Hard Day on the Block

Apartment Block B


Ring-Ring, Ring-Ring, Ring-

“Kyung…what do y-”

Ring, Ring-Ring, Ring-Ring

Soomin groaned when she realized she didn’t have the phone in her hand. She crawled across the bed eyes still closed. I probably look like a baby rat searching blindly for its mother. When her hand closed around the phone it stopped ringing. Damn it. She looked at the number and saw it was Kyung. He’s the only one who dares to call me this early. She was about to call him back when the phone started ringing again.

“Hello,” She quickly answered it.

“Ah, goob. I wash worryt you woodn’t pig up.” A snuffled voice came through the phone.

“Kyung…this is Kyung, right?”

“Yesh, ob coursh.”

“Bahahahaha,” Soomin fell back on her bed.

“Dob’t laugh, I hab a colb.”

“…a what?” Soomin bit laughter back.


“A what?” She coaxed.

“…I saish I hab a colb.”

Soomin laughed even harder. 

“Loog, I bibn’t call so you coulb laugh. I’m shtaying hob sig. You’ll hab to tage the buhsh.”

“Alright, I hope you feel better. After work I’ll come bring you some soup.”

“Dhank you, soub shounbsh goob.”

Soomin forced herself not to laugh as she said goodbye. She looked at the clock on her phone. Thirty minutes ‘til I need to be at the bus stop. I better hurry. Soomin did her hair and got dressed. Five minutes to eat breakfast and ten to get down there. She found leftovers jamming them down . She was about to open the door when she realized she didn’t have her purse. She ran to her room and scooped it up. Soomin dug around for her keys to make sure they were inside her purse while she opened the door. Taeil stood with his finger above her doorbell.

“Oh, so you are awake.”

“Sorry, I have to go. I’m riding the bus today.” She smiled at him as she closed the door then ran down the hall towards the elevator.

“Taebil, Taaaebil…”

Taeil glanced towards his apartment and saw Kyung standing near his door.

“I’b sig…will you tage care of me?”

“No, I have work, but I’ll make you something to eat and you can crash at my place.”



Soomin made it to the bus stop early. There weren’t as many people waiting around as the first day she took the bus. Maybe I’ll get a seat today. The bus pulled up a few minutes later. Soomin climbed on paying her fair as she went. She found an open seat in front of a mother and her little boy. Soomin could hear the little boy blowing bubbles in his gum behind her. Soomin looked out the window at the streets. Ah, two more stops.

“Oh, no. What did you do?”

Soomin turned glancing at the mother as she scolded her son. She saw something pink stretch from the little boy’s hand to behind her head. Oh…no…you didn’t…tell me you didn’t kid…

“I am so sorry.”

“Is his gum stuck in my hair?”


Soomin let out a sigh, Lovely…

“Could you pull out as much as possible?” She asked the mother.

“Yes, I’ll try.”

The bus squeaked to a stop and Soomin realized it was her stop.

She jumped up, “Sorry. My stop. Thanks for trying.”


Soomin made her way quickly up to the design department’s office. She ran into her office and dropped her purse off.

“Did you know you have gum in your hair?” Cheolyong called from the other room.

“Yes,” Soomin answered as she ran out the door.

She headed towards the main office. When she opened the door she saw Mr. Young talking to the secretary.

“Hello, Mr. Young can I borrow your secretary for a second?”

“Ah, Soomin. What’s wrong?”

“Umm, well, a little kid stuck his gum in my hair. I need help getting it out.”

“I need her to make a call for me but perhaps I can help you.”

“Please,” Soomin nodded at her boss.

Mr. Young finished talking to his secretary then came over to Soomin.

“Alright, let’s take a look.”

Soomin turned around for him.


She sighed, “What do you mean ‘oh’?”

Mr. Young let out a small laugh then cleared his throat, “There is a lot of gum in your hair.”

He shifted her hair around looking at the damage.

“It’s even in the hair by your neck. How did that kid even get the gum there?”

“It’s going to take a long time to get out, isn’t it?”

“At least a couple hours…”

“Do you have scissors?”

“What?” Mr. Young raised his voice but lowered it when the secretary glared at him. “You want to cut you hair?”

