friday?" Papa asked me while throwing an arm around my shoulders. He's seriously the only guy who could get away with doing that.

"I don't know, I might be working." I sigh.

"Aww." Mini J sighed; "I wanted to enter."

"Go ahead." I laughed; "All of you, enter the contest and tell me who wins."

"No, its not fun without you." Worm groaned.

"Yeah, you're famous on these streets, without you we're nothing." Papa agreed while squeezing my shoulders.

 "That ain't true." I scoffed; "We're Soeul Ripper, the best skateboarding crew around, and each one of us is a skilled skater." That's why they love me, I don't put myself above them, we're a team and I treat us all equally.

I found a plain skateboard and decided to decorate it myself with stickers. After buying extra rubber wheels, some oil, and a new wrench set, I skated back to the dorm with my stuff in my arms. My crew was off practicing for the stunt challenge I convinced them to enter in. I skated into the dorm and smiled them. I came back in less than half an hour. I didn't mind them as I put my roller blades and new equipment in my room.

I decided to start on cleaning and walked back into the living room. There wasn't much junk lying around, but the window to the balcony looked a bit dirty and was covered by curtains. I walked forward to pull the curtains away, but my wrist was held tightly.

"Don't, it's dangerous." Taemin warned me.

"Fans?" I asked them. They nodded solemnly. I walked back into the storage room where I put the cleaning products and pulled the curtains away from each other. The couch where Minho, Jonghyun, and Key sat on were right next to the window, and I worried about getting the solution on them. Using all the strength I had, which was a lot, I pushed the couch so that it was side-by-side with the one seating Taemin and Onew.

"That was fun." Jonghyun laughed; "Do it again."

I ignored him and pulled the curtains off the window to get them washed. I looked down from the window, and indeed, a large crowd of fans was looking right back at me. I waved and showed them the cleaning products, showing I was nothing more than a maid. I looked back at my bosses. They were staring right back up at me. I snapped my fingers to let them realize I had an idea. I went back into the storage room and came back out with face masks for them.

"What's this for?" Key asked, disgusted with the masks.

"Breathing in the solution fumes can damage vocal chords." I informed him, and as if they were afraid they were about to die, they pulled the masks on tightly. I lied about that, I just didn't want them to be completely uncomfortable. I then realized they were staring at me, because the t.v was sideways and I was in their vision range. I scowled as I pushed the set to face them, and then I frowned seeing all the dust that trailed over with it.

"GRRR" I hissed at the dust, as if it could hear me and move back, but it didn't and I glared at the floor once more before spraying the solution on the windows. While the solution was loosening the dirt off the window, I grabbed a mop and began wiping the dust off the ground. This was actually good training, because it's easy to slip. The guys each wore slippers, which were off the ground, and I myself wore sneakers. I pulled off my sneakers and socks and tossed them into my room before returning to clean.

I was sliding all over the place with the mop, and I was enjoying myself. I like doing simple things like cleaning. Having a high strung life just never was for me. I then remembered the windows and rested the mop against the wall as I scrubbed the windows clean. My arms were tiring and I was boring myself.

When I looked at my bosses, they looked completely engrossed in what they were watching, and I was actually pleased since I didn't want them watching my every move. I checked the time, it was almost time to start lunch. I had finished cleaning the windows at that point, and the floor was spotless. There was just one more thing for me to do... move the furniture back to where it belonged.

Onew looked up at me and I smiled sheepishly, he shrugged so I got into motion. It took less than a minute to move the t.v set back into place and then I moved to the couch. Key looked bored, Jonghyun looked expectant, and Minho actually looked a bit of both. This time, I moved them faster, and it was like being in a bumper car. But I noticed I had accidently shifted the other couch, so I ended up pushing them back into position too.

"That is fun!" Taemin announced happily. I checked the time once more. I cleaned myself off in the bathroom and changed my clothes before heading in the kitchen to start lunch, simple rice and chicken. As that was cooking, I put away my cleaning supply and took the face masks from the members. Well, Key actually threw his at me.

"Never again will I wear something as disgusting as that." he said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay." I shrugged. I didn't care, I was only here to do a job, I wasn't going to form relationships with them. I served them their lunch, and as they ate, I found a fresh set of curtains and placed them over the window. I waved at the fans again as I closed the curtains and proud, I pondered about how to get the old curtains washed.

"Just send them to the laundry room." Jonghyun shrugged.

I shook my head at him; "Curtains look best after they're hand washed." I left the dorm in order to find a bucket to use, and came back with a small one.

"Don't put that disgusting thing in here." Key shuddered.

"Don't worry, I'll do it in the bathroom. I gotta clean i anyway." I told him nonchalantly. His attitude was annoying, but I just kept telling myself he was nothing but a boss.

"Do you need any help?" Minho asked kindly.

"Nah, cleaning actually destresses me, for some reason." I answered him in my same expression. I already knew he didn't want to help, he was just being polite. I cleaned the curtains quickly and opened the balcony window, to dry the curtains on the balcony. I made sure none of the members were seen as I hung up the curtains and looked at the fans pointedly. I'm not sure why someone would want to steal curtains, but people are crazy.

"Hey J," Taemin called to catch my attention. I shut the balcony window and turned to him as he continued; "Your parents don't mind that you're working all the time like this?"

"Er, I don't know why it should bother them since they died when I was ten." I laughed, but I didn't feel the laugh. I was used to questions like this, and I never once cared, so why was I feeling like I was all alone now?

"I'm sorry Noona." Taemin said shamefully.

"You should never apologize for being curious." I told him simply.

Onew changed the subject; "J-shi, I know it's sudden, but do you think you can make dinner for some of our friends on Friday?"

"Depends on how many 'friends' you're inviting." I answered him.

"There's 12 in all." Key said without thinking twice; "Can you handle that?"

"Dinner for 17..." I thought. Suddenly I got inspired to make Indian food. I smirked up at my bosses; "I can do it."

"18, you mean." Minho corrected her; "You have to eat too."

"You know, now that I think about it, you never eat when we're around." Jonghyun thought aloud.

Key got up and circled me, I was wearing a tee shirt that covered my entire frame and sweatpants- the usual attire. The shirt I wore was at least 5 times bigger than I was. He tried to poke my stomach, but his hand went in pretty deep before it made contact with any skin.

"No touchy." I snapped at him, backing away. I felt arms grip onto my sides, and they belonged to Minho, who towered over me.

"It's like holding on to paper." he said in an astonished tone.

"What, have you ever seen a chubby skateboarder?" I asked in irritation; "It's uncomfortable."

"Noona, do you eat three times a day?" Taemin asked me curiously.

"Er... yes?" It was an obvious lie. I usually only ate once or twice a day. I just wasn't very hungry.

"J-shi, are you telling the truth?" Onew asked me. Now everyone was standing, and being the shortest, even shorter than Jonghyun, was taking its toll.

"No." I muttered, I felt myself shrink in size.

"Well come on, I think some of the lunch you made us is still remaining." Jonghyun said simply as he dragged me to the kitchen and served me some of the leftover rice. I made a face but he didn't care. And then it struck me, at the rate of how fast my friendship with these guys was growing... I was gonna get stung, badly.

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Chapter 6: update plsss
Chapter 6: uhh they will be meeting awesome can´t wait to see how that will go =)
wow Twins???? thats soooooo cool and I like her name and how key acts =) beeing al diva and motherly just awesome =)
keep going with this great story.
wahhhhh sooo cool!!! I really love your update =) FIGHTING!!!
Wow great update, I really loved this chapter and can´t wait for your next update =)
uhhh this story is funny and awesome =)
I hope you will update soon =)