Always Left Alone

All Lies

"Himchan. Chanie" he heard a voice calling him. He opened his eyes to find a couple of wide and bright eyes looking down on him.

"It's time to wake up. I made breakfast for you" Jieun smiled sweetly at him as she sinked herself into the bed beside him. Instead he rolled his eyes and turned his body away from her, falling asleep again.

"You go and eat first" he mumbled through the pillows.

"Don't you want to eat together?" Jieun asked as she nudged him gently.

"Just don't bother me. I'm tired" he barked at her and buried his head under the pillow. Jieun heard a few more mumbles that she couldn't make out. At the thought of having breakfast on her own again, Jieun pouted but shrugged it off. It was morning, and she should of known better that Himchan was always cranky at this time of the day.

Jieun pushed herself off the bed with a slight feeling of disappointment and headed downstairs.

'I really want to have breakfast with chanie' she thought, but then she shook away those thoughts when she realised how selfish she was being. Jieun knew very well that Himchan was working hard till the late hours of the night and come back in the wee hours of the morning and she made herself understand that fact since she didn't want to be in his way.

She didn't really have the appetite anymore since she had to eat alone again, but the food she made couldn't go to waste so she forced herself.

Halfway through her breakfast, Jieun heard a rumble from upstairs and in a blink of an eye, Himchan struggling with his coat, appeared in front of her.

"You're going to work? On a Saturday?" she asked and immediately got up to help him out with the morning obstacle that he was currently facing.

"I have an important meeting" he said and explained nothing further.

"But what about breakfast" she asked, worried that he couldn't even get a bite before leaving. Jieun pulled him towards the table, hoping he would at least try out what she had made for him.

"No Jieun. I don't have time" he said and pulled his hands away from her grasp.

She sighed and slumped her shoulders disheartened when he didn't even give her a goodbye kiss or even say goodbye before stepping out and leaving her on her own again.


After cleaning up the house a little, Jieun settled herself down on the carpet while flipping through some cookbooks. Cooking was her specialty and like her mother would always say, to get to a man's heart is through his stomach. Hopefully, she could learn something new to make for Himchan and put a smile back on his sour face.

Whilst browsing through the cookbook, Jieun's mind wandered on about Himchan. Lately, no, not lately, but it's been a very long time since the two of them last spent time together. Usually, on lazy days like these, Himchan would be browsing through the cooking books with her, asking or actually more like pleading with his cute bunny like face, for her to cook every single recipe for him and make it look just like the pictures that came along with it.

Jieun smiled to herself, those kind of memories were enough for her to get hyped again. If it wasn't for Himchan's work, he'd already be eating his heart out at this very moment.

Still flipping through the pages, her phone that was placed right beside her started ringing and her eyes widened with excitement when it was the person she anticipated most to give her a call.

"Himchan ah" she sang through the phone, "I'm bored. Come home and play with me" she purred and rolled on her back. With the phone against her ear, she waited to listen for his voice that she loved so much.

"You know I can't do that Jieun" he said. She rolled back onto her stomach and pouted through the phone. "But considering that I have some time in my hands now, we can go somewhere before my next meeting"

Jieun immediately sat up straight and beamed with excitement.

"Yes yes. please!" she shouted through the phone. After a very long time, she could finally spend some time alone with Himchan.

"Be ready in 10 minutes, I'll be waiting for you outside" he said and hung up without saying goodbye. She looked down and mentally cursed at herself when she noticed that she was still in her pyjamas.

As fast as she could, she swiftly ran upstairs and put on a dress, then managed to apply some make up. She nearly jumped when she heard a honk outside. Himchan was already here.

Again, she dashed down the stairs and rushed out the door. Himchan was already waiting in his car, so she went around and jumped in the seat and when she was settled in, they drove off.

Jieun looked up at him and smiled. He loved how charismatic he looked like while driving his car. It made her heart beat so fast that she had to bring her hands up to her chest in hopes that she actually calm herself down.