“Yes, that way I can get back to work quicker.”

“Can’t you just pull it back and deal with it later?”

“No, it sounds like it’s more work than it’s worth. I’ll go to a professional after work so just cut the parts that have gum on it and cut the rest to a similar length.”

“O-o-okay,” Mr. Young went to the secretary’s desk and pulled out a pair of scissors.

“Maybe we should go to a bathroom?” Soomin suggested while pulling the door open.



Soomin tried to convince her boss to go in the women’s room but he refused even just this once. They ended up in the men’s room. Soomin stood in front of the sinks looking in the mirror at her hair quickly before Mr. Young cut it. She could see some of it stuck in the hair on the back of her head and close to her neck. She grumbled then motioned for Mr. Young to begin.

He raised the scissors then stopped, “Just so you know this is my first time cutting anyone’s hair. I trim my mustache but that is about all the experience I have.”

“It’s fine,” Soomin laughed. “I’ll go to a professional later.”

“I actually know a place, one my wife uses, I’m sure Kyung would take you.”

“Actually Kyung is sick so I took the bus.”

“What!” Mr. Young yelled. “I told you that the bus was bad news! What the hell is Kyung doing, getting sick…”



Mr. Young continued to yell about Kyung as he started cutting her hair. A man walked in but when he saw the scene he walked right back out. Another man came in and asked which restroom he was in. Soomin tried not to laugh at both instances for fear that Mr. Young would cut off something important. When he finished cutting all the parts of her hair that had gum in them he began to cut the parts of her hair that were still long. This is sad…how many years did take to get that hair…guess it was time for a new hair cut. Soomin glanced up as he cut the last of her long hair. Her hair was now about even with the bottom of her ears. She was surprised that she didn’t look as bad she expected with short hair.

Soomin nodded as she turned her head side to side, “Good, that will work for now. Thank you, Mr. Young.”

“I feel a change of career come on,” He laughed as he admired Soomin’s new hair.

Soomin started scooping up her hair from the floor. What the ? I’ve never seen this much gum in my life. There was a large section of her hair that had globs of gum attached to it. It’s a good thing we just cut it out. When they got most of her hair off the floor they left the bathroom.

“Let’s show my secretary my handy work.” Mr. Young smiled as he opened the office door.

The secretary had finished her call and was working on her computer when Mr. Young and Soomin walked in.

“Ah, Mr. Young, the appointment is sched-” The secretary stopped when she saw Soomin’s hair. “Wow, you just cut it off. There was a lot of gum in it. It suits you.”

Soomin laughed, “It’ll have to.”

The secretary got up and circled around Soomin, “You’re going to a professional later right?”


“What? You don’t think I did a good job? I was just telling Soomin I was going to change careers.” Mr. Young chimed in.

“It’s good but not that good.”

“Oh, Soomin, since Kyung isn’t here to drive you to the salon. I can take you after work.”

“Are you taking her to the place you wife uses?”

“Yes,” Mr. Young nodded to secretary.

“I’ve been there a couple times. It’s nice.” The secretary turned to Soomin.

“I guess it’s settled then,” Soomin nodded. “Thank you so much. I’m going to get to work now.”



Soomin poked her head into the project manager’s office, “Sorry I’m late.”

“No, it’s fine,” Joonhyun continued to stare at his screen while talking, “Mr. Young called and explained what happened. I’m assigning you five projects. They all have different due dates so make sure to looked at those and organize your time properly.”

“On it.” Soomin replied then went to her office.



Soomin looked at her phone checking the time. Fifty minutes since the work day was over, I hope he didn’t forget.

“A meeting ran late.”

Soomin glanced at the door. Mr. Young stood smiling apologetically.

“Ah, it gave me time to make for this morning.”

“I appreciate you remaining strong in the face of disaster. Most women would have folded but just cut your hair and went off to battle! Your spirit encourages ma-”

“Will you hurry up?” A female voice interrupted.

“Oh, yes…Secretary Cho will be joining us. She really wants to see how your hair turns out.”

The secretary pushed on her boss’ back allowing her to step into Soomin’s office.

