
Talk to Me, Pooh.

Dongho felt something warm wrapped around his waist and something heavy was on his chest. He put his arms around that thing and it snuggled in his arms. Dongho felt the hold on his waist tightened and he heard some “click” sounds after that. He slowly opened his eyes only to be welcomed by someone’s head on his chest. A girl’s head.

Chaehyun's head.

Dongho’s eyes widened in surprise. He looked around and saw Xander laughing, holding a camera in his hand. “What a cute couple.”

Xander ran away, leaving Dongho who just could roll his eyes. Dongho slightly tapped Chaehyun’s cheek with his left hand, the other hand was busy her hair. “Pooh, wake up.”

Chaehyun groaned without opening her eyes, she immediately snuggled on Dongho’s neck. “Ten minutes later, please.”

Dongho let out a chuckle and looked at Chaehyun’s face. She still looked like an angel even when she was sleeping. He slowly moved her head from his chest back to her pillow, smiling again as he saw her eyes were still closed.

“Wake up, kids. Breakfast is ready~” Soohyun sang from the kitchen, delicious smells wafting up ahead of his words.

“Coming!” Dongho answered, he took the last glance at Chaehyun and smiled, pulled himself up to his feet and tip-toed to the kitchen.

“Where is Chaehyun?” Eli asked, pouring chocolate milk for Dongho.

Dongho took a sip of his milk. “She is still sleeping, hyung.”

“Oh I’m gonna wake her up.” Kevin’s face brightened. Before Dongho could say anything, Kevin had already gone. Not long after that, Chaehyun came to the kitchen and sat beside Dongho, Kevin on her other side.

“Good morning, Pooh.” Chaehyun said, her voice almost cracked up and her eyes were still half-opened. Dongho could tell that she was still sleepy, maybe half of her mind was still in her dreamland?

“Morning.” Dongho replied, ruffling her hair. “What do you want for breakfast?”

Chaehyun placed her head on the table and closed her eyes. “Anything.”

Everyone laughed, except Chaehyun who was already deep in slumber. Dongho decided to piggyback her to his room and let her sleep on his bed. He knew his manager wouldn’t let any girl to sleep on U-Kiss’ bed, but he also knew that Chaehyun was different.




Three months had passed already, Dongho and Chaehyun were getting closer day by day. Dongho often walked her home, and she always visited U-Kiss' dorm twice in a week. Dongho was always there when Chaehyun needed him, and she always did the same.

It was a snowy night, Dongho hugged himself to keep him warm. He walked in to the living room and found Kiseop sitting on the couch, his face was blank.

“Hyung?” Dongho called, joining him on the couch.

“Eh? Ah? Oh yes.” Kiseop was taken aback. He tapped his cheeks with his hands and looked at Dongho. “What’s wrong, magnae?”

“Nothing. Why were you spacing out, hyung?” Dongho pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged them, head turned to face Kiseop.

“A-- Aniyo. I wasn’t spacing out.”

Dongho let out a chuckle but the second after that, his face became serious. “Hyung, have you ever felt-- no no no, what do you think about love at the first sight? Does it really happen in life?”

Kiseop tilted his head, his lips curved into a smirk. “Why? Are you falling in love with someone ever since the first time you saw her?”

Dongho blushed, but he tried to cover it. “A-- Aniyo. I’m not falling in love with someone.”

“Is it Chaehyun?” Kiseop asked, his eyebrows were moving up and down.

“N-- Noooooooo.”

“Do you think that I’m blind, huh? How sweet you act towards her, how gentle you protect her from anything bad--“

Dongho cut Kiseop off. “I’m just her bestfriend, hyung.”

“I bet it’s just what she said to you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh come on.” Kiseop rolled his eyes and poked Dongho’s nose. “Being her bestfriend doesn’t mean you can’t be someone special in her heart. More special than just a bestfriend, I mean."

Dongho looked down, playing with his fingers. “But she likes someone else, hyung.”

“REALLY?” Kiseop almost jumped out from his seat if Dongho didn't pull him back to sit in a snap.

“Sssht!” Dongho pulled his hand away from Kiseop’s shoulder. “I bet you know who she likes.”

Kiseop was totally idiot this time. “Who? Eli?”

“It’s Kevin hyung, babo. Oh geez~ Sometimes I thought that your brain is not even bigger than pigeon’s brain.”

“I’m smarter than Eli, dude~”

Now it was Dongho’s turn to roll his eyes. “In your dream, hyung.”

“Whatever.” Kiseop rested his head on the headrest and looked at the ceiling. “So what are you gonna do then?”

“I don’t know. Kevin hyung has everything I don’t have. He has that angelic face, abs, and a good voice.”

“Dongho, don't--”

Dongho didn’t listen to what Kiseop said, he just kept comparing himself with Kevin. “He is tall. He is kindhearted and sweet. Everyone likes him. Who wouldn’t?”

“Dongho!” Kiseop grabbed Dongho’s shoulders and squeezed it hard. “Listen to me. You are Shin Dongho. You have something that Kevin doesn’t have.”

“What’s that?”

“A heart for Chaehyun.”

Dongho let out a chuckle, but actually he was really clueless. “Hyung, don’t be so cheesy.”

“You love Chaehyun, don’t you?”

“But she likes Kevin hyung. Oh maybe she loves him.”

“Soooooooooo? What’s the matter, huh?”

Dongho looked down. “I don’t know.”

Kiseop grinned. “Dongho, everyone has something that the others don’t have. God is always fair. Don’t worry, kiddo~”

Dongho sighed and slowly nodded. He gave Kiseop a weak smile. “Thanks, hyung.”

“You’re welcome.” Kiseop ruffled the magnae’s hair, smiling sincerely.

Dongho looked up to the ceiling. Maybe Kiseop was right, he still had a chance to get Chaehyun. But how?

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Great story :)
bubblegoat #2
@RenaSyuuki :<br />
youngji is just a random character, i suddenly thought about that name and decided to use it. lol xD<br />
<br />
@NikkiHasANeonWorld :<br />
thanks! ^^<br />
just wait until the upcoming chapter, imma explain who this hyemi girl is.
NikkiHasANeonWorld #3
Omona! Who's this Hyemi girl now? I wanna know! :P<br />
I never commented this story, but I got to say, It's really good. I love it n.n
RenaSyuuki #4
:O <br />
What? Who's Hyemi? o.O <br />
Youngji? Lol I'm confused.<br />
Haha, Update soon :)
bubblegoat #5
@Proudtobeanasiangirl :<br />
thanks! ^^<br />
<br />
@RenaSyuuki :<br />
lol xD<br />
how i wish i were chaehyun. kkkk~<br />
here is the update. hope you like it.<br />
RenaSyuuki #6
Awh... Kevin... :(<br />
<br />
Dongho and Chaehyun are too sweet! Haha, pooh. <3<br />
Please update~ ^_^
bubblegoat #7
@lemonadelala :<br />
yeay! thanks for subscribing~ ^^<br />
<br />
@randomsparadise :<br />
here is the updatei hope it's clear enough to be an explanation. kkkkk~ xD
omo! Soo cute!!!
new reader here =D<br />
=O Kiseop and Minhye?? ....whats her relation with Kevin then? ex? <br />
update soon!!!!