Nuna neomu yeppeo

All Lies


Meeting other girls like it’s nothing
Turning off my phone
Pretending not to see your phone call
They are my lies
"Himchanie" the girl in thick make up who was awefully close to him called out, making Himchan scrunch up his face.
"Please, don't call me that baby" he said as he the girl cheek gently with his fingers.
He didn't even know this girl. He just came to the club thinking he could hang out for a while with his best friend. Suddenly she came up asking for his name and started flirting with him, and he actually let her.
The girl put her arms around his neck, pulling Himchan's neck bringing his face closer to hers. Her breath wrenched of alcohol and Himchan tried his best to maintain an amused face.
"But I like calling you Himchanie. It's cute" she hiccuped and the hair at the side of his face. She pulled him in a little bit more closer and started nibbling his ear.
Himchan liked the attention. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her in closer to a more intimate position.
Before he could take any action she pulled away and pointed her finger toward the vibrating phone on the table.
Himchan sighed loudly and read the id caller. It was you.
He pressed the red button and threw the phone back on the table.
"Who was it Himchanie?" she pouted and put her arms around his neck again.
"no one important" he smirked a her. She smiled and leaned in closer to give him a peck on the cheeks. Then she went lower and pecked at the side of his lips.
"Don't tease babe" he smirked again. She gave him and evil grin before crashing her lips on his. He kissed back the stranger, needy for her lips. 
But again, she pulled back and this time she looked annoyed.
"Who is it this time?" she asked and crossed her arm above her chest.
He knew that it was you calling. He grabbed his phone on the table and took off the batteries and held it up to her.
"See. no more distractions" he said.
"That's more like it" she replied.
"Himchan" he heard someone call. He turned his head around to see Yongguk standing across the table from him, and he didn't look to happy about what he saw.
Himchan knew that he was in for some nagging from the older guy so he sent the girl away to get a drink.
"What?" he said, sitting more comfortably now.
"I think you should be heading home now, don't you think?" the older guy said. Himchan cocked an eyebrow, but he was already used to Yongguk acting like a nagging mother. "I believe that was Jieun on the phone?" he guessed correctly.
"I just wanted some fun" he said and smirked, not feeling any guilt whatsoever.
"Well, play time is over. You better not let me go there and tell Jieun myself" Yongguk warned.
The latter rolled his eyes and finally got up.
"fine, fine. You're such a party pooper" he said and walked past Yongguk.
Yongguk could only sigh at his stubborn friend. He didn't know how to tell him to at least try treating you better.
He remembered the day you confessed to Himchan, considering that he was there too. He thought that you were quite the brave girl to confess to Himchan in front of the public. Himchan of course without any thought, seeing how cute you were, agreed and you both officially became a couple.
Yongguk grew a liking to you and thought that you and Himchan would be perfect together.
But somehow, he didn't know why, from a loving, caring and protective boyfirnd, Himchan grew into a very selfish and arrogant jerk. Maybe you didn't realise it, but Yongguk could see that Himchan didn't treat you as well as before.
"If only you could open your eyes wider Kim Himchan" Yongguk sighed to himself.
Zelo shifted in his bed, he tossed and turned and rolled on his homework that was laid all over his bed.
He was waiting for Yongguk hyung to get back home from work, but he doubted that Yongguk hyung would come home early.
He hugged a pillow and rolled around on his bed again.
"Hyuuuung why aren't you home yet?" he pouted to himself. "aha!" he exclaimed when he finally got an idea and shot up from his bed.
Zelo took out his handphone and dialed. It rang for a while and it was finally connected.
"Yobeoseyo. Jieun nuna" he sang into the reciever. Zelo stopped immediately and frowned when he heard you broken voice from the other end.
"Junhong aah~" you sniffed and you burst out crying.
Zelo's heart raced and he started to panic when he heard you crying. Besides that, you called out his real name, which meant that something bad must have gone wrong.
"nu-nuna? Are you crying?" he asked, but then slapped his forehead when the question was a bit too stupid since it was obvious that you were crying on the other end.