“You can call me, Haeun, now that work is over.” She smiled at Soomin. “What are you just stilling there for, hurry up!”

Soomin laughed as she turned off her computer and grabbed her purse. They walked down into the building’s parking garage. A large black car beeped when Mr. Young pressed on his key.

“Somchon, let me drive.” Haeun held her hand out to Mr. Young.

“Aigo, just don’t mess up my car.” He whined handing the key over.

“I drive way better than you do. Why do you think I came along? I wanted Soomin to live.”

Soomin looked between the two, “Somchon?”

“You know, you should be more respectful your elders? You’ve confused Soomin. It looks more like I’m the niece and you’re the uncle.”

Haeun rolled her eyes as she approached the driver’s door.

“I bet you didn’t even know she was like this. So respectful during work hours then…Soomin you ride in front with her.”

“No, no…it’s your car. I cou-”

“She’ll just be mean to me. Go ahead.”

Soomin smiled as she pulled open the front passenger door and slid into the car.



Haeun parked the car down the street from the salon. When they enter a stylist called out to them.

“Mr. Young, Miss Cho. Don’t tell you two want matching hair cuts.” The stylist smirked at the two.

“I think we should go blonde. What do you think, Haeun?” Mr. Young looked at his niece.

“As good as we’d look we’re actually here for Soomin.” Haeun motioned to Soomin.

The stylist walked up to Soomin and began to run her hands through her hair. She felt the stylist stop.

“Is this gum?”

Soomin let out a long sigh, “Yes…”

“Come sit down and tell me about it.”



Soomin ran her hands through her new hair as she walked through the hall towards the courtyard of apartment block b. Not too bad. Secretary Cho had given Soomin her number and offered to show her some fun things to do in the city. A female friend, Soomin threw her fists in the air in celebration.   

“Wah! Noona…wha..what happened to your hair?” Ddong fell to his knees in front of her.

“This punk on the bus thought it would be cute if he put gum in my hair.” Soomin made an exaggerated scowl.

“And what, it was made of acid and burned you hair off?”

“No. He put enough in it to glue two cars together, so to avoid getting stuck to something I cut it off.”

“Ah, I see. Your hair had to take one for the team.” Ddong dusted off his knees as he stood up.

“Pretty much…” Soomin nodded as they walked towards the elevator.

“So this punk…how old was he?”

“Oh, about…five, maybe six?”



Soomin rode the elevator up to the third floor alone. What no additional stops? The doors opened revealing Zico. He smirked when he saw her.

“Good day at work, yeobo?”

The elevator dinged as if it was responding to Zico. He blinked trying to ignore the elevator. It dinged again.

“Yeah, yeah, you did a good job.”

Soomin stepped off the elevator and tried slip away from Zico. She made it about three feet before an arm shot out pressed against the wall almost clothes lining her.

“Are we playing cat and mouse?”

Soomin turned towards Zico, “How long have you been waiting here?”


“Do you normally hang outside elevators?”

“There something different about you…” Zico changed the subject.

Soomin’s eyes glazed over, Don’t tell he hasn’t noticed my hair yet… She ran a hand through her hair trying to give him a hint.

“Oh, you gained weight.”

“What!” Soomin punched him in the stomach.

Zico doubled over, “You cheat on me, and you beat me?”

“You called me fat. Nobody can gain weight that fast.”

“Maybe you were always that fat and I’m just now noticing.”

Soomin turned and stalked off ignoring Zico as she went. She bust into her apartment and threw her purse on her couch. She pulled the balcony door open and stepped out on it. She let out a growl then bent over the railing hanging her arms down. Soomin could see the courtyard under her. Isn’t that the pretty guy that Ddong has been ripping off? She looked at the tables for Ddong and there he was sitting and watching the guy at the vending machine. A meow came from her right. Soomin looked over to see the cat walking along the railing of the balcony next door. The cat gracefully jumped to her balcony and padded up to her. Soomin tilted towards the cat and rubbed heads with it.


Soomin looked around.


She spotted Yukwon on a balcony one floor down on the adjacent wall waving at her.

“Hi,” She waved back.

“Did you cut your hair?”