Himchan caught her staring at him and smirked.

"What is it bunny?" he asked Jieun.

Jieun shook her head in response, keeping her thoughts to herself. Her face reddened at the pet name that she hasn't heard for quite a while . She knew it was kind of cheesy but nothing could help her stop from feeling all excited inside.

"Where are we going anyway?" she asked when she finally gained back her composure.

"Just a restaurant nearby. I need to head back soon anyway" he answered. Jieun just nodded because she understood how committed he was to his work.

When they arrived and entered the restaurant, Jieun couldn't help herself from gawking at how amazing the interior looked. Crystal chandeliers that hung above them lit the dark maroon room around them, giving it a more luxurious setting.

Himchan had to actually pull her in since she was distracted by all the twinkling lights that refracted from the crystal and made it look like floating glitter all around them.

"Himchan, isn't this a bit too much?" Jieun blinked, still amazed by everything around her. "I could just cook something for you, you know?" she said as she watched Himchan flip through the pages of the menu that the waiter passed to them as soon as they were seated.

"mmhm" he answered, uninterested with her words.

"Chan ah" she called out and it finally got his attention. He put down the menu and stared at her.

"It's fine Jieun, besides, eating at home is boring. Be thankful that I actually took you out with me" he said before placing an order to the waiter who was still standing right next to him.

"oh, ok" she murmured and bit her lip. For the second time, she suddenly didn't have the appetite to eat, but still ordered anyway since Himchan took all the trouble to bring her here.

When the waiter left, Himchan watched her fidget uncomfortably in her seat and he felt a little bad for what said to her. He hated acting cold towards her, it was just something that he always seem to happen when he was around her and he had no idea why.

Apologetic to her, he reached for her hands that were placed on the table and she looked at him, giving him her attention. He tenderly smiled at her, hoping it could soothe her hurt feelings.

"You look pretty" he said as he brushed his thumb over her soft hands.

"Don't lie Himchan. You brought me to this pretty place and I’m here being all dull and ugly" she pouted and stared into her lap. If she knew Himchan was bringing her to a place like this, she would of put a little bit more effort into her outfit.

Himchan chuckled and brought her hands to his lips causing a blush to rise on Jieun's cheeks as she continued to stare into her lap. He opened his mouth to say something to her but ended up digging his pocket for his phone that was ringing obnoxiously in the quiet restaurant and answered it.

"I'll be there" she heard him say and hung up after a rather long conversation. "Jieun, I have to get back to work" he said as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.

"But the food hasn't even arrived yet" Jieun panicked a little.

"I'll pay for the food. You can just eat mine if you want" he said as he got up from his seat and leaned in to her to give her a kiss on the forehead. "You can go back on your own right?" he asked. Jieun bit her lip and nodded.

At this point, if she kept on eating Himchan's food she was going to get fat. Jieun couldn't even watch him leave the restaurant because once again, she was left all alone.


I editted this chapter again :) and Himchan is kind of a jerk, i know
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Listening to Musiq Soulchild ;D


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ksymino #1
Chapter 14: 2 years after. I just found this and i end up crying. This is just simply beautiful.
Chapter 14: AMAZING STORY*.*
Honoka #3
I cried because of this very beautiful storyy.
Chapter 14: This is the best of the BEST ive ever read in asianfanfics! I live you for writing this! Well detailed and everything. So PERFECT! Bravo!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
itsayazelo #6
Chapter 14: I WUV THIS !!
Chapter 14: O.O I have no words. this was so good. wow. :O
Chapter 14: This is a one good story. :)) Good job author-nim :)
Chapter 14: Omg, this was so freaking perfect! SERIOUSLY! I couldn't stop reading, it was really addictive. *~* And as soon as she woke up, I kept crying at every encounter she and Himchan had ); In any way, congratulations! I freaking loved your story! :D ♡