
I Marry the Kingka!?!?!?

You entered the classroom monday and saw the whole classroom staring at you. You faced the ground and walked towards your desk, you took out your notebook but then they flew across the room. You looked up and saw the qeeunkas, you asked, " Why did you do that?" She scoffed and asked, " Are you asking me because you really dont know?"

She continued and asked, " Whats your relationship with L oppa? Why did you go on a date with him on saturday?" You ducked, you were supposed to keep the arranged marriage a secret until you guys ACTUALLY got married. The queenka grew frustrated and grabbed your hair and asked, " What are you doing with my L?!"

You screamed as she pulled you over the desk and onto the ground. She picked you up and slapped you, you screamed and landed on the ground once more. She yelled, " !" She raised her hand and was about to another blow but a hand stopped her. You both looked and saw L, she gasped but it wasnt as loud as yours.

You were wondering why he would save you, you out of all people, you! The queenka awkwardly said, " Uh, oppa, what are you doing here? According to my sources you were planning on skipping today." L smirked and twisted her wrist, she yelped but bit her lip. He said, " I dont mind hurting a stalker like you, because of your stupid cameras in my room, i cant even undress!"

She asked, " How did you know?!" L said, " You didnt think that hooking one in my closet and wall wouldnt make me notice it?" She meekly smiled and he pushed down farther and she yelped even louder. He said, " Unhook those ty cameras and apologize to my wife!"

You looked at him in shock and so did everyone in the classroom! THe queeka asked, " W..Wife?" He said, " Yeah, thats right, we're getting married after graduating from this hole." You ignored the pain coming from your head and cheek and focused on L, for the first time he actually looked... handsome.... Only a LITTLE bit.

Everyone was talking behind you and some even went to tell other classes. L let the queeka go and went to you, squatted down and asked, " Are you alright?" You kept staring at him and he said behind his teeth, " I'll explain everything later. PLay along will you?!" You nodded and got up, he grabbed onto your arms and said, " We need to go to the hospital, gaja, yeobo! Move it!"

THe crowd cleared away and let you 2 out, L smirked as he knew that the queeka/ stalker was embarrassed a lot. Instead of going to the hospital you both went to a cafe far away from the school.

You asked, " What are you thinking?! We made a deal to keep this a secret, and now the whole entire school knows!" L sipped his coffee and said, " Just be grateful the the great L has taken you in." You couldnt hold it back and said, " Can you stop being coneited for 5 minutes and explain why you did what you just did?!"

L sighed and said, " Simple, if you went home with that face, my dad would have killed me. So if i didnt stop her, hell will be on and if i did stop her i didnt have any reason besides this one. So i acted fast and just said it, alright?! Happy?!" You couldnt believe what was happening, you asked, " What am i going to do? Im engaged to a conceited lunatic."

L asked, " Mwo?! Conceited what?!" You said, " You heard me, CONCEITED LUNATIC!" By now the whole cafe was staring at you two, L looked around and cleared his throat, you also calmed yourself down. You said, " You should have just left me with them, i go through this everyday."

He rolled his eyes and you asked, " Can we go back to school now?" L asked, " Mwo?! After going through all of that you still want to go back?!" You crossed your arms and said, " That doesnt stop me from learning." L  grinned and said, " You are really a true nerd." You nodded and said, " Used to that too."

L shook his head and said, " No not today, just let them think that we went on a date or something. You just stay home and just explain to your dad that you tripped on the way and went back home okay?" You nodded and the both of you seperated.

*** At home****

You were watching tv and then  your dad entered the house and said, " Hi sweetie, why werent you at school today?" You told him what L told you to say and pointed at your cheek that had a bruise. Your dad clapped and said, " Ah right! I have decided that you should build up your confidense and go somwhere tonight." You asked, " WHere?"

In 30 minutes, you were in front of the club called Skin, you shook your head and said, " No appa, anything but this! Not a club!" Your dad looked up and down at you and said, " Perfect, and i'll take those." He took your glasses and gave you your contacts. You said, " Appa!" Your dad said, " Look, no one is going to be there, i promise just strangers looking for fun."

You put on the contacts because you couldnt see a thing and said, " But!" Your dad pushed you out of the car and said, through the window, " I'll pick you up at 11! Have fun sweetie!" He drove off and left you in front of the club, you were wearing a black tube dress with a white belt on your waist , and black pumps.

You groaned and looked at the club, through the windows you see es on poles and guys holding cash surrounding them. You gulped and thought, ' No beer, just sit down and watch until 11.' You nodded and walked in, but every step you took you regretted it more.

A huge dance floor was displayed and boys and girls rubbing against eachother you shut your eyes and sat on a empty stool. You sighed and then felt hot stares from somewhere. You looked back and saw 3 boys staring intently at you, one winked, one blew you a kiss, and the other his bottom lip. You looked away immediatley and thought, ' Why are they staring at me like that?'

You ordered a drink and forgot about them and just stared at the bottles that was displayed. THen those 3 guys patted another guy's back and said, " Welcome to Skin, L!" L smirked and looked around, " Whoa, i feel late, i should have came here that day but a loser kind of stopped me."

Hoya shook his head and said, " We heard, your getting married?!" L nodded and shook his hand, " Forget it you guys, i dont wanna talk about it, lets just look at hot girls." Woohyun said, " No need, we found one, she's right there at the booths." L stared at a girl''s back that alreadu showed that she had a nice body and long flowy hair.

He yelled, " I call her!" Dongwoo, Woohyun, and HOya yelled, " Yah!" But they let it go since they can find other girls. L turned his Swag mode from off to on, he sat next to you and asked, " Here alone? Want me to buy you a drink, cutie?" You looked at him and gasped, ' Its L!'

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f3smile #1
Chapter 7: finally, an update, yeaaaaaaaaaaahhh, thank u author-nim,
precious0713 #2
UPDATE PLEASEE ????????????????????????????? AIGOOO
precious0713 #3
Ilove_boyfriend #4
Please update soon.
please update !! <3_<3
update please!!WHERE ARE YOU?;_;
Update soon ^^
tyasme #8
ailisu #9
omg XD
i cant wait for him to find out its jiyoung!! she should tell him XD
Update soon please