"H-he can't..He can't just.." you stuttered and started bursting again through the phone.
'Did she have a fight with Himchan hyung? I need to comfort nuna' he thought.
"Jieun nuna! I'm coming for you. Wait for me arasso!" he ordered. You nodded at his words eventhough he couldn't see you and he hung up. Like lightning, Zelo grabbed his skateboard, grabbed the keys and left the house.
Zelo arrived at your house. He hopped off his skateboard and ran up frantically to your door and started banging on it, worried whether you were ok or not.
"Jieun nuna, open the door! I'm here for you nuna!" he continued banging on the door, not giving up until he made sure that he saw that you were ok.
He heard the door unlock and it opened, revealing you with a very puffy and red face.
You were still crying and you sniffed.
Zelo ran up to you and cupped your face. Although he was so much younger than you, he was still taller than you. He had to look down and wiped the tears off your face with his thumb.
"Are you ok nuna?" he asked you, still cupping your face.
You nodded.
"Then, why are you crying?" he asked again. He was worried that you were hurt somewhere or that you just ahd a fight with Himchan hyung.
You pulled him into the living room and pointed to the tv. He was confused at first but when he understood what you were trying to tell him, he slapped his palm on his forehead.
"Nunaaa!" he whined.
"What? The drama is so sad!" you told him and sniffed again. You were actually watching a very sad drama and Zelo had forgotten how much you loved watching the dramas on tv and how sensitive you were everytime a sad part was on.
"I thought you were hurt! You scared me nuna!" Zelo whined again and placed his hand over his chest showing you how panicked he was.
"You're so silly Zelo ya~" you giggled and ruffled his hair. "Do you want to watch it with me?" you asked.
"Do I have to?" he rolled his eyes at you. He didn't like dramas, but you knew that he hated homework even more, and by natural instinct, you knew that he hadn't finished his yet. Who does anyway?
"Fine then. You can just go home and finish up your homework" you teased and gave him an evil smirk.
"Fine!" he pouted, "Yongguk hyung isn't even home anyway" he added and he let you pull him to the couch and you both cuddled up together.
He was just like a any other curious little kid, asking you questions like 'Why most girls liked love stories instead of action movies' or 'why the male character and the female character had to hide their feelings from each other when instead they could just tell each other the truth and they'd live happily ever after'
After a while, you felt tired and your eyelids felt heavy. You finally drifted off to sleep and your head landed on Zelo's shoulder.
Zelo turned his head to you to find you comfortably sleeping on his shoulder. He smiled at your resting figure and leaned in to take a closer look.
'wow. nuna is prettier up close' Zelo exclaimed in his thoughts. He tried moving the hair that was covering your face but pulled back when he was startled by a figure that appeared suddenly in front of him.
"Himchan hyung, you're home" he said in a hushed tone, trying not to wake you up.
Himchan who just got home found you two cuddling on the sofa and he noticed that your head was resting on his shoulders. From you, he looked back at the young bot who was still admiring your features.
"Zelo" he called out, "I need to talk to you, in the kitchen now" he ordered and entered the kitchen.
Zelo blinked a few times, figuring how he was going to move you without waking you up. In the end, he gently pushed your head off his shoulders and placed your head on the arm rest.
"What is it hyung?" he asked when he entered the kitchen. Himchan's face didn't look too happy.
"What are you doing here? Does Yongguk know that you're here" Himchan asked the younger boy. His voice sounded stern and he didn't even look up at Zelo.
"But hyung, nuna was lonely and she was crying, so I thought I'd keep her company till you came back home" Zelo explained. He was confused to why he was being told of by his hyung. He didn't do anything wrong, so why was Himchan hyung so mad?
"I'm home now. So you should head back now Zelo" Himchan ordered.
"Hyung, I think you should spend more time with Jieun nuna. She seems very lonely without you" Zelo said as he looked back to you who was sleeping on the sofa.
"Zelo! Just go home. Now!" Himchan raised his voice. He didn't like how a younger boy was teaching him how to handle things. In fact, he hated it.
