The Reality Spoken

All Lies

Jieun was making breakfast for both of them and hummed quite merrily while beating the eggs.

When she woke up this morning, the dismal that she felt last night seemed like they never existed because as soon as she opened up her eyes, Himchan's face was right up in front of hers and his hands were around her waist. Her face blushed a. little, embarrassed when she realised that he was much more prettier than herself, hence the name ulzzang Kim Himchan.

Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, she placed down the bowl and rushed to him to greet him a very cheerful 'good morning', but yet, again, he wasn't in a very good mood and sulked his way to the table.

"I'm making breakfast for you" Jieun smiled at him, trying her best to cheer him up from his extreme dislikes for mornings. He scrunched up his nose in a very displeased way and started sniffing at his suit that he was wearing.

"What is this smell?" he finally spoke up and looked up at her.

"oh! I used Lavender scented detergent to wash your clothes" Jieun said.

"Lavender?" he repeated her words, and scrunched up his nose again

"yup. I read somewhere that Lavender can calm your nerves, and because you looked so stressed out lately, I changed our detergent to Lavender scents" she dutifully explained to him.

"and even the shampoo?" he asked when he noticed the new bottle of shampoo in the shower. Jieun nodded and hoped that he would be happy that she was so concerned about him. In fact, he was working so hard that it was difficult for the both of them to have a normal dinner together but she was somehow ok with that, as long as she could keep him happy.

"change it" he said and turned away from her to set his gaze on the newspaper that he was holding, “I hate it"

Speechless by his reaction, Jieun blinked at him through the newspaper. She thought that he would be happy for that she even took the effort to care, but sadly her plan backfired.

"ok" she said softly, disappointed with herself. She mentally hit herself on the head for being so stupid.

'How could I not even know what he hates or like?' she thought to herself and turned back to the counter to continue cooking.

During breakfast, Jieun kept on talking to him to at least elevate his mood but Himchan seemed to respond to her with only nods.

"oh yeah, I'll be hanging out with a friend today so if you need me you can just call me" she informed him

"friend?" he repeated her words again and raised an eyebrow at Jieun. Somehow, the change of topic had finally caught his attention. "Do I know them?" he asked.

"uh...uhmm...” she stumbled on her own words. She didn't really expect him to question her because all this while, she thought that he wasn't even paying attention. Even though she did tell him about the outing with her friend, she didn't tell him that the 'friend' she was talking about was Zelo. This morning Jieun called him up because she had something to talk to him about and she just wanted to make sure he was ok since he had to walk home alone last night.

"Is it a guy or a girl?" he asked her without even letting her answer the first question.

"uh uhhmm g-girl" she lied. Jieun felt so guilty doing so. He just nodded contented with her answer.

"I'm leaving now" he said and got up from his chair.

"oh, ok" she said and followed him to the front door.

"I'll be late again so don't wait up for me and DON'T let Zelo come over. He's a school kid, he should be studying" he warned and she stiffened when he said Zelo's name. For a second there, she thought that she was caught red handed.

When he finally left in his car, Jieun let out a sigh of relief and swiped away the invisible sweat off her forehead.


"What are you doing here Yongguk?" he asked not lifting his gaze from the documents that were in his hands.

It wasn't like he didn't notice his friend enter his office, pondering around since a while ago, as usual when he didn't have anything else to do, or when he just didn't want to do anything at all.

"I just came to check on how you're doing" Yongguk said and sat himself on the sofa in Himchan's office. Himchan eyed Yongguk's movements from over his document. He lay them down and leaned in his big swivel chair making it rock back and forth.

"oh, so you're my babysitter now?"

"What makes you say that Himchan?" Yongguk asked followed by a chuckle. He leaned forward to listen to what his friend was going to say about him. How annoying he was or how naggy he's become lately, or just a simple complaint about how crooked his neck tie was

"nothing" Himchan mumbled as he shook his head and turned his head back to the documents. They weren't really important but he just wanted to make himself look busy.

