I Marry the Kingka!?!?!?

* Author's note: Do any of you guys know someone who can make a poster for this story? Or you guys can make it, you guys can make it however you want it doesnt really matter to me. Also, thanks to all my subscribers and viewers! :)


You entered your suite and saw your dad organizing your closet, you asked, " Appa, let me do it. You go to sleep you have a big case tomorow." Your dad got up and leaned back and you heard a crack, he said, " Wah, my Jiyoung has so many clothes now." Your dad sniffled, you asked, " Why are you crying?"

Your dad said, " Because i should be doing this for you. If only your mom was still here, she would have taken you shopping." You patted your dad's back and reassured, " Its alright appa, your being too hard on yourself. I dont really needed this much clothes." Your dad quickly dried the falling tear and cleared his throat.

He said, " Appa, is going to file some paperwork, so you finish up here and go to sleep." You nodded and your dad left your room, you saw the empty brand bags and then a pile of the new clothes at the other side. You sighed and started folding them and squeezing them into your closet.

In an hour you were done, you grabbed your pajamas and changed into them, you thought, ' I didnt need this much clothes.' After changing you started brushing your teeth and got ready to go to sleep.

***L ****

L asked/ yelled, " WHY DID YOU USE MY BLACK CARD, APPA?!?!" L's dad explained, " It was for a good cause, Jiyoung needed some extra clothes." L asked, " Did this Jiyoung chick ask you to buy her clothes?" L's dad shook his head and said, " I needed to spend some money on her since she will become my daughter in law."

L rolled his eyes and said, " Im not marrying her no matter what you say. She will not be apart of this family." L then recieved a text and before he could check it, L's dad took it away from him and said, " We need to break this habit of going to clubs everynight. I heard that you didnt go to school today!"

" Since when did you care about my school attendance?! You didnt care what the hell i did before Jiyoung came into this!" L said, L's dad said, " Dont blame this on Jiyoung at least she follows with what her dad says like the good girl she is." L was about to say something but L's dad came in and said, " Tomorow your going on a date with Jiyoung, come or no more clubs, no phone, and internet."

L asked, " MWO?!" L's dad said, " You heard me, im being serious, if you dont go on this date with her you will have nothing." L's dad left the living room and upstairs to his room, L clenched his fist and teeth. He thought, ' Its all of this 's fault, my dad wasnt like this before.'

*** Next morning, which was a saturday***

You picked out a white see through blouse and black skinny jeans and red glossy flats that had a little lift at the heels. You checked yourself and asked yourself, ' Is this alright? Hopefully L wont say anything bad about this.' You left the house and rode a bus to the cafe that you were supposed to meet him.

He came 20 minutes late on purpose, he sat in front of you and said, " What the hell are you wearing? Is that something you should wear on a date?! I swear girls with no fashion sense is my least favorite." You pouted and asked, " Should we go, or do you want to order something here?"

L said, " Lets get this over with, come on." You both got up and left the cafe, but while you guys were walking down the road into a outdoor market place, guys in suits were following you guys. THey were men that L's dad told to follow L to make sure that he went to his date and he stayed with you.

You totally forgot about the date and went inside a store that had cute jewelry. You picked up a pair of earrings and said, " Wahh, so pretty. Unni how much is this?" A young worker said, " 10 dollars." You pouted,  it was too expensive just for a pair of earrings, you put it down and left the store.

L rolled his eyes, ' If she wasnt going to buy anything from this store why the did she come here?' You then went to the next store that sold cute graphics tees. One that had a cartoon giraffe on it made you pick it up and ask, " How much is this?" THe lady said, " Oh that is a couple tee, should i get the guy one so you and your boyfriend can wear it?"

L immediatley answered, " No! Just get this one." THe woman pouted and said, " Did you guys get into an arguement? THe atmosphere between you two is very tense." You just awkwardly chuckled and said, " Please ring this up for me." L added, " Quickly." THe woman rang it up and you bought it, as you left the store you suggested, " You should buy something from here too."

L said, " No thanks, i dont want to buy such horrible quality." You shrugged and thought,' That was the most nicest tone he has ever gave me.' You smiled and then ran to a ice cream stand, you asked, " Do you want ice cream?" L shook his head and said, " I dont eat anything that isnt transported from another country." You thought, ' Spoiled freak.'

You bought one ice cream cone and just walked all over the out door mart. At 3, L couldnt take walking anymore and sat down at a bench, " Why do girls take such a long time shopping?" You sat at the other end of the bench and said, " You can use the excercise, your so used to having cars drive you."

L said, " Shut up! I dont like sweating!" You rolled your eyes and just waited for him, then a couple sat between you guys. THe girl said, " Oppa, are you tired? Should we stop shopping, you already bought me so much." THe guy wiped his forehead and said, " No its alright, i can hold it in for my baby. Plus its great excercise."

The girl giggled and said, " Saranghae oppa." THey kissed eachother and just sat there, L was watching them in disgust. THe guy noticed and asked, " Is there a problem?" L said, " Yeah, should i get you two a room?" THe guy asked, " WHat? Your just jealous that my  girl loves me while your girl is avoiding you."

He pointed at you and you said, " Excuse me?" L said, " Hah, oh really?" L thought, ' I'll show him..' THen he grabbed your hand and sat you on his lap, your eyes grew bigger and he said, " I told her to sit on my lap but she didnt want to." The guy smirked and L knew that he didnt approve of hiim yet.

So L kissed you on the cheek, you gasped and then L kissed you slowly going down towards your mouth. You were frozen, you were on his lap and he  was about to kiss you. THe guy and his girl got up and the guy said, " You guys are gross, lets go." THe couple left and when L saw them turn the corner, L pushed you off of him.

You said, " What the-!" L got up and said, " Geez lose some weight, my lap felt like it was about to break because a hippo." You stared at him in shock, you couldnt believe that he almost kissed you, he was at the corner of your lips. L started walking and thought, ' Looking at her up close, she reminds me of... Hazey girl? Nah, Jiyoung's too ugly to have her looks.'

L's dad's men then called L's dad and said, " They're getting really close, sir. He sat her on his lap and kissed her cheek.."

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f3smile #1
Chapter 7: finally, an update, yeaaaaaaaaaaahhh, thank u author-nim,
precious0713 #2
UPDATE PLEASEE ????????????????????????????? AIGOOO
precious0713 #3
Ilove_boyfriend #4
Please update soon.
please update !! <3_<3
update please!!WHERE ARE YOU?;_;
Update soon ^^
tyasme #8
ailisu #9
omg XD
i cant wait for him to find out its jiyoung!! she should tell him XD
Update soon please