Zelo knew there was no use to advising his hyung. So he sighed and decided to just leave.
"Bye hyung. Take care of nuna" was his last words before he headed out and went back home.
You heard a door close and your eyes opened. You looked beside you and Zelo was gone. You thought that he might be thirsty and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water, but instead of Zelo, you found Himchan and coincidentally his eyes met yours.
"Himchan?" you were startled a little seeing him instead of Zelo, "Where's Zelo?" you asked.
He looked away, annoyed at even hearing the name 'Zelo'.
"He left" he answered.
"Already? He's walking home all alone at this hour?" you questioned Himchan. You were worried for Zelo, since it was really late.
"He's a 16 year old 182cm monster. Nothing's going to happen to him" he said. Even so, you were still worried.
"But you should've at least drove him back home" you said to Himchan.
Himchan snapped his head, this time annoyed at you.
"If you worry about him so much, then why don't you walk him home" he said loudly and walked past you. You heard him stomp up the stairs and entered the bedroom.
You followed him up and found him undressing himself. Eventhough you were intimidated by his mood, you walked up behind him and helped him out of  his coat.
"I can do it myself" he pulled away from you and took off his coat.
"I-I called you a couple of times" you said, trying to start a conversation with him, "I guess you were too busy to pick up huh?" you said regretfully. You missed him and merely wanted to listen to his voice.
"You know I'm busy with..meetings" he told you a lie, when in fact he just got back from a club.
Altogether, you couldn't help your feelings and put your arms around his waist, giving him a backhug. Himchan froze in his position. He turned his head a little to take a glance at you.
"I miss you so much Himchan. I wish we could stay like this forever" you said softly and inhaled his scent.
You felt his hands move on top of yours, and it stayed there for a while. But as soon as you were starting to relax into his back, he pulled your hands away from him.
"I'm tired" he said, not even turning to you, "I'm going to sleep now". He headed to the bed and lay there. He closed his eyes and never opened them up again.
You stood there for a very long time and stared at his figure lying on the bed. When you snapped out of it, you went to the other side of the bed and lay down on it. His back was facing you and all you could do was stare at it.
You wanted to put your arms around him again and bury your face in his warm back like you once did before, but you were afraid that he would just reject you again. You were really hoping that he would turn around to face you but your heart felt heavy when the wait felt too long.
Since you didn't know what to do anymore, you cried silently behind his back and slept with tears in your eyes.
Was this update short? I tried my best to squeeze out all the juice out of that puny little brain of mine. Scumbag brain.
The reason why I put up Zelo as the main image for this chapter because..well, he had a role in this chapter right? ^o^
So, here's an aegyo Himchan for all my subcribers~~~~!
Honestly, after Himchan changed his image for Power, I'm a little bit frightened by him Lol.
During Warrior days, his voice didn't sound  I guess I just didn't notice him tht much but now! His voice is just asdjagksgdaksjdfasad!!!! *cough cough choke*
even his aegyo doesn't work anymore and his eye rolling in Power is just *shivers* 
To me, from now on he will forever be...Zombie Himchan. 
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Thank you!
Listening to Musiq Soulchild ;D


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ksymino #1
Chapter 14: 2 years after. I just found this and i end up crying. This is just simply beautiful.
Chapter 14: AMAZING STORY*.*
Honoka #3
I cried because of this very beautiful storyy.
Chapter 14: This is the best of the BEST ive ever read in asianfanfics! I live you for writing this! Well detailed and everything. So PERFECT! Bravo!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
itsayazelo #6
Chapter 14: I WUV THIS !!
Chapter 14: O.O I have no words. this was so good. wow. :O
Chapter 14: This is a one good story. :)) Good job author-nim :)
Chapter 14: Omg, this was so freaking perfect! SERIOUSLY! I couldn't stop reading, it was really addictive. *~* And as soon as she woke up, I kept crying at every encounter she and Himchan had ); In any way, congratulations! I freaking loved your story! :D ♡