Don't ever forgive me

All Lies

Maybe because lunch was over that the hospitals canteen seemed a little empty with only a few patients glumly stabbing at the hospital food. At the other corner, a janitor bit into what looked like a homemade sandwich which lacked probably everything that made a sandwich a sandwich. However, Himchan's stomach still growled he could say that the sound echoed throughout the nearly empty hall.

Himchan made his way to the food counter, leaving behind the trailing sound of his footsteps. He peered at the left overs and just as he assumed, the hospital food served in the canteen was just as bad as the ones that they send in trays to the patients room. He walked to the end of the counter and spotted a single banana muffin on the tray.

"I guess you'd have to do" Himchan said to himself and paid for the muffin. He sat in a seat and started unwrapping the plastic off of the so called muffin.

Himchan opened his mouth, about to take a bite but someone appeared in front of him and he stopped to look up. Conscious of the guest that sat himself in front of Himchan, he closed his gaping mouth and rushed himself to stand up and bow at the elderly.

"It's ok Himchan, you can eat comfortably around me" Jieun's father said, gesturing Himchan to sit back down and Himchan adhered to his command but he didn't touch his muffin after that and looked down at his hands that lay in his lap.

"You must be exhausted after looking after Jieun for the whole day" her father began. Himchan shook his head but still didn't look up to the man in his 40's sitting in front of him.

"I want to look after her, abeonim" Himchan spoke. "I want to make up for the days that I couldn't look after her. She doesn't deserve to be here in this place. She's the one who is extremely exhausted amongst us, but she never shows it. That's what I didn't see before" he explained further.

The old man just nodded with approval after hearing every word. He knew that Himchan wasn't a bad person; he probably thought that Himchan was just confused in the beginning, but now it looked like everything made sense to him now.

"I see that you know about my daughter as much as I do" he smiled meekly at Himchan. He watched Himchan sink deep into his own thoughts.

"I just came here to make sure that you knew as much as you do now. I just don't want her to get hurt anymore" Jieun's father said and got up from his seat. He was already satisfied with what he wanted to hear so he didn't plan to discuss it any further. "Enjoy your meal Himchan" he said and slowly walked towards the exit.

"Abeonim" Himchan called out before the old man reached the doors. He turned around to see Himchan with a very determined look on his face. "I think I know what I have to do now"


She didn't really know what happened or how she ended up at the hospital. She remembered a few things like the fight she had with Yongguk and then breaking up with Himchan and she remembered making lunch for Zelo but that was it and it only felt like yesterday that they last met. She knew that Himchan was with her during the car crash but that was only when her mother had told her about it.

Jieun had been through a few weeks of physiotherapy regaining strength in her weak muscles and slowly being able to walk and talk like a healthy person again. Everyone participated in giving her support and she was happy that she could see everyone happy again even though she noticed that Himchan and her dad had the most awkward moments when they were left alone together.

Ever since she had woken up, Himchan had always been by her side, looking after her and caring for her and she honestly had to admit that she liked this side of Himchan better than what she had gone through with him before.

Jieun turned her head to glance lovingly at Himchan who was fast asleep on the couch. She got up from bed, bringing her blanket along and made her way to him. She pulled the blanket over him to keep his tired figure warm and cosy, then she leaned over to press her lips against his forehead. Himchan stirred in his sleep but he fell right back to sleep pulling Jieun's blanket closer to his body.

Jieun made her way out of the room and gently closed the door behind her, not wanting to wake Himchan up. When she ended up outside in the garden, she took a deep breathe of the fresh air and exhaled. It has been a while since she last met the sun and she smiled when the rays warmed her cold and pale face. She watched other patients walking around happily in the garden with their own family members and it seemed like she understood how they felt. Nobody really liked staying in a stuffy room surrounded by dull white walls and the pungent smell of disinfectant floating in the air.

Jieun left her shoes by the sidewalk and gently stepped on the grass. It was the most blissful feeling she had ever had for a very long time and she if wasn't still so weak she would just start dancing without caring what people thought of her. She giggled when the grass tickled the soles of her feet and then kept on walking, smiling and greeting everyone around her.

"Jieun ah!"

Jieun turned around to see who was calling her. She watched Himchan rush to her and he pulled her into his tight hold. A little bit clueless, Jieun could only blink but hugged him back and smiled over his shoulder. It might sound greedy, but she liked the attention and affection that she was getting from Himchan now.