"So your birthday is coming up. In fact, it's in 2 days time, isn't it? Does Jieun plan to do anything?" Yongguk asked him.

"I think I'll just celebrate at the club" he said non-chalantly while flipping through the unread pages.

"But I thought Jieun hated clubbing?" Yongguk raised an eyebrow. Of all places, why would he want to waste his time and celebrate it at a crummy club and he also should of known that Jieun hated clubs.

"Exactly. That's why, you and I will be there to celebrate it on our own, ok" Himchan explained. He could feel Yongguk frowning at him and looked up to see that he really was frowning. "What?" Himchan asked him as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Do you hate her? What has she ever done to you?" This time Yongguk stood up and walked up to Himchan's table. He was really getting impatient with his friends attitude.

"I don't hate her. Why are you making weird assumptions Yongguk" he sighed at his friend who was now in front of his table, staring down at him.

"Then why do you treat her that way? Ignoring her calls and playing with other girls. She deserves better you know" Yongguk finally raised his voice and it finally caught Himchan's attention.

"I am not cheating on her; I was just having a little fun. I need variety! And what makes you know that she deserves better? God Yongguk we're friends and we're fighting over a girl here" Himchan ran his hands through his hair, frustrated at Yongguk. He wondered why Yongguk couldn't just be cool about it and not be so bratty.

"If she's just a girl, then break up with her" Yongguk said. Only through this way, he could get a real answer out of Himchan and if Himchan really was playing with Jieun like he thought, he would have to ask for a break up, but if he still loved her then it would be obvious that he should fix things for the both of them.

Himchan got up from his chair and glared right back at Yongguk and was now standing face to face with him. Yongguk had just challenged him and he didn't like it one bit.

"I'm serious Himchan. You heard what I said" he warned and without wanting to listen to what Himchan had to say, Yongguk left the room and slammed the door behind him leaving Himchan balling his fists in anger.


"So, what do you plan on getting for Himchan hyung's birthday" Zelo asked as he looked up at Jieun and shoved a little bit of ice-cream into his mouth. Zelo and Jieun were now sitting at a cafe not so far from Himchan's place and Jieun promised to meet Zelo here to discuss the plan for Himchan's birthday. Yongguk definitely couldn't tag along because he had to work with Himchan, so it was just the two of them.

Jieun shook her head. Honestly, she didn't know what Himchan liked anymore because lately everything she offered to him, he either hated it or ignored it. It kind of bore a hole in her heart, but she shook that thought away.

"I don't know Zelo. What about you?" she gleamed at the boy from across her. Zelo's a guy right, well obviously, maybe he. knew what to get for Himchan.

"Yongguk hyung and I both chipped in a little to buy him a new pair of awesome Nike shoes! I wish I could have them though" he pouted and dug into his banana split sundae.

Jieun chuckled and watched him continuously shoving ice-cream into his mouth, and that’s when she got an idea.

"Why nuna? Do you want some?" he handed her the spoon when he noticed her staring at his ice-cream and suddenly popping her head up like she just got hit by something.

"aniyo" she shook her head. "I just had an idea"

"good! ice-cream naekkoya!" he said and pulled the ice-cream bowl towards him. Jieun shook her head at how cute this kid could be. "so what is your idea nuna?" he the spoon clean before scooping for another.

"I'll make him something. A cake or something of that sort. Because I want him to know that I made it from my heart" Jieun smiled at her own genius idea. She were very sure that this time, Himchan would surely realise her efforts and love her even more.

"Nuuunaaa, please stop being so cheesy. I might just have to barf out my ice-cream" Zelo cringed at Jieun who was blushing at her own thoughts. She pouted at his remark but didn't take it to heart since she knew that Zelo hated cheesy things like that drama she watched with him yesterday.

"So what do you think?" Jieun asked him.

"It doesn't have to be so big like a cake, why not just make a cupcake" he suggested and she pretty much liked his idea.

"You're a genius Zelo" she said and pinched his cheeks.