“Yes, how did you know it was me?” Really, the guy on the balcony a floor down can see my new haircut…

“I heard this beast growl then my wife took off and there are only a few people who she leaves me for,” Yukwon laughed as he yelled.

“Sorry for the disturbance.”

“It’s fine. I like your hair…from what I can see from way down here.”


“How about a balcony serenade?”

“That would be awesome!”

Soomin laughed when Yukwon came back out with an amp. She hung off the balcony listening to Yukwon play. Ugh…Zico…I didn’t apologize…I had a good opportunity but I didn’t have time to think about what I wanted to say and then you had to be stupid and call me fat…I should go find him, Soomin frowned as she thought. A buzzing sound interrupted her thoughts. She barely heard it over the music.


Yukwon stopped playing looking up at her.

“I’ve got to go. Thanks for the serenade.”

“Anytime.” Was all he yelled back to her.

Soomin scooped up her phone. ‘New message from Kyung: Where’s my soup? You’ve been off work for like two hours.’ Soomin laughed then replied asking which apartment was his. Her phone buzzed again. ‘Actually I’m at Taeil’s.’ Soomin grabbed her keys then walked over to apartment eighteen. She tried the door before using the key Taeil gave her. It was unlocked. She knocked on it as she opened it and announced herself.

“Taeil, I hear you have a sick bum over here.”

“I would stay away if you don’t want to-” Taeil looked at her from the kitchen, “Was your hair always like that?”

Kyung looked up from a pile of blankets, “Hair? Woah…”

“Good woah or bad woah?”

“Hmm, good woah.”

“Definitely good woah,” Taeil agreed.

“Your voice sounds better.” Soomin smiled at Kyung.

“It takes a lot of ebort to soulb like…neber minb.”

“You know the first impression I had about you was that you were a y businessman but now…haha.” Soomin laughed before she could finish.

“I know…I’m gross and so unattratib.”

“You almost made it through that sentence sounding normal.”

Kyung grumbled then hid himself back under the blankets.

“So…” Soomin looked towards Taeil, “What’s for dinner?”

Taeil laughed at her expectation, “Ha, I think these guys are rubbing off on you a little too much.”

“Well…” She looked down guiltily.

“Dinner is whatever you make for us.” Taeil walked away. “I’m talking a shower. That should give you enough time.”

Soomin stared after him for awhile. A muffled sound made her look around.

Kyung poked his face out, “Soub.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Soomin got up and went in the kitchen.


Soomin made soup and rice. When Taeil came out of the shower, they all sat at the counter. Taeil and Soomin laughed at the sounds Kyung made as he tried to eat. After dinner Kyung decided to return to his apartment. Soomin helped Taeil with the dishes before leaving.



Soomin closed Taeil’s door behind her. I need to talk to Zico. She looked down the hall away from her apartment. Which apartment is he in? She turned looking down the hall towards her apartment. Uh…what is that? Soomin walked towards her door. Zico sat on the floor leaned against her door. He was staring at his feet intently. Soomin stuck the key in the door and opened it. He fell backwards into her apartment. Zico blinked then propped himself on his elbows.

“How did you get out…I thought you were…?” He pointed at the door he had been leaning against.

Soomin ignored him as she stepped over him to get inside. He got up after she passed closing the door when he came in.

“Look, what I said earlier…I didn’t mean it…You’re gonna think I’m shallow but I don’t like girls with short hair.”

Soomin sighed, “It doesn’t matter. I’ve been trying to say something to yo-”

Zico kissed her cutting her off. Soomin flapped her arm exasperatedly. She put her hands on his shoulders to push herself away but his slid an arm around her waist holding her tight. He walked her towards the couch. He bent her backwards over the couch arm and fell on top of her. Soomin glared as Zico continued to kiss her. I don’t have the patience for this today. She slid her pointer finger between their faces. When she found his nose she jammed her finger up his nostril.

“What the hell?” Zico sat up straddling her holding his nose.

Soomin’s finger felt wet.

“Eww, I think I touched your brain.” She laughed as she wiped her finger on his pants.

Zico continued to look at her in shock. Anger started crawling into his face. He dropped his hand a little and she saw his nostrils flare. Soomin started laughing again.