"I woke up and you were gone" she could hear him panting lightly in her neck.

"I'm here silly" Jieun said and turned her head to kiss his cheeks. Himchan pulled himself away and looked down at her with worried eyes.

"I'm scared that I might lose you again" he admitted. Jieun responded by shaking her head in disbelief. She didn't know why but he was talking nonsense right now. Jieun rested her head on his chest again and they stayed like that for a while.

Jieun heard Himchan force out a sigh and she couldn't help but grow worried over what was going on through that complicated mind of his.

"What's wrong Himchan? You know you can tell me" she said with her head still resting on his chest and he let out another sigh before he started to speak.

"Everything was my fault. I hate myself for making this happen to you" his voice wavered as he confessed.

"Just because you were in the car doesn't make it your fault Himchan" she tangled her fingers with his but he pulled them away leaving Jieun a little flustered by his actions.

"I caused the accident Jieun. I was angry and I wasn't thinking straight" Himchan pulled himself away from her again.

"Y-you caused the accident?" Jieun gulped. She didn't expect this because all she heard was that she was in a terrible accident with Himchan, not one caused by him.

"I was stupid back then. I didn't know how to tell you that I loved you and it got me even more frustrated when you didn't want me back--" his voice wavered and tears started to form in the corner of his eyes. Jieun took hold of his hands in attempt to calm him down.

"It's ok now Himchan, everything is fine now" she assured him, but he shook his head.

"What would happen if you still hadn't woken up? Or if you died in that car crash? Would you be here and still be able to say that everything is fine now? I don't really think so Jieun" he watched Jieun shake, unable to utter back a word, "I don't want you to forgive me Jieun"

"Himchan, please stop" Jieun stared up at him with wide and wet eyes.

"I don't want you to get hurt anymore. I've caused you too much pain for you, so please never ever forgive me."

"Are you leaving me Himchan?" Jieun couldn't stop the tears falling and the hand that held onto Himchan's hands shook too. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She didn't care how much he had hurt her in the past, she was glad that he was even beside her, but his words now felt like a poison in her veins and she could just drop and die of devastation anytime soon.

"Now that I've came out with everything that I needed to say, I can finally leave." Himchan sad coldly. He didn't want to leave but he couldn't bare seeing her hurt any further in the future with him around, so leaving was his only choice. It would be the best for the both of them.

Jieun cried silently when he left. It was unbelievable how someone she loved could stand right beside her at one moment and then leave her the very next second. She thought that Himchan was just being selfish and he didn't even put her feelings to thought.

Being outside wasn't fun anymore and she didn't even realise that she was still barefooted on her way back. She headed back to her room and surprisingly found Yongguk waiting for her. He stood up from the couch when he saw her red puffy, eyes. It was obvious that she was crying.

"Why are you crying?" Yongguk asked as he helped her up in her bed. He later noticed the absence of Himchan and he immediately understood the situation.

Himchan did tell Yongguk a few days ago about what he had discussed with her father. Himchan said that he had to set things straight. Yongguk wasn't really sure what he meant during that time, but now that he knew, it seems like Himchan's plan wasn't such a great one after all. It was good that Himchan was full of remorse for what he had done in the past, but things didn't really have to end this way.

Yongguk placed a hand on hers and she lifted her head to meet her teary eyes with his.

"Jieun, there's something that you need to know"


re -editted again. =_= thanks for being patient everyone. Im so sorry
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Listening to Musiq Soulchild ;D


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ksymino #1
Chapter 14: 2 years after. I just found this and i end up crying. This is just simply beautiful.
Chapter 14: AMAZING STORY*.*
Honoka #3
I cried because of this very beautiful storyy.
Chapter 14: This is the best of the BEST ive ever read in asianfanfics! I live you for writing this! Well detailed and everything. So PERFECT! Bravo!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤
itsayazelo #6
Chapter 14: I WUV THIS !!
Chapter 14: O.O I have no words. this was so good. wow. :O
Chapter 14: This is a one good story. :)) Good job author-nim :)
Chapter 14: Omg, this was so freaking perfect! SERIOUSLY! I couldn't stop reading, it was really addictive. *~* And as soon as she woke up, I kept crying at every encounter she and Himchan had ); In any way, congratulations! I freaking loved your story! :D ♡