
I Marry the Kingka!?!?!?

L stood up immediatley and asked/ yelled, " IM GETTING MARRIED TO THIS GIRL?!" You just stood there trying to take in everything while L was yelling and screaming his head off. Your dad cut in and asked, " Should me and Jiyoung come back another time after your son takes this in?"

L's dad shook his head and said, " Stay seated, i need to at least treat you guys for some dinner. Kim Myungsoo, i remember telling you this." L nodded and said, " You said that it would be with a goddess not this Shrek!" you were about to say something but again fear took over you, L's dad hit L's shoulder and said, " Apologize to her right now."

L looked at you and you looked up at him, he said, " Never, she knows what im talking about." Your dad said, " I think we should come back another time, lets go Jiyoungah." But L's dad grabbed your dad's hand and said, " Sit down, Myungsoo will be calm about this and join us for dinner."

L asked, " WHAT?! Appa i promised my friends that i would be at..!" His dad interrupted, " Skin? I made sure you dont get in there tonight." L stared at his dad in disbelief. L's dad faced you guys and said, " Come, the dinner room is over her."

You entered a enormous room that had a very long table in it and many chairs. You were about to sit next to your dad but L's dad said, " Sit next to L, I want to see if you two make a good couple." L just sat there with crossed arms and still in disbelief, you cautiously slid the seat out and sat down.

THe dads applauded and said, " We were right, there were meant for eachother." You turned red and looked down while L just looked straight at you, L's dad said, " Son, your going to drill holes into her if you continue staring at her like that." L looked away and said, " Can we hurry up with the food so i can at least be at the club by 9."

L's dad said, " Remember, tonight you arent going anywhere, and yes maids bring in the food." Maids placed steak in front of everyone and left side dishes also. L's dad said, " Jiyoungah, the steak came all the way from France, please eat it well." You bowed and cut off a piece and ate it.

It was like a piece of art!! Your eyes widened and L's dad chuckled he knew you would like it. L just ate it like he had this everyday and was bored of the taste. While eating you spilled some of the sauce onto your skirt, you gasped and grabbed a napkin. Your dad asked, " Are you alright?"

You nodded and answered, " I just spilled some sauce on my skirt." L's dad said, " There is a restroom around the corner, please dont get lost." You smiled and got up.

You turned around the corner but there was a problem, L's dad didnt tell you which door it was. You smacked your forehead and thought, ' These doors alone can make a house.' You looked into every door and then you found it. You entered the bathroom and started dabbing the stain with a damp napkin, as you threw it into the trash can a gold wrapper caught your attention.

You, curious, went towards the trashcan and picked the gold wrapper up. It read " King ", you gasped and dropped it right into the trashcan. You thought, ' Im getting married to a person who only does one night stands and 5 minute love?! What did appa get me into?!'

You ran out the bathroom and walked towards the dining room. They were eating ice cream now, L finished it off quickly and said, " Dad, im going now!" L quickly bowed at your dad and just snorted at you, L's dad yelled, " Yah!! Kim MYUNGSOO!!" L's dad sighed and said, " I apologize on behalf of my son, he likes clubbing so.." Your dad just laughed it off and said, " Its alright, chingu. He is just like me when i was younger."

You pouted even though you didnt like him, he was at least suffering with you while the dads were talking. You just couldnt help but wish he was there... only to suffer with you..

*** Paradise Club***

L texted his friends to meet him at another popular club, Paradise Club. L gulped down the bottle of beer while his friends watched in shock. Dongwoo asked, " Brah, whats up with you tonight?!" Dongwoo took the bottle away from him and L sighed, " Im not in the mood to fight for a drink just give it back." Dongwoo set it on the table and L started drinking again.

Woohyun asked, " Seriously dude whats up? You dont drink unless your sad about something." L said, " You wont believe what happened a while ago." Dongwoo and Wohyun waited but L said, " Aish, i'll tell you guys later. Im going." L picked up his jacket and left the club but still had his drink in his hand.

L thought, ' I cant drive, i might as well walk a 30 minute walk.' While he was walking and took the last sip from the battle, happiness suddenly came over him. He walked from the left side to the right side and even onto the street one time. THen L sat on a bench and spat on the ground.

He lied down and thought, ' Mom, did you know about this plan too? I wish you were here, with me.' Then he passed out, he wasnt a really skilled drinker since he actually drinked 2 times.

You were walking from the conveniance store that was near your house, you were a ice cream when you saw a body lying on a bench. You went near it and squatted towards the person, you then saw that it was L! You grew scared but realized he was drunk so you shook him a little bit and said, " L shi, please wake up. This isnt the place to sleep, you'll catch a cold." L slowly opened his eyes and saw a hazey angel like girl.

Btw you didnt have your glasses you had your contacts on. You grinned and said, " Yay you woke up." Before L could say anything, you passed out again. No matter how much you didnt like him, you couldnt leave him there. In 5 minutes you and L were in a taxi towards his house.

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f3smile #1
Chapter 7: finally, an update, yeaaaaaaaaaaahhh, thank u author-nim,
precious0713 #2
UPDATE PLEASEE ????????????????????????????? AIGOOO
precious0713 #3
Ilove_boyfriend #4
Please update soon.
please update !! <3_<3
update please!!WHERE ARE YOU?;_;
Update soon ^^
tyasme #8
ailisu #9
omg XD
i cant wait for him to find out its jiyoung!! she should tell him XD
Update soon please