“You think that’s funny?”

Zico started digging his fingers into her ribs. She wiggled under him uncontrollably as he tickled her.

“S-stop,” Soomin barely managed between laughs. She locked her fingers around his hands and jerked them above her head pulling him down on her. He stared at her for while. She watched his gaze go up to her hair and around her face. He looked back into her eyes.

“Your hair…it makes you look naughty, like a bad girl…not my type but...”

“I’m sorry,” Soomin blurted out.


“For hurting you.”

“I…I was afraid you were going to pick him.”

“I’m not picking anyone.”

“Why? Do you like him more?”
“I can’t pick. I’m not even sure how I feel. It would be better to have time to think and actually figure out our feelings.”

“I’m telling you to pick me.”

“I cheated on you and we weren’t even dating. Plus you don’t like short hair. Two good excuses for us to just stop.”

Zico grumbled as he got off of her. Soomin stood and pulled him by his arm to the door. He opened the door and stepped out. He stopped in the doorway and turned back to her.

“Maybe we should have ?”

“Huh…w-what?” Soomin leaned forward unsure she actually hear right.

“To help you make you’re decision.”

“Yes, yes, let’s complicate this even more.”

“That way you’ll know what you’re getting or what you’ll be missing out on.”

She put a hand on each side of his face and squished his cheeks together.  

“My facsh ish way more shexy thish way.” Zico nodded in her hands.

“Maybe in a few days you’ll realize that you don’t like me as much as you thought you did.”

“You shtill owe me…”

“Okay, so how about at the end of the week we talk again?”

Zico nodded then pulled his face free, “Fine. We’ll have Saturday morning. That’s always a good way to start the weekend.”



Soomin closed the door and sighed. Ah man…what a ing day… She wandered back to her couch. I wonder if P.O is still awake. She grabbed her phone and typed a text to him. When he replied she asked him to meet her in the courtyard.

P.O was sitting at one of the tables when she made it down, “W-wow…you look so…cute.”

Soomin touched her hair then smiled. She walked towards him but didn’t sit. When he saw she wasn’t going to sit he stood up.

“What did you want to talk about?” He looked her in the eyes concern crawling into his face.

“I don’t know how someone would exactly say this so I’m just going to wing it. I like you, but I also like Zico.”

Soomin watched anger and disappointment dominant the concern.

“So you’re picking him.” He stated more then asked.

“No, I’m not picking anyone. I don’t know how I feel beyond liking both of you. I didn’t even realize it until Zico saw you kiss me. Why aren’t you more shocked?”

“I kind of knew…”

“What? Did Zi-”

“No, something like this has happened before.”

“A girl liking both of you?”

“Yeah, kind of, we both liked the girl but she picked him. Hyung’s my friend but that doesn’t mean I want to lose another girl to him.”

Soomin had to force herself not to run up and throw her arms around him. Figure out your feelings then run into his arms…

“So you like me?” P.O smiled.

“I kissed you, didn’t I? Even though you weren’t smooth the first time…”

He laughed then whispered shyly, “Yeah.”

“Just give me a couple days to get my head on straight. It’ll also give you time to think.”

P.O nodded kissed her on the cheek then left.



Soomin had paced around her apartment for a couple hours trying to sort of her feelings. She finally decided to go for a second opinion. She blinked at Minhyuk’s door. Well…I am I going to bug him? She slowly raised her hand to the doorbell. Her finger hovered there for awhile as she decided. Soomin pushed the doorbell and waited. She heard it ring but the apartment became quiet again. Soomin pushed the doorbell a second time. There was the sound of stomping then a muffled voice yelled through the door.

“Who is it?”


“You don’t look like Soomin.”

“Yeah, I got a haircut.”

The door cracked open, “Do you realize what time it is?”

“Yes, but I needed to talk.”

“Right now? What, you couldn’t sleep?”

Soomin shook her head.

The door opened wider, “Come in.”

“Thank you so much.”



Minhyuk put water on to boil for tea then led Soomin into his living room. She recounted what happened with Zico and P.O.

“So…what’s wrong?”