"aish nuna, I'm not a kid anymore" he said but he proved himself wrong when he shoved more ice-cream into his mouth and left a mess all around his mouth and cheeks.

"finish that up quickly so that we can buy the ingredients" she urged him, impatient at the idea of laying out her plan.

When he finally finished what seemed like a bottomless pit of ice-cream you pulled him to the supermarket to buy ingredients for the cupcakes. In the midst of shopping Zelo got a call and since both of them were walking side by side while pushing the cart, Jieun could hear his conversation. It was obvious that the low and raspy voice from the other end of the phone call was Yongguk.

"Is Jieun there?" she heard him say.

"yup, nuna is right next to me" Zelo answered but after that the rest of the conversation was unheard because she was too.focused on buying ingredients.

When Zelo had finally hung up, Jieun looked up at him asking him what he conversed about with Yongguk using just their eyes.

"Yongguk hyung said he wants to talk to you so he'll be arriving soon" he informed her. Jieun cocked an eyebrow at him curious to why Yongguk couldn't just talk to her through the phone. What was so important to have to leave work and talk to her personally?

Zelo shrugged his shoulders as if he heard her thoughts but then they both continued shopping. After that, they both met up with Yongguk who waited for them in front of the supermarket with his car. Jieun sat in the front while Zelo sat in the back and when everyone was buckled up, Yongguk drove off.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Jieun asked him and he didn't even bother answering her question when he changed the subject.

"You guys want a hotdog?" he asked out of the blue and suddenly pulled over by a park. A few feet away, there was an ahjussi who was selling hotdogs and the line was rather long.

"I do!" Zelo excited, jumped up and down in the car. Yongguk looked at Jieun and she just shook her head.

"The line is long, it's ok" Jieun declined his offer.

"That's ok. cuz Zelo's gonna buy one for you, right Zelo?" he eyed the boy giving him the signal to leave quickly, which wasn't well received by him.

"huh? me?" Zelo pouted and his excitement drowned away instantly.

"Buy one for us each. You can buy the biggest one if you want Zelo" he tried bribing the kid which actually worked because Zelo's eyes shot wide open. It was rather unusual for Yongguk hyung to be this generous. "we'll wait for you in the car" Yongguk added and handed Zelo his wallet.

When Zelo left the car, Yongguk sighed relieved that he finally got rid of the kid. And since the line was long, that could buy him a little time for him to talk to Jieun.

"It's really ok. I don't feel hungry at all" she spoke up.

"Jieun...” he looked up at her. There was really no other way to help her but this. He loved his friend Himchan and that’s why he didn't want Himchan to be seen as a bad guy and at the same time he didn't want to hurt Jieun either. He knew that he shouldn't intrude people's relationships but he just couldn't stand seeing her get hurt by him anymore. So he thought that this was the only way to save the both of them.

The words that came out from his lips left hung wide open.

"Break up with Himchan"

editted :) yongguk may seem like a busybody who involves himself in the relationship, i thought it was kind of weird at first but then I watched Happy Together with Kangta and he stated that he once tried reconciling the relationship between his bestfriend and his girlfriend. I hope this chapter didn't bore you :D
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Listening to Musiq Soulchild ;D


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ksymino #1
Chapter 14: 2 years after. I just found this and i end up crying. This is just simply beautiful.
Chapter 14: AMAZING STORY*.*
Honoka #3
I cried because of this very beautiful storyy.
Chapter 14: This is the best of the BEST ive ever read in asianfanfics! I live you for writing this! Well detailed and everything. So PERFECT! Bravo!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
itsayazelo #6
Chapter 14: I WUV THIS !!
Chapter 14: O.O I have no words. this was so good. wow. :O
Chapter 14: This is a one good story. :)) Good job author-nim :)
Chapter 14: Omg, this was so freaking perfect! SERIOUSLY! I couldn't stop reading, it was really addictive. *~* And as soon as she woke up, I kept crying at every encounter she and Himchan had ); In any way, congratulations! I freaking loved your story! :D ♡