“H-how do I make up my mind? How do I figure out what the I want? How do-”

He put his hands on her shoulders, “Calm down, you’re over-tired.”

She nodded her eyes feeling heavy. I didn’t even realize how tired I was.

“Hold on,” He turned his head towards the kitchen, “Water’s boiling.”

Soomin sat on the couch waiting for Minhyuk to return with the tea. She looked around the living room. He finally got it furnished…still kind of bland. Her eyes wandered over the coffee table. One of the drawers was cracked open slightly. Oooh shiny… Soomin leaned closer to inspect the contents of the drawer. She stuck a finger in the crack of the drawer and pulled it open slowly. …is that a… She reached in the drawer and touched the cold metal. Sliding her fingers around the grip she picked it up. She glanced at each side looking for the safety. Good it’s on… She blinked at the gun in her hands. W-wait…why did I pick it up…my fingerprints are now all over it…oh, …what if he killed somebody…no… She started to put the gun back in the drawer when Minhyuk walked in the living room

“Do you make it a habit of playing other people’s guns without asking?”

Soomin looked at him then down at the gun, then back up. She stared for awhile trying to decide how to proceed. She slowly put the gun back in the drawer then closed it.

“What gun?” She smiled and held her hands up showing they were empty.

He laughed then walked away, “Stay there.”

Soomin had the urge to run for the door when he said that. Well, there is a gun right there. I didn’t check to if it was loaded but… She felt her hand start towards the drawer. When Minhyuk walked back into the living room her hand stopped.


Soomin looked at him and saw he was holding a small rectangle. He tossed it to her. As soon as it was in her hand she knew what it was. Metal and leather. She flipped it over so the metal was up. She ran her fingers over the police badge.

A smile worked its way on her lips, “And I thought you killed someone.”

His face reflected her smile.

“The tea should be ready. Do you want sugar?” He asked as he walked back towards the kitchen.

“Yeah…just a little, please.” Soomin stared hard at the badge. Why didn’t he just introduce himself as a police officer…?

Minhyuk came back with two cups. Soomin set his badge on the coffee table then took a cup from him.

“Thank you,” Soomin held the cup close to her face smelling the aroma of the tea. “Smells really good.”

“My mother used to make it for me.”

“Ah…so, umm…I have some questions…”

“I’m sure,” He laughed.

“Well, why didn’t you tell me you were police before?”

“Undercover,” He answered then sipped tea.

“Oh…wait, then why are you telling me now? Aren’t you afraid I’ll blow your cover?”

“It seems safer to tell you I’m an officer with a gun, then some random guy with a gun. Even if I came up with a good reason, you might accidentally tell someone I have a gun and they could put it together that I’m with the police.”

Soomin nodded as he paused.

“But honestly I was having a hard time thinking up a believable reason.”

“Not so good under pressure?”

“You realize it’s two in the morning. I know you know I have a gun.” Minhyuk raised his eyebrows at her.

“Yes…I’m sorry. One more question then I’m done.” Soomin smiled apologetically. “How do you know I’m not a part of what you’re investigating? Like part of the bad guys? A spy or mole or something?”

“Surveillance and I did a background check. After you kidnapped me I wanted to make you weren’t a repeat offender or breaking your parole.” He smiled sarcastically at her. “It turns out you’re a good two shoes.” 


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This Ch. took forever! Finally a long one, 9 pgs. 100+ subbies! it's a dream come true! >_< Wahahahah!!!


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qinyin1023 #1
update soon~
thanks :)
Chapter 9: Its good so far :)
Chapter 8: Really a shower together ???
I wonder whats going to happen
Chapter 7: Omg Minhyuk a cop damn :)
Chapter 6: Amazing simy an amazing chapter this story and your wrtiting ofcourse really amaze me :)
Chapter 15: please don't disappear anymore ;-;
Chapter 5: Amazing two boys at a time
This is getting more and more inyeristing :)
Chapter 4: Wowow wait now P.O awesome !!!
Chapter 3: Wow Hahaahha Ddong is amazing
I love him
Zico's unexpected kisss suprised me this was such an amazing chapter :)
Chapter 2: Hot neighboorhood :)
I